Cinetica 3 PDF
Cinetica 3 PDF
Cinetica 3 PDF
From the Central Institute for Industrial Research, Oslo 3, Norway
The rate of dehydrogenation of isopropyl alcohol over a zinc oxide catalyst has been
measured at 15%195”C, at, an isopropyl alcohol pressure range of 0.03-100 torr.
The rate measurements have been tested for consistency with a previously determined
adsorption function of isopropyl alcohol on zinc oxide. The adsorption function assumes
Langmuir adsorption on a heterogeneous surface with five sets of adsorbing sites.
The corresponding kinetic equation could be well fitted to the experimental rates using
a suitable set of rate constants and activation energies, but using the previously deter-
mined adsorption function directly. In the experimental sange which covered a factor of
more than 3000 in isopropyl alcohol pressure and a factor in reaction rates of 170 the mean
deviation between observed and calculated rates was less than 6yo. The results are there-
fore an indication that a previously proposed model, assuming that a heterogeneously
catalyzed reaction may take place on more than one set of active centers on the catalyst,
is correct.
DEHYDROQENATION RATES with n 2 2 can be consistent with the ‘mea-
surements. If the adsorption function [Eq.
(l)] is to be consistent with the rate mea-
surements reported here it must be possible
168°C to fit the following equation to the data:
105.9 0.004 0.1562
105.9 0.003 0.1381
4.824 0.037 0.6300 T=
2.235 0.10 0.7424 c (1 + aipA)*
1.165 0.24 0.9143
2.259 0.13 0.6890 where
0.706 0.52 0.8660
ki = eXp[Ki - (EJRT)]
0.229 1.14 0.9780
= lci0 exp( -Ei/RT) (4)
62.94 0.072 1.249 and
31.77 0.089 1.907 ai = exp(A&/R - AHi/RT)
20.71 0.11 2.355
11.88 0.20 2.934 where K~ and Ei are unknown parameters
7.012 0.35 3.331 and Woi, AS,, and AHi are the previously
3.765 0.59 4.047 determined adsorption parameters (2) given
3.035 0.64 4.996 in Table 1 of the preceding paper (2).
2.153 0.88 5.709 Equation (4) has been fitted to the data
0.346 5.0 6.328
10.2 6.864
by the standard least-squares technique,
0.065 16.4 6.138 making the sum of squared percentage
0.036 21.1 4.822 deviations become a minimum [see ref. (S)]
15.53 0.15 2.704 for three values of n, viz. n = 2, 3, and 4. A
10.18 0.15 2.952 digital computer was used to carry out the
6.118 0.1.5 3.685 computations. Due to the fact that the
3.229 0.30 4.555 adsorption constants were given (thus fixed)
1.076 0.27 6.466 there was littlec oupling between the param-
0.771 0.40 6.892 eters and the iterative procedure necessary
0.624 0.67 7.292 to find the parameter set leading to the
0.371 1.05 6.860
0.19 5.412
smallest possible sum of squared residuals
converged rapidly. The parameter estimates
195°C and standard deviation estimates of the
2.188 0.78 22.01 rate measurements for n = 2, 3, and 4 are
3.035 0.62 18.79 given in Table 2. Calculated and observed
20.82 0.31 10.87 values are shown in Figs. 1, 2, and 3. It is
1.118 1.03 25.68 seen that Eq. (4) can be fitted to the ex-
0.682 1.78 26.26 perimental points with fair accuracy with
0.371 3.18 25.44
4.30 24.74
n having any of the values 2, 3, and 4. It is,
8.824 0.71 13.12 however, doubtful that n = 2 is really
9.882 0.67 13.00 consistent with the measurements. The
11.82 0.63 12.92 standard deviation estimate for the experi-
14.65 0.55 11.56 mental points is higher than the correspond-
117.6 0.14 4.920 ing estimate when n = 4, although the
significance is weak. It is also apparent
The rate measurements obtained are from Fig. 1 that Eq. (4) with n = 2 cannot
shown in Fig. 1. From this figure it is clear be fitted to the experimental points at the
that only rate expressions of the type two lowest isopropyl alcohol pressures,
n=2 n=3 n=4
Ed ES Ei
i fc* (Cal/mole) k? xi (Cal/mole) kia I< (osl/mole) ki.
where the calculated rates are much smaller taken into account that the rates vary by
than the observed ones (which should a factor of 170 and the isopropyl alcohol
perhaps be even higher at zero conversion). pressures vary by a factor of more than
The values of n, n = 3, or n = 4 in Eq. 3000. It is also a satisfactory result that,
(4) are seen to lead to calculated rate curves when n = 3 or n = 4 in Eq. (4), all adsorp-
which are fully consistent with the rate tion sites are found to contribute to the
points, and it must be considered very dehydrogenation rate, as is seen from the
satisfactory that n = 4 leads to a mean rate constants at 178°C which are given in
percentage deviation between observed and Table 2.
calculaOed rates of only 5.95% when it is It would have been desirable to extend
FIG. 1. Observed and calculated rates at 158”, 178”, and 195°C. The calculated rates have been obtained
from Eq. (4) with n = 2, using the parameter values given in Table 1 of ref. (a) and Table 2 of this paper.
1 10
FIG. 2. Observed and calculated rates at 158”, 178”, and 195°C. The calculated rates have been obtained
from Eq. (4) with n = 3, using the parameter values given in Tables 1 [ref. (S)] and 2.
the pressure range by another factor of 10 to catalyst, because fresh catalyst samples
100 upwards, as this increase of isopropyl exhibit a rapid decline in activity at higher
alcohol pressure is necessary in order to get temperatures (7).
full information about the weakest adsorbing It was pointed out above that the mean
site. A pressure apparatus making this percentage deviation between observed and
possible is under construction. Also the calculated values was 5.95ojn (s = 8.85%).
temperature range could profitably have The true standard deviation of the rate mea-
been extended upwards, but this was not surements at constant catalyst activity is not
possible when working with a nonaged accurately known (it will depend upon the
0.01 0.1 1 10 ml TORR
FIG. 3. Observed and calculated rates at 158’, 17P, and 195°C. The calculated rates have been obtained
from Eq. (4) with n = 4, using the parameter values given in Tables 1 [ref. (@I and 2.
measurements. But all errors in the adsorp- It is apparent from the preceding dis-
t ion parameters in Table 1 of ref. (1) (which cussion that a model assuming that the
have not been varied) will increase the dehydrogenation reaction of isopropyl al-
st’andard deviation estimate from Eq. (4) of cohol on zinc oxide is taking place simul-
t.he experimental rates above the true least- taneously on several (five) sets of active
squares minimum. The two standard de- centers is in complete agreement with the
viation estimates, s = 6-7%, and s = experimental results. The reaction is de-
8.850j0, can therefore be considered to be scribed mathematically by Eq. (4) with
in full agreement. n = 3 or 4 (n = 2 cannot be rigorously
If the experimental rates are expressed as excluded but seems unlikely). According to
molecules transformed per second and gram the model the rate-determining step is a sur-
catalyst, and the values of Woi are expressed face reaction, and in the rate-determining
as sites per gram catalyst, the ~Q’Sand thus step an adsorbed isopropyl alcohol molecule
also the kio’s are seen from Eq. (4) to have reacts simultaneously with two or three
the dimension molecules site -l se+. So far neighboring free active centers (5). Detailed
t’he following units have been used: T, reaction mechanisms in agreement with such
nanomole see-’ rnm2; Woi, mg isopropyl a model can be proposed, but at the present
alcohol adsorbed per gram catalyst. The state of knowledge this is hardly warranted.
rate T is expressed as desired after mul- It is of interest to compare the results
t,iplying by N X S X 10Pg where N is obtained here with results previously ob-
Avogadro’s number and S is the surface tained for the dehydrogenation reaction of
area of the catalyst, which is 52 m2/g (1). set-butyl alcohol over a brass catalyst (3,8).
llYoi is converted to sites g-l by multiplying The brass catalyst had been oxidized in air
by 1.0 X lo-l9 (i.e., molecules isopropyl at 430°C and was then reduced in hydrogen
alcohol per mg). The conversion factor for at the same temperature. It is thus inferred
expressing ki (and k,) in units molecules that the brass was covered by zinc oxide
&e-l se& is thus N X 8 X low9 X lo-l9 = (possibly mixed with copper oxide) and
3.13 X 10P3. The values of the lci<s have copper. The presence of zinc oxide makes
been calculated in these units and they were a similarity with a pure zinc oxide catalyst
found to be of the order of magnitude 1014 likely. It is therefore to be expected that the
molecules/site sec. [The mean value (geo- reaction mechanism of dehydrogenation of
metric) of the five sites was found to be 0.5 X see-butyl alcohol over a brass catalyst will
1014molecules site-’ se+ when n = 4.1 This be similar to the reaction mechanism of
is the same order of magnitude as the vi- dehydrogenation of isopropyl alcohol over
brational frequencies of hydrogen atoms in a zinc oxide catalyst. This expectation is in
molecules, which are known from infrared fact in agreement with the results obtained