A Micro Project Report ON: Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
A Micro Project Report ON: Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
A Micro Project Report ON: Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
“Bouncing Ball”
Guided By
Prof. Darandale K. C.
E-1615600090 E-1715600037
Miss.Adhav Rutuja
This is to certify that the Project work Entitled
“Bouncing Ball”
Submitted by
Miss.Mandalkar Kaveri Miss.Adhav Nilam
E-1615600090 E-1715600037
Miss.Adhav Rutuja
“Bouncing Ball”
On / /2018.
Project Guide
It has been a privilege for me to be associated with Prof. Darandale. K. C., my guide
during this dissertation work. I have been greatly benefited by their valuable suggestions and
ideas. It is with great pleasure that I express my deep sense of gratitude to her for their
guidance, constant encouragement, for their kindness, moral support and patience throughout
this work.
Date: / / 2018
Place: Ashoknagar
Name of Student
In a laboratory activity students study the behavior of a bouncing ball. With the help
of a high-speed camera they can study the motion in detail. Computer modeling enables them
to relate the measurement results to the theory. They experience that reality (measurements)
is not automatically in line with the predictions of the theory (the models), but often even
strikingly apart. This stimulates a process of repeated cycles from measurement to
interpretations (how to adapt the model?), and in this way it realizes a rich and complete
laboratory activity. The activity is made possible by the integrated ICT tools for
measurements on videos made by a high-speed camera (via point-tracking), and for modeling
and simulations.
2.1. Gravity
2.2. Drag
2.3. Magnus effect
2.4. Buoyancy
3. Impact……………………………………………………….6
4. Functions used……………………………………………….9
5. Conclusion………………………………………………..…10
6. Reference…………………………………………………….11
Chapter 1
In bouncing ball, the motion is not quite parabolic due to resistance. The physics of a
bouncing ball concerns the physical behavior of bouncing balls, particularly its motion before,
during, and after impact against the surface of another body. Several aspects of a bouncing
ball's behavior serve as an introduction to mechanics in high school or undergraduate level
physics courses. However, the exact modeling of the behavior is complex and of interest in
sports engineering.
Chapter 2
The forces acting on a spinning ball during its flight are the gravitational force (FG),
the drag force (FD), the Magnus force (FM), and the buoyant force (FB).
The motion of a bouncing ball obeys projectile motion.[2][3] Many forces act on a real
ball, namely the gravitational force (FG), the drag force due to air resistance (FD), the Magnus
force due to the ball's spin (FM), and the buoyant force (FB). In general, one has to use
Newton's second law taking all forces into account to analyze the ball's motion: where m is
the ball's mass. Here, a, v, r represents the ball's acceleration, velocity, and position over time
1.1 Gravity
Trajectory of a ball bouncing at an angle of 70° after impact without drag, with Stokes
drag , and with Newton drag .
The gravitational force is directed downwards and is equal to where m is the mass of
the ball, and g is the gravitational acceleration, which on Earth varies between 9.764 m/s2 and
9.834 m/s2. Because the other forces are usually small, the motion is often idealized as being
only under the influence of gravity. If only the force of gravity acts on the ball, the
mechanical energy will be conserved during its flight. In this idealized case, the equations of
motion are given by where a, v, and r denote the acceleration, velocity, and position of the
ball, and v0 and r0 are the initial velocity and position of the ball, respectively.
More specifically, if the ball is bounced at an angle θ with the ground, the motion in
the x- and y-axes (representing horizontal and vertical motion, respectively) is described by
x-axis and y-axis.
The equations imply that the maximum height (H) and range (R) and time of flight
(T) of a ball bouncing on a flat surface are given by Further refinements to the motion of the
ball can be made by taking into account air resistance (and related effects such as drag and
wind), the Magnus effect, and buoyancy. Because lighter balls accelerate more readily, their
motion tends to be affected more by such forces.
1.2 Drag
Air flow around the ball can be either laminar or turbulent depending on the Reynolds
number (Re), defined as: where ρ is the density of air, μ the dynamic viscosity of air, D the
diameter of the ball, and v the velocity of the ball through air. At a temperature of 20 °C, ρ =
1.2 kg/m3 and μ = 1.8×10−5 Pa·s.
If the Reynolds number is very low (Re < 1), the drag force on the ball is described by
Stokes' law: where r is the radius of the ball. This force acts in opposition to the ball's
direction. For most sports balls, however, the Reynolds number will be between 10 4 and 105
and Stokes' law does not apply. At these higher values of the Reynolds number, the drag
force on the ball is instead described by the drag equation: where Cd is the drag coefficient,
and A the cross-sectional area of the ball.
Drag will cause the ball to lose mechanical energy during its flight, and will reduce
the range and the height of a ball, while crosswinds will deflect it from its original path. Both
effects have to be taken into account by players in sports such as golf.
