Journal of Harmonized Research in Management
Journal of Harmonized Research in Management
Journal of Harmonized Research in Management
Survey Report
Abstract: - As for the house appliances are of the most important and durable goods used by the
families, so one of the important factors in forming the purchaser’s decision at the time of purchase of
durable goods and also their satisfaction after the purchase is after sales services. This study is looking
to see how is the status of the sales of energy appliance in Bushehr (Iran) and to what extent consumers
are satisfied with these services. The method of this research in terms of aim is application and in terms
of data collection is a descriptive survey. Community of the demographic data is heads of households.
The population sample of 391 was simply randomly selected. Instruments for data collection are
questionnaire. Questionnaire validity was confirmed through simulate and reliability of it was
confirmed through the method of Cronbatch's alpha. Methods of data analysis are the mean test
methods and Friedman test. The results show that citizens of Bushehr are unhappy with the companies,
dealers and shops giving after sale services for house appliances and the level of dissatisfaction among
dealers and repair shops for house appliances of Iran are more than foreign products.
Keywords: Customer services, after sales service, satisfaction of after sales services, house appliances.
Introduction: The last years of 2001 decade is compelled to satisfy more customers, more sales
considered a turning point in Iran. Attitudes of and more profit-focused. Nowadays other
institutions, manufacturing companies, service Iranian manufacturing companies in terms of
and commercial because of competitiveness of chance cannot wait to sell their manufactured
market due to expansion of capacity of goods. The company should strive to wide
production, assembly and an increase in imports, investigation of the needs, wants and
expectations of aware customers of their
For Correspondence:
products according to the demands and
expectations to adjust with them.
[email protected].
In recent years due to the production and
Received on: January 2016
commercial mobility in the context of house
Accepted after revision: May 2016 appliances industry specially importing any
Downloaded from: types of house appliances, the area for 204 | P a g e
Esmaeilpour M., J. Harmoniz. Res. Mgmt. 2016, 2(2), 204-215
companies that simply produced and dispatch to service by the company become more than
the markets and were able to sale their products before. In circumstance that after-sales service
has become smaller; and it seems the less are known as one of the success factors of
mobility in the context of producing and trading companies, in Iran still it has not paid much
in Iran is finishing. In the current situation a attention to this issue. The fact that the failure to
heavy competition is ruling in the appliance provide adequate after-sales service guarantee
market and production companies are ruling the for durable home appliances goods in the
country's domestic and external effort to gain country, is one of the problems faced by the
market share from more tender. Therefore, domestic buyers (Zandi, 2007) and Bushehrian
companies that did not harmonize with his new citizens suffer from this problem more.
condition and still do not pay attention in Undesirable quality of domestic house appliance
production and supply their products to the products and subsequent poor after sales service
demands and expectations of customers, no provided by the companies, have followed the
doubt, will be eliminated from the competition wave of consumers’ criticism that has resulted in
scene (Nakhjavani, 2010). Therefore, for the consumers’ tendency toward purchasing foreign
continued survival and growth, domestic products. Therefore, this study followed this to
production of all the companies are compelled to see the how is the situation of after sales service
increase mobility and enhance the development of energy house appliance in Bushehr and to
of dozens of features and take heed services to what extent consumers are satisfied with the
customers’ demands and expectations. One of services and which interactive - behavioral
the demands and expectations of the buyers of factors or physical - material factors caused
house appliances is an after-sales service for satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their has had
purchased goods. Customers want to ensure that the greatest impact?
the goods are purchased from a company, in The findings of this study make clear the factors
need of emergency services of after the sale, the affecting consumer satisfaction after sales
service would be fast and the costs are fairly service and after-sales services, appliances and
accessible. Since the production technology of prioritize these factors and it expects that the
home appliance manufacturing companies in manufacturer companies and suppliers of
Iran are almost the same, so the after-sales household products as well as a number of
services as a customer service strategy has policy makers and regulatory agencies such as
particularly important role. Becoming similar the nature of the mining industry, the trade and
the properties and the physical characteristics of standards organization based on the results of
Iranian household products caused those buyers this study, have exact knowledge and analysis of
of these products effect on other factors that the situation of after sales service appliances in
affect their choices, are sensitive. One of the Bushehr and be able to use it for their proper
factors that can effect on consumers’ way of planning.
