Mecha HEX - Core Rules

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General Principles Activation Shooting

The most important rule: Whenever the
rules are unclear, use common sense and The active player picks one model and it
must perform one of the following actions: Models that have range and line of sight to a
personal preference. Have fun!
target in their front arc may shoot all
Modifiers: Regardless of modifiers, rolls of 6 Speed Points
Action weapons after moving, but only if they didn't
are always successes, and rolls of 1 are
always fails. Hold * 0 use a cruise or ram action this round.
Move Move
Cruise Cruise To Hit: The attacker rolls as many dice as the
Ram † Cruise weapon's attacks, trying to score the target's
The Battlefield: The game is played on a evasion value (Eva). For each die that rolls
* Structures must only take Hold actions.
flat 15 x 17 hex surface, with at least 5-10 equal or higher, the target takes one hit. If the
† Vehicles can’t ram and return no damage.
pieces of terrain on it, placed according to target is being shot in the rear, then you get
the mission or player agreement. Make sure +1 to hit. If your target is 1 level or more
Movement: A model may use as many Speed
you and your opponent agree on what below you, you get +1 to hit. If your target is
constitutes different terrain types and points as their chosen movement allows
during their activation. A model may enter a 1 level or more above you, you get -1 to hit.
elevation levels on your map. (Note: For
non-hex maps, 1 speed point = 1 hex = 2", hex for 1 speed, may pivot 1 face for 1 speed,
and may back up for 2 speed. Going up 1 To Block: The defender rolls as many dice as
1 face = 60°.)
level in elevation costs an additional 1 speed,hits, trying to score its toughness (Tou) value
The Armies: The players put together two and each model may only move up 1 level as or higher, and for each failed roll the target
armies of equal point cost (we recommend it enters a new hex. Falling costs 0 speed. takes 1 damage. The defender gets -X to each
starting with 200pts per player), and may Models may not move off the board. roll, where X is the total strength value of the
only have as many vehicles as total mecha. attacking weapon. If the target is being shot
Players may use any assets from the core Falling: If a model drops more than 1 level in in the rear, then it gets an additional -1 to
rules, as well as choose one faction from a movement for any reason, it takes 1 point of each roll.
which to take faction-specific assets. damage per level past the first.

