Infinity RECON
Infinity RECON
Infinity RECON
Table of Contents
PLAY AREA…………………………………….3
- Lists are built to 150 army points with all the normal restrictions for SWC, Remotes, etc. in
- No named Characters may be included in a Recon Team. They’re busy elsewhere!
- Only half your total Strike Team models may be Impetuous. They’re far too much of a liability
to the mission to bring too many along!
- You may include one model with 2 or more Wounds/Structure for every three other models in
your Recon Team. Heavy units are far too hard to deploy quickly without adequate support.
- Only a single Fireteam (Core or Haris or Duo or Triad or Enomotarchos) may be included in
the list. It may contain a maximum of 3 members and may not be reformed to more than 3.
Special Operation teams must be independent by nature and so cut back on the number of
members that use team tactics.
- You may only bring a single Combat Group. More than one can break down mission
communication with too many lines of reporting!
- Infinity: RECON games are played on a play surface 24 inches wide by 36 inches deep. This
is (conveniently) precisely the size of any of the Mototronica or other terrain sets available
from Corvus Belli and makes Infninity: RECON a great starting point for expanding what
you’ve purchased in an Army box or the Operation: Icestorm starter set. They can also be
played on a 36 inch by 36 inch play area. All Scenarios are written with objective placement
adjusting to this should need be. Just follow the setup instructions.
- Deployment Zones are 6 inches from that players table edge.
- Terrain should be set up liberally, without long fire lanes and with at least one terrain piece
touching each board edge to prevent fire-lanes that cross the entire board.
All the Infinity: RECON missions follow all the rules for scoring, specialists, etc. from ITS in
regards to HVTs, etc. Classified Objectives are not used, however some Scenarios may require
you to interact with the enemy HVT. HVTs are only deployed if the Mission calls for it and may
deployed anywhere in the players half of the table, at least 6 inches outside their deployment
Have more Synchronized Civilians in CivEvac Players must consider the Exclusion Zone to be a
state than the adversary at the end of the game Saturation Zone and a Difficult Terrain Zone. Troopers
(1 Objective Point).
possessing the Terrain (any type) or Multiterrain Special
Skill can apply it to avoid the effects of the Difficult Terrain
Have the same amount of Synchronized Zone.
Civilians in CivEvac state in the player’s own
Dead Zone as the adversary in his Dead Zone at DEAD ZONES
the end of the game (2 Objective Points, only if
There are two Dead Zones on the battlefield, 4 inches deep
the player has at least 1 Civilian in such state in
be- tween the Deployment Zone and the Exclusion Zone
the Dead Zone).
(see the map below).
Have more Synchronized Civilians in CivEvac The Dead Zone of each player is the one in his half of the
state in the player’s own Dead Zone than the table.
adversary in his Dead Zone at the end of the
game (3 Objective Points).
Have more Synchronized Civilians in CivEvac There are a total of four Civilians on the game table, two of
state in the player’s own Deployment Zone than them belonging to each player.
the adversary in his Deployment Zone at the end
of the game (4 Objective Points). Each player will place his two Civilians inside the Exclusion
Zone, but in base contact with the limit of the enemy Dead
Zone, in the adversary’s half of the table. Each one is
placed 8 inches from either side edge and 26 inches from
the owning players deployment zone.
To secure the enemy HVT (2 Objective Points)
Players cannot place their Civilians either on top of or
inside of any Scenery Item or Building, always deploying it
in an accessible location on the table. Scenery placement
Both players will deploy opposite each other in a must facilitate this.
standard Deployment Zone 6 inches deep.
Players can only Synchronize their own Civilians.
EXCLUSION ZONE In this scenario, Specialist Troops can have up to two
Civilians in CivEvac state at the same time. Other troops
Troopers may not use the Airborne Deployment, able to declare Synchronize Civilian can have only one
Forward Deployment, Mechanized Deployment, or Civilian in such state.
Infiltration Special Skills or the deployment rule of the
Impersonation Special Skill to deploy inside of an 8 Players can use any model from the Infinity or the Infinity
inch area on either side of the central line of the Boot- leg range, preferably those designated as HVT or as
game table. The Exclusion Zone is not applied to a Civilian. Good examples of this are the O-12 High
troopers that suffer Dispersion. Commissioner, the Tohaa Diplomat, Go-Go Marlene, the
Fusilier Angus, the TAG Pilots, the VIP Executive or the
It is not allowed to deploy in base to base contact HAZMAT A1 Specialist. Players can also use the Player A
and Player B Markers to identify or even represent their
with a Civilian.
Troops with the Specialist Operative Special Skill can
accomplish the different functions Specialist Troops
have in this scenario.
The Supply Box must be represented by a Supply Box CONTROLLING THE SUPPLY BOXES
Marker, or a similar scenery item (Such as the Tech
Crates by Micro Art Studio, the Gang Tie Containers A Supply Box is considered to be Controlled by a
by Bandua Wargames, the Supply Boxes by Warsenal player if, at the end of the game, that player has a
or the Cargo Crates by Customeeple) model, but not a Marker, carrying it. That trooper
cannot be in a Null state and in base contact with any
enemy figure.