choice is after-sales service; that in this article it Literature Review: House appliance industry in
will try to identify the main aspects and Iran has a relatively long history and from the
satisfaction appliances and foreign buyers in this past years to now the bulk of the domestic needs
area. of home appliances provides wedge purchase
So the main issue of this study is that nowadays, and has prevented significant amounts of foreign
with the development of competitive markets in currency's exit. This industry at the prevention
the world and its impact on the economy, and exit of currency from the country, as well as was
also the importance of manufacturing and bringing a little currency and exports of this
service companies providing superior service to industry to other countries (such Afghanistan,
the consumer, need to establish after-sales Iraq, Syria, Middle East and some African and 205 | P a g e
Esmaeilpour M., J. Harmoniz. Res. Mgmt. 2016, 2(2), 204-215
Asian countries) is low. Course, it should be that due to the intangible nature of most data and
noted that the production of this industry in Iran output that is often easier to understand and
is without looking in particular on the identify ways to perform services is not.
development of export and policy makers in the According to Gronroos (2000) service is an
industry emphasis on removing importing to exit activity or a series of more or less intangible
of the currency out of the country. The industry activities that normally, but not necessarily in
has failed to alleviate the needs of foreign the interaction between customer and service
buyers to purchase home appliances to suit all personnel or physical resources or systems are
the needs and tastes of different buyers’ being supplied and the solutions to the
expectations. Therefore, a significant amount of customer's problems are provided. According to
domestic appliances needs are provided by the Kotler & Keller (1997) service is a work that is
foreign companies (particularly China, South offered by one party to the other party. Although
Korea, Turkey and Japan) formally or through the process may be tied to a physical product, it
smuggling. is essentially intangible and does not normally
However, the house appliance is of the result in ownership of any of the factors of
important industries and with the high amount of production.
investment in Iran and investments being made Customer service: Trade in development path
in the industry over the past years were to achieve this basic concept is to reach goals at
significant figure. But often the products of the the possible highest levels of customer service
industry with similar foreign products are very and due to his satisfaction, thereby increasing
different in terms of design, appearance, quality, the sale of goods and services. Assumption
technology and are at a lower level and therefore serving clients takes place in the effort to create
despite the high import tariffs, foreign desire are a distinction in a particular product compared to
among consumers to buy appliances at a very similar products and customers interested in
high level. relation to the goods sales and profitability of
Studies show that 57 central agencies and units the company increase. So services to customer
of after sales service and repair for domestic and are not business but it is the main component of
foreign appliances are deployed in different the business (Bozorgi, 2007). Services make
parts of the city of Bushehr and with and customer safeguard and without having an
without permission from the authorization of the effective service, market share can be reduced.
producer and the suppliers of home appliances Services lead to customer loyalty to the
are working in after sales service and company (Saeed, 2013).When the same goods
maintenance of appliances. Most of these are more, services as a competitive tool can
centers provide services as a single unit owner effectively be used.
and in a small place and features with low Customer service is of various types. Customer
requirements working. service types can be classified into three parts:
What is the service? (Hawkins, et al, 2004) which include:
Services are exactly located at the center of A) Pre-sale services: Service begins at the
economic activity in any society. Services are moment of selling the company's products for
located for life, survival and health and are the selection and purchase of a product, the
essential to the economy and are at the heart of customer will see the introduction of the
the economy. Services sector not only facilitate measurement. Like how to design the inner and
productive activity, but it may be make it outer facades of stores dealing vendors buyers,
possible also. Because of the variety of services, honest seller supply and product sales,
define of service has always been a difficult consulting services, ease of ordering, incentive
task. What makes it more complicated is the fact awards, quick access to the product, keep an 206 | P a g e
Esmaeilpour M., J. Harmoniz. Res. Mgmt. 2016, 2(2), 204-215
appropriate level of inventory, replacement Good after-sales service provider of the service
merchandise. has many benefits for companies that are
B) Services during the sale: during selling creating barriers to competition, customer
services include customer service from the time loyalty to products, distinguish products from
he pays the price of the goods and products until competitors, reduce marketing costs and
he needs it to consume. Such as destination increase prices (Sharifi, 2010). Well after-sale
services to consumer goods, and goods on how service, in shaping a positive image of the brand
to install, learn how to use product, accuracy in the product has major importance (Saeed, 2013).
