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Study of a High-Pressure External Gear Pump with
a Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling Approach
Emma Frosina 1, * ID
, Adolfo Senatore 1 and Manuel Rigosi 2
1 Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio, 21-80125 Naples, Italy;
[email protected]
2 Casappa S.p.A., Via Balestrieri 1, Lemignano di Collecchio, 43044 Parma, Italy; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-081-768-3511

Received: 30 May 2017; Accepted: 27 July 2017; Published: 31 July 2017

Abstract: A study on the internal fluid dynamic of a high-pressure external gear pump is described in
this paper. The pump has been analyzed with both numerical and experimental techniques. Starting
from a geometry of the pump, a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model has
been built up using the commercial code PumpLinx® . All leakages have been taken into account in
order to estimate the volumetric efficiency of the pump. Then the pump has been tested on a test
bench of Casappa S.p.A. Model results like the volumetric efficiency, absorbed torque, and outlet
pressure ripple have been compared with the experimental data. The model has demonstrated the
ability to predict with good accuracy the performance of the real pump. The CFD model has been
also used to evaluate the effect on the pump performance of clearances in the meshing area. With
the validated model the pressure inside the chambers of both driving and driven gears have been
studied underlining cavitation in meshing fluid volume of the pump. For this reason, the model
has been implemented in order to predict the cavitation phenomena. The analysis has allowed the
detection of cavitating areas, especially at high rotation speeds and delivery pressure. Isosurfaces
of the fluid volume have been colored as a function of the total gas fraction to underline where the
cavitation occurs.

Keywords: high-pressure external gear pump; numerical modeling; cavitation

1. Introduction
As is well known, external gear pumps are widely used in the fluid power field. These pumps are
used in both mobile and fixed applications such as in agriculture, construction machines and hydraulic
presses. These machines have many advantages like their compactness and low cost, combined with
relatively high efficiency and remarkable reliability, a wide range of operating conditions and structural
simplicity. Usually, these pumps are designed to work over a wide range of speeds and high delivery
pressures as positive displacement units in hydraulic systems.
The working principle of external gear pumps is very simple. The pump consists of two gears.
One is connected to the shaft and is called driving gear; the other one is free and is called the driven
gear. These gears are meshed with each other. Chambers are created by coupling the gears with sliding
bushing blocks, one for each gear. Two plates connect the gears with the pump housing where, usually,
ports are located.
Even if the geometry of these pumps is relatively simple, they are object of many studies
addressing the improvement of their performance. This research is mainly focused on the study
of all the causes of losses inside the components, through internal fluid-dynamics investigations.
Several numerical models are available in literature. These studies (analytical, experimental and
modeling) are focused on the prediction of the performance of this pump typology.

