Equipment For Trailer Braking Systems

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Equipment For
Trailer Braking Systems

2. Trailer with twin-line air braking system

Trailer complying with the ECE Directive

Council Directive 71/320/EEC of the ” Eu- This manual is available from our Depart-
ropean Communities“ and ECE Regula- ment AM-M4, Tel. (511) 922 1688 quot-
tion 13 are contained in the manual ing Part Number 815 000 051 3.
entitled ”Legal Requirements“.

Semi-trailer with twin-line air
braking system
Semi-trailer complying with the ECE Directive

1. Hose coupling 11. ABS relay valve
2. Line filter 12. ABS parking socket
3. Double release valve with check valve 13. Dummy coupling with fastening
4. Relay emergency valve 14. Load sensing valve with integral knuckle joint
5. Two-way valve 15. Load sensing valve with integral test valve
6. Brake Chamber 16. Plate, ALV setting
7. Air reservoir 17. ABS-Elektrowendel
8. Drain valve 18. Tristop Spring Brake Actuator
9. Quick release valve 19. Pressure limiting valve
10. ABS electronics 20. Adjusting valve

1 65
2. Air Line Filter and Trailer Release Valve

Line Filter
432 500 . . . 0

Purpose: If the line filter is blocked, the filter car-

To protect the air braking system against tridge is pushed upwards against the
dirt. force of the pressure spring and the com-
pressed air will pass through the line fil-
Operation: ter without being cleaned.
The compressed air reaching the line fil-
ter via port 1 passes through the filter If port 1 is exhausted while the filter car-
cartridge in which any particles of dirt are tridge is blocked, the pressure in port 2
retained; the compressed air is cleaned can push the cartridge downwards
before it reaches any downstream appli- against the force of the compression
ances from port 2. spring. This permits return flow from port
2 to port 1.

Trailer Release Valve

963 00. . . . 0

Purpose: the relay emergency valve and on to the

To release the braking system for the reservoir on the trailer.
purpose of moving a trailer that is discon- When the trailer is uncoupled, port 11
nected from the tractor unit. The double and therefore chamber (B) are exhaust-
release valve has been designed for use ed causing the relay emergency valve to
in braking systems using Tristop® spring apply the trailer brakes. To release the
brake actuators. brakes, piston (a) is pushed home man-
ually using knob (b). This closes the pas-
Operation: sage from port 11 to port 2 and a
When a semitrailer is connected to the connection between chamber (A) and
prime mover, air from the supply line port 2 is established.
flows through port 11 into chamber (B). If The reservoir pressure of the semi-trailer
piston (a) is still in the release position it at port 12 flows to the relay emergency
is pushed out into the driving position by valve via port 2, causing it to reverse.
the supply pressure. The air from the The brake actuators are exhausted and
supply line then flows through port 2 to the trailer brakes released.

66 1
Trailer Release Valve
Trailer Release Valve
963 001 05 . 0

Purpose: Pressure in Port 1-1 and, subsequently,

Releasing the braking system (for sys- chamber A is reduced in the unhitched
tems with Tristop® cylinders) to move position. To release the service braking
unhitched trailers. system, use the actuating knob to push
the piston (c) until stop. This blocks the
Operation: passage from port 1-1 to port 21,and a
While coupling the trailer onto the vehi- connection is created between chamber
cle, make sure that the piston (a) is still in A and port 1-2.
parking position; if yes, push it to the
driving position. When the coupling head The air supply at port 1-2 flows through
is connected, compressed air flows port 21 into the trailer emergency valve
through port 1-1 into chamber A. If the and switches it to driving position, there-
piston (c) is still in release position, it is by reducing the pressure in the brake
pushed out into driving position by the cylinder.
supply pressure. The air supply then
passes through port 21 into the relay The piston (a) is pulled out when the
emergency valve and then into the trail- parking brake is activated. The com-
er's air reservoir. pressed air in chamber C and at port 22
is released into the atmosphere via ex-
Compressed air flows through port 1-2 haust 3. The downstream quick release
into chamber B, opens the check valve valve reverses and pressure is reduced
(b), passes through chamber C and port in the Tristop® cylinder's spring com-
22 into the downstream two-way quick pression chambers.
release valve and pressurises the
Tristop® cylinder's spring compression

1 67
2. Relay Emergency Valves

Relay Emergency Valve with acting on the underside of piston (a). As let (b). As piston (d) continues to move
a result of the compounding of forces in up, it moves away from valve (f) and inlet
adjustable predominance
chambers (D) and (E), the pilot pressure (g) opens. The supply pressure at port 1-
971 002 150 0 acting on the upper side of piston (a) is 2 flows to the downstream brake valves
and Trailer Release Valve overcome and piston (a) is forced up. via ports 2 at a 1:1 ratio.
963 001 012 0
In the case of partial brake application, b) Trailer Release Valve
Purpose: valve (f) closes inlet (g) and a neutral po- If the relay emergency valve is used in
sition is reached. In the case of full brake combination with automatic load-sensing
To control the twin-line braking system of
application, inlet (g) is kept open by pis- braking or a manually adjustable load ap-
a trailer.
ton (a) over the entire braking process. portioning valve without a release posi-
tion, Trailer Release Valve 963 001 . . . 0
Operation: A maximum predominancce of 1 bar can permits the trailer being moved when un-
a) Relay Emergency Valve be established between ports 2 and 4 by coupled. For this purpose, piston (l) is
Compressed air passes from the tractor means of adjusting the tension of pres- pushed home by hand via push (m). This
through the supply line hose coupling to sure spring (i) using set screw (h). closes the passage from port 11 of the
port 1, passes grooved ring (c) and con- trailer release valve to port 1 of the relay
tinues through port 1-2 to the trailer res- When the tractor brakes are released, emergency valve and a connection be-
ervoir. port 4 is vented and the pressure in ports tween port 1 of the relay emergency
2 forces piston (a) upward to the top of its valve and port 12 of the trailer release
Upon actuation of the tractor brakes, stroke. Inlet (g) is closed and outlet (b) is valve is established. Pressure from the
compressed air flows via the hose cou- opened. The compressed air at ports 2 is trailer reservoir at port 12 flows through
pling in the control line and port 4 to the exhausted to atmosphere through valve port 1 of the relay emergency valve,
upper side of piston (a). The piston is (f) and exhaust 3. Due to the drop in causing it to reverse into the driving posi-
forced down and by seating on valve (f) pressure in chamber (C), the com- tion. The brake actuators are exhausted.
closes outlet (b) and opens inlet (g). Air pressed air in chamber (D) flows via
from the trailer reservoir port 1-2 now bores (j) of valve (k) into chamber (C) If piston (l) is not pulled out manually all
flows via ports 2 to the downstream and on to exhaust 3. the way when the trailer is re-coupled,
brake valves and into chamber (C) via the supply pressure from the motor vehi-
passage (A). Pressure builds up against When the trailer is uncoupled or in the cle will force it out. The release valve is
valve (k). event of a rupture in the supply line, port once more in its normal position in which
1 is exhausted and the pressure acting port 11 of the release valve and port 1 of
As soon as the pressure in chamber (C) on the upper side of piston (d) is re- the relay emergency valve are connect-
predominates, valve (k) opens against duced. The load in pressure spring (e) ed.
the force of pressure spring (i). The air and the supply pressure at port 1-2 forc-
flows into chamber (D) via passage (B), es up piston (d) and valve (f) closes out-

68 1
Relay Emergency Valves

Relay Emergency Valve Upon actuation of the tractor brakes, When the tractor brakes are released,
compressed air flows via the hose cou- port 4 is vented and the pressure in ports
with adjustable
pling in the control line and port 4 to the (2) forces piston (k) upward to the top of
predominance upper side of piston (k). The piston is its stroke. Inlet (f) remains closed and
971 002 152 0 forced down and by seating on valve (e) outlet (a) is opened. The compressed air
closes outlet (a) and opens inlet (f). Air at ports 2 is exhausted to atmosphere
Purpose: from the semi-trailer reservoir port 1-2 through valve (e) and exhaust 3. Due to
To control the twin-line braking system of now flows via ports 2 to the downstream the drop in pressure in chamber (A), the
a trailer when the braking system of the brake actuators and into chamber (D) via compressed air in chamber (E) flows via
prime mover is actuated. Automatic passage (B). Pressure builds up against bores (j) of valve (i) into chamber (D) and
braking of the semi-trailer in the event of valve (i). As soon as the pressure in on to exhaust 3.
partial or total loss of pressure in the sup- chamber (C) predominates, valve (i)
ply line. opens against the force of pressure b) Automatic Braking
spring (h). The air flows into chamber (E) When the trailer is uncoupled, or in the
This relay emergency valve should be via passage (C), acting on the underside event of a rupture in the supply line, port
used particularly in long multi-axle semi- of piston (k). As a result of the com- 1 is exhausted and the pressure acting
trailers. pounding of forces in chambers (A) and on the upper side of piston (c) is reduced.
(E), the pilot pressure acting on the up- The load in pressure spring (d) and the
per side of piston (k) is overcome and pressure from the reservoirs at port 1-2
piston (k) is forced up. force up piston (c), and valve (e) closes
outlet (a). As piston (c) continues to
a) Service Brake Application
In the case of partial brake application, move up, it moves away from valve (e)
Compressed air passes from the prime and inlet (f) opens. Via ports 2, the reser-
mover through the supply line hose cou- valve (e) closes inlet (f) and a neutral po-
sition is reached. In the case of full brake voir pressure flows to the brake cham-
pling to port 1, passes grooved ring (c) bers at a 1:1 ratio.
and continues through port 1-2 to the application, inlet (f) is kept open by piston
semi-trailer reservoir. At the same time, (k) during the entire braking process.
In the case of the control line rupturing,
compressed air from the supply line forc- automatic braking takes effect as de-
es down piston (c) and valve (e) against A maximum predominance of 1 bar can scribed above since the pressure in the
the load in pressure spring (d). Outlet (a) be established between ports 2 and 4 by supply line is reduced as soon as the
opens and ports 2 are connected with ex- means of adjusting the tension of pres- towing vehicle is braked.
haust 3. sure spring (h) using set screw (g).

1 69
2. Relay Emergency Valves

Relay Emergency Valve (a). Through the compounding of the pressure in Port 1 is evacuated and the
forces acting in Chambers D and E, the pressure on the upper side of piston (d)
with adjustable
pilot pressure acting on the upper side of is reduced. The force of the pressure
predominance piston (a) is overcome and that piston spring (e) and the supply pressure at
971 002 300 0 moves upwards. Port 1-2 pushes piston (d) upwards,
moving valve (f) and closing the outlet
Purpose: Within the range of partial brake applica- (b). As piston (d) continues to move up-
To control the twin-line braking system of tion, the valve (f) following piston (a) wards, it is raised off valve (f) and the in-
a trailer. closes the inlet (g) and a neutral position let (g) opens. The trailer’s air supply at
has been reached. At full brake applica- Port 1-2 flows through Ports 2 to the
Operation: tion, piston (a) keeps the inlet (g) open downstream brake valves in full.
The relay emergency valve, passing the for the whole of the braking process.
The relay emergency valve is also avail-
grooved ring (c), to Port 1-2 and on to the
By adjusting the initial tension of the able with a release valve 963 001 01. 0,
trailer’s air reservoir.
pressure spring (i) by turning the set its part number being 971 002 7.. 0. For
screw, a pressure predominance of up to ‘Operation’, please refer to Page 68.
When the motor vehicle’s braking sys-
tem is actuated, air flows through the 1 bar can be set for Ports 2 over Port 4.
‘control’ hose coupling and Port 4 until it
reaches the upper side of piston (a). This When the braking process in the motor
moves downwards, and as it rests on the vehicle is ended, causing Port 4 to be
valve (f) it closes the outlet (b) and opens evacuated, piston (a) is moved to its up-
the inlet (g). The compressed air from the per end position by the air pressure in
trailer’s air reservoir (Port 1-2) now flows Ports 2. The compressed air in Ports 2 is
through Ports 2 to the downstream brake evacuated to atmosphere through valve
valves and Duct C into Chamber B, (f) and Vent 3. Due to the fall in pressure
where the pressure begins to rise. in Chamber B, the compressed air in
Chamber D flows back through the holes
As soon as the force in Chamber B is (j) in valve (k) into Chamber B and from
greater, the valve (k) is opened against there to Vent 3.
the force of the pressure spring (i). The
air now flows through Duct A into Cham- When the trailer is disconnected, or if
ber D, acting on the underside of piston there is a rupture in the supply line, the

70 1
Pressure Limiting Valves
Pressure Limiting Valve
475 010 . . . 0

475 010 0 . . 0

475 010 3 . . 0

Purpose: In the event of a leakage in the low-pres-

To limit output pressure to a preset level. sure line causing a loss in pressure, pis-
ton (e) will lift valve (a). Inlet (b) opens
Operation: and the required quantity of air is fed
The air fed into chamber (A) via port 1 through. In Variant 475 010 3.. 0, piston
(high-pressure) flows through inlet (d) (e) will raise valve (c), thus closing inlet
into chamber (B) and on to port 2 (low- (d).
pressure). At the same time, piston (e) is
pressurized but is initially held at the top When port 1 is exhausted, the higher
of its stroke by pressure spring (f). pressure in chamber (B) lifts valves (c)
and (a). Inlet (d) opens and the low-pres-
As soon as the pressure in chamber (B) sure line is exhausted via chamber (A)
reaches the level set for the outlet pres- and port 1. In the process, piston (e) is
sure, piston (e) overcomes the load in returned to the end of its stroke by the
pressure spring (f) and moves down. load in pressure spring (f).
Valves (a) and (c) close inlets (b) and (d).
If the pressure in chamber (B) has in- The set pressure limit can be altered
creased above the preset level, piston within a certain range by changing the
(e) will continue its downward motion, compression of spring (f) by means of
thus opening outlet (h). The excess air adjusting screw (g).
will escape to atmosphere through pis-
ton (e) and exhaust 3. As the preset
pressure level is reached, outlet (h) is
closed once more.

1 71
2. Relay Valves

Relay Valve
973 001 . . . 0 and
973 011 00. 0

973 001 . . . 0 973 011 00 . 0

Purpose: the supply pressure in chamber (A), pis-

To rapidly supply and evacuate com- ton (a) is forced up. Inlet (b) closes and a
pressed air from pneumatic equipment neutral position is reached.
and to reduce response times in pneu-
matic braking systems. When the pilot pressure is partially re-
duced, piston (a) is moved up once
Operation: again. Outlet (c) is opened and the ex-
When the braking system is actuated, cess pressure at port 2 escapes via ex-
compressed air flows into chamber (A) haust 3. If the pilot pressure at port 4 fails
via port 4, forcing down piston (a). Outlet completely, the pressure in chamber (B)
(c) is closed and inlet (b) is opened. The forces piston (a) to the top of its stroke
supply pressure at port 1 now flows into and outlet (c) opens. The downstream
chamber (B) and to the downstream brake actuators are exhausted fully via
brake actuators via ports 2. exhaust 3.

The pressure buidling up in chamber (B)

acts on the underside of piston (a). As
soon as this pressure begins to exceed

72 1
Height Limiting Valve and
Quick Release Valve
Height Limiting Valve
964 001 . . . 0

Purpose: ceeds the specified limit, tappet (b) is

Height limitation on vehicles with an air pulled down, followed by valve (a) which
lift device. closes the connection between ports 1
and 2. When tappet (b) is pulled out, port
2 is exhausted.
The height limiting valve is mounted on After lowering of the chassis, tappet (b)
the chassis of the vehicle using bolt (c). returns to its original position and valve
Tappet (b) is connected to the axle via a (a) re-opens the connection between
steel cable. If during a lifting operation ports 1 and 2.
using the raise/lower valve, the distance
between the chassis and the axle ex-

Quick Release Valve

973 500 . . . 0

Purpose: reaches the downstream brake actua-

Rapid evacuation of long control or pilot tors via ports 2.
lines, and of brake actuators.
When the pressure at port 1 is reduced,
Operation: the higher pressure in chamber (A) forc-
When there is no air on the valve, the es diaphragm (a) to arch upwards. De-
outer edge of diaphragm (a) which is pending on the reduction in pressure, the
slightly prestressed seats against ex- downstream brake actuators are now
haust 3, closing the passage from port 1 partially or completely exhausted via ex-
to chamber (A). Compressed air from haust 3.
port 1 pushes back the outer edge and

1 73
2. Adapter Valve and
3/2 Directional Control Valve
Adapter Valve
with linear characteristic
975 001 . . . 0

Purpose: Operation: spring (c). As soon as these forces ex-

To reduce the braking force of the axle to Piston (b) is held at the top of its stroke ceed the pressure acting on the upper
be adapted during partial brake applica- by the load in pressure spring (c). Dia- side of diaphragm (a), piston (b) is re-
tions and rapid exhausting of brake actu- phragm (a) closes the passage from port turned to the top of its stroke. A neutral
ators.Trailers being operated in 1 to ports 2. When the brakes are ap- position is reached.
mountainous regions and frequently cov- plied, the air flows via port 1 to the upper
ering downhill journeys always show in- side of diaphragm (a) where pressure If the pressure at port 1 is increased fur-
creased wear on the brake linings of the begins to build up. As soon as this pres- ther, the load in pressure spring (c) is
front wheels because the arrangement of sure exceeds that of pressure spring (c) gradually overcome and the air finally
the larger front-wheel brake actuators re- set by means of screw (d), piston (b) is reaches the brake actuators at a 1:1 ra-
quired for stopping will cause excess forced down. The air now flows past the tio. After a reduction in pressure at port 1,
braking on the front axle. By using this outer edge of diaphragm (a) and via pressure spring (c) forces piston (b) up to
Adapter Valve, the brake force on the ports 2 to the downstream brake actua- the top of its stroke. The pressure in
front axle is reduced on the front axle to tors. chamber (B) forces diaphragm (a) to
the extent that both axles are braked arch upward. Depending on the reduc-
evenly; this does not, however, in any The pressure building up at ports 2 also tion in pressure at port 1, the brake actu-
way impair the brake force in emergency acts on the underside of diaphragm (a), ators are exhausted partially or
braking. thus supporting the force of pressure completely.

3/2 Directional Control Valve

463 036 . . . 0

Purpose: downwards via a cam. Outlet (d) closes

Alternate connection of the service line and inlet (c) opens, and the compressed
(consumer) with the pressure line or the air at Port 1 flows into the service line via
exhaust, the valve locking into either po- Port 2. When turning knob (a) is turned
sition. the other way, piston (b) is returned to its
original position by the force of the com-
Operation: pression spring. Inlet (c) closes and the
When turning knob (a) is actuated in a service line is exhausted via outlet (b)
rotary direction, piston (b) is moved and Port 3.

Solenoid Valves
3/2-Way Solenoid Valve
Normally Closed 3
472 1. . . . . 0


d b

2 c

Purpose: armature (d) is lifted, outlet (e) is closed

To pressurize an air line when current is and inlet (c) is opened. The compressed
supplied to the solenoid. air from the supply line will now flow from
port 1 to port 2, pressurizing the working
Operation: line.
The supply line from the air reservoir is
connected to port 1. The armature (d) When the current to solenoid coil (a) is
which forms the valve core keeps inlet interrupted, pressure spring (b) will re-
(c) closed by the load in pressure spring turn armature (d) to its original position.
(b). Inlet (c) is closed, outlet (e) is opened
and the working line is exhausted via
When a current reaches solenoid coil (a), chamber (A) and exhaust 3.

3/2-Way Solenoid Valve 1

Normally Open
472 1. . . . . 0 a

d b
2 c

Purpose: the armature (d) is lifted, inlet (e) is

To vent an air line when current is sup- closed and outlet (c) is opened. The
plied to the solenoid. compressed air from the working line will
now escape to atmosphere via port 3
Operation: and the downstream operating cylinder
The supply line from the air reservoir is is exhausted.
connected to port 1 and thus air is al- When the current to solenoid coil (a) is
lowed to flow through chamber (A) and interrupted, pressure spring (b) will re-
port 2 into the working line connected to turn armature (d) to its original position.
port 2. The armature (d) which forms the Outlet (c) is closed and inlet (e) is
core of the valve is forced down by opened, again allowing air to pass to the
spring (b), closing outlet (c). working line via chamber (A) and port 2.
When a current reaches solenoid coil (a),

2. Load Sensing Relay Emergency Valve

Load Sensing Relay Purpose: Via the hose coupling of the supply line
Control of the dual-line trailer braking and port 1, pressure from the motor vehi-
Emergency Valve
system when the motor vehicle's braking cle passes groove ring (h), port 1-2 and
475 712 . . . 0 system is operated. Automatic control of then reaches the semi-trailer's air reser-
the braking force as a function of vehicle voir. At the sime time, piston (k) and
load by means of the integrated load- valve (g) are moved downwards by the
sensing valve. supply pressure. Outlet (n) opens and
Automatically braking the trailer in the ports 2 are connected with exhaust 3.
event of partial or complete loss of pres-
sure in the supply line. When the motor vehicle's braking system
The Load-Sensing Relay Emergency is operated, air flows to chamber (A) via
Valve is specifically designed for semi- the hose coupling in the control line and
trailers with several axles. port 4, pushing down piston (b) which
closes outlet (d) and opens inlet (p). The
Operation: air from port 4 reaches chamber (C) be-
The valve is mounted on the vehicle low diaphragm (e), acting on the effective
chassis and is attached to a spring arm surface area of relay piston (f).
on the axle via a linkage. When the vehi-
cle is empty, the distance between the At the same time, air flows to chamber
axle and the valve is greatest and lever (B) via open valve (a) and passage (E),
(j) is in its lowest position. As the vehicle acting on the upper side of diaphragm
is loaded, this distance is reduced and le- (e). This initial by-pass pressure elimi-
ver (j) is moved towards its "fully laden" nates any reduction in pilot pressure (up
position. The movement of lever (j) caus- to 1.0 bar max.) in the "partially laden"
es the cam plate to move tappet (l) to a condition. As the pilot pressure continues
position corresponding to the vehicle to rise, piston (r) is forced up against the
load. load of spring (s), closing valve (a).

Load Sensing Relay Emergency Valve
Through the pressure building up in When the motor vehicles braking system
chamber (C), relay piston (f) is forced is released, port 4 is exhausted and relay
downwards. Outlet (n) closes and inlet piston (f) is pushed into its upper position
(m) opens. The supply pressure at port by the pressure in ports 2. Outlets (d)
1-2 now flows into chamber (D) via inlet and (n) open and the air in ports 2 and
(m) and then reaches the downstream chamber (C) is released to atmosphere
brake actuators via ports 2. At the same via exhaust 3.
time, pressure builds up in chamber (D),
acting on the underside of relay piston Automatic Braking
(f). As soon as this pressure exceeds When the supply line is disconnected or
that in chamber (C), relay piston (f) broken, port 1 will be exhausted and the
moves upwards, closing inlet (m). pressure on the upper side of piston (k)
is reduced. The pressure from the air
As piston (b) moves downwards, dia- reservoirs at port 1-2 pushes piston (k)
phragm (e) is pushed against vane (o), upwards. Valve (g) closes outlet (n). As
thus continuously increasing the effec- piston (k) continues to move upward, it
tive diaphragm surface area. As soon as will leave valve (g) and inlet (m) opens.
the force acting on the underside of the Full reservoir pressure now reaches the
diaphragm in chamber (C) is equal to brake actuators via ports 2. In the event
that acting on piston (b), the piston of the control line breaking, automatic
moves upwards. Inlet (p) is closed, a bal- braking will take place as described
anced position is reached. above since the pressure in the supply
line is reduced in connection with the
The position of tappet (l), which is de- trailer control valve via the defective line
pendent on the position of lever (j), deter- as soon as the towing vehicle is braked.
mines the output braking pressure.
Piston (b) with vane (o) needs to cover a
stroke according to the position of tappet
(l) before valve (c) begins to operate.
This stroke also changes the effective
surface area of diaphragm (e). In the "ful-
ly laden" position, the input pressure at
port 4 flows into chamber (C) at a ratio of
1:1. Since relay piston (f) receives full
pressure, it keeps inlet (m) open and the
input braking pressure is not controlled.

2. Automatic Load Sensing Valve

Automatic Load Sensing At the same time, air flows into chamber pressure in chamber (E). Outlet (c)
(d) via opened valve (a) and channel (B), opens, and the air is exhausted to atmos-
Valve 475 713 . . . 0
and acts on the upper side of diaphragm phere via valve tappet (i) and exhaust 3.
(d). This pressure control provides un-
Purpose: modulated output at low pilot pressures. With each brake application, air flows
Automatic control of the braking force in If the pilot pressure increases further, into chamber (F) via passage (C), acting
pneumatic actuators as a function of the piston (l) is forced up against the load in on washer (e) which is pushed against
vehicle load. pressure spring (m) and valve (a) closes. valve tappet (i). At a brake pressure 0.8
bar, a frictional connection is established
Operation: between valve tappet (i) and the housing.
The load sensing valve is mounted on The downward motion of piston (b) re-
The load sensing valve's reducing ratio is
the vehicle chassis and is actuated via a leases diaphragm (d) from its seat in the
thus locked and remains so even when
connecting cable attached to the axle by load sensing valve, pushing it against the
the distance between the axle and the
means of a tension spring. When the ve- fanned out portion of piston (b). The ef-
chassis is changed further. Tension
hicle is empty, the distance between the fective surface area of the diaphragm is
spring (h) compensates these variations
axle and the valve is greatest and lever thus increased continuously until it ex-
in travel.
(f) is in its lowest position. As the vehicle ceeds the area of the upper side of the
is loaded, this distance is reduced and le- piston. Thus, piston (b) is raised again
An integral pressure spring in the load
ver (f) moves from its ”empty“ position to- and inlet (k) closed. A neutral position is
sensing valve moves valve tappet (i) into
wards its ”fully laden“ position. The reached. (Inlet (k) will remain open only
the ”fully laden“ position in the event of
movement of lever (f) causes cam plate in fully laden condition ”1:1“). The pres-
the linkage fracturing.
(g) to move valve tappet (i) to a position sure delivered to the actuators of the fully
corresponding to the vehicle load. laden vehicle corresponds to the pres-
sure in the load sensing valve delivered
from the relay emergency valve. With a
Output pressure from the relay emergen-
partially laden or unladen vehicle, how-
cy valve reaches chamber (A) via port 1,
ever, this pressure is reduced according-
acting on piston (b) which is forced down,
closing outlet (c) and opening inlet (k).
The air now flows to chamber (E) below
diaphragm (d) and via ports 2 to the When the brake pressure has been re-
downstream brake actuators. duced, piston (b) is forced up by the

78 1
Automatic Load Sensing Valve

Automatic Load Sensing At the same time, air flows into chamber Every brake application forces air into
(C) via opened valve (b) and passage chamber (E) via passage (D), acting on
Valve 475 714 . . . 0
(F), acting on the upper side of dia- moulded rubber part (p) which is forced
phragm (f). This pressure control pro- against valve tappet (r). Any brake pres-
vides unmodulated output at low pilot sure > 0.8 bar establishes a frictional
Automatic regulation of the brake pres-
pressures when the vehicle is partially connection between valve tappet (r) and
sure in pneumatic brake actuators on air-
laden. If the pilot pressure increases fur- the housing. The load sensing valve's re-
sprung axles (axle assemblies) as a
ther, piston (a) is forced up against the duction ratio is blocked and is main-
function of the pilot pressure of the air
load in pressure spring (s) and valve (b) tained even when dynamic axle load
closes. shifting occurs when the brakes are ap-
plied. If the bellows load increases with a
Operation: The downward motion of piston (d) re- partially laden vehicle, roller (g) is
The load sensing valve is mounted on leases diaphragm (f) from its seat in the pushed against spring (o). Tappet (r)
the vehicle chassis with the exhaust 3 load sensing valve, pushing it against the does not move from the position it was in
pointing downwards. Ports 41 and 42 are fanned-out portion of piston (d). The ef- when the brakes were first applied.
connected to the air suspension bellows fective surface area of the underside of
on both sides of the vehicle by means of diaphragm is thus increased continuous- For checking the load sensing valve, a
pipes. ly until the forces on either side of the pis- test hose is connected to port 43. As it is
ton are the same as on the underside of screwed into place, piston (n) is pushed
The pilot pressure from the bellows acts diaphragm (f). Thus, piston (d) is raised into the housing, breaking the connec-
on pistons (m) and (k). Depending on this again and inlet (c) closed. A neutral posi- tion of ports 41 and 42 to pistons (m) and
pressure which varies with the vehicle tion is reached. (Inlet (c) will remain open (k). At the same time, a connection is es-
load, guide sleeve (i) with its attached only in the fully laden condition). The tablished from port 43 to pistons (m) and
cam (h) are moved against spring (z) and pressure in the actuators then corre- (k). The load sensing valve adjusts to a
the position is set depending on the vehi- sponds to the vehicle load and the output regulating position corresponding to the
cle load. brake pressure of the tractor brake valve pressure in the test hose.
or the relay emergency valve.
When the brakes are applied, com-
pressed air from the relay emergency When the brake pressure is reduced (re-
valve flows into chamber (A) via port 1, lease of the brakes), piston (d) is forced
pressurizing piston (d) which is forced up by the pressure in chamber (B). Outlet
down, closing outlet (e) and opening inlet (e) opens and the air is exhausted to at-
(c). The air now flows into chamber (B) mosphere via valve tappet (r) and ex-
below diaphragm (f) and to the down- haust 3.
stream actuators via ports 2.