shipping. In general, the models show that buyers decide
C) After sales services: After sales services to purchase durable goods, all companies and
include all matters that companies selling goods suppliers will reject non-responsive. Then
to the customers are doing to create greater between the company and suppliers remains
value of goods and services. Like services acceptable to those who choose responsibility
warranty, commodity services shipping, for the quality of goods and after-sales service
installation services, supplying parts goods, good. In a survey of all banks and financial and
repairs services. financial institutions of country about purchase
After Sales Services: Customers’ retain is very decisions flashing - Hardware has been carried
important in organizations. Many organizations out, results show that among 35 variables
are trying to use the new method that can influencing the purchase decision process and
provide after sales services to customers to organizational buyers, after sales services and
provide value to their life through their presence related issues in all banks and financial
on the scene to ensure competition (Saeed, institutions and credit are as an important
2013). This is based on surveys taken in the decision variable purchasing management is
company of appliance manufacturer, have two- evaluating (Hasangholi Pour, et al, 2008).
fold importance. After sales services are Customer Satisfaction: Each customer after
essentially of the most important services for the receiving the service or purchase and use of a
production of buying any durable companies of product may be generally satisfied or
the supplier of represent the customers dissatisfied. Satisfaction is a positive sense that a
themselves. According to Palmer (2002) the person receives after using the product or
main purpose of providing after sales services to service is created. Sense of confrontation of
customers is through this mechanism the customer expectations and supplier performance
company is able to maintain relationships with occur. If the goods service received by the
customers. customer to assess the level of expectations, he
In modern marketing philosophy that is based on will develop a sense of satisfaction. If the level
customer orientation, marketing begins with of goods service and customer expectations are
collecting detailed data about the target higher than the level causing injury and a lower
customers and managers understand the needs, level of service and tasteful products then would
wants and expectations of customers, goods, and be expected to lead to customer dissatisfaction
services to design, produce, and then the target (Ziaie. et al, 2012). Degrees of dissatisfaction,
customers through distribution channels and satisfaction and people scurry taste at any time
finally after sales services give to their offerings. and in any case varies continuously between
Providing after sales services is not considered expectations and performance level of a supplier
marketing cycle end, but also it is considered a in terms of quality of goods and services (Brady,
bridge between the target customers and the 2001).
company (McCarthy, 2003). 207 | P a g e
Esmaeilpour M., J. Harmoniz. Res. Mgmt. 2016, 2(2), 204-215
Measuring customer satisfaction of after sales customer satisfaction in various industries vary.
services: Currently several companies in Iran, Thirdly, the concept of quality services varies in
provide after sales services for the products that different cultures. Fourthly, the relationship
are sold, but what is important about the between satisfaction and purchase intention is
customers and plays a decisive role in customer complex (Seyed Javadin and Kimasi, 2005).
