RCC Bridge

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- R.


Example 31.1. Design a solid slab bridge for class A loading for the following data:
Clear span -4"5 m
Clear width of roadways =7 m
Average thickness of wearing coat =80 mm
Use M 20 mix. Take unit weight of concrete as 24000 N /ms .

l. General : [-et the width of the kerb be 500 mm = 0.5 m.
Over all width of bridge, L =7*2x0.5 =8 m.
I-et the overall thickness of the slab be 330 mm, with effective depth equal to 300 mm.
Effective span, I = 4.5 * 0.3 = 4.80 m
For M 20 coilcrete, m = 13 and 6.6. = 7 N,/mm2
Taking 6st = 125 N/mm2, we have the following design constants:
r= ,Z#rU=0.421 i j =l-!xO.azl | r
=0.86 ; R= lxl x0.86 x 0.421 =t.TI
2. Dead Loail B.M. Dead load of slab =0.33x1x1x?-AW=7920N/m2
Dead load of wearing coat = 0.08 x 22000 = 1760 N,/m2

RoadwaY = 7 m


+L=8m 'Tft
!.nce the width of car-
ls 7/ m, two trains
i'. is
''; tralns T f ---t------- -----i-----------t-----
-rn pass or cross each I I I : IE
' lih a clear distance

-.ffi(7-ss) t* u
Ll[.- LE*it
r.e ----------]i{-
-l-:--I----- 1.8 E ---+r<- 2m
: road of 114 kN. 3u+Ht =
;- i--i-

l.stance of face or r L--l----------I+ -- j-- --i

. - = 150 mm = 0.15 m bv,v of
Edge vr abutrnent

FrG. 31.8.

Distance of centre of wheel from edge of kerb

Dispersion width b of- load along span=B*2(80+330)=2501' 820= 1
axles, be arranged as shown in Fig . 31.9 for maximum B.M.
Let the distance of the C.G. F IP
of loads from suPPort B be Y. Axle Y, v?+z a I A ??+aAxle II
The distanc a e = I.2 m for the pre-
sent case, while b - 1.07 m. Let
the maximum B"M. occur at C, t n l+-z+l !F-b+l
the point of zero shear. /-4.8m
FIG. 3t.9.

of Z, for the location of point C of zeto shear 1S - -

,t P -0
Re-=z -o nr
2P'Y--P, -o
-L' b
= -2

P z
Mc= i ,
2l- (a+b)
For maxima,
(2x 4.8)-(t.2+1.07)
For the present case, v- - 2.36 m

I 2x 1.05 m.
This is very near to

.'. Distance of C from A=l- - ?ru*+.ry) .1ft5=!

[r* $+*)*z-48
Distanceof axleII from support ,=[, -+)=2.36-0.6=l'76 m

Distance of axle I from support A=l-fy*i)=+'s,. L)

-(2'36+0'6) = 1 :- -
These positions have been marked in Fig. 31.8 and 31'9'
When the two trains are running parallel, the effective width for various
overlap. Hence all the four wheels are taken together for calculation oi:--
and the quantiry w in Eq. 31.6 will o" =[l'8+l.s+ 1.8 *2")l+: : '

L/l=8/4.8 = 1.67
The effective width of slab on which the,load acts is given L'r ::
'- lriE'i

', t)
- ' alues of K as per I. S. : 456-2000 are given Table 3I .3la)
' : -E 31.3 (a) VALUES oF r FoR .

sIMpLy suppoRTED AND coNTrNuos SLAB

K for simply supported stabs r for continuous slabs
0.1 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.8 0.8
0.3 L.i6 i. 16
0.4 I .48 1.44
0.5 t.72 1 .68
0.6 1.96 r.84
0.7 2.r2 t.96
0.8 2.24 2.08
0.9 2.36 2.16
f -O and above 2.48 2.24
---' rhe maximum value of K is fbr lar.For
t'l the presenr .ur", 1=r.67. for
'=I -+8 . Hence frorn Eq. 31 .6,

