Surveyor's Report For Motor Insurance
Surveyor's Report For Motor Insurance
Surveyor's Report For Motor Insurance
Motor Insurance
Submitted To
Siddhartha Insurance Limited
Babarmahal, Kathmandu
Submitted By
Er. Bishworam Parajuli
Lalitpur Metropilitan City Ward No.-28, Lalitpur, Nepal
Contact : 985117019 (Cell)
This Report is issued without prejudice, in respect of cause nature and extent of loss/damage
and subject to the terms and conditions of the Insurance Policy.
Driving Licence
: 06-312481
Validity of
Driver Liscence : 2077-09-05
Licence Type and
: A,K
Endorsement on :
Licence If any
Reported to police : N/A
Name of Police
6.0 Report : N/A
Report Date : N/A
Registration No. : N/A
Details of Make and Model : N/A
TP Vehicle Year of
: N/A
details of Insured : N/A
8.0 Injury Death/Injury
Details details of TP : N/A
Third Party
: N/A
Property Damage
c) Glass Items:
S. No. Particulars Qty. Rate Claimed Amt. Assessed Amt. Remarks
Sub total ( c ) - -
VAT 13% -
Total -
Total of A (a+b+c) 82,302.00 -
B. Labor Charges:
S. No. Particulars Qty.Unit. Rate Claimed Amt. Assessed Amt. Remarks
1 Fr chassis Repair 1 Pc 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
2 Lh beam Repair 1 Pc 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,000.00
3 Born Hood Dent 1 Pc 15,500.00 15,500.00 950.00 o/f Charge
4 Dash board panel sub-assy,Repair 1 Pc 14,000.00 14,000.00
5 Bishworam
Er. Fr Door Ass/Disass 1 Pc
Parajuli Insurance SurveyorSurvey 900.00no. 852/074/075Lalitpur-28,
License 900.00 Lalitpue, Ph
6 9851017019
no. Dash board 1 Pc 15,000.00 15,000.00
7 Born Hood 1 Pc 1,800.00 1,800.00
8 Radiator grill 1 Pc 1,900.00 1,900.00
9 Head Light 1 Pc 1,000.00 1,000.00
10 Bumper 1 Pc 1,000.00 1,000.00
11 Painting 1 Pc 9,000.00 9,000.00
12 Wiring Charge 1 Pc 4,500.00 4,500.00
Total 74,400.00 9,950.00
VAT 13% 1,293.50
Total of 'B' 11,243.50
Total of A + B(Insured Vehicle) 11,243.50
Thus, the entire total loss due to accident is assessed Rs. 11243.5 out of Quoted Amount
NRs. : 160900
All the Photographs are attached herewith
17.1 Keeping in view with the nature of accident and as per version of the claimant, the loss is
confirmed due to accident, which is observed.
17.2 The above statement is complete to the best of our knowledge and belief.
17.3 The above loss-assessed amount is strictly subject to the Insurance Policy's Terms & Conditions
and insurance company's approval only.
17.4 Every possible care was to note down all visual damage however if any internal items remain
Er. Bishworam Parajuli
Insurance Surveyor
Survey License No. 852/074/75
Er. Bishworam Parajuli Insurance SurveyorSurvey License no. 852/074/075Lalitpur-28, Lalitpue, Ph
no. 9851017019
o/f Charge
Motor Survey Photographs 7
Motor Survey Photographs 8
Motor Survey Photographs 9
Date:- Date:-
Bill No.: 138 Bill No.: 138
Customer Name: Siddhartha Insurance Limited Customer Name: Siddhartha Insurance Limited
Insured : - Insured : -
A/C - A/C -
Vehicle Regd. No. Ba 3 Kha 8276 Vehicle Regd. No. Ba 3 Kha 8276
S.N. Particulars Quotation Amt.Rate Amount S.N. Particulars Quotation Amt. Rate Amount
1 Professional Fee 160,900.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1 Professional Fee 160,900.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
Local Local
2 2.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2 2.00 1,000.00 2,000.00
Transportation Fee Transportation Fee