Energies 2017, 10, 1113; doi:10.3390/en10081113

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Thiagarajan et al. [1] demonstrated improvements of the lubrication ability of external gear
machines by designing a micro-surface linear wedge added to the lateral surfaces of the gear teeth.
The author showed the reduction of torque loss by adopting a computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
numerical approach. The results were confirmed by experimentation.
Vacca et al. [2] studied the operation of spur external gear units with a numerical approach. Then,
Pellegri et al. [3] applied the new numerical approach described in [2] with a CFD model, whereby CFD
solved the film flow and the lumped parameter model evaluated the overall operation of an external
gear pump.
Borghi et al. [4,5], predicted the volumetric efficiency of gear pumps using a mathematical model.
The model has been validated with experimental data. Mancò et al. [6] have studied an external gear
pump using a lumped parameter approach. Also for this research, model results have been compared
with experimental data validating the model.
The improvement of the pump performance can be achieved only by correctly designing the
internal fluid dynamic of both lateral plates. These grooves designed in the plates can have several
functions such as reducing the noise inside the pump, however grooves connecting volumes at different
pressures, can significantly affect the volumetric efficiency of gear pumps if not well designed [5]. The
effects of grooves inside plates have also been widely studied by Koc et al. [7]. Borghi et al. [8] also did
an interesting analysis on the transient pressure in the meshing volume of external gear pumps.
Many literature studies propose examining gear pumps using 2D modeling approaches with
deforming mesh and volume remeshing. However, for the study of pumps like external gear ones,
even if the 2D modeling approaches give interesting results, they cannot predict the internal flow
behavior like 3D models [9,10]. This depends on the fact that during the operation of an external gear
pump, the flow is really complex because of the rotation speeds (typically in the range 500–3000 rpm)
and high pressure.
These conditions can cause turbulent flows and sometimes phenomena like cavitation.
Yoon et al. [10] did an interesting study on external gear pumps using a three-dimensional approach
(with an immersed solid method). The model included the decompression slots that cannot be
simulated with a 2D approximation. The model has been used to make interesting considerations on
the internal pressure peak, local cavitation, and delivery pressure ripple [11]. They have verified the
influence of the gear tip and lateral clearances on the pump performance. Those gaps become crucial
in the study of these pumps that, as said, work at a very low speed (500 rpm). Castilla et al. [12], have
also built up a complete 3D model of an external gear pump developed with an OPENFOAM Toolbox.
No simulation models have been found for the study of cavitation.
In this paper, the authors have studied principally the flow behavior in the chambers and in
the meshing zone. The implementation in the numerical model of all the groove and leakages is
important to achieve the best accuracy in the prediction of working conditions. The present study is
focused on the analysis of the internal fluid-dynamic of an external gear pump using a tridimensional
numerical approach. As said, in the literature there are few studies done with three-dimensional
simulation tools, and as far as we know, no study has been carried out to fully describe an external
gear pump under all operating conditions, even cavitation. The purpose of this research is finding
an extremely efficient and fast computational methodology able to predict the overall performance of
the components and to allow, by means of monitoring certain points, detecting parameters otherwise
difficult to experimentally measure. In addition, this analysis describes a methodology that could be
widely used to predict when cavitation occurs inside an external gear pump. This point is of extreme
interest for engineers involved in the pump design and optimization phases.
The pump under investigation is the Casappa KP30 (Casappa S.p.A., Parma, Italy), shown in
Figure 1a. The pump geometry is shown in the exploded vision in Figure 1b. The pump main features
are listed in Table 1. An accurate CFD model has been built up using the commercial code PumpLinx®
(Simerics Inc., Bellevue, WA, USA). The entire model of the pump has been created and then validated
with experimental data collected by the pump manufacturer.
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Figure 1.
Figure 1. (a) Casappa KP30;
KP30, (b) exploded vision of the pump drawing.

Table 1.
Table 1. Pump
Pump main
main features—Casappa
features—Casappa KP30.

Pump Main Features Value

Pump Main Features
Nominal displacement 44 cm Value

pressure range barcm3
0.7–3 44
Max.pressure rangepressure
continuous 0.7–3
P1 = 250 barbar
continuous pressure
intermitted pressure P2 =P1270= bar
250 bar
Max. intermitted
Max. peakpressure
pressure P3 =P2290= bar
270 bar
Max. peak pressure P3 = 290 bar
Min = 350 min−1 −1
Rotational speed Min = 350 min
Rotational speed Max = 3000 min−1 −1
Max = 3000 min