The Magnus force acting on a ball with backspin. The curly flow lines
represent a turbulentwake. The airflow has been deflected in the direction of spin.
In table tennis, a skilled player can exploit the ball's spin to affect the trajectory of the
ball during its flight and its reaction upon impact with a surface. With topspin, the ball
reaches maximum height further into its flight (1) and then curves abruptly downwards (2).
The impact propels the ball forward (3) and will tend to bounce upwards when impacting the
opposing player's paddle. The situation is opposite in the case of backspin.
The force is directed upwards for backspin and downwards for topspin. In reality,
flow is never in viscid, and the Magnus lift is better described bywhereρ is the density of air,
CL the lift coefficient, A the cross-sectional area of the ball, and v the velocity of the ball
relative to air. The lift coefficient is a complex factor which depends amongst other things on
the ratio rω/v, the Reynolds number, and surface roughness. In certain conditions, the lift
coefficient can even be negative, changing the direction of the Magnus force (reverse Magnus
In sports like tennis or volleyball, the player can use the Magnus effect to control the
ball's trajectory (e.g. via topspin or backspin) during flight. In golf, the effect is responsible
for slicing and hooking which are usually a detriment to the golfer, but also helps with
increasing the range of a drive and other shots.[14][15] In baseball, pitchers use the effect to
create curveballs and other special pitches.
Ball tampering is often illegal, and is often at the center of cricket controversies such
as the one between England and Pakistan in August 2006. In baseball, the term 'spitball'
refers to the illegal coating of the ball with spit or other substances to alter the aerodynamics
of the ball.
1.4 Buoyancy
Any object immersed in a fluid such as water or air will experience an upwards
buoyancy. According to Archimedes' principle, this buoyant force is equal to the weight of
the fluid displaced by the object.
The buoyant force is usually small compared to the drag and Magnus forces and can
often be neglected. However, in the case of a basketball, the buoyant force can amount to
about 1.5% of the ball's weight. Since buoyancy is directed upwards, it will act to increase the
range and height of the ball.
Chapter 3
The compression
(A→B) and decompression (B→C) of a ball impacting against a surface. The force of impact
is usually proportional to the compression distance, at least for small compressions, and can
be modeled as a spring force.
When a ball impacts a surface, the surface recoils and vibrates, as does the ball,
creating both sound and heat, and the ball loses kinetic energy. Additionally, the impact can
impart some rotation to the ball, transferring some of its translational kinetic energy into
rotational kinetic energy. This energy loss is usually characterized (indirectly) through the
coefficient of restitution (or COR, denoted e): where vf and vi are the final and initial
velocities of the ball, and uf and ui are the final and initial velocities impacting surface,
For a ball dropped against a floor, the COR will therefore vary between 0 (no bounce,
total loss of energy) and 1 (perfectly bouncy, no energy loss). A COR value below 0 or above
1 is theoretically possible, but would indicate that the ball went through the surface (e< 0), or
that the surface was not "relaxed" when the ball impacted it (e> 1), like in the case of a ball
landing on spring-loaded platform.
To analyze the vertical and horizontal components of the motion, the COR is
sometimes split up into a normal COR (ey), and tangential COR (ex), defined as where r and ω
denote the radius and angular velocity of the ball, while R and Ω denote the radius and
angular velocity the impacting surface (such as a baseball bat). In particular rω is the
tangential velocity of the ball's surface, while RΩ is the tangential velocity of the impacting
surface. These are especially of interest when the ball impacts the surface at an oblique angle,
or when rotation is involved.
For a straight drop on the ground with no rotation, with only the force of gravity
acting on the ball, the COR can be related to several other quantities by:
Here, K and U denote the kinetic and potential energy of the ball, H is the maximum
height of the ball, and T is the time of flight of the ball. The 'i' and 'f' subscript refer to the
initial (before impact) and final (after impact) states of the ball. Likewise, the energy loss at
impact can be related to the COR by
the nature of the impacting surface (e.g. grass, concrete, wire mesh)
the material of the ball (e.g. leather, rubber, plastic)
the pressure inside the ball (if hollow)
the amount of rotation induced in the ball at impact
the impact velocity
External conditions such as temperature can change the properties of the impacting
surface or of the ball, making them either more flexible or more rigid. This will, in turn,
affect the COR. In general, the ball will deform more at higher impact velocities and will
accordingly lose more of its energy, decreasing its COR.
Upon impacting the ground, some translational kinetic energy can be converted to
rotational kinetic energy and vice versa depending on the ball's impact angle and angular
velocity. If the ball moves horizontally at impact, friction will have a 'translational'
component in the direction opposite to the ball's motion. In the figure, the ball is moving to
the right, and thus it will have a translational component of friction pushing the ball to the
left. Additionally, if the ball is spinning at impact, friction will have a 'rotational' component
in the direction opposite to the ball's rotation. On the figure, the ball is spinning clockwise,
and the point impacting the ground is moving to the left with respect to the ball's center of
mass. The rotational component of friction is therefore pushing the ball to the right. Unlike
the normal force and the force of gravity, these frictional forces will exert a torque on the
ball, and change its angular velocity (ω).