satisfaction, is the quality of after sale service. In evaluation of service quality and customer
Accordingly it is required to participate in any satisfaction, many researchers have worked to
particular level of customer satisfaction with the date and several models have offered; the three
quality of their products to be aware of after- models are mentioned here:
sales service network. Companies of the selling 1– Parasuraman, et al Model: One of the most
products to customers communicate with their famous models in the measurement of service
clientele with phone interviews, interviews or quality owned to Parasuraman et al. (1993). The
questionnaires sent to the address of the model for the relationship between cost,
customer, they want their company to comment profitability, satisfaction and customer retention
on the level of service quality and satisfaction of has proven, as director of marketing and
the services received. corporate financial performance has been a lot
Evaluation of after-sales services is a challenge, of attention, but for different sectors of
because customer satisfaction is determined by industrial, commercial and private has many
many intangible factors. Unlike physical applications. These models attempt to measure
commodity characteristics that formed that they the quality of services where service quality is a
can literally see and evaluate the quality of after- necessary to understand customer expectations
sales services of the psychological and quality of service he expects. Measure of
characteristics of many. Thus, for different service quality are doing in order to properly
reasons, it is hard to understand and measure understand the services that organizations
customer satisfaction. First satisfaction concept should provide and whether or not the service is
and relative that is quite different between tailored to customers' expectations of service
different people. Therefore experience for the quality within an organization and compare with
consumer, it may be say that satisfying to the other organizations. Initial model by
other person is wholly inadequate and Parasuraman and colleagues in 1985 is presented
unsatisfactory. Secondly, the factors affecting below (Figure1): 208 | P a g e
Esmaeilpour M., J. Harmoniz. Res. Mgmt. 2016, 2(2), 204-215
The researchers on their next studies found A) Interactive factors, behavior and
strong correlations between communication, communication
competence, courtesy, reliability and security, Interactive, communicative behavior factors are
and also access and understand. So they the factors that related to human interaction and
combined the two overall confidence and communication, and paid tribute after sales
sympathy. Then, they make the dimensions of service providers, managers and their
five factors of tangible, reliability, employees, customers, and include the
responsiveness, assurance, empathy as a basis following:
for building a tool for measuring service quality 1 - Explanations, tips and ideas to the customer
service that is famous to quality scale model. on how to use correctly the product and
2– Johnston Models: Johnston et al. (1997) maintenance
experiments that provide a comprehensive 2- Promise the on time delivery of product after
service quality by Parasuraman and colleagues repair
was performed in 10 service organizations in the 3- Having combined with courtesy and dignity
UK. They initially offered a list of 12 factors, and humor with customers
however, they do further studies, 18 factors they 4- Build trust and confidence by providing
presented, they are: Available, Aesthetics, customer service
Politeness and servants, existence, attention, 5- Speed and accuracy of the accepted order
cleanliness and elegance, comfort, commitment, 6- Telephone communication with the customer
communication, competence, courtesy and after repairs
humility, Flexibility, friendliness, functionality, 7 - Attention to customer demands
integrity, reliability, responsiveness, security. 8 - Attention to the customer’s proposals,
3– Harrison Model: Harrison (2005) offered complaints and feedback.
two dimensions for the quality of services: Since one of the characteristics of service
A) Physical- material quality: physical- material organizations is communicate directly with
quality refers to products or product support customers, employees and products provided by
services. Financial products have limited enterprises, service are never palpable, therefore,
physical dimensions; the physical evidence is in terms of psychological, emotional is well-
often used to evaluate the service quality of the being and quality service to its customers to
rule nodes. For example, customers on the deliver humanitarian aid proper behavior. The
branches, decoration facilities tested quality. affable personnel in these institutions are vital
B) Interaction- behavioral quality: The after sales service providers are no exception to
interaction- behavioral quality is the interaction this rule.
between customers and service providers. B) Physical and material factors
Interactions may occur in several ways, for Physical and material factors are all factors
example, can be face to face or through other observables and palpation of the surrounding
means such as telephone or internet will be environment and service provider and include
interacted. Engage in any form the organization factors such as the following:
must ensure that effectively they communicate 1- Quality of performed repair
with the customer. 2- Providing the required components in terms
In this research based on Harrison's model of of speed and accuracy in the preparation of
quality of service, we divide all the various original pieces and fit
components of the constituent satisfaction and 3- How the quality of supplied parts
after sales services into two basic categories that 4- Having skilled staff at the reception order and
are either: repairs 209 | P a g e
Esmaeilpour M., J. Harmoniz. Res. Mgmt. 2016, 2(2), 204-215
5- Cleanliness and appearance of the place of service pointed. But in Iran a little field research
service has been done in the field of after-sales service,
6- Existence of variety of utilities, such as which is more related to the automotive
transportation and etc. industry. A number of studies that are somewhat
7- The cost of the performed repairs related subject are given below.
8- Price of parts Aflaki (2005) assessed the role of after-sales
9- Substitute supply parts service of Butane companies in marketing
10- Fault and repair all parts of the problem products in Tehran. He has concluded that
11- Having a skilled repairman for each of the consumers of heaters of Butane companies are
types of services. satisfied after-sales service of the company. Haji
It is clear that companies manufacturing and Bagheri (2006) review and determine the factors
supplying of household products to a greater affecting the after-sales service, new products
extent can be physical and material factors and prioritize of Iran Khodro Company in
relating to the service providers to sell their Tehran. His findings show that Iran Khodro
products under their control. customers are dissatisfied by the after sale
Research hypotheses: In this study, we service of the company. Yavari (2006) examined
performed the theoretical studies on the subject the impact of after-sales service of Xerox
after-sales service, we suggest the following customer satisfaction, the company has been in
hypotheses: Isfahan city. His findings suggest that Xerox
1- Consumers of house appliances are satisfied customer are very satisfied by the after sale
with after sales service providers of these service of the company and its dealers. Afghahi
services. Farimani (2007) examined the influence of
2- Consumers of house appliances are satisfied customer satisfaction and after sales services
with physical- material factors of after-sales company of Arj in city of Rasht. His findings
service providers. suggest that customers are very satisfied by the
3- Consumers of house appliances are satisfied after sales service of the company and its
with interactive, behavioral and communication dealers. Barazandeh (2009) examined the
factors of after-sales service providers. identification and prioritization of indicators of
Background of done researches in Iran effectiveness in evaluating the performance of
In many survey research conducted in authorized dealers selling and after-sales service
industrialized and developed countries it has of Tehran Iran Khodro Company using MADM
been concluded that consumer purchases and techniques.
institutional the proper after sales services are 3– Methodology
prior to the price of the product. Provide after- The method of this research in terms of aim is
sales service can cause competitive advantage application and in terms of data collection is a
and other companies to thwart competition. descriptive survey that data collection is
Often buyers of durable goods, if know the questionnaire. The survey includes ways that
goods and services they are guaranteed by the their aim is to describe the conditions of
previous supplier, never for a slight savings in phenomena, without trying to change or
the price they will not go to another supplier influence the present situation.
(Hayes, et al., 1998). The population of the research included
According to the field research in the field of individuals who used after sales services of
after-sales service, lots of research has been foreign and domestic energy appliances in
conducted outside the country for a variety of Bushehr. Sampling method introduced in this
goods and services and results in most of the study, is randomly sample. Due to being infinite
high consumer satisfaction and after sales population and the inability of researchers to 210 | P a g e
Esmaeilpour M., J. Harmoniz. Res. Mgmt. 2016, 2(2), 204-215
develop the population, the number of samples contact the service provider 7- Time receive a
based on the formula for indefinite Cochrane response from the service provider
statistical are at confidence level 95% and the From total of 391 samples of the study of sex
proportion of agreement 50% and a sampling 225 people (57%) were male and 166 people
error 5% that determined by the number of (43%) were female. Of educational level, 189
sample 385 people. For the study, 400 people (49%), were diploma and under diploma,
questionnaires have been distributed among 93 people (23%) above diploma, 96 people
those who attendance at after sales service of (24%) undergraduate and 13 People (3%) were
energy appliance in Bushehr and 391 quite graduate and above. Therefore more than 51
completed questionnaires were collected. percent of the population have a higher
An instrument of data collection is the education degree and above. Then respondents
questionnaire. This questionnaire includes a ages 31 people (8%) in the age of 18 to 24 years,
two-variable and 55 questions. Variable of 94 people (24%) in the age of 25 to 34 years,
interactive, human behavior and communication 180 people (46%) in the age of 35 to 44 years,
factors has 22 questions and variable of physical 40 people (10%) in the age of 45 to 54 years and
– material factors has 33 questions. Questions to 46 persons (12%) in the age of higher than 55
measure variables are designed in the study year. Therefore it can be concluded that most of
according to the position of the theoretical the population under the study (92%) are over
literature survey. For measuring parameters the than25 years, and the lowest prevalence in the
spectrum of a five-item Likert was used. Formal study population between the traditions of 25
content validity was assessed via questionnaire. years. Of occupations 153 people (39%) of
For validity, the questionnaire was dented to public sector employees, 43 people (11%) of
recent few faculty members and administrators private sector employees, 86 people (22%) of
of corporate sales and considering and their employed workers 109 People (28%) has
views and required changes were done to released jobs.
