Design Challenges in Subthreshold Interconnect Circuits

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Chapter 2

Design Challenges in Subthreshold

Interconnect Circuits

Keywords CMOS buffer Interconnect parasitics

inversion Ultra-low-power

 Power dissipation  Weak

As technology advances to giga-scale integration level, global interconnect resource

becomes increasingly valuable in a VLSI chip. This is due to the exponential
growth of the total number of interconnects/wires as the feature size of MOS
transistors decreases in scaled deep submicron CMOS technologies. Interconnect
length, however, has not scaled down with feature size and remains long relative to
other on-chip geometries. Interconnects are metal or polysilicon wires which
connect billions of active devices to carry signals within a VLSI chip. There are a
number of such wires in the whole chip. Of these, the length of long interconnects
in large chips is of the order of 10 mm.
Interconnect and device performance in VLSI circuits depends on materials,
geometry, and technology. With the dimensional scaling of technology, technological device and interconnect challenges have been closely examined by different
researchers [2833]. The delay in VLSI chips is due to active devices and interconnects. To avoid prohibitively larger delays, designers scale down global interconnect dimensions more slowly than the transistor dimensions [34]. Rather,
reverse scaling is preferred for the global interconnects.
Interconnects also cause excessive power to be dissipated. In recent years, there
has been a compelling demand for ultra-low-power devices to ensure longer battery
lifetimes. Subthreshold circuits are ideally suited for applications where minimizing
energy per operation is of prime importance [3536]. Subsequently, the benets
from ultra-low energy operation have carved out a signicant niche for subthreshold circuits. Furthermore, subthreshold circuits show exponential susceptibility to the process and temperature variations. Therefore, subthreshold operating
region has made the design of energy-constrained robust ultra-low-power systems a
very challenging design task. The present chapter reviews in detail the various
aspects of buffer-driven long interconnect under subthreshold for ultra-low-power
logic and the other associated problems. These are presented in the subsequent

Springer India 2015

R. Dhiman and R. Chandel, Compact Models and Performance Investigations
for Subthreshold Interconnects, Energy Systems in Electrical Engineering,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2132-6_2

2 Design Challenges in Subthreshold Interconnect Circuits

2.1 Interconnects for VLSI ApplicationsA Review

The long interconnects connect a larger number of active devices on a chip. These
long interconnects distribute clock and signals and provide power and ground to the
various circuits on a chip. Moreover, the associated parasitic impedance parameters
increase as interconnect length increases. An overview of interconnect parasitics
has been given in the following section.

2.1.1 Parasitic Impedance Parameters

Interconnect parasitics namely resistance, inductance, and capacitance lead to
various undesirable effects in VLSI circuit design. These result in signal delay,
power dissipation, distortion, and crosstalk. These problems are due to fundamental, material, device, circuit, and system physical limitations and need to be
addressed while designing VLSI chips [3739]. Interconnect has been represented
by parasitic equivalent electrical components viz. resistance, inductance, and
capacitance [40]. Such a lumped representation of the interconnect model is
appropriate for medium and long interconnects at low-frequency applications. The
parasitic impedance parameters are frequency dependent and responsible for
decreased circuit efciency and performance [41].
Eo and Eisenstadt [42] have developed models for high-speed and high-density
VLSI circuit and found that interconnect circuit parameters vary with frequency.
The model considers the silicon substrate properties, pad parasitics, fringing effects,
and frequency variant properties of the circuit parameters. The model parameters
are compared to scattering parameter measurements as well as PISCES-II simulations, and a good agreement is obtained with s-parameter measurements. Qian et al.
[43] have developed an analytical expression for the effective load capacitance of
resistivecapacitive (RC) interconnects. It is proved that, when there is a signicant
shielding, the response waveforms at the gate output may have a large exponential
tail. This in turn can strongly influence the delay of RC interconnects. The concept
of effective capacitance is extended to develop an equation on the basis of a twopiece gate-output approximation. The equation is solved accurately to obtain
response waveform.
Delmore et al. [44], Moll et al. [45] and Wong et al. [46] have derived set of
formulas to model capacitance and inductance in sub-half-micrometer VLSI circuits.
Quasi three-dimensional (3D) modeling has been used for extracting the interconnect
capacitance [4748]. In the capacitance model, concept of effective width for a 3D
wire has been used. This is derived from the combination of an analytical
two-dimensional (2D) and wall-to-wall model. The effective width provides a
physics-based approach to decompose any 3D structure into a series of 2D segments,
resulting in efcient and accurate capacitance extraction. Three-dimensional capacitance model for full-chip simulation has also been proposed in [49]. Huang et al. [50]

2.1 Interconnects for VLSI ApplicationsA Review

have carried out interconnect modeling for multi-gigahertz clock. However, accurate
estimation of these interconnect parasitics requires details of the interconnect
geometry, layout, technology, the current distributions and switching activities of the
wires, which are difcult to predict and require more research. Rosa [51] has given
the formula for self and mutual inductance using BiotSavart law for linear conductors. Banerjee and Mehrotra [52] have introduced an accurate analysis of on-chip
inductance effects for distributed interconnects that takes into account the effect of
series resistance and output parasitic capacitance of the driver. The expressions for
the transfer function of distributed interconnect lines, their time-domain responses,
and computationally efcient performance optimization techniques have been presented. Closed-form approximation of frequency-dependent mutual impedance per
unit length of lossy silicon substrate coplanar-strip IC interconnects has been
developed in [53]. The derivation is based on a quasi-stationary full-wave analysis
and Fourier integral transformation.
Sylvester and Hu [34] have considered the characterization of interconnect with
particular attention to ultra-small capacitance measurement and in-situ noise evaluation techniques. An approach called the charge-based capacitance measurement
technique, to measure Femto-Farad level wiring capacitances, has the advantages of
being compact, having high-resolution and being very simple. Cong and Pan [54]
have presented a set of interconnect performance estimation models for design
planning with consideration of various effective interconnect layout optimization
techniques. These models can be used efciently during high-level design space
exploration, interconnect-driven design planning, and synthesis- and timing-driven
placement to ensure design convergence for deep sub-micrometer designs. A systematic method for deriving the characteristic model of interconnects from timedomain vector tting has been investigated in [55]. The method is based on the
iteration and convolution of time series by recursion. The approach extracts model
parameters from terminal voltage waveforms directly by time-domain vector tting
so that the transformation of frequency loading can be simulated efciently in
SPICE-compatible simulator. The contributive interconnect parasitic impedance
parameters contribute signicantly to delay in VLSI chips. Estimation of propagation delay through interconnect has been of great concern for VLSI designers.
Therefore, consideration of interconnect delay has been developed next.

2.1.2 Interconnect Delay

Interconnect delay modeling has been a subject of research since 1970s. Estimation
of propagation delay through interconnect requires accurate models for the propagation path. Over the years, several models for interconnect delays have been proposed and tested. Resistive interconnect optimization under Elmore delay model
[56] is carried out by Sapatnekar [57]. Gupta et al. [58] have proved that the Elmore
delay measure is an absolute upper bound on the actual 50 % delay of RC tree
response. Moreover, this bound holds for input signals other than steps. The actual


2 Design Challenges in Subthreshold Interconnect Circuits

delay asymptotically approaches the Elmore delay as the input signal rise time
increases. A lower bound on delay is also developed using the Elmore delay and the
second moment of the impulse response. Brocco et al. [59] have investigated macromodeling and RC tree approaches giving a unied timing simulation method. The
simulation method is faster than SPICE by two orders, for 2 m CMOS technology.
OBrien and Savarino [60] have modeled the driving point characteristics of resistive
interconnects for delay estimation. Compact expressions for worst-case time delay
and crosstalk of coupled RC lines are proposed by Sakurai [61]. Kahng and Muddu
[62] have developed an analytical delay model based on rst and second moments to
incorporate inductance effects in the delay estimation with step input. Delays estimated are within 15 % of SPICE-computed delay across a wide range of interconnect
parameter values. A stochastic wiring distribution based upon Rents Rule has been
derived by Davis and Meindl [6364]. The distribution determines wire-length
frequency and enables a priori estimation of the local, semi-global, and global wiring
requirements for future GSI systems. Brachtendorf and Laur [65] have provided
analytical models by discretization of the telegraphers equations, for the transient
simulation of lossy interconnects. Chiprout [66] has presented guidelines for modeling on-chip interconnects for accurate simulation of high-performance ultra-largescale integration designs. Pamunuwa and Tenhumen [67] have discussed the delay
model for coupled interconnects. Analytical expressions for delay, buffer size, and
number that are suitable in a priori timing analyses and signal integrity estimations
have been developed.
Davis and Meindl [68, 69] have extended Sakurais work [61] by including self
and mutual inductance. The compact analytical expressions derived give an
explanation for the transient response of high-speed distributed resistiveinductivecapacitive interconnect. Simplied expressions enable physical understanding
and accurate estimation of transient response, propagation delay and crosstalk for
global interconnects. Venkatesan et al. [70, 71] have signicantly extended the
work reported in Refs. [68, 69]. They have developed a new physical model for the
transient response of distributed interconnects with a capacitive load. The solutions
are veried by HSPICE simulations. These solutions are used to derive novel
expressions for the propagation delay, optimum number, and size of buffers for
buffer inserted distributed lines. The analysis denes a design space that reveals the
trade-off between the number of buffers and wire cross section for specied delay
and crosstalk constraints.
Xu and Mazumder [72] have introduced the passive discrete modeling technique
using the numerical approximation method. This is called the differential quadrature
method for estimating signal propagation delays through on-chip long interconnects. This delay modeling generates equivalent circuit interconnect models consisting of current and voltage sources, which can be directly incorporated into
circuit simulators such as SPICE. Current sensing, model-reduction-based algorithms, etc., are some other delay analysis methods which have been proposed in
[73]. Worst-case delay has been estimated by Chen et al. [74]. Singhal et al. [75]
have presented a twofold approach for evaluating the signal and data carrying
capacity of on-chip interconnects. In the rst approach, the wire is modeled as a

2.1 Interconnects for VLSI ApplicationsA Review


linear time invariant system and frequency response is studied and higher transmission rate is achieved using ideal signal shape. The second approach addresses
delay and reliability in interconnects. Lehtonen et al. [76] have presented a selfcontained adaptive system for detecting and bypassing permanent errors in on-chip
interconnects. The proposed system reroutes data on erroneous links to a set of
spare wires without interrupting the data flow. An improved syndrome storingbased detection method is presented and compared to the in-line test method. In the
presence of permanent errors, the probability of correct transmission in the proposed systems is improved by up to 140 % over the standalone Hamming code.
These methods achieve up to 38 % area, 64 % energy, and 61 % latency
improvements at comparable error performance. Morgenshtein et al. [77] have
presented a unied logical effort delay model for paths composed of CMOS logic
gates and resistive wires. The method provides conditions for timing optimization
while overcoming the limitations of standard logical effort in the presence of
interconnects. The condition of optimal gate sizing in a logic path with long wires is
also given and the condition is achieved when the delay component due to the gate
input capacitance is equal to the delay component due to the effective output
resistance of the gate.

2.1.3 CMOS Buffer

It is an important technique in VLSI to drive interconnects by buffers. Buffers have
been realized using CMOS inverters [41]. Researchers have modeled buffers differently and much work has been reported in literature about CMOS buffers.
Shockley [78] and Shichman and Hodges [79] have developed square law models
for MOSFETs in which drain current varies as a square of the effective gate voltage.
These models have been extensively used in computer-aided analyses of CMOS
switching circuits. However, the proposed models do not give accurate results as
channel length is reduced. Sakurai and Newton [80] developed alpha-power model
which denes currentvoltage characteristics for short-channel transistors. In this
model, the input waveform slope effects and parasitic drain/source resistance effects
are included. It has been observed that neglecting p-channel transistor (PMOS) is not
valid when the input ramp is very slow compared to the output waveform. However,
the approximation is valid if the input slope exceeds one-third of the output slope,
which is usually true in VLSI. Various approaches for taking into consideration the
non-ideal effects in short-channel MOSFETs have been considered [80].
Deng and Shiau [81] have used the linear RC delay method to empirically
calculate the delay in digital CMOS circuits. This generic linear RC model has the
advantage of being simple and reliable. The empirical model, which is a highdimensional function of various circuit and device parameters, is simplied to a 2D
model that estimates the delay of CMOS circuits. SPICE simulation is used to
verify the analytical results. Chung et al. [82] have carried out a comprehensive
study of the performance and reliability design issues for deep submicrometer


