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Printed in Great Britain. 0 1992 Prrsaroon Press Ltd
Departamento de Ingenieriade Procesos e Hidraulica, Universidad Autbnoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa,
Apartado Postal 55-532, Mexico 13, DF 09340, Mexico
Abstract-A model based on the shrinking-core principle is presented for three cases of oxidative metal
leaching from nonporous mineral particles. Several limitations inherent in the assumptions of the tradi-
tional shrinking-core model, such as those of oxidation agent in excess and first-orderirreversiblekinetics,
are overcome. In each case, an unconventional behavior observed in experimental data is explained
through numerical leaching simulations.
If complexing reactions occur in the solution, these The reaction rate expression (RRE) may assume any
are considered to be very fast compared to the leach- irreversible or reversible form as long as the diffusion
ing reaction, and eq. (1) may be used to describe the of all species included in the RRE are described. If,
diffusion of the total chemical species through the instead, local equilibrium is chosen as the boundary
inert layer (Lapidus, 1991). condition, eq. (6) would be replaced by the thermo-
The initial conditions correspond to the total con- dynamic equilibrium constant, and the fluxes of the
centration of species i added to the system and the different components at the reaction boundary would
equivalence of the two radii: be related through the stoichiometric coefficients of
the oxidation reaction.
for t = 0,
The core-shrinkage rate may be described by a ma-
ci = cp (2) terial balance with respect to the flux of the desired
metal, species j:
R, = R,. (3)
Di dci
For t > 0 in the bulk solution, a material balance
dt biPM aR R.
must be made for the consumption or production of
each reacting species. This balance is related to the where
percentage of solids in the system in the following
pm = molar density of the desired metal in the
cf = 60 +b. E;pI %. x The conversion of the desired metal is related to the
position of the shrinking core by the following expres-
= c;O + b*aX (4) sion (Levenspiel, 1972):
0 Fet3 - 0.00625 M
A Fet3 = 0.0125 M
o Fet3 - O-0260 M
* Fet3 = 0.0870 M .w
_A I
Fig.1. Sphalerite leaching with ferric chloride. Experimental data reported by Palacios er al. (1989) at 80°C
and plotted as the reaction control function of the traditional SCM, 1 - (1 - X)“j vs time in minutes.
= 0.097 M
0 Fe+3 = 0.025 M
- 0.00326 M
Fig. 2. Sphalerite leaching with ferric chloride. Model simulations compared with the experimental data of
Palacios et al. (1989) plotted as fractional conversion, X, vs time in minutes.
where At R,.
X = fractional conversion or extraction of silver. K, = h,CNdz (cOW)2(~HzO+)
= 2.98 x lo8 (20)
At the reaction boundary, local equilibrium for the b~)(‘kN)~
on-0 0.01 0-W 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.10
Fe+3 ooncerttrotion. M
Fig. 3. Sphaleriteleaching with ferricchloride. Estimated rate constants, k. for assumed reaction orders of
0 and I/t as a function of ferric ion concentration in mol/l.
I mu
0-Q zesi___
X 0.5
0.0 0.5 I .o 3.5 4.0
DMEr&&-: TIblE5WRg
Fig. 4. Silver leaching with cyanide. Model simulationsshowing the et%ct of the initial solution pH on the
extraction of silver from a 200 g/ton mineral as fractional conversion, X, vs dimensionless time, Dt/Rf .
The numerical results show that metallic silver it should be expected at pH values below about 2.5,
leaching is reduced for values of pH both above and where hydroxide complexing of the ferric ion is insig-
below 12 at low effective concentrations of sodium nificant, that the silver extraction would be inde-
cyanide (0.20 kg/ton mineral, which corresponds to pendent of the acid concentration in solution. How-
approximately 10% more cyanide than the stoichio- ever, Tellez et al. (1986) observed a pronounced effect
metric amount necessary to leach all of the silver). At vriithargentite similar to that observed for gold. This
pH 10, this behavior is principally due to the lower behavior has been attributed to a secondary oxidation
concentration of free cyanide in solution, while at pH reaction by an oxidized species of thiourea, for-
14 it is due to the high hydroxide concentration. In mamidine disulfide, whose reduction is favored by
both of these cases, equilibrium is reached in the bulk increased acid concentration (Groenwald, 1975).
solution. In all of the simulations at this concentration This and other observations, such as the unconven-
of cyanide, evidence exists from the concentration tional dependence of the extraction rate on the ferric
profiles that there is a change in the rate-controlling ion concentration, are evidence that the complexing
step from oxygen diffusion at small times to product phenomena occurring in the solution should necessar-
diffusion at large times (Fig. 5). ily be taken into account when modelling the leaching
A low effective cyanide concentration, similar to the kinetics (Hiskey, 1981).