Overlapping: If a model would overlap Damage: Models must assign damage to one
Initiative: The players must roll-off, and
another model at any point during or at of their upgrades, and must continue
the winner counts as having the initiative.
the end of a move except a ram, then it must assigning damage to that upgrade until it is
Mission: Prepare D3+1 objectives, and adjust its movement so that it does not disabled. Upgrades are disabled after taking
then players alternate in placing one marker overlap any models. as many damage as upgrade slots, and if all of
each over 5 hexes away from the table a model's upgrades are disabled it is
edge, deployment zones, and other Easy Target: Models shooting at units that destroyed (remove from play).
objectives, starting with the player with used a Hold action always hit on 2+ until the
initiative. If a mecha moves over a marker, unit moves again. Morale
remove the marker from the table and it is
now carried by that mecha. If that mecha is Model Height: Mecha models are typically 2 If at the end of any round an army is down to
removed from play, then the marker is levels high, while vehicles are typically 1 level half or less of its starting mecha, then all
dropped on the spot and is available to be high. Be sure to confirm with your opponent mecha must take a morale test. Roll a D6, add
taken. The game ends after 4 rounds, and how tall a level is before the game begins! the number of non-disabled upgrades the
the player with the most markers wins. mecha still has, and if the result is 6+ the
Jump: Models that can Jump may Jump with morale test is passed. If failed, then the
Deployment: The player with initiative picks any movement. A Jumping model may ignore mecha surrenders and is removed from play.
one table edge as their deployment zone, the Overlapping rule, aren't affected by terrain Vehicles don’t have to take a morale test, and
with their opponent taking the opposite. they pass over, and count as being 1 level if all mecha have surrendered or are
Then the players alternate in placing all above the hexes they enter. Models that Jump destroyed, then all of the vehicles surrender
mecha within 5 hex of their table edge, must Fall to the hex they entered last, as well.
starting with the initiative player, and then reducing all Falling damage to 1, facing any
they do the same thing but with all of their direction. Until its next activation, the model Terrain
vehicles. gains Cover, Reinforced Frame, Reinforced
Hydraulics, and all weapons gain Indirect. Cover Terrain: Models that shoot through
cover terrain get -1 to hit rolls.
Playing the Game
Ramming: A Ramming model must end it's
The game is played in rounds, with the movement overlapping the target model, and Difficult Terrain: Models entering a Difficult
players alternating in activating models in both models take 1 damage. For every three Terrain hex must spend an additional Speed
six phases. The initiative player starts in total upgrade slots either model is below the Point to enter (but not to pivot once on it).
each new phase, with the initiative passing other, that model takes +1 damage. Both
to the other player every round. In each models take any Falling Damage. Whichever Blocking Terrain: Models can’t move through
phase, all models of that type must be model takes more total damage moves 1 hex, blocking terrain, and models that are pushed
activated before moving to the next phase, the other player's choice of direction. (In case into it stop and take 1 damage.
in the following order: of a tie, or if ramming a Structure, the ramming
1. Vehicles Phase player moves their model 1 hex.) If there is no
Dangerous Terrain: Models that enter a
2. Light Mecha Phase available hex to move into, that model must
dangerous terrain hex must stop and take 1
3. Medium Mecha Phase Ram into an adjacent hex of their choice.
4. Heavy Mecha Phase
5. Assault Mecha Phase Warfleets:FTL Design: Gaetano Ferrara
6. Structures Phase Warfleets:FTL Makeover: Mark Bell
Army Creation Heroes More Weapons
Heroes/Titles: Mecha (only mecha) can take Tactical Master (15pts): May choose not to
be deployed at the start of the game, but Close Missiles: 3 hex / Att 2 / Str 2 / Slot 1
heroes and titles by adding their cost to the Special: Ammo Box, Deadly
mecha's total cost. Each hero may only be instead may be deployed anywhere over
5 hexes away from enemies at the start of any
taken once per army, only one hero per 200 round after the first. Medium Missiles: 6 hex / Att 2 / Str 1 / Slot 1
points in the army, and each mecha may Special: Ammo Box, Deadly
only have one hero and one title. Ace Pilot (10pts): This mecha gains Rogue.
Long Missiles: 9 hex / Att 4 / Str 1 / Slot 2
Ace Custom (10pts): This mecha gains a Special: Ammo Box, Indirect
Upgrades: Players must assign each
single upgrade slot in any location.
model with as many Upgrades and Weapons Artillery Missile: 12 hex / Att 4 / Str 2 / Slot 3
as they can take. Note that unlike heroes and Titles Special: Ammo Box, Blast, Indirect
titles, all Weapons and Upgrades are free. Heavy Gatling: 3 hex / Att 6 / Str 2 / Slot 3
Upgrades must be mounted in a specific Vanguard (10pts): When deployed, the unit Special: Ammo Box, Deadly
location, each location has limited slots, and may immediately take a Move action.
some upgrades take multiple slots. Any Medium Gatling: 6 hex / Att 4 / Str 2 / Slot 1
Avenger (5pts): One weapon upgrade gains Special: Ammo Box, Relentless
model with divided upgrades are counted as Relentless.
having Torso/Arm/Arm locations. Models Light Gatling: 9 hex / Att 2 / Str 1 / Slot 1
Defiant (5pts): Whenever a friendly mecha Special: Ammo Box, Deadly
may only take one of any Upgrade, but up to within 6" is destroyed, you may remove 2
two of any Weapon. damage from this mecha. Rail Gun: 12 hex / Att 4 / Str 2 / Slot 3
Special: Ammo Box, Deadly
Ships & Squadrons Upgrades
Assault Mecha - 100pts Special Rules
Boost Jets: This model may Jump when
• Speed: Move 2 hex / Cruise 3 hex taking a move action. Mecha Only. Ammo Box: The first time in a round that a
• Defense: Eva 2+ / Tou 2+ 1 upgrade slot for Light/Medium Mecha, model assigns damage to an upgrade with
• Upgrades: 13 (5/4/4) 2 for Heavy Mecha, 3 for Assault Mecha. Ammo Box, assign +1 damage.
Experimental Armor: When taking a point Armored: This model must take an Extra
Heavy Mecha - 80pts of damage roll one die, on a result of 5+ the Armor upgrade.
• Speed: Move 3 hex / Cruise 5 hex damage is ignored. 2 upgrade slots.
• Defense: Eva 3+ / Tou 3+ Blast: When firing a weapon with this
• Upgrades: 10 (4/3/3) Extra Armor: This upgrade takes 3 damage special rule, if the target is hit, then all
to be disabled. 1 upgrade slot. models within 2 hexes of it are also hit
Medium Mecha - 60pts (friendly or enemy).
Heat Sinks: Cancel up to 3 Overheat
• Speed: Move 4 hex / Cruise 6 hex results per activation. 1 upgrade slot. Deadly: Weapons with this special rule
• Defense: Eva 4+ / Tou 4+ always deal +1 damage per hit.
• Upgrades: 7 (3/2/2) High Tuned Engine: Gets +1 hex on move
and +2 hexes on cruise/ram actions. 1 Indirect: Weapons with this special rule
upgrade slot for Light Mecha/Medium may shoot at enemies that are not in line of
Light Mecha - 40 pts Mecha/Vehicles, 2 for Heavy/Assault Mecha. sight and ignore cover from sight
• Speed: Move 5 hex / Cruise 8 hex obstructions, however they get -1 to hit
• Defense: Eva 5+ / Tou 5+ Melee Optimized: Deals +1 damage when when shooting after moving.
• Upgrades: 4 (2/1/1) ramming or being rammed. Mecha Only, 1
upgrade slot. Landing Zone: This structure may have
Ground Vehicle - 10 pts models end their activations on top,
Reinforced Frame: Take -1 damage when overriding the usual restriction on
• Speed: Move 5 hex / Cruise 8 hex ramming or being rammed. Mecha Only, overlapping models.
• Defense: Eva 5+ / Tou 5+ 1 upgrade slot.
• Upgrades: 1 NPC: NPC models are not intended to be
• Special: Turret Reinforced Hydraulics: Enemy models are taken by a player for their army, but to
pushed by +1 hex when rammed by instead represent terrain structures on the
this model. Mecha Only, 1 upgrade slot. board that may be targeted and destroyed.
Heavy Vehicle - 20 pts
• Speed: Move 4 hex / Cruise 6 hex RAM Armor: The model always counts as Overheating: Every 1 rolled to hit when
• Defense: Eva 4+ / Tou 4+ being in cover when targeted from over firing a weapon with this special rule counts
• Upgrades: 2 6 hexes away. 2 upgrade slots. as an Overheat result. If a unit suffers an
• Special: Armored, Turret Overheat result, it suffers one wound and,
Weapons once per activation, destroys a Heatsink.
Armed Structure - 20 pts Relentless: When firing a weapon with this
Small Laser: 3 hex / Att 4 / Str 0 / Slot 1
• Defense: Eva 2+ / Tou 4+ Special: Relentless special rule, this weapon may split its attacks
• Upgrades: 3 to fire at different targets. Note that all targets
must be declared before shooting, and may
• Special: Armored, Turret Medium Laser: 6 hex / Att 2 / Str 1 / Slot 1
not be changed once you roll to hit.
Special: Deadly, Overheating
Unarmed Structure - 0pts Rogue: Models with this special rule may be
Heavy Laser: 9 hex / Att 3 / Str 2 / Slot 2
• Defense: Eva 2+ / Tou 5+ Special: Deadly, Overheating activated during other phases than it’s
• Upgrades: 1 normal phase, but may only either move or
shoot when doing so.
• Special: Armored, Landing Zone, NPC Particle Cannon: 12 hex / Att 4 / Str 2 / Slot 3
Special: Deadly, Overheating
Turret: Models with this special rule may fire
Fortified Structure - 0pts its weapon upgrades in any direction,
• Defense: Eva 2+ / Tou 2+ ignoring facing.
• Upgrades: 1
• Special: Armored, NPC
Army Name: Points:


Spd: Eva: Tou: Spd: Eva: Tou:

Torso Upgrades LArm Upgrades RArm Upgrades Torso Upgrades LArm Upgrades RArm Upgrades


Spd: Eva: Tou: Spd: Eva: Tou:

Torso Upgrades LArm Upgrades RArm Upgrades Torso Upgrades LArm Upgrades RArm Upgrades


Spd: Eva: Tou: Spd: Eva: Tou:

Upgrades Upgrades


Spd: Eva: Tou: Spd: Eva: Tou:

Upgrades Upgrades
‌ lay‌S
‌ heets‌
Mecha:‌ P
‌ ts:‌ Mecha:‌ P
‌ ts:‌
Spd‌ Eva‌ Tou‌ Spd‌ Eva‌ Tou‌

Torso‌‌Upgrades‌ RArm‌‌Upgrades‌ LArm‌‌Upgrades‌ Torso‌‌Upgrades‌ RArm‌‌Upgrades‌ LArm‌‌Upgrades‌

Mecha:‌ P
‌ ts:‌ Mecha:‌ P
‌ ts:‌
Spd‌ Eva‌ Tou‌ Spd‌ Eva‌ Tou‌

Torso‌‌Upgrades‌ RArm‌‌Upgrades‌ LArm‌‌Upgrades‌ Torso‌‌Upgrades‌ RArm‌‌Upgrades‌ LArm‌‌Upgrades‌

Mecha:‌ P
‌ ts:‌ Mecha:‌ P
‌ ts:‌
Spd‌ Eva‌ Tou‌ Spd‌ Eva‌ Tou‌

Torso‌‌Upgrades‌ RArm‌‌Upgrades‌ LArm‌‌Upgrades‌ Torso‌‌Upgrades‌ RArm‌‌Upgrades‌ LArm‌‌Upgrades‌

Mecha:‌ P
‌ ts:‌ Mecha:‌ P
‌ ts:‌
Spd‌ Eva‌ Tou‌ Spd‌ Eva‌ Tou‌

Torso‌‌Upgrades‌ RArm‌‌Upgrades‌ LArm‌‌Upgrades‌ Torso‌‌Upgrades‌ RArm‌‌Upgrades‌ LArm‌‌Upgrades‌

‌ lay‌S
‌ heet‌B
‌ acks‌
Mecha:‌ P
‌ ts:‌ Mecha:‌ P
‌ ts:‌
Upgrade‌‌References:‌ Upgrade‌‌References:‌

Mecha:‌ P
‌ ts:‌ Mecha:‌ P
‌ ts:‌
Upgrade‌‌References:‌ Upgrade‌‌References:‌

Mecha:‌ P
‌ ts:‌ Mecha:‌ P
‌ ts:‌
Upgrade‌‌References:‌ Upgrade‌‌References:‌

Mecha:‌ P
‌ ts:‌ Mecha:‌ P
‌ ts:‌
Upgrade‌‌References:‌ Upgrade‌‌References:‌

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