2 Design Challenges in Subthreshold Interconnect Circuits

MOSFET. The performance criteria viz. current-driving capability, ring-oscillator

switching speed, and small-signal voltage gain are studied. In this context, the
allowable choice of MOSFET channel length, oxide thickness, and power supply
voltage is examined. Dutta et al. [83] have developed an analytical and comprehensive scheme to evaluate the delay and the output transition time of buffer for any
input ramp and different fan-outs. Turn points for the innitely fast and innitely
slow input rise times have been identied. A smooth curve tting is used to predict
the delay and the transition time over a large range of input signal slopes and output
loading. The accuracy of the analysis is within 3 % of SPICE results. Bisdounis
et al. [84] have suggested analytical transient and propagation delay models for
short-channel CMOS inverter with fast and slow ramp inputs. They have used
alpha-power law MOSFET model and taken gate-to-drain coupling capacitance into
account. The analytical results show an error less than 3 %. The reduction of
transistor-level models of CMOS logic gates to equivalent inverters, for the purpose
of computing the supply current, power and delay in digital circuits has been carried
out by Nabavi-Lishi and Rumin [85]. Hirata et al. [86] have derived propagation
delay for static CMOS gates considering short-circuit current and the currents
through capacitive load and gate capacitance. They demonstrated that the influence
of short-circuit power on delay becomes large with slow input transition and small
output load capacitance. The accuracy of this analytical method is better than that
reported in [80], especially when the velocity saturation is large. The error of the
analysis is within 8 % of SPICE results. Pattanaik et al. [87] have used geometric
programming for the optimization of delay and power of nanoscale CMOS inverter.
Daga and Auvergne [88] have demonstrated a design-oriented comprehensive
analytical model for CMOS inverter delay considering input slope, input-to-output
capacitive coupling, short-circuit current, and short-channel effects. Gate input
dependency and the input-slope-induced nonlinearity are considered. The overall
calculated results are within 10 % of SPICE simulation results. Raja et al. [89] have
given a new CMOS gate design that has different delays along various inputs to
output paths. The delays are accomplished by inserting selectively sized permanently
on series transistors at the inputs of a logic gate. The use of variable input delay
CMOS gates for total glitch-free minimum dynamic power implementations of
digital circuits has been demonstrated. Using c7552 benchmark circuit and described
gates, power saving of 58 % is obtained. CMOS gate sizing, taking the dependence of
fan-out, spurious capacitances and the slope of the input waveforms to optimize delay
has been presented [90]. The alpha-power law model equations have been used.

2.2 Coupling Capacitance Noise

Interconnect coupling noise or crosstalk refers to the voltage induced on the victim
node due to capacitive coupling from a switching aggressor node. The coupling
capacitance causes disastrous effect on the functionality and reliability of digital
integrated circuits. It induces a voltage glitch in one or more adjacent quiet

2.2 Coupling Capacitance Noise


interconnects and may become a cause for circuit failure [91]. It also leads to false
propagation delay times and increased power dissipation. In modern interconnect
design, interconnects in adjacent metal layers are kept orthogonal to each other.
This is done to reduce crosstalk as far as possible. But with growing interconnect
density and reduced chip size, even the non-adjacent interconnects exhibit coupling.
The extent of coupling is dependent upon the nature of the signal transitions
[9294]. If both interconnects switch in the same direction, the coupling capacitance (Cc) is approximately zero and the total capacitance of each interconnect is
approximated by the line-to-ground capacitance. If one interconnect is switching
and the other is quiet, the total capacitance of each interconnect is determined by the
capacitance (C + Cc). On the other hand, if the signals on each interconnect switch
out of phase, the effective coupling capacitance approximately doubles to 2 Cc.
Thus, the coupling capacitance changes the effective load capacitance, depending
upon the signal switching activity. Buffer insertion is a technique commonly used
for the reduction of crosstalk. However, the buffer insertion technique in subthreshold is not a feasible technique contrary to the super-threshold region. Another
useful approach of reducing crosstalk is to use shielding wires, which also increases
the capacitive load and therefore delay. A more suitable approach is to increase the
spacing between the wires.
Extensive research has been carried out regarding crosstalk and delay estimation
of CMOS gate-driven coupled interconnects. Xie and Nakhla [95] have proposed a
method for crosstalk and delay estimation in high-speed VLSI interconnects with
nonlinear components. The solution of the mixed frequency and time-domain
problem by replacing the linear subnetworks, with a set of ordinary differential
equations using the asymptotic waveform evaluation technique, has been obtained.
Poltz [96] has given electromagnetic modeling of VLSI interconnects and the
Helmholtz equation is used to build models which include eddy current loss and
dielectric loss. Equivalent circuits with high cutoff frequencies and the smallest
possible number of components are assembled. The performance of a VLSI
interconnect at different clock rates is analyzed. Kuhlmann et al. [97] have proposed
a time-efcient method for the precise estimation of crosstalk noise. A metric to
compute coupling noise according to the sink capacitances and conductances of the
aggressor and victim nets has been reported. The noise waveform is computed
using a closed form leading to short computation time. The problem of crosstalk
computation and reduction using circuit and layout techniques has been addressed
in [9899]. Expressions have been provided for noise amplitude and pulse width in
capacitively coupled resistive lines. The estimation is based upon the RC transmission line model. A three-line structure of coupled RC interconnects using the
transmission line model is presented in [100]. However, MOS transistor has been
approximated by a linear resistor. Ling et al. [101] have developed a method to
estimate the coupling noise in the presence of multiple aggressor nets. Authors have
reported a novel technique for modeling quiet aggressor nets based on the concept
of coupling point admittance and a reduction method to replace tree branches with
effective capacitors. The proposed method has been tested for noise-prone interconnects from an industrial high-performance processor in 0.15 m technology.