Three situations can arise:
1. If a ball is propelled forward with backspin, the translational and rotational friction
will act in the same directions. The ball's angular velocity will be reduced after
impact, as will its horizontal velocity, and the ball is propelled upwards, possibly even
exceeding its original height. It is also possible for the ball to start spinning in the
opposite direction, and even bounce backwards.
2. If a ball is propelled forward with topspin, the translational and rotational friction act
will act in opposite directions. What exactly happens depends on which of the two
components dominate.
a. If the ball is spinning much more rapidly than it was moving, rotational friction will
dominate. The ball's angular velocity will be reduced after impact, but its horizontal
velocity will be increased. The ball will be propelled forward but will not exceed its
original height, and will keep spinning in the same direction.
b.If the ball is moving much more rapidly than it was spinning, translational friction
will dominate. The ball's angular velocity will be increased after impact, but its
horizontal velocity will be decreased. The ball will not exceed its original height and
will keep spinning in the same direction.
3. If the surface is inclined by some amount θ, the entire diagram would be rotated by θ,
but the force of gravity would remain pointing downwards (forming an angle θ with
the surface). Gravity would then have a component parallel to the surface, which
would contribute to friction, and thus contribute to rotation.Inracquet sports such as
table tennis or racquetball, skilled players will use spin (including sidespin) to
suddenly alter the ball's direction when it impacts surface, such as the ground or their
opponent's racquet.
The forces acting on a gridiron football ball or rugby ball at impact are the force of
gravity, the normal force, and the force of friction. Friction will normally have a 'longitudinal'
component due to the ball's velocity and 'tumbling' spin and a 'sideways' component due to
the 'on-axis' spin of the ball induced by the throw.
The bounce of an oval-shaped ball (such as those used in gridiron football or rugby
football) is in general much less predictable than the bounce of a spherical ball. Depending on
the ball's alignment at impact, the normal force can act ahead or behind the center of mass of
the ball, and friction from the ground will depend on the alignment of the ball, as well as its
rotation, spin, and impact velocity. Where the forces act with respect to the center of mass of
the ball changes as the ball rolls on the ground, and all forces can exert a torque on the ball,
including the normal force and the force of gravity. This can cause the ball to bounce
forward, bounce back, or sideways. Because it is possible to transfer some rotational kinetic
energy into translational kinetic energy, it is even possible for the COR to be greater than 1,
or for the forward velocity of the ball to increase upon impact.
The usual explanation involves considering two separate impacts: the basketball
impacting with the floor, and then the basketball impacting with the tennis ball. Assuming
perfectly elastic collisions, the basketball impacting the floor at 1 m/s would rebound at
1 m/s. The tennis ball going at 1 m/s would then have a relative impact velocity of 2 m/s,
which means it, would rebound at 2 m/s relative to the basketball, or 3 m/s relative to the
floor, and triple its rebound velocity compared to impacting the floor on its own. This implies
that the ball would bounce to 9 times its original height. In reality, due to inelastic collisions,
the tennis ball will increase its velocity and rebound height by a smaller factor, but still will
bounce faster and higher than it would have on its own.
While the assumptions of separate impacts is not actually valid (the balls remain in
close contact with each other during most of the impact), this model will nonetheless
reproduce experimental results with good agreement, and is often used to understand more
complex phenomena such as the core collapse of supernovae, or gravitational slingshot
Chapter 4
Functions used
In this program, we will draw a red color ball move it vertically up and down like a
bouncing ball. We will use below mentioned functions in this program.
Function Description
initgraph It initializes the graphics system by loading the passed graphics driver then
changing the system into graphics mode.
getmaxx It returns the maximum X coordinate in current graphics mode and driver.
setcolor It changes the current drawing color. Default color is white. Each color is assigned
a number, like BLACK is 0 and RED is 4. Here we are using color constants
defined inside graphics.h header file.
floodfill It is used to fill a closed area with current fill pattern and fill color. It takes any
point inside closed area and color of the boundary as input.
cleardevice It clears the screen, and sets current position to (0, 0).
Kbhit It is used to determine whether a key is pressed or not. It returns a non-zero value if
a key is pressed otherwise zero.
closegraph It unloads the graphics drivers and sets the screen back to text mode.
Chapter 5
In this project we have learned the concepts of computer graphics. Computer graphics
is not so difficult to understand, if the basic concepts are clear.
In this project we had use some basic functions like closegraph(), initgraph(),
cleardevice() etc. and many other functions. We used text mode functions and graphics mode
functions. By using the concept of computer graphics we implemented the program of
bouncing ball.
Chapter 6
Computer Graphics.