Chapter III Final

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Chapter III


This chapter presents the methods and procedures that the researchers used in

conductive the research. This part includes research design, research locale, research

instrument and data gathering procedure.

Research Design

The research design that the researcher used in the study is qualitative research

design, specifically, phenomenological research design. According to De Franzo (2011),

qualitative research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding

of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. De Franzo further stated that qualitative

research design provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or

hypothesis for potential quantitative research. She further stated that qualitative research

design is also used to uncover trends in thought and opinions to the researchers and

helps them dive deeper into the problem.

Janet Waters (2017), in her article, Phenomenological Research Guidelines,

stated that the goal of qualitative phenomenological research is “to described a lived

experience of a phenomenon”. Furthermore, Waters stated that described in a

Phenomenological Research, you are focused on meaning, the meaning of the

experience, behavior, and narrative.

Research Locale

The research study was conducted in Ireneo National High School, Quirino

Avenue, General Santos City and General Santos National School of Arts & Trade, Leon

Llido St. Lagao, General Santos City.

Research Subject

In selecting identifying the key informants, the researchers used the non-

probability sampling design, specifically purposive or judgment sampling design.

Nonprobability sampling is method of sampling wherein, it is not known that which

individual from the population will be selected as a sample (Surbhi 2016.)

Surbhi further stated that all the individuals of the universe are not given an equal

opportunity of becoming a part of the sample, the method is said to be non-probability


Ashley Crossman (2017), on the other hand, in her article, Understanding

Purposive Sampling: An Overview of the method and its applications, identified purposive

sampling design as a “sample that is selected based on characteristics of the population

and the objective of the study”. Purposive sampling is also known as judgmental,

selective, or subjective sampling.

Research Instrument

The instrument used in this study is semi-structured interview. In interviewing the

key informants, the researchers used individual interview, specifically, the method of face

to face interview in gathering data.

Semi-structured interview, according to Doyle (2017), is an interview in which the

interviewer does not strictly follow a standard or formalized set of questions. Often more,

Doyle stated that interviewers, in Semi-structured interview, will ask more open needed

questions rather than straightforward questions.

According to Sincero (2012), in her article, Personal Interview Survey, face

interview can also be called “personal interview”. She also defined face to face interview

as a method of probing answers to the respondents, at the same time, observing their


Also, the method of observation that the researcher used is the qualitative

observation. In observing and studying the behavior of the key informants, the

researchers will use the participant observation, a type of qualitative observation.

Qualitative observation, according to Emelda M. (2017), is a subjective gathering

of information which focuses more on differences in quality rather than differences in

quantity, furthermore, it involves fewer participants because it is more concerned on

bringing out and knowing details about each participant which its more easily than in fewer

subjects and it is done through interviews and passive or in-depth observation. Moreover,

it is conducted on a more personal level requiring the researcher to build the confidence

of the participants in him so that they will readily provide him with the information he


Crossman (2017), on the other hand, stated that the participants observation

method is a method in which a sociologist actually become a part of the group they are

studying in order to collect data and understand a social phenomenon or a problem.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers first asked permission to the principal and subject teacher of

Practical Research 1 to conduct the research. Right after obtaining the virtue to conduct

the research, the researcher were up to an initial interview with the cookery assessor to

determine possible key informants.

After identifying the key informants, the researchers settled a place and date to

where they conducted the in-depth interview with their key informants.

Also, the researchers observed the behavior of the key informants. The researcher

took part in the observation.

Right after gathering data, the researcher conducted the phase of the analyzing

every detail collected and arranged them into common themes. After arranging the

common themes of the data, the researchers filtered every datum to get the saturation

point of the research to come up with a conclusive factual answer.

Data Analysis

Gathered data were analyzed and interpreted accordingly from the key informant’s

statement. After gathering the data the researchers will now analyze the gathered data in

common themes. After arranging the data into its common themes, the researcher will

get the saturation point of the interview to come up with solid and factual answer.

“Saturation point is difficult concept to define, but has come to be associated with

the point in a qualitative research project when there is enough data ensures the

researcher question can be answered” (Bowen, 2008).

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