investigate. For size measurement reliability of In this study for a normal distribution of the
the questionnaire, Cronbatch's alpha was used. variables Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test was
Coefficient alpha for the entire questionnaire used for the variables. Table 1 shows the results
was 0.968, and a range of physical – material of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the study’s
factors was 0/943, and a range of interactive variables.
human behavior and communication was 0/932. Table 1: Result of One-Sample Kolmogorov - Smirnov
A coefficient of Cronbatch’s Alpha calculated Test
for variables was more than 93 percent, so it can
Physical Interaction,
be concluded that the questionnaire has a high and Contact and
reliability. Material Behavioral
In this study, to examine and test the hypothesis Factors Factors
test using a mean Software SPSS20 is used. N 391 391
Well as the Friedman test was used to prioritize Mean 2.8159 2.8097
the factors. Data Analysis and Findings Std.
Parameters a,b .64860 .70969
In this section we analyze the survey data. Absolute .043 .045
Initially using descriptive statistics, analysis of Most Extreme
Positive .043 .045
demographic data sample takes place and then Negative -.038 -.035
using statistics to test the hypothesis illation. Kolmogorov -Smirnov Z .911 .942
Data demographic sample included: Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .377 .338
a. Test distribution is Normal. b. Calculated from
1- Sex 2- education 3- Age 4- Occupation
5- Number of using services 6- how to 211 | P a g e
Esmaeilpour M., J. Harmoniz. Res. Mgmt. 2016, 2(2), 204-215
As Table 1 shows, since the significance level of the amount of t was calculated by the SPSS
each variable is more than 0/01, then with the software. Significance level used in the
confidence level of 95% it can concluded that statistical analysis is 5% and a confidence level
there is no significant difference between the is95%. Tests appear to be in one range. If the
data of the variable or variables with normal calculated t was more than 1/96 hypothesis is
distribution, or research normal distribution . confirmed, and if it was lesser the research
For statistical analysis of research data for hypothesis will be rejected. Results of T-test for
testing research hypotheses average test (T-test) the hypothesis are in Table 2:
was used. The criterion for decision considering
Table 2: Result of One-Sample Statistics and One-Sample Test
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 3
Variable t df Sig. Mean 95% Confidence
(2-tailed) Difference Interval of the
Lower Upper
Satisfaction of After Sales Services -5.951 390 .000 -.18655 -.2481 -.1249
Satisfaction of Physical and Material
-5.993 390 .000 -.18406 -.2444 -.1237
Satisfaction of Interaction, Contact
-5.662 390 .000 -.19028 -.2563 -.1242
and Behavioral Factors
As the data in Table 2 show, the calculated t of standard deviation of satisfaction degree of
all variables at a significance level is 5% of the physical - material with interactive elements,
number 1/96 is smaller than the critical table. behavior and communication (Table 7), we will
Since the confidence level used in the test is see that the average satisfaction rate of physical
95%, and then we can conclude that all our –material factors interaction of behavioral and
research hypotheses are rejected. In other words, physical factors are more relevant and SD -
one can say with 95% probability that material interactive agents, behavior and
consumers are not satisfied by the after sales communication is less. Then the hypothesis of
service manufacturer and supplier of home being equal the satisfaction of the physical and
appliances in the city of Bushehr. material factors, behavioral factors, interact and
Also, our findings indicate that from the receive after sale services in home appliance in
perspective of consumer appliances in Bushehr, Bushehr is rejected. Implement of the Friedman
satisfaction of physical – material factors test is also confirmed this. Results of Friedman
interactive elements are not in the same behavior test are shown Table 3.
and communication. If we look at the mean and 212 | P a g e
Esmaeilpour M., J. Harmoniz. Res. Mgmt. 2016, 2(2), 204-215
Test Statistics a
Variables Mean
Rank N 391
Chi-Square 2.664
Satisfaction of Physical
1.46 df 1
and Material Factors
Asymp. Sig. .103
Satisfaction of Interaction,
Contact and Behavioral 1.54 a. Friedman Test
As Table 3 shows, the level of significance of Table 2, amount of satisfaction said by people
Friedman test was 0/103 of which 5% is larger. about after sales services is lower than 3.