2 Design Challenges in Subthreshold Interconnect Circuits

The worst-case error of 7.8 % and an average error of 2.7 % are observed. Devgan
[102] has presented a metric for estimation of coupled noise in on-chip interconnects. This noise estimation metric is an upper bound known as the Devgan metric
for RC circuits, being similar in spirit to Elmore delay in timing analysis. An
enhancement to the Devgan metric has been proposed in [103] to improve the
accuracy for fast input signals. The coupling noise voltage on a quiet interconnect
line has also been analyzed by Shoji using a simple linear RC circuit [104].
Hashimoto et al. [105] have proposed a method to capture crosstalk-induced noisy
waveform for crosstalk aware static timing analysis. The static timing analysis is
performed with the consideration of dynamic delay variation due to crosstalk noise.
Eo et al. [106] have proposed a simple closed-form crosstalk model and experimentally veried the model with 0.35 m CMOS process-based interconnect test
structures having two, three and ve coupled lines with different switching scenarios. Becer et al. [107] have presented a complete crosstalk noise model which
incorporates all victim and aggressor driver/interconnect physical parameters
including coupling locations on both victim and aggressor nets. The validity of
given model against SPICE has been demonstrated and has a good trade-off
between accuracy and completeness, having an average error of 10 % with respect
to SPICE for 130 nm technology. Hasan et al. [108] have derived and analyzed the
crosstalk noise effect on a single victim line. An accurate and flexible decoupled
transient model for victim wire is introduced. The model can be used to compute
the maximum delay and glitch effect due to crosstalk under different slew rates.
Tuuna et al. [109] have given an analytical model for the current drawn by on-chip
bus. The model is combined with an on-chip power supply grid model in order to
analyze noise caused by switching buses in a power supply grid. The buses are
modeled as distributed lines that are capacitively and inductively coupled to each
other. Different switching patterns and driver skewing times are also included in the
Bazargan-Sabet and Renault [110] have presented closed-form formulas to
estimate capacitive coupling-induced crosstalk noise for distributed RC coupling
trees. The formulas are simple enough to be used in the inner loops of performance
optimization algorithms or as cost functions to guide routers. Kaushik et al. [111]
have considered the effect of crosstalk-induced overshoot and undershoot generated
at noise-site. The false switching occurs when the magnitude of overshoot or
undershoot is beyond the threshold voltage of the gate. The peak overshoot and
undershoot generated at noise-site can wear out the thin gate oxide layer resulting in
permanent failure of the VLSI chip. Agarwal et al. [112] have analyzed a simple
crosstalk noise model for coupled on-chip interconnects. The model is based on
coupled-transmission-line theory and is applicable to asymmetric driver and line
congurations. The noise waveform shape is captured well and yields an average
error of 6.5 % for noise peak over a wide range of test cases. Chen and Sadowska
[113] have proposed closed-form formula to estimate capacitive coupling-induced
crosstalk noise for distributed RC coupling trees. The efciency of the approach
stems from the fact that only the ve basic operations are used in the expressions
viz. addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and square root. Lee et al. [114]

2.2 Coupling Capacitance Noise


have given crosstalk estimation method using coupled inductive tree models in
high-speed VLSI interconnect. The recursive formulas for moment computation of
coupled inductive interconnect trees with self and mutual inductances have been
generalized. Nieuwoudt et al. [115] have given a comprehensive investigation of
crosstalk-induced delay, noise, and capacitance for 65 nm process technology.
Naeemi et al. [116] have described an analytical model that describes distributed
inductive interconnects with ideal and non-ideal return path to optimize crosstalk
and time delay of high-speed global interconnect structures such that the crosstalk
and delay reduce by 38 and 12 %, respectively.
Vittal et al. [117] have addressed the problem of crosstalk computation and
reduction using circuit and layout techniques. The expressions for crosstalk
amplitude and pulse width in capacitively coupled resistive lines have been provided. The expressions hold good for nets with arbitrary number of pins and of
arbitrary topology under any specied input excitation. The experimental results
show that the average error is about 10 % and the maximum error is less than 20 %.
Avinash et al. [118] have proposed a spatiotemporal bus encoding scheme to
minimize crosstalk in interconnects. The scheme eliminates crosstalk in the interconnect wires, thereby reducing delay and energy consumption. The technique is
evaluated by focusing on L1 cache address/data bus of a microprocessor using
SPEC2000 CINT benchmark and suites for 90 and 65 nm technologies.
Nuroska et al. [119] have given a technique that reduces crosstalk noise on buses
based on proling the switching behavior. Based on this proling information, an
architecture conguration obtained using a genetic algorithm is applied that encodes
pairs of bus wires, permutes the wires, and assigns an inversion level to each wire in
order to optimize for noise and power. Hanchate and Ranganathan [120] have
proposed a methodology for wire sizing with simultaneous optimization of interconnect crosstalk noise and delay in deep submicron VLSI circuits. The wire sizing
is modeled as an optimization problem, formulated as a normal form game, and
solved using the Nash equilibrium. Game theory allows the optimization of multiple metrics with conflicting objectives. Lienig [121] presented a novel approach to
solve the VLSI channel and routing problems. The approach is based on a parallel
genetic algorithm which runs on a distributed network of workstations. The algorithm optimizes physical constraints such as the length of nets, number of vias and
is able to signicantly reduce the occurrence of crosstalk.
Rao et al. [122] have proposed a bus encoding algorithm and circuit scheme for
on-chip buses that eliminates capacitive crosstalk while simultaneously reducing
total power. The encoding scheme signicantly reduces total power by 26 % and
runtime leakage power by 42 % while eliminating capacitive crosstalk. Zhang and
Sapatnekar [123] have presented a method for incorporating crosstalk reduction
criteria into the global routing under a broad power supply network paradigm. The
method utilizes power/ground wires as shields between the signal wires to reduce
capacitive coupling, while considering the constraints imposed by limited routing
and buffering resources. An iterative procedure is employed to route signal wires,
assign supply shields, and insert buffers. Wu et al. [124] have proposed a probabilistic model-based approach for crosstalk mitigation at the layer assignment. The


