Stds Causes Treatment Chancroid
Stds Causes Treatment Chancroid
Stds Causes Treatment Chancroid
Genital warts
Most cases of genital While visible genital
warts are caused by warts often go away
HPV. There are 30 to 40 with time, HPV itself
strains of HPV that can linger in your skin
specifically affect the cells. This means you
genitals, but just a few may have several
of these strains cause outbreaks over the
genital warts. course of your life. So
managing symptoms is
The HPV virus is highly important because you
transmittable through want to avoid
skin-to-skin contact, transmitting the virus to
which is why it’s others. That said,
considered an STI. genital warts can be
passed on to others
In fact, HPV is so
even when there are no
common that
visible warts or other
the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
(CDC)Trusted You may wish to treat
Source says that most genital warts to relieve
painful symptoms or to
sexually active people minimize their
get it at some point. appearance. However,
you can’t treat genital
However, the virus warts with over-the-
doesn’t always lead to counter (OTC) wart
complications such as removers or treatments.
genital warts. In fact, in
most cases, the virus
goes away on its own
without causing any
health problems.