)- :- ,3 \\idrh for axle r - z.4B x t.a+( t- ++ j* t .76 = B.s7 m

r. 4.9 )
: -,.-- : *idth for axle rr=2.48* r.zo( t-ffJ*s.zo=8.52
:---: the effective width extend beyond the free edges of slabs, the modified
u-ill be as under:
: :--re I, s=(8.57/2)+ distance of c.G. of axle from free edge
= 4.285 + 3.45 = 7.74 m
II, s=(9.52/2)+3.4s=7.71 m.
':iould be noted that axre load p, per unit width of slab, marked in Fig. 31.g
': i':-lhtly different because of different values of e for each load.
Thus, for lst
:- ,=\ff =29.46 and for 2nd axle load, p =,:::o =29.57. In rhe analysis
: ::.ril[g -], however, it was assumed that p is the same for both axles.
lmpact factor
4"5 4"5
6+' 6+4.9 v'i
" Effective axle
u\zUlYV 4./\. lU load

t+- r "0b -+l C ; t -- r,O7-rt

For the load position marked ! l+-1.76
m.g. 31. 10, 1.84 2.96

FrG. 31.10.
_ ,

*, =[ ff#x1.76).(#xze6)]* =4tte kN
Mc = Rex2.35 - ,#'*'f .or"'f," =74.42 kN-m = 74.42 x 10' N-m.
The maximum B.M. due to live load occurs at a section 2.35 m from the
and not at the middle of the slab. However, maximum dead load B.M. occurs :
mid span.

Dead road B.M. at c =!.-+=e6801+"2.35 -ryf=rrrro N-m

Total B.M. = + 27870 = 102290 N-m.
Ahernative Method for Live Loail B.M. In the alternative method, it is
that maximum B.M. occurs when the loads are symmetrically placed about centre .'
B.M. at the centre will be taken for design purpose. This is reasonably correcr !----:
have seen that the acnral location of point C of maximum live load B.M. is auny
the centre only by 0.05 m.
For this arrangement of loads (Fig. 31.11),
x = disrance of axle load from the nearest support = +(4.9 - l.Z) = 1.8 m-
Since the effective width for individual loads will overlap, the quantity Y -
31.6 wilt be = 1.8+1.5+ 1.8 * 2xT*rx0.08 : 5.76 m as before.
29.5 kN 29.5 kN
Axle iI
L/t - 8 /4"8 - r.6V ;
K - 2.48
e-248 x 18 + s76 l.-1.2+l
[, i*] L 2.4 m 2.4 m
= 29.s kN

Since the effective width FIG' 3l'll'

extends beyond the free edge of slabs, the modified effective width
=;+3.45 =7.72 m.
I-oad per meter width =':::o =29.5 kN
Dispersion along span = 250 * 2 (80 + 330) = 1070 mm
Imoact factor=
4',5 4',5
^ 6+1= 6+4.8 =O.A

Dead load B"M" = 27880 N-m.

Total B.M. =75400 +27880 = 103280 N-m, as against 102290 N-m : --.
Hence it is better to follow the alternative method, which is much simr.;:

4. Design of section : Design B.M. = 1032g0 N-m = to3zgo x 103 N-mm

103280 x 103
d- 285 mm
1000 x I "27
Provide an overall depth of 330 mm. Using 20 mm o bars and a clear cover
25 mm, available d - 330 - 25 10 = 295 mm"
103280 x 1000
Att 3257 mm'
125 x 0.86 x295
1000 x 314
Spacing of 20 mm o bars - 96.4 mm
Hence provide these @ 95 mm clc. Bend half the bars up near the support.
5. Distribution Reinforcement : Distribution steel is provided to resist 0.3 times the
e load B"M. and 0.2 times the dead load moment.
M = 0.3 x75400 + 0.2 x27880 - 28196 N-m
-28196 x 1000 N-mm
Using !2 mm o bars, Effective depth - 295 - 10 - 6 - Z7g mm
28196 x 1000 1000 x
il5xo.86 xZ79-940 mm' Spacing of 12 mm o bars -
1 13
= I20 mm
6. Live Load S.F. : The
I P = 45.09 kN 40.47 kN
- .ttum S.F. occurs when the 2.915 rn

-.spersed width in rhe di- /'/\/\

-.' t..
_ n of Spttr = 1070 mm
/\/\ ,t 0.41 m
1.07--+l l<_-1.07---+l
. : -:d as shown in Fig . 3l.Iz 4.5 m
4.8 m
r,r\lmum S.F.
tsrance of lst axle frorn
FIG. 3T .12.

A- ry+
0.15 = 0.6g5 m.

L8 -
K - 2.48 (Table 31.3 a).
i 4.8, = 1.67,
W for individual load-0.5+2x0.8=0.66 m
-2.48 x 0.68s (,
: ftective width for first axte
t, - 4.9 ))* o 66 =z.rz m.
-:rc etfective widths will overlap" Hence let us find the
combined effective u rdth
:he four wheels of first axle of the two trains \
w_1.8+1.5+1"9+ z x+2 + zx o.o8 - 5.76 m. as before
e - 2.48 x 0.685 (1
- 48 )*s.zo
) ' -7.22 m
.r. e the effective width may extend beyond the free edge of sl
::i load is 0.4 m awav from the kerb as shown in Fig . 3I./

width =!+Oirt. of C.G. of loads from free edge =ry*3.45=7.06 m. Since this i
less than e, it will be adopted. Similarly, distance of 2nd axle from the nearest , suPpd
=0.685 *t.2 = 1.885 m (Fig. 31.12). The effective width of individual wheels will overla.
and hence combined IV for all the four wheels = 5.76 m as before.
=2.48x r.885[ I - 4.8))* s.zo = 8.6 m. Since the effective width extetr
beyond the free edge of slabs modified effective width = 8.6/2+3.45 =7.75 m.
Thus the effective width for first axle of loads is 7.06 m and that for the
axle of loads is 7.75 m. Impact factor = 0.42.
Effective axle load =2xll4xl.42=323.8 kN
P for flrst axle =323.8/7.06 = 45.86 kN;
P for second ule = 323.8 / 7.75 = 41.78 kN
(4t.78 x 2.9rs) + 45.86 (2.9ts + 1 .20)
Now RA=
48 - 54.69 kN
Live load S.F . - 64.69 kN ; Dead load S.F. = (9.69 x 4.8\/2 - 23.23 i.1
Total V - 64.69 + 23.23 = 8l .92 kN.
7. Check for Shear : Nominal shear stress on the beam is

V 87.92x
ry= 0.2s8 N,/rnm2
ui' - bd - looo x 295
100 /4' r653
At the support "a_-

bd 1000 x 295
Hence for M 20 concrete, having 0.56% reinforcement
xc - Thus rv is less than xc . Hence safe
0.32 N,/mm2.
8. Check for development length at supports : The Code stipulates thai

supports, the diameter of reinforcement should be such that

In the present case, only half the bars are available "

Ar, :+Lry]=1653
Now, M1 125 x x 295 - 52420 x 103 N-mm
1653 x 0.86
V S.F . at support - 87.92 x 103 N
Lo Sum of anchorage beyond centre line of the support and equivalent
value of hooks.
Let us assume a support width ls = 300 mm. Assuming a clear side cover
and providing U-hook for which the anchorage value is tr6o we get
, { lu ,1, \
L'=i,;-x'-3 o+ 16o + 13 o i= 150
2 )
ox 125
La= --39.06 o = 39.06 x20 =781 mm.

5242t x ro3'
+ 370 - g66mm > La' Hence safe'
Now +* Lo - 87 .92 x 103

9. Design of Kerb
and for a horizontal load of 7'5
The kerb is designed for .a live load of 4 kN,/m2
etc' be 0'5 kN/m run'
lm length. Width of kerb = 5il0 mm. 6t the weight of railings
the road surface' Keeptng
The minimum height of kerb is to be 225 mrn above
r height as 240 **l ,n" total depth of kerb = 330 * 80 + 240 = 650

Live load per metre run of' kerb = 0'5 x 1 x 400 = 2000 N
Dead load of kerb = 0.65 x 0.5 x 24000 = 7800 N
Weight of railings etc. =500 N

Total = 10300 N - 10.3 kN

tO.: (+.9)' x 10u N-mm.

B M =
--l::',:: =29.66 kN_m = 29.66

While determining the live ::l';

load B'M' in slab' the wicrth or kerb was arso taken
be considered'
::- account. Hence traffic live load B.M. for a width of 500 mm should also
loading =0'5 x 75'4=3'7'7 kN-m= 37'7 x 10u N-mm
-r''e loadB'M' for class '4
Total B.M. = (29.66 + 37.7) 106= 67 '36 x 106 N-mm
67 .36x 106 : 326 mm. Total depth provided = 650 mm.
d- 500 x 127


r 18 mm o 3207
::: +'-@ .160 mm clc-=:::t:8

0.9-+l l+- 0.9

18 mm $ 12 mm 0
@ 160 mm c/c @ 120 mm c/c

4.5 m
(a) Longitudinal section


mm c/c
18 mm d L12 mm 0
@ 80 mm c/c @ 120 mm c/c
(b) Cross-section

FIG. 31 . 13.

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