2 Design Challenges in Subthreshold Interconnect Circuits

approach aims to discover and reduce crosstalk at the pre-detailed-routing level. Ho

et al. [125] have given a novel framework for fast multilevel routing considering
crosstalk and performance optimization. An intermediate stage of layer/track
assignment has been incorporated into the multilevel routing framework. Compared
with the state-of-the-art multilevel routing, the experimental results show that their
approach achieved a 6.7 runtime speedup, reduced respective maximum and
average crosstalk by about 30 and 24 %, and reduced respective maximum and
average delay by about 15 and 5 %.
Yoshikawa and Terai [126] have examined crosstalk-driven placement procedure based on genetic algorithm. For selection control, objective functions are
introduced for improving crosstalk noise, reducing power consumption, improving
interconnection delay, and dispersing wire congestion. Authors in [127] have
proposed a coupling-driven data encoding scheme for low-power data transmission
in deep submicron buses. The encoding scheme reduces the coupling transitions by
23 % for a deep submicron bus compared to the non-coded data transmission. It has
been found that 75 % of the power consumption is due to coupling capacitance,
whereas 25 % is due to self capacitance.

2.3 Power Dissipation

With the emergence of portable computing and communication equipments, lowpower design has become a principal theme of the VLSI industry. The need for
portability has caused a major paradigm shift in which power dissipation is as
important as speed and area. The most demanding applications of low-power
microelectronics have been battery-operated wrist watches, hearing aids, implantable cardiac pacemakers (a few W power consumption), pocket calculators,
pagers, cellular telephones (a few mW), and prospectively the hand-held multimedia terminals (1020 W). The power dissipation in VLSI circuits is reviewed in
this section. Various methodologies for reduction of power dissipation in VLSI
circuits are also examined.
Powers [128] discussed the existing and emerging battery systems in terms of
energy content, shelf and cycle life besides other characteristics. Progress in battery
technology is still far behind than that in the eld of electronics. Packaging has
resulted in signicant changes in the older systems such as CZn, alkaline, ZnAir,
NiCd, and lead acid which continue to get better. Chandrakasan et al. [129] have
presented an analysis of low-power CMOS digital design, giving the techniques for
low-power operation that use the lowest possible supply voltage coupled with
architectural, logic style, circuit, and technology optimizations. The optimum
voltage for 2 m technology is 1.5 V and for 0.8 m technology is 1 V, with power
dissipation reduction by a factor of 10. The architectural-based scaling strategy
indicates that the optimum voltage is much lower than that determined by other
scaling considerations. Davari et al. [130] have given guidelines of CMOS scaling
for low-power design. Comparisons are given for CMOS technologies ranging from

2.3 Power Dissipation


0.25 m at 2.5 V to sub-0.1 m at 1 V. It is shown that over two orders of

magnitude improvement in power-delay-product are expected by such scaling
compared to 0.6 m devices at 5 V supply. Meindl [131] meticulously discussed the
pros and cons of future opportunities for low-power GSI which are governed by a
hierarchy of (i) theoretical and practical, (ii) material, (iii) device, (iv) circuit, and
(v) system limits.
Low power is an essential requirement of biomedical electronic devices.
Bhattacharyya et al. [132] have developed low-power hearing aid circuit based on
1 V supply voltage and adaptive biasing. Corbishley et al. [133] have proposed an
ultra-low-power analog system to provide adaptive directionality in digital hearing
aids. Power reduction is obtained by designing all the circuit blocks, viz. lters,
multipliers, and dividers, in CMOS technology using transistors in weak inversion
region. The total power consumption of the complete system is 5 W at a scaled
supply voltage of 0.9 V in 0.35 m technology. Various power estimation techniques have been surveyed by Najm [134]. Rajput and Jamuar [135, 136] have
reported low-voltage analog VLSI circuit design techniques and their applications.
Power dissipation analysis of DSM CMOS circuits is carried out by Gu and
Elmasry [137]. Borah et al. [138] and Heulser and Fichtner [139] considered
transistor sizing for minimizing power consumption of CMOS circuit under delay
Authors in [140143] have described several methodologies for low-power
VLSI design. To contain the adverse effects of power dissipation, low-voltage
operation of circuits, along with variable threshold and multiple threshold CMOS
techniques, is often resorted to. System level architectural measures such as pipelining approach and parallel processing or hardware replication technique are used
in the trade-off areas for low-power dissipation. Reduction of switching activity by
algorithmic, architectural and circuit level optimization by proper choice of logic
topology reduces power dissipation. Delay balancing, glitch reduction, and use of
conditional or gated clock signals are some of the useful architectural measures to
reduce switching activity. Switched capacitances play a signicant role in switching
power dissipation. Reduction of switched capacitances is a major step for lowpower design of digital ICs. This can be accomplished (i) at system level by
limiting the use of shared resources, e.g., by partitioning the global bus into smaller
dedicated local buses to handle data transmission between nearby modules, (ii) by
using proper logic style e.g., pass transistor logic reduces load capacitance, and (iii)
by reducing parasitic capacitance at physical design level by keeping transistors at
minimum dimensions whenever possible.
Kang [144] has reported an accurate method for simulating the power dissipation
in an IC by the use of a dependent current source and a parallel RC circuit. The
steady-state voltage across the capacitor reads the average power drawn from the
supply voltage source. Simulation results are shown for CMOS circuits. This
subcircuit can be inserted into any VLSI circuit model without causing interference
while the circuit is simulated with a simulator such as SPICE. Yacoub and Ku [145]
envisioned a circuit simulation technique which permits the measurement of shortcircuit power dissipation component in ICs using SPICE. This technique is most


2 Design Challenges in Subthreshold Interconnect Circuits

appropriate for low-power CMOS circuit design that does not permit current flow,
other than leakage current, during steady-state operation.
Constandinou et al. [146] implemented an ultra-low-power consuming, simple,
and robust circuit for edge-detection in integrated vision systems in 0.18 m CMOS
technology. Kim et al. [147] presented a low-power smallest area, delay-locked
loop-based clock generator. Fabricated in a 0.35 m CMOS process, clock generator occupies 0.07 mm2 area and consumes 42.9 mW power and operates in the
frequency range of 120 MHz1.1 GHz. Bhaumik et al. [148] implemented a
divided word line scheme to bring down power dissipation in 256 kB static random
access memory design. Mitra and Chandorkar [149] designed a low-voltage CMOS
amplier with rail-to-rail input common mode range. Alternative methods were
applied for obtaining high common mode range, good common mode rejection
ratio, and output swing at such low supply voltage. Hwang et al. [150] reported a
self regulating CMOS voltage-controlled oscillator with low supply voltage sensitivity. Lidow et al. [151] examined future trends in Internet appliances, portable
electronic appliances, and silicon-based power transistors and diodes. It is discussed
how the changing requirements of end users are driving state-of-the-art devices,
new analog ICs as well as different power management architectures. Methodologies and projections related to power dissipation in CMOS circuits have been
specied by Bhavnagarwala et al. [152].
Mutoh et al. [153] have proposed circuit by inserting high-threshold devices in
series into low-threshold circuitry. A sleep control scheme is introduced for efcient
power management. Kawaguchi et al. [154] have suggested super cutoff CMOS
circuit that uses low-threshold voltage transistor with an inserted gate bias generator. In the standby mode, the voltages are applied to transistors to fully cut off the
leakage current. Wei et al. [155] have implemented the dual-threshold technique to
reduce leakage power by assigning a high-threshold voltage to some transistors in
non-critical paths and using low-threshold transistors in the critical path. An
algorithm for selecting and assigning an optimal high-threshold voltage is also
given. The reduction in leakage power is more than 80 % and total active power
saving is around 50 and 20 %, respectively, at low- and high-switching activities for
ISCAS benchmark circuits. In [156], the authors have presented architectures for
low power and optimum speed for image segmentation using Sobel operators.
Pant et al. [157] have presented algorithms that can be used to design ultra-lowpower CMOS logic circuits by joint optimization of supply voltage, threshold
voltage, and device widths. Various components of power dissipation are considered and an efcient heuristic is developed that delivers over an order of magnitude
savings in power over conventional optimization methods. The authors have also
proposed a heuristic technique for minimizing the total power consumption under a
given delay constraint. The approach simultaneously determines transistor power
supply, threshold voltage, and device width by two distinct phases. The proposed
approaches trade off energy and delay invariably by tuning variables (supply
voltage, threshold voltage, transistor size, etc.). Chi et al. [158] have proposed a
multiple supply voltage-scaling algorithm for low-power design. The algorithm
combines a greedy approach and an iterative improvement optimization approach.

2.3 Power Dissipation


Deodhar and Davis [159] have suggested voltage-scaling and repeater insertion
for throughput-centric low-power global interconnects. It is assessed that repeater
insertion improves throughput. Using 180 nm technology, it is illustrated that 1 V
supply voltage can reduce power dissipation up to 25 % of that with 2.5 V supply,
for 2 Gbps throughput. The results are compared with SPICE simulations and show
a good agreement. The possibility of applying the buffer insertion technique to
reduce power dissipation and delay in interconnects in voltage-scaled environment
has been carried out in [160, 161]. Analytical approaches for optimum design and
optimum number of buffers in low-power environment have been developed. Buffer
sizing for minimum power and delay in voltage-scaled environment has also been
carried out. The analytical results are within 10 % of the SPICE simulation results.
Banerjee and Mehrotra [162] have addressed the problem of power dissipation
during the buffer insertion phase of interconnect design optimization. Since all
global interconnects are not on the critical path, a small delay penalty can be
tolerated on these non-critical interconnects. A delay penalty of 5 % for lesser
power dissipation at different MOS technologies has been included. It is proved that
there exists a potential for large power saving by using smaller buffers and larger
inter-buffer interconnect lengths. Wang et al. [163] have represented signals by
localized wave packets that propagate along the interconnect lines at the speed of
light to trigger the receivers. Energy consumption is reduced through charging up
only part of the interconnect lines. Voltage doubling property of the receiver gate
capacitances is used. Zhong and Jha [164] demonstrated the importance of optimizing on-chip interconnects for power reduction. It is concluded that signicant
spurious switching activity occurs in interconnects.
Tajalli and Leblebici [165] experimentally and analytically showed that scaling
supply voltage in deep subthreshold region increases energy consumption and also
investigated that optimum supply voltage for minimum energy consumption lies in
moderate subthreshold region. Moreover, digital circuits operated in deep subthreshold region will have signicant delay and noise margin penalties along with
robustness issues that cannot be ignored for portable devices with real-time
applications [166]. Hence, the designing of robust and moderate performance
subthreshold eld programmable gate arrays, real-time portable devices, buses, and
clock signal is uncertain at such low bias [167].
Bol et al. [168] investigated the interests and limitations of technology scaling
for subthreshold logic from 0.25 m to 32 nm nodes. It is shown that scaling from
90 to 65 nm nodes is highly desirable for medium-throughput applications
(110 MHz) due to great dynamic energy reduction. Upsizing of the channel length
as a circuit level technique has been proposed to efciently mitigate short-channel
Thus, from the literature, it is clear that reducing power dissipation has been a
crucial parameter for low-power VLSI designs. Also, energy-constrained VLSI
applications have emerged for which the energy consumption is the key metric and
speed of operation less relevant. The power consumption of these systems should
decrease to the extent so as to extend the battery life and theoretically have
unlimited lifetimes [169]. To cope with such ultra-low-power applications, design


2 Design Challenges in Subthreshold Interconnect Circuits

of digital subthreshold logic was investigated. In the next section, fundamental

aspects of subthreshold design for ultra-low-power circuits have been provided.

2.4 Weak Inversion for Ultra-Low-Power Logic

When gate-to-source voltage is less than or equal to the transistor threshold voltage,
transistor is said to be biased in subthreshold. The transistor conducts current
through an inverted channel between the source and drain caused by a voltage
applied to the gate. The majority carriers in the substrate are repelled from the
surface directly below the gate. A depletion charge of immobile atoms forms a
depletion layer beneath the gate. The minority carriers in the depletion layer are
made to move by diffusion and induce a drain current when a voltage that is less
than the threshold voltage is applied between the drain and source terminals in the
MOS device. This current is referred to as weak inversion current or subthreshold
current. Due to small drive current, the subthreshold logic only ts in designs,
where the performance is secondary and not the main concern. Since the leakage
current is orders of magnitude lower than the drain strong inversion current and the
power supply is reduced, subthreshold logic dissipates ultra-low-power [12, 13,
170]. The subthreshold circuit designs therefore offer signicant savings in energy
because reduction in power consumption outweighs the increase in delay by an
order of magnitude [171]. These also provide near ideal voltage characteristic
curve, a requirement for digital circuits [172]. Furthermore, in the subthreshold
region, the transistor input capacitance is lesser than its strong inversion counterpart
[36]. The low-operating frequency, low supply voltage, and smaller input gate
capacitance combine together to reduce both dynamic and leakage power. A number of other advantages in subthreshold operation include improved gain, better
noise margin, and tolerant to higher stack of series transistors.
Subthreshold digital operation was rst examined theoretically in 1970s in the
context of studying the limits of voltage scaling [173]. Subthreshold design was
explored for low-power analog applications such as amplitude detector, quartz ring
oscillator, band pass amplier, and transconductance amplier [174176]. Digital
subthreshold circuits were slower to catch on.
In the past years, a growing number of successful implementations of digital
subthreshold systems viz. biomedical devices, fast fourier transform (FFT) processors, sensors, and static random access memory (SRAM) [18, 177181] have
occurred. An ultra-low-power delayed least mean square adaptive lter for hearing
aids that uses parallelism is reported in [14]. The adaptive lter achieves 91 %
improvement in power compared with a non-parallel CMOS implementation. The
lter gives the desired performance of 22 kHz and operates at 400 mV. In 2001,
Paul et al. designed an 8 8 array multiplier in 0.35 m technology to operate in
subthreshold operation [182]. The power-delay-product of this multiplier is around
25 times lower than its strong inversion operation. Body biasing is used to reduce
the multiplier delay occurring due to temperature changes. A 2.60 pJ/instruction

2.4 Weak Inversion for Ultra-Low-Power Logic


subthreshold sensor processor in 0.13 m technology has been fabricated in [183].

The minimum energy consumption is improved 10 times that of the previous sensor
processor. A 180 mV subthreshold processor using FFT in 0.18 m technology has
been fabricated by Wang and Chandrakasan [16, 184]. The FFT processor dissipates 155 nJ for 16 bits and 1,024 point FFT at the optimum supply voltage.
Besides the subthreshold static logic, other logic families such as subthreshold
pseudo-NMOS, variable threshold voltage subthreshold CMOS, subthreshold
dynamic threshold voltage MOS, and subthreshold dynamic logic have also been
proposed [185, 186].
Thus, ultra-low-power applications have established a signicant niche for
subthreshold circuits [11]. In future CMOS technologies, domination of subthreshold logic over super-threshold logic for ultra-low-power moderate throughput
applications is expected. However, process and temperature variations have become
one of the most challenging obstacles in subthreshold circuits in recent deep submicron technologies. The process variations are dramatically accentuated in subthreshold designs. This topic is addressed in the following section.

2.5 Variability in Subthreshold Design

The variation occurring in the various design parameters of transistor viz. threshold
voltage, oxide thickness, channel length, and mobility during the IC fabrication is
termed as process variation. It may also be dened as fluctuations around the
desired value of design parameters introduced during chip device fabrication [187].
The process variation issue is important in present day IC design [4]. This section
briefly introduces this topic and thereafter, a survey of the literature that addresses
variability in subthreshold circuits is conducted.
The impact of process variations on power and timing has become signicant
especially beyond 90 nm since the fabrication process tolerances have not scaled
proportionally with miniaturization of the device dimensions [21]. As CMOS
devices are further scaled in the nanometer regime, variations in the number and
placement of dopant atoms in the channel region, called random dopant fluctuation
(RDF), cause random variations in the threshold voltage. RDF makes it increasingly
difcult to achieve threshold voltage accuracy. This further exaggerates the variability problem by producing variations in the subthreshold swing, drain current,
and subthreshold leakage current [188]. Shockley [189] during his research on
random fluctuations in junction breakdown rst discovered random variation phenomenon in semiconductor devices. He explained that variations in the threshold
voltage are randomly distributed according to Poisson distribution. Keyes further
extended Shockleys work by studying the effect of variability on the electrical
characteristics of a MOSFET [190]. These variations cause different relative
strengths of the constituent transistors, thereby causing functional failure of logic
gates [191]. Consequently, the output voltage rise and fall times differ, thus


2 Design Challenges in Subthreshold Interconnect Circuits

impacting the switching frequency or power consumption. Body bias compensation

circuits have been used to mitigate mismatch [192].
Authors in [193] have reduced the sensitivity to RDF through circuit sizing and
the choice of circuit logic depth. The statistical models for circuit delay, power, and
energy efciency have also been derived. Kim et al. [194] have reduced the impact
of RDF by device sizing optimization process which uses the reverse short-channel
effect present in standard CMOS non-uniform halo doping prole devices. A transistor-level yield optimization technique to suppress process-induced variability has
been proposed in [195].
Besides process variations, temperature variation has also a signicant impact on
the performance of subthreshold systems. The sources of temperature variations in
VLSI circuits include ambient temperature and self heating. An increase in temperature increases the subthreshold leakage current and leakage power. This leakage power can be several orders of magnitude at higher temperatures.