Since the confidence level used in the test was Results of the research show that companies and
95% then with probability 95% it can be service providers to after sales needs and
concluded that consumer’s satisfaction from expectations of our customers who provide
home appliances in Bushehr of physical - quality services are not aware, even if they are
material factors, behavioral, and communicative well aware of the demands and expectations of
and interactive elements are not identical. customers, they may not fully informed of
Also, our findings indicate that with probability attributed and favorable performance of the
95% satisfaction of consumer appliances of demands and expectations. In some cases it is
domestic, foreign appliances consumers are not possible that after sales service providers will be
identical in Bushehr. The average satisfaction deemed inappropriate and unrealistic demands
for all variables after sales service for more and expectations of its customers. Anyway, the
external appliances and is lower than standard first step of companies and service providers is
deviation. In other words, consumers of Bushehr that to get the right information about needs and
are more satisfied after-sale service with the expectations of their customers. Within this field
amount of foreign relative to domestic survey research, dialogue with clients and
appliances. establish a complaints system could be useful.
Conclusions and Recommendations: After Following information from the demands and
analyzing the data, descriptive and illation, here expectations of customers, they try to establish
first it will be concluded then discussed based on ways they respond to the demands and
research findings and provide recommendations expectations of their customers.
based on the results of the study. Based on the findings, the following
Customer satisfaction is very important role of recommendations can be made to companies,
the services received in a competitive market agencies and service providers to after sales
and in order to respect human values is a non- services of appliances providers:
competitive market. Companies and appliance Manufacturers and supplier of durable goods,
suppliers and agents and maintenance centers home appliances and also provides of repair
and after sale service of these products should be centers and after-sales service, of this kind of
more than the issue of customer satisfaction paid products, must follow the following basic
attention. Our findings in this research show that measures:
Bushehrian citizens are dissatisfied with the 1- According to the results of research that
after sale services of the home appliance and indicates satisfactory level of consumer
companies and agents; because according to appliances and foreign situation of after-sales
services in the city of Bushehr (clearer and 213 | P a g e
Esmaeilpour M., J. Harmoniz. Res. Mgmt. 2016, 2(2), 204-215
better say, they are dissatisfy)it suggests firms have especial trainings to their sale men and
and manufacturer and supplier of home agent managers through classes of service
appliances in the town plan to action to promote training and they are properly trained to service
a culture of service and after sales service delivery, customer acceptance when possible,
network. how they meet and deal with clients and how to
2- Given the dissatisfaction of citizens of rectify the problem.
Bushehr of the quality of after-sale service for 6- Repair shops and service centers of after sales
quality repairs done correctly and properly, it is service of appliances should be quite accurate,
recommended that the company manufacturer correct and reliable service provider to ensure
and supplier of home appliances in the town their services. From Boushehrian citizens’ point
plan of action to high level can enhance the of view, foremost of after-sales service, is offer
quality of human resources through training and a guarantee from the providers.
effective after-sales service network in their 7- Repair and after-sales service centers
area. appliances should have always the components
3- According to Bushehrian citizens and spare parts needed to repair customers'
dissatisfaction with the amount of technical requirements as well as planning, by inventory
facilities to provide after sales service and use management, to provide needed services to the
and lack of communication facilities such as customers was not delayed because the piece is
telephone answering, telephone and internet not existed and does not provide the field
maintenance dose, it is recommended that customer dissatisfaction.
companies and agencies in their use of Sources
communication technology makes that even in • Afghahi Farimani, A. (2007). Explore the
the absence of employees in the garage or impact of customer satisfaction and after
dealership, the customer must be able to sales services company ARJ, MS Thesis,
represent message. Islamic Azad University, Rasht.
4- Due to dissatisfaction of Bushehrian citizens • Aflaki, S. (2005). assess the role of after-
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