Final Report Format With 18% 28% GST
Final Report Format With 18% 28% GST
Final Report Format With 18% 28% GST
This report is issued without prejudice, in respect of cause, nature and extent of loss/damage and
subject to the terms and conditions of the Insurance Policy and Insurer admitting liability.
Insurance Particulars
Accident Particulars
Particulars of Third Party Injury/Loss : As per claimform there was no third party loss in this
As per stated in claimform IV was playing on the road suddenly a good speed E-rickshaw came in front
of IV and dash with IV & run away, in order to save the E-rickshaw insured took the turn on left side
and hit with pillar. Resulting the damages
The vehicle was examined very minutely and damages sustained by it were noted down. The loss
can be attributed to be accident in nature and the damages quite in accordance with the history of
said accident.
Original Estimate
Estimate no. E8005XXX dated 24/03/2018 for Rs.61420.88 was submitted by M/S Rana Motors,
Jahagirpuri, Delhi..
Salvae of recommded new parts were destroyed in my presance at the time of final survey.
S. Description of Parts QE QA Est. Rate CGST SGST Estimated Assessed Parts Amount Remark
No. % % (Amt in Rs)
Metal Rub/Plast Glass
Total 5591.09
Estimated Assessed
(Amt in Rs.) (Amt in Rs.)
32616.00 5591.09
Net Liability
Based On Details Provided Above, The Lowest Liability Under The Subject Policy Of Insurance Works
Out To Rs.14,608.34 (Rupees Fourteen Thousand Six Hundred Eight and Thirty Four paise Only)
Surveyor & Loss Assessor
1.Survey Fee Bill 2.Bill/Invoice 3.Claim Form 4.Copy of D.L. 5.Estimate Copy 6.Satisfaction Voucher
7.Intimation Letter 8.Discharge Voucher 9.Copy of R.C. 10.Copy of Policy/C. Note 11.Photographs 9