2.5.1 Process Variations

The subthreshold current is exponentially dependent on the transistor threshold
voltage. The threshold voltage is strongly related to the various device parameters
such as effective gate length, oxide thickness, and doping concentration. These
device parameters vary considerably in the DSM regime [196]. For example, a
10 % variation in the transistor effective length can lead to as much as a threefold
difference in the amount of subthreshold leakage current [197]. Thus, subthreshold
circuit designs are prone to process variations since this current drives the circuits.
The process variations have been classied into random and systematic variations [198]. Random variations can cause a device mismatch of identical and
adjacent devices. The mismatch in the threshold voltage caused due to random
variations decreases with decrease in doping and gate oxide thickness and increases
when effective gate length and width decrease. This has been shown by Stolk et al.
[199]. Systematic variations have been classied into across-eld and layoutdependent variations. A cross-eld variations cause identical devices in different
parts of the chips to behave differently. Layout-dependent variations cause different
layouts of the same device to have different characteristics. Even for the chips that
meet the required operating frequency, a large portion dissipates very large amount
of leakage power. This makes ICs unsuitable for commercial use [200]. These
errors are caused due to photolithographic and etching sources, lens aberrations,
mask errors, and variations in etch loading [201, 202]. Authors in [203] have
carried out Monte Carlo analysis for a small MOSFET. They showed that controlling the process variation parameters to 10 % yields a threshold voltage variation of 15 %. They also showed that 95 % of the variance was around 100 mV
about the mean threshold voltage with normal distribution. Bauer et al. [204] have
shown that threshold voltage depends upon the depth of penetration of ions during
ion implantation. Schemmert and Zimmer [205] introduced a procedure for

2.5 Variability in Subthreshold Design


minimizing this threshold voltage sensitivity of ion-implanted MOSFETs. Their

results showed a maximum deviation of 10 %. Kuhn et al. [206] have demonstrated
that process variations also affect high-dielectric metal gates resulting in parametric
variations in drive current, gate tunneling current, and threshold voltage. Recent
work on process variation in subthreshold has focused upon the design of ultra-lowvoltage SRAM with techniques reported for improving robustness [17, 207].
However, it fails to operate in the presence of process variability. Zhai et al. have
highlighted three design challenges to ultra-low-voltage subthreshold SRAM [178].
These design challenges are (i) increased sensitivity to process variations, (ii)
reduced on-current to off-current ratio which leads to difculty in distinguishing
between the read current of an accessed cell and the leakage current in the unaccessed cell, and (iii) the change in gate sizing requirements. The read and write
stabilities of SRAM are heavily dependent upon the pull-up, pull-down, and pass
transistors. The authors have presented a six-transistor SRAM design in subthreshold capable of overcoming aforementioned design challenges. The proposed
design provides 36 % improvement in energy over other proposed SRAM designs
with less area overhead.
Thus, process variation plays a key role in deciding robustness and energy
efciency of subthreshold designs. CMOS literature has always shown process
variation as a critical element in semiconductor fabrication. The next section conveys some considerations regarding the effect of temperature in subthreshold VLSI

2.5.2 Temperature Variations

The temperature effects on subthreshold circuit operation have been investigated
by Datta and Burleson [208]. It has been found that current exhibits positive
temperature coefcient and increases exponentially with temperature while the
on-to-off current ratio degrades by 0.52 %/C due to the relative increase in leakage
currents. Effect of temperature on subthreshold interconnect performance has also
been carried out. It is found that optimal energy-delay-product can be achieved in
the high temperature range of 7590 C. Authors in [209] have proposed an
architecture and circuit for temperature sensors in 0.8 m CMOS technology for
ultra-low-power applications. The sensor draws 40 nA current from 1.6 to 3 V
supply at room temperature. The circuit is suitable for temperature sensing in the
290350 K temperature range. A temperature sensor suitable for passive wireless
applications has been fabricated in 0.18 m CMOS technology [210]. The temperature sensor consumes only 220 nW at 1 V at room temperature. It exhibits
temperature inaccuracy of 1.6 C/+3 C from 0 to 100 C. Hanson et al. [211]
have designed a processor for sensor applications. The processor is capable of
working at 350 mV operating voltage in the subthreshold region while consuming
only 3.5 pJ of energy per cycle.


2 Design Challenges in Subthreshold Interconnect Circuits

The effect of temperature on the various leakage current components has also
been explained by the various researchers. The thermal dependence of punchthrough current has been explained in [212]. It is found that punch-through current
reduces at low temperatures. The temperature dependence of drain-induced barrier
lowering (DIBL) current in deep submicron MOSFETs has been extensively
investigated in [213]. It is found that the DIBL coefcient is nearly insensitive to
temperature reduction in the temperature interval from 300 to 50 K. Authors in
[214] show that DIBL coefcient increases nearly 2.5 times under temperature
reduction from 150 to 25 C. The dependence of impact ionization current component has been studied in [215217]. The leakage current due to impact ionization
is temperature independent in the temperature interval from 300 to 77 K and
signicantly increases under technology scaling.

2.6 Concluding Remarks

From the literature survey, it is observed that parasitics are associated with VLSI
global interconnects, which hamper the performance of integrated circuits. Signicant research has been carried out on optimal interconnect design in superthreshold region. However, very limited literature deals with interconnect design
challenges under subthreshold conditions. Further study of interconnect design, for
ultra-low-power environment, is needed. Increased delay and crosstalk have
become challenging design issues particularly for subthreshold interconnects. The
driver delay rather than the interconnect delay dominates under subthreshold
conditions. Subthreshold attracted attention in the digital domain in the late 1990s.
Since then, several subthreshold systems have been implemented with standard
deep submicron technologies. Subthreshold circuits have been best suited to meet
the growing demand for battery-operated portable ultra-low-power VLSI applications. Process, voltage, and temperature variations on the subthreshold circuit
behavior have been analyzed. It is observed that variability is accentuated in subthreshold designs and is one of the most challenging obstacles in deep submicron
technologies. From the literature review, it is thus concluded that buffer-driven
interconnects under subthreshold need investigation as these are useful for energyconstrained ultra-low-power applications. Alternatively, there are more precise
existing circuit MOS models such as EKV, BSIM, and high-level empirical models
implemented in HSPICE for the evaluation of CMOS circuit performance. These
models do not provide a closed-form expression for the characteristics of the
MOSFET. However, the relationship between the geometric structure and the
electrical behavior can be elucidated appropriately only by compact analytical

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