one presented here, presents itself for the case of In the present system, local equilibrium is con-
highly oxidized minerals which contain large amounts sidered at the reaction boundary because the
of cyanicide metals. This behavior is not observed oxidative reaction rate for eq. (26) has been proved to
with gold probably due to the higher equilibrium be very fast (Chen et al., 1980). Additionally, it is
constant of the oxidation reaction, K, = 8.4 x lOi assumed that, in the entire solution phase, the follow-
(Lapidus, 1988). ing spontaneous equilibria exist:
Case III: argentite leaching with ferric sulfate and Fe3+ + SOg-*FeS04+ (27)
H+ + SO:--=HSO; (28)
The thiourea and ferric sulfate system has been
considered as an alternative to cyanidation for silver Fe’+ + SO:-Z$F~SO, (29)
extraction from minerals and concentrates. However,
Fe3+ + SOf- + CS(NH2)s~FeS04CS(NH& (30)
due to the complexity of this system, its kinetic behav-
ior cannot be described by simple models which 2Fe3+ + 2CS(NH&e2Fe2+ + 2H+
would allow optimization. For example, the principal
+ (NH,)NHC-SSCNH(NH,) (31)
oxidation reaction may be written as follows:
Ag+ + CS(NH,),=AgCS(NH,): (32)
Ag,S + 2Fe3+ + 6CS(NH,),=2Ag[CS(NH,),];
Ag+ + 2CS(NH,),=Ag[CS(NH,),]: (33)
+ 2Fe2 * + So. (26)
Ag+ + 3CS(NH,),=Ag[CS(NH,),]: (34)
As may be observed, in the above reaction there is no
direct dependence on the solution pH. Consequently, Ag’ + 4CS(NH,),=Ag[CS(NH,),]:. (35)
0.8 -
0.3 -
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.Q 1.0
5 = Fe2+ 12 = Ag+
6 = Ag[CS(NH,),],+ 13 = Ag[CS(NH2)J+
X = fractional conversion
7 = FeSOZ 14 = Ag[CS(NH,)J: for t z- 0, at R = R,
15 = Ag[CS(NH,)Jf.
Because the concentrations of the different species G! =2 (52)
depend on the local chemical environment at each
point in the inert layer, it is more convenient to
flux [F-r] = 0 (53)
calculate the diffusion of the total element or func- flux [ST] = 0 (54)
tional group. In this manner, the complexing reac-
flux [TTI = 0 (55)
tions cancel each other out, and the formation of
a given species from another is automatically taken flux [ATI = - flux [PT-J (56)
into consideration. With this purpose in mind, the
following functional groups may be used for this sys-
tem: flux [zT] = c Di(dci/cYR)
total iron = [FT] = ci + cg + c7 + cs + cl1 (36)
total sulfate = [ST-J = c2 + c, + cs + cg + c1 1 (37) i = species that contains the element or functional
total thiourea = LTl”l = ca + 2cs + cs
The equation for the core-shrinkage rate in this
+ 2ClO + Cl3 + 3c14 + 4c15 (38) system is
total oxidating agent = [ATI = c1 + c, + cg + 2c,,
pnr $$ = flux[PT-J I&. (57)
total silver = [pT7 = c6 + c,~ + clj + cl4 + ~~5. The system of equations was solved for 80 pm par-
WI ticles of a nonporous mineral with 200 gAg/ton at
25% solids. The results of the leach simulation using
Therefore, eq. (1) would assume the following form
a solution of 0.03 M thiourea and 0.003 M ferric sul-
for the diffusion of total iron:
fate for pH 1, 1.5 and 1.9 appear in Fig. 6 as fractional
m--l conversion vs dimensionless time, D 1t/R:. As may he
Eat Dl$f+D5$f+D,~ observed, the difference in the extraction rates at the
different pH values is appreciable.
aG3 ac11 Another interesting effect may be seen in Fig. 7
+Ds~+DlldR . where the simulated leaching behavior is presented for
the same system at pH 1 and 0.03 M thiourea at
The differential equations for the remaining four func-
different concentrations of ferric sulfate. The leaching
tional groups ([ST-J, [TIJ, [ATI and [pT7) are ana-
rate is actually lower at the highest ferric ion concen-
tration than that observed at the intermediate concen-
The initial and boundary conditions for the five
trations. The effect is due to complexing of ferric ion,
diffusion equations are as follows:
eq. (30), which leaves less free thiourea in solution. As
for t = 0, can be expected, this tendency disappears at higher
thiourea concentrations.
[FTI = [FTI initial = [FTjO (41)
I _o _______A----
0.8 -
__.-__-- ___---
0.8 -
Rgx pH - 1 .?/.-*---- ____‘_----&.--w - 1.5
0.7 - ,._- */-
d/S /*r
__-_ _/- -H^
0.6 - *’ -0 _---
.- _-
*’ r-
.’ .. ,/--
x ox- ,’ .* *- ----G w - 1-Q
,I ,* ,y
,’ ,’ _A
,,’ /’ ,I
0.4 - ,’
.,’ ,’ .’
0.3 - ;*;fl’,,-
0.2 -
0.1 $
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Fig. 6. Argentite leaching using 0.003 M ferricsulfate and 0.03 M thiourea. Model simulations at different
values of the solution pH plotted as fractional conversion, X, vs dimensionless time, Da&/R;.
I .o-
0-Q -
- 0.002 M
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0
Fig. 7. Argentite leaching using 0.03 M thiourea at pH = 1. Model simulations for different ferric ion
concentrations plotted as fractional conversion, X, vs dimensionless time, Da tfRf.
taken into account with the methods employed. Fur- ing its sign, in the oxidation reaction with
thermore, it is possible to extend the same procedure respect to that of the desired metal product
used in the development of these models to other %J concentration of species i
leaching systems where complex kinetics are involved. Ci initial concentration of species i
Di effective diffusivity of species i
Acknowledgements-The author wishes to thank Dr Susana F weight fraction of the desired metal in the
Ortiz of Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medi- mineral
cine for her assistance in the conceptualization of these
P--l total concentration of iron
models, and Drs Jesus Alvarez and Jose de Jesus Alvarez for
their helpful suggestions on numerical computations. hi external mass transfer coefficient
k oxidation reaction rate constant
MW molecular weight of the desired metal
CpT7 total concentration of silver
f3-U total concentration of oxidizing agent RC radius of the shrinking core (oxidation reac-
bi stoichiometric coefficient of species i, includ- tion boundary)
Mathematical modelling of metal leaching in nonporous minerals 1941