Flow-rate comparisons have been done at three different delivery pressures and oil
temperatures comparisons
varying have been done
the pump three different
The model delivery pressures
demonstrates an accuracyand oil temperatures
below 2% for all
the analyzed working conditions. The validation of the model has been also done on the analyzed
varying the pump speeds. The model demonstrates an accuracy below 2% for all the pressure
working conditions. The
ripples. Monitoring validation
points have been of the model
located inhas
onebeen also done
chamber on gear.
of each the pressure ripples. Monitoring
The post-processing of the
points have been located in one chamber of each gear. The post-processing
pressure inside the chambers underlined the areas under low pressure, especially at high pump of the pressure inside the
speeds. underlined the areas under low pressure, especially at high pump speeds.
An analysis
analysis on on the
the total
total volume
volume gas gas fraction
fraction hashas been
been performed
performed in in order
order to to verify
verify ifif in
in the
chambers of both gears the pressure goes below the saturation value causing
chambers of both gears the pressure goes below the saturation value causing cavitation. For this cavitation. For this reason,
the model
reason, thehas beenhas
model implemented with an accurate
been implemented with ansubmodel for the prediction
accurate submodel of cavitating
for the prediction ofconditions.
Particular attention has been paid to the connection plates interposed between the ports and gears.
In Figure 2, the geometry
Particular attention of hasone of them
been paid is
toshown. As said, in
the connection the grooves
plates interposed drawn inside the
between plates, during
ports and
the gear rotation, the pressure reduction can cause cavitation. For this reason,
gears. In Figure 2, the geometry of one of them is shown. As said, in the grooves drawn inside plates, the design phase of
important and athe
gear rotation, CFD modeling
pressure approach
reduction cancan
causehelp optimizeFor
cavitation. those
reason, theachieving
design phase the
best solution. The groove created at the delivery side (underlined with the
of plates is important and a CFD modeling approach can help optimize those geometries achieving green rectangle in Figure 2,
the bestthe trappingThe
solution. of the fluid created
groove in the high-pressure
at the delivery volume, reducing, as with
side (underlined a consequence,
the green the pressure
rectangle in
spike in the meshing area. On the other hand, the groove instead allows the
Figure 2, allows the trapping of the fluid in the high-pressure volume, reducing, as a consequence, filling of the chambers
from the suction
the pressure port.
spike In meshing
in the this way, area.
the pressure drop hand,
On the other is reduced, limiting
the groove the occurrence
instead allows theof cavitation.
filling of the
fromhave also theport.
the suction function to way,
In this reduce thethe noisiness
pressure drop of is
pump duringlimiting thethe
occurrence of
cavitation. Those grooves have also the function to reduce the noisiness of the pump during the
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Figure 2. Grooves inside the lateral plates.

Figure Groovesinside

The design
The designof of grooves
groovesisis important
ofgrooves importantbecause
becausethey theyalso
they alsocause
also causeaaaloss
cause lossofofofflow-rate
loss flow-rateand,
flow-rate and,
and, asasas
consequence, of
ofofthe pump
pump pump efficiency.
efficiency. Other
Other grooves
grooves have
have been designed
designed ononthe on
theplates. theThese
plates. plates.
These These
are are
high highgrooves
velocity velocity(underlined
grooves grooves (underlined
(underlined withthe
with with
theellipse the
ellipse ellipse
ininblue blue 2)
Figure in Figure
andconnect 2) and
connect connect
number number
chambers of chambers
with with
thehigh the high pressure
pressure side.This
side. Thisside. This solution
solution affects
affects theforcestheacting
forces forces
actingon acting
onthe on the
In In Figure
Figure 22there
alsoisaaalso a rectangular
rectangular vacancy
vacancy (underlined
(underlined withwith
with the ellipse
the ellipse in black)
black) thatthat
that allows
allows the
the connection
connection to section
the the section
section port
port port of the
the pump.
pump. This
This fluid
fluid volume
volume will
will be be
shown better
better in Figure
Figure 3b.3b.
3b. InIn
In the second
the section
sectionofoftheof the
paper,the the numerical
modelofoftheof the
thepump pump is described.

Figure 3.3.Extracted
Extracted fluidvolume
the external
external gear
gear pump,
pump, (a)
(a) entire
entire fluid
fluid volume,
volume; (b)
(b) fluid
fluid volume
volume of
the the plate,
plate; (c)fluid
fluid fluid volume
volume inrotation,
in in rotation,
rotation; (d)fluid
fluidfluid volume
volume ofthe
of of
the theports.

2. NumericalModel
Numerical ModelDescription
Model Description
In thissection,
this section,aaanumerical
section, numericalmodel
numerical modelof
model ofthe
of thestudied
the studiedexternal
studied externalgear
external gearpump
gear pumpis
pump isisdescribed.
described. Themodel
The modelhas
model has
been built
built up
up using
using the
the commercial
commercial code
code PumpLinx
PumpLