Industrial Marketing 3-4

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Assessment Tool

Written Response Tasks .

Name: Jon Bryan N. Montejo Course code & descriptive title: Industrial Marketing

Course & Year: BSBA-MM, 4th year Module No. & Inclusive week/s: Module 3-4, August 23-
September 6

Date Submitted: September 6, 2021 Grading Period: prelim. Exer No. _____

Enrichment Exercise No. 1

Answer each item concisely.

1.) Explain the different participants in industrial buying.

- the different participants in industrial buying normally classified into four groups. And they're mainly
the commercial enterprise, government agencies, institutions and co-operative societies.

2.) Discuss the types of industrial customers and their purchase practices in India.

- they types of industrial customers are the following. Industrial distributor or dealers, original
equipment manufacturers (OEM) and the users. Industrial distributors or dealers take title to goods.
They're the industrial marketers intermediaries. The original equipment manufacturers or OEM's are the
industrial customers purchase industrial goods to incorporate OEM's into the products they produce and
the Users are industrial customer who purchase industrial products or services to support it's
manufacturing process or to facilitate the business operations is referred also as a user.

3.) What are the types of industrial products and services.

- the types of industrial products and services are classified into three broad groups. First is materials
and parts. Second is capital items and the third one is supplies and services. Material parts Goods that
enter the manufacturers 'product directly. The cost of these items is treated by the purchasing company
as part of the manufacturing cost. Capital items are used in the production process and they wear out
certain time frame. Generally they are treated as depreciation expense by the buying firm or user
customers. Supplies and services sustain the operation of the purchasing organization. They do not
become part of the finished product. They are treated as operating expenses for the periods in which
they are consume.

4.) What are the marketing implications for different customer and product types in industrial

- the marketing implications for different customer and product types in industrial marketing is
therefore important for an industrial salesman to remain in close touch with purchase or materials
department persons as well as with quality, production, R&D, and accounts or finance persons of buyer
organization they influence buying or payment releasing decision.

5.) How does the government purchasing differ from the commercial enterprise purchasing?

-the difference between government purchasing from commercial enterprise purchasing is that
purchasing in commercial enterprise depend upon the nature of business in the size of the commercial
enterprise as well as the volume variety and technical complexity of the product purchased while the
government purchasing include any spending by federal, state, and local agencies, with the exception of
debt and transfer payments such as Social Security. government purchases are a tool to boost overall
spending and correct a weak economy.

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