1 79
2. Load Sensing Relay Emergency Valve

Load Sensing Relay Emer- The pilot pressure from the air suspen- At the same time, air flows into chamber
sion bellows acts on pistons (p) and (o). (B) via open valve (a) and passage (G),
gency Valve 475 715 . . . 0
Depending on this pressure which varies acting on the upper side of diaphragm
with the vehicle load, guide sleeve (n) (e). This pressure control provides un-
Purpose: with its attached cam is moved against modulated output at low pilot pressures
Regulation of the dual-line trailer braking spring (m) and the position is set de- (up to 1.0 bar) when the vehicle is partial-
system when the towing vehicle's brak- pending on the vehicle load. ly laden. As the pilot pressure increases
ing system is actuated. further, piston (w) is forced up against
Automatic regulation of the brake force the load in pressure spring (x) and valve
by means of the integrated load-sensing The air from the motor vehicle reaches (a) closes.
valve as a function of the vehicle load the semi-trailer's air reservoir via the
and thus of the actuating pressure of the ”supply“ hose coupling, port 1, port 1-2
The pressure building up in chamber (C)
air bellows. and grooved ring (h). At the same time,
forces relay piston (f) downwards. Outlet
Automatic braking of the trailer in the the supply pressure forces down piston
(t) closes and inlet (s) opens. The supply
event of partial or complete loss of pres- (r) and thus valve (g). Outlet (t) opens
pressure present at port 1-2 now flows
sure in the supply line. and ports 2 are connected with exhaust
into chamber (d) and to the downstreem
brake actuators via ports 2.
The Load-Sensing Relay Emergency
Valve is specifically designed for air- When the brakes are applied, com- This causes pressure to increase in
sprung semi-trailers with several axles. pressed air flows via the hose coupling in chamber (D) which acts on the underside
the control line and port 4 to chamber of relay piston (f). As soon as this pres-
Operation: (A), acting on piston (b) which is forced sure exceeds that in chamber (C), relay
The valve is mounted on the vehicle downwards, closing outlet (d) and open- piston (f) moves upwards and inlet (s)
chassis with the exhaust 3 pointing ing inlet (v). The compressed air from closes.
downwards. Ports 41 and 42 are con- port 4 reaches chamber (C) below dia-
nected to the air suspension bellows on phragm (e), acting on the effective sur- As piston (b) moves downwards, dia-
both sides of the vehicle. face area of relay piston (f). phragm (e) moves against vane (u), thus

80 1
Load Sensing Relay Emergency Valve
continuously increasing the effective sur- For checking the load-sensing valve, a
face area of the diaphragm. As soon as test hose is connected to port 43. As it is
the force acting on the underside of the screwed into place, piston (q) is pushed
diaphragm in chamber (C) is the same into the housing, breaking the connec-
as that acting on piston (b), the piston is tion of ports 41 and 42 to pistons (p) and
moved upwards. Inlet (v) is closed and a (o). At the same time, a connection is es-
neutral position is reached. tablished from port 43 to the pistons. The
load-sensing valve adjusts to a regulat-
ing position corresponding to the pres-
The position of tappet (i) which depends
sure in the test hose.
on the position on guide sleeve (n), de-
termines the output pressure. Piston (b)
Automatic Braking:
with vane (u) must cover a stroke corre-
When the supply line is disconnected or
sponding to the position of tappet (i) be-
broken, port 1 will be exhausted and the
fore valve (c) begins to operate. This
pressure on the upper side of piston (r) is
stroke changes the effective surface
reduced. The pressure from the air res-
area of diaphragm (e). In the ”fully laden“
ervoirs at port 1-2 pushes piston (r) up-
position, the input pressure at port 4
wards. Valve (g) closes outlet (t). As
flows into chamber (C) at a ratio of 1:1.
piston (r) continues to move upward, it
Since relay piston (f) receives full pres-
will leave valve (g) and inlet (s) opens.
sure, it keeps inlet (s) open and the input
Full reservoir pressure now reaches the
braking pressure is not controlled.
brake actuators via ports 2.

When the motor vehicle's braking sys-

tem is released, port 4 is exhausted and
relay piston (f) is pushed into its upper
position by the pressure in ports 2. Out-
lets (d) and (t) open and the air in ports 2
and chamber (C) is released to atmos-
phere via exhaust 3.

Every brake application forces air into

chamber (E) via passage (F), acting on
moulded rubber part (k) which is forced
against valve tappet (i). Any brake pres-
sure > 0.8 bar establishes a frictional
connection between valve tappet (i) and
the housing. The relay emergency
valve's reduction ratio is blocked and is
maintained even when dynamic axle
load shifting occurs when the brakes are
applied. If the bellows load increases
with a partially laden vehicle, roller (l) is
pushed against spring (j). Tappet (i) does
not move from the position it was in when
the brakes were first applied.

1 81

Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)

1 83
3. Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)

Introduction: Anti-Lock Braking Systems (ABS) are ABS-Functions

used to prevent locking of a vehicle’s r Control Performance
wheels as a result of excessive actuation By further optimizing the control algo-
of the service braking system, especially rithm, the utilization of adhesion and
on slippery roads. As a consequence, control comfort were improved even
lateral control is maintained on braked more.
wheels even at full brake application to
ensure that both the stability and steera- r Setting ECU Parameters
bility of a vehicle are ensured as far as Modern memory modules can be
physically possible. At the same time, used to set customer-specific vehicle
the utilization of the available adhesion data either when the ECU is being
of the tyre on the road and thus vehicle made or after production of a com-
retardation and stopping distance are mercial vehicle.
optimized. ASR-Functions
r Pneumatic Engine Control
Following their introduction by WABCO
IIn combination with a proportional
Fahrzeugbremsen, a division of WABCO
valve designed for that purpose and
Standard GmbH, in the early Eighties,
a suitable control cylinder in the actu-
Anti-Lock Braking Systems (ABS) are
ating linkage of the fuel-injection
now being offered by nearly all European
pump, considerable improvements in
manufacturers of commercial vehicles.
traction and in control comfort are
In recent years, WABCO has continu-
ously worked on further improving the r Electronic Engine Control
excellent quality and performance char- The ECU has interfaces to commer-
acteristics of ABS. cial electrical or electronic engine
control systems, and corresponding
Key developments have been: SAE interfaces.
r Functional Display
r The introduction of Drive-Slip Control
The driver is informed of any auto-
systems (ASR) in 1986
matic actuation of the ASR system,
r The introduction of the ABS ”VARIO- thus indicating to him that the road
C“ for trailers in 1989 may be slippery.
The increasing demand of trailer
manufacturer for simple installation Special Functions
and testing whilst maintaining the
usual WABCO quality standard has
r Top Speed Control
been the reason for WABCO devel-
oping its new ABS generation, Vario r ABS/ASR Function Switch
Compact ABS - VCS. Both modular
r Diagnostic Interface / Flash Code
systems are based on state-of-the-
art electronics technology with high- WABCO has continuously improved the
performance micro computers and performance of this safety system. The
high-capacity data storage, taking constantly rising competitive pressure in
modern diagnostic principles into ac- the transport trade and falling vehicle
count. prices have not stopped at ABS, either.

r With the ABS/ASR ‘C’ generation for The highlights listed below which apply
motor vehicles and motor coaches, to the 4th generation of ABS/ASR are in-
WABCO has presented a system tended to specifically meet these re-
which offers the following essential quirements.
technical novelties:

84 1
Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)
ABS/ASR D Version r The D Version has a databus inter-
The New Generation of Control face for communication with other
Units systems.
Changed vehicle concepts, the desire for r ABS/ASR systems now only require
further improving functions and continu- one ASR solenoid valve (differential
ous cost reductions for the system have brake valve).
culminated in the development of the D
Version of ABS/ASR.

Special Features:
r The single plug concept:
This design permits the allocation of
partial cable harnesses on the vehi-
cle to their respective plugs.
r The valve relays previously located
outside the control unit have now
been integrated.

4-Channel ABS/ASR (C Version)

4-wheel motor lorry with rear-wheel drive

ABS/ASR components
ABS components

1. pole wheel and sensor

2. brake chamber (front axle)
3. ABS solenoid control valve
4. air reservoir
5. Tristop spring-brake actuator
(rear axle)
6. ABS solenoid control valve
7. two-way valve
8. differential brake valve
9. electronic control unit
10. proportional valve
12. ASR actuating cylinder
13. ASR functional switch
14. ABS indicator lamp
15. ASR indicator lamp

4- Channel ABS/ASR (D Version)

1 85
3. Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)

indicator lamps

proportional valve

functional switch


air reservoir


Integrated Speed Limiter WABCO’s top speed limiting system with In addition, GBProp allows the driver to
GBProp its proportional valve (GBProp) complies set a limiting speed freely selectable an-
with the latest European legislation for ywhere between 50 k.p.h. and the preset
the equipment of heavy-duty commercial maximum speed by actuating the speed-
vehicles with cruise control systems and set/ASR functional switch and have this
has been granted EC type approval for speed monitored by the system although
the parts. he has to continue to push down the ac-
celerator pedal (this not being a fully au-
Its components include the ABS/ASR tomatic cruise control system).
ECU, a proportional valve and actuating
cylinders which have been used suc- The top speed stored in the Electronic
cessfully in recent years in WABCO- Control Unit (ECU) can either be defined
ABS/ASR systems for pneumatic engine by the vehicle manufacturer (at the end
control. Other components include idle- of production) or by officially authorized
stop cylinders (only required for single le- workshop personnel at a service station
ver fuel-injection pumps), a speed set/ using WABCO’s Diagnostic Controller.
ASR functional switch and an ASR indi-
cator lamp plus a speedograph with C3/
The ECU stores any faults which may
B7 output.
occur by type and frequency and, via the
interface designed to ISO 9141 and by
The speed limiter begins to operate even means of the Diagnostic Controller, per-
before the vehicle has reached the max- mits the error memory to be read out or
imum speed stored in the ECU in a non- deleted, functional testing to be done
volatile EE-PROM memory. Via the pro- and the system’s parameters to be set.
portional valve and the actuating cylin-
der, the control lever of the fuel-injection
pump is moved so that the vehicle’s per-
missible maximum speed cannot be ex-

Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)
Vario Compact ABS (VCS) ABS Relay Valve **)
for Trailers
ISO 7638

24N (24S) 1 st and 2 nd
rely valves
Supply *)

3 rd relay valves
with retarder control *)
integrated speed
Sensors (2 or 4)
switch (ISS) *)

*) optional **) optionally flanged to compact unit

VCS is a ready-to-install ABS system for In the input circuit, the signals generated
trailers meeting all legal requirements of by the respective inductive sensors are
the A category. filtered and converted into digital infor-
The range of systems extends from a 2S/ mation for determining period lengths.
2M system for semitrailers to a 4S/3M
system for towbar trailers or, for in- The main circuit consists of a microcom-
stance, a semitrailer with a steering axle. puter. It contains a complex programme
for the computation and logical operation
In keeping with the specific needs of the of the control signals and for outputting
trailer manufacturers, VCS is available the actuating variables for the valve con-
either as a compact unit or as a modular trol system.
system, i. e. ECU and valves are in-
stalled separately. The safety circuit monitors the ABS sys-
Both ABS relay valves and ABS solenoid tem, i. e. the sensors, solenoid control
valves can be used. The choice depends valves, ECU and wiring, before the vehi-
on the braking system used, and more cle moves off and whilst it is in motion, ir-
particularly on time response. It is impor- respective of whether the brakes are
tant that the appropriate ECU is used. being actuated or not. It alerts the driver
to any errors or defects by means of an
If the control valves are not electrically indicator lamp and shuts off the whole or
actuated, the ordinary increase or de- part of the system. Whilst the conven-
crease of brake pressure the driver tional brake remains operational, it is
needs is not affected. The special func- only the anti-lock system which is deacti-
tion of ”maintaining brake pressure“ vated wholly or in part.
serves to improve both the control per-
formance of the ABS system, and air The valve actuation contains (output
consumption. stages) which are actuated by the sig-
nals from the main circuit and which
r one ECU (Electronic Control Unit) switch the current for actuating the con-
with one, two or three control chan- trol valves.
nels, subdivided into the following
functional groups: The electronic control unit of the VARIO
l input circuit Compact ABS is a further development
from the established Vario-C ABS, build-
l main circuit
ing on its proven principles.
l safety circuit
l valve actuation

3. Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)

Solenoid Control Valve

472 195 . . . 0

Purpose: lot chamber (a) is opened. The

The purpose of the solenoid control compressed air from Chamber A flows
valve on the trailer is to increase, into the pilot chamber (a) and diaphragm
reduce or hold the pressure in the brake (c) closes inlet (b) leading into Chamber
cylinders during a braking process B. At the same time, valve solenoid II re-
depending on the control signals, in verses, valve (h) closes the passage of
milliseconds, received from the ECU. hole (d), permitting the compressed air
from pilot chamber (g) to escape through
Operation: Vent 3. Diaphragm (f) opens outlet (e)
a) Pressure Increase and the at Port 2 escapes to atmosphere
Valve solenoids I and II are not ener- via Vent 3.
gized, the inlet of valve (i) and the outlet
of valve (h) are closed. The pilot cham- c) Pressure Hold
ber (a) of diaphragm (c) is pressureless. By receiving a pulse, the passage to
The compressed air at Port 1 flows from Vent 3 is closed by valve (h) as valve so-
Chamber A through the open inlet (b) lenoid II reverses. The compressed air
into Chamber B and from there through from Chamber A flows through the hole
Port 22 to the brake cylinders. At the (d) back into the pilot chamber (g) and di-
same time, the compressed air also aphragm (f) closes outlet (e). Thus the
flows through the hole (d) into the pilot pressure in Chamber B and thus the
chamber (g) of diaphragm (f), and outlet brake cylinders cannot increase or de-
(e) remains closed. crease.

b) Pressure Reduce
When the ABS ECU transmits the signal
to decrease the pressure, valve solenoid
I is energized, valve (i) closes the pas-
sage to Vent 3 and the passage to the pi-

Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)
ABS Relay Valve
472 195 02 . 0

Purpose: b) Operation in ABS control:

The purpose of the solenoid control Pressure Increase:
valve on the trailer is to increase, re- The solenoids (M1 and M2) are dead
duce or hold the pressure in the brake and there is actuating pressure in Cham-
cylinders during a braking process de- ber A. Piston (a) is in its lower end posi-
pending on the control signals, in milli- tion and the air supply flows from Port 1
seconds, received from the ECU.This to 2.
consists of two subassemblies:
The actual relay valve and the electro- Pressure hold:
magnetic control valve. Solenoid M1 is energized and the arma-
ture has attracted. This causes the air
Operation: supply from Port 4 to Chamber A to be
a) Supply pressure present but no: interrupted (in spite of the rise in actuat-
The annular piston (c) is pushed against ing pressure).
the seat (b) by the pressure spring (d),
closing Port 1 against Chamber B (and The pressures in Chamber A and B are
thus Port 2). equalized. The annular piston again
As (e. g. 1 bar) is applied at Port 4, this rests on seats (b). The compressed air
flows via the solenoids (M1 and M2) into cannot flow from 1 to 2 or from 2 to 3
the upper piston chamber A, forcing pis- (outside).
ton (a) downwards. A small gap opens at
the seat (b) and air from Port 1 flows into Pressure Reduce:
Chamber B. At Outlet 2 and thus in the Solenoid M2 is energized, the passage
brake cylinders, pressure begins to rise. to Chamber A thus being closed. The
Since the upper and lower sides of piston raised seal at the foot of M2 opens the
(a) have identical surfaces, that piston passage to Vent 3 and the pressure from
will return to its original position as soon Chamber A escapes to atmosphere
as the pressure at 2 is equal to that at 4. through the inside opening of the annular
The annular piston (c) is again in contact piston (a). This causes piston (a) to be
with the seat (b) and the passage from 1 raised and the pressure from Port 2 and
to Chamber B is closed. the connected brake cylinder escapes to
atmosphere through Chamber B and
When the falls, piston (a) is raised and Vent 3.
the pressure in Port 2 escapes to Vent 3
through Chamber B.

3. Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)

ABS Relay Valve flows through the solenoids (M1 and M 2) raised gasket at the bottom of M2 clears
into the upper piston chamber A, presses the way to exhaust 3 and the excess
472 195 04 . 0
the piston (c) against the annular piston pressure from chamber A escapes throu-
(Flat twin valve) (f) and opens the narrow gap in the seat gh the inner opening of the piston (c) to
(e). The supply pressure at port 1 flows exhaust 3. This raises the piston (c), and
Purpose: through the filter (a) into chamber B and the pressure on the brake cylinder is re-
ABS relay valve (flat twin valve) consists into port 23. There is pressure build-up leased accordingly.
of two relay valve parts with common also in the brake cylinders. The same
ports for supply pressure and control process also takes place in the opposite c) Pressure hold
pressure. relay valve for ports 22. Since the upper Solenoid M2 is de-energized again, sole-
It is used in the air braking system in front and lower sides of the piston (c) have noid M1 is energized, and the armature
of the brake cylinders to modulate the equal surfaces, the piston returns to its attracted. Thus, (despite the increasing
braking pressure in the brake cylinders. original position as soon as the pressure control pressure) air supply from port 4 to
When the valve is activated by the ABS at ports 22 and 23 is equal to the pres- chamber 4 is interrupted.
electronic control unit, the pressure in the sure at port 4. The annular piston (4) lies There is equal pressure in chambers A
brake cylinders is modulated (pressure close to the seat (e) again, and the pas- and B, and the annular piston(f) is pres-
increase, pressure hold, pressure re- sage from port 1 to chamber B is sed against the seat (e) by the pressure
lease) regardless of the pressure al- blocked. spring (b). Compressed air can neither
lowed to pass by the brake valve or the flow from 1 to 22 and 23, nor from 22
emergency valve. The device has a two- If the control pressure decreases, the and 23 to 3 (into the atmosphere).
relay-valve function in passive position piston (c) is raised and the pressure in
(i.e. without solenoid activation), and is ports 22 and 23 is released via chamber
used to increase and decrease pressure d) Pressure release
B to exhaust 3. Power is supplied to solenoids M1 and
in the brake cylinder through short re-
sponse and pressure build-up and re- M2. The passage from port 4 to chamber
Operation with ABS-Control: A is closed and compressed air from
lease times.
a) Pressure build-up chamber A escapes via the check valve
(d) on port 4, whereas the pressure from
Operation: The solenoids (M1 and M2) are de-ener-
gized and control pressure builds up in chamber B and from ports 22 and 23 now
Pressure build-up without ABS Con-
chamber A. The piston (c) is in its left escapes through the fully open outlet
stop position and air supply flows from (the piston (c) is in its right stop position)
Both valve solenoids (M1 and M2) are
port 1, through ports 22 and 23, into the on the seat (e) and exhaust 3 into the at-
de-energized, the annular piston (f) is
brake cylinders. mosphere.
pressed against the seat (e) by the pres-
sure spring (b), and the passage from
port 1 to chamber B is closed. b) Pressure release
Solenoid M2 is energized and closes the
If control pressure is supplied at port 4, it passage from port 4 to chamber A. The

90 1
Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)
ABS Sensor Installation

The rotary motion of the wheel is picked Because of the diagonal reference
up by means of a pole wheel (1) moving speed forming, the ratio of the number of
with the hub and a pulse-generating sen- teeth and the wheel’s circumference
sor (3) held in the brake spider plate by a must be identical on front and rear
clamping bush (2). wheels, any deviation not exceeding a
Pole wheels for medium and heavy-duty few percent.
commercial vehicles have 100 teeth.

ABS Sensor
441 032 . . . 0

The inductive sensor comprise a perma- rotating motion of the toothed wheel in-
nent magnet, core and coil. The magnet- ducing an A.C. voltage whose frequency
ic flux surrounding the coil is cut by the is directly proportional to wheel speed.

Clamping Bush
899 759 815 4

The clamping bush has 4 spring ele- motion. This eliminates the process of
ments held on one side only which, when having to adjust the gap and aligning the
under stress, generate a force between sensor (cable exit).
sensor and hole causing defined friction-
al engagement in the direction of the In open arrangements, the clamping
sensor. bush and the sensor are fitted with a
This causes the sensor to be hold by the temperature and splash-resistant grease
clamping bush in such a way that when it (Staburags or silicone grease - Part No.
is being fitted it can be pushed against 830 502 06. 4) to protect them from cor-
the pole wheel and automatically adjusts rosion and dirt.
to a minimum gap when the vehicle is in

1 91
3. Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)

Proportional Solenoid Valve

472 250 . . . 0 (GBProp)

Purpose: When current reaches the solenoid, the

armature forces the plunger (a) down-
Via the pressure allowed to pass by the
wards, opening the inlet (b). The air sup-
actuating cylinder, the proportional valve
ply at Port 1 now flows through Port 2
controls the control lever of the fuel-in-
and on to the actuating cylinder. De-
jection pump.
pending on the pulse output by the ECU,
the pressure in the actuating cylinder is
The output pressure is directly propor- either held at a constant level (armature
tionate to the solenoid flux controlled by attracts, closing the inlet) or reduced (ar-
the ECU (GBProp) by means of pulse- mature continues to attract, opening the
width modulation (PWM) with which the outlet (c) and the compressed air es-
proportional valve is actuated. The low capes to atmosphere through Port 3).
hysteresis permits a wide range of cylin-
der pressures to achieve both very rapid
and virtually stationary adjusting move-
ments for the control lever.

In the basic position (valve solenoid not
energized), the solenoid armature is in
contact with the plunger (a) and keeps
the inlet (b) closed.

92 1
Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)
Operating Cylinder
(Actuating Cylinder)
421 44. . . . 0 (GBProp)

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

The actuating cylinder is fitted in the ad- lever of the fuel-injection pump to be
justing linkage between the accelerator moved towards its idling position. De-
and the fuel-injection pump. When actu- pending on the space available for instal-
ated from the proportional valve, the lation, either retracting (Fig. 1) or
compressed air flows through Port and protruding (Fig. 2) operating cylinders
into Chamber A, moving the piston to- are used.
wards the left. The piston rod which is
now being retracted causes the control

Operating Cylinder
(Idle-Stop Cylinder)
421 444 . . . 0 (GBProp)

For single-lever fuel-injection pumps, an

idle-stop cylinder is required to prevent
the engine being switched off by the
speed limiter if the pump lever can be
brought to the zero-delivery position by
the actuating cylinder.

1 93

Sustained-Action Braking Systems

On Motor Vehicles

1 95
4. Sustained-Action Braking Systems
On Motor Vehicles
a quadruple system protection
b air reservoir
c towing vehicle foot brake valve
d operating current relay
f operating cylinder for fuel
injection pump
g operating cylinder for the exhaust
butterfly valve
h 3/2-way valve

Fig. 1

According to Section 41 of the German brake the towing vehicle independently

Motor Vehicle Construction and Use from the service braking system, thereby
Regulation, motor coaches with a per- reducing the wear on the mechanical
missible total weight in excess of 5.5 t foundation brake to the greatest possible
and other motor vehicles with a permissi- extent.
ble total weight in excess of 9 t have to
have an additional sustained-action Fig. 1:
braking system fitted. Sustained-action The engine brake is switched on by
brakes are engine brakes or systems means of a foot-operated three-way
which achieve a similar braking perform- valve (h) which supplies air pressure for
ance. the operating cylinders for the butterfly
The purpose of an engine brake is to valve and the fuel-injection pump.

a quadruple system protection
b air reservoir
d operating current relay
e 3/2-way solenoid valve
f operating cylinder for fuel
injection pump
g operating cylinder for the exhaust
butterfly valve
i towing vehicle foot brake valve
with an electrical switch

Fig. 2

Fig. 2: operating contact relay (d) and the 3/2-

Circuit for the electro-pneumatic engine way solenoid valve (e). This means that
brake in combination with the service it is activated every time the service
braking system operated by compressed braking system is being used, thus sup-
air. porting the air brake and reducing the
Upon application of the dual-circuit brake wear on the mechanical foundation
valve (i), the electrical switch of the brake brake to the greatest possible extent.
valve activates the engine brake via the

96 1
Sustained-Action Braking Systems
On Motor Vehicles
3/2-Way Valve
463 013 . . . 0

Purpose: pressed air now flows through Port 2 to

To pressurise and exhaust operating cyl- the downstream operating cylinders.
inder e. g. exhaust braking system.
When the actuating button (a) is re-
Operation: leased, the pressure spring (c) forces the
The compressed air arriving from the air plunger (b) back into its upper end posi-
reservoir flows through Port 1 and reach- tion. Pushed by the supply pressure and
es the 3/2-way valve, until it reaches the the pressure spring (f), the inlet valve (e)
underside of the closed inlet valve (e). follows the upward motion of the plunger
When the actuating button (a) is pushed (b) and closes the passage to Port 1.
down, the plunger (b) is forced down- Through the opening outlet (d) the com-
wards against the force of the pressure pressed air from Port 2 now flows to Port
spring (c) until it makes contact with the 3 and the operating cylinders are evacu-
inlet valve (e), closing the outlet (d) and, ated once again.
as it continues to move downwards,
opening the inlet valve (e). The com-

1 97
4. Sustained-Action Braking Systems
On Motor Vehicles
Air Cylinder
421 410 . . . 0 and
421 411 . . . 0

412 410

421 411

Purpose: tion. The cylinder is also connected into

Shutting off the fuel injection pump and the throttle linkage, so that as long as the
operating the butterfly in the exhaust exhaust brake is in operation, it is impos-
brake system. sible to depress the accelerator pedal.

Cylinder 421 411 . . . 0 is connected to

Operation: the butterfly in the exhaust pipe, so that
Air enters the cylinders from either the 3 when operated, the butterfly closes. The
way valve or the 3 way magnet valve back pressure created in the engine
through port 1. As pressure builds up be- gives a braking effect to the vehicle.
hind piston (a) the push rod (b) moves
outwards against the load of springs (c). When the cylinders are exhausted, the
springs (c) push the piston (a) back to its
Cylinder 421 410 . . . 0 is connected to original position.
the lever on the fuel injection pump, so
that when operated, the lever moves
from the ”idle“ position to the ”stop“ posi-

98 1
Sustained-Action Braking Systems
On Motor Vehicles
Pressure Switch
441 014 . . . 0

Fig. "E" Fig. "A"

Purpose: Application ”A“ (normally closed)

To switch on or off electrical units and On reaching the switch pressure the dia-
lamps according to the application. phragm (d) is raised together with the
tappet. The tappet (c) lifts the contact
plate (e) and the connection at the poles
Operation: (a and b) is interrupted.
Application ”E“ (normally open)
On reaching the switch pressure the dia- With a pressure fall this connection is re-
phragm (d) together with the contact made.
plate (e) is raised and a connection at the
poles (a and b) is made.

With a pressure fall this connection is

again interrupted.

3/2-Way Solenoid Valve

Normally Closed
472 170 . . . 0

Purpose: and inlet (c) is opened. The compressed

To pressurize an air line when current is air from the supply line will now flow from
supplied to the solenoid. port 1 to port 2, pressurizing the working
The supply line from the air reservoir is When the current to solenoid coil (e) is
connected to port 1. The armature (b) interrupted, pressure spring (d) will re-
which forms the valve core keeps inlet turn armature (b) to its original position.
(c) closed by the load in pressure spring Inlet (c) is closed, outlet (a) is opened
(d). and the working line is exhausted via
chamber (A) and exhaust 3.
When a current reaches solenoid coil (e),
armature (b) is lifted, outlet (a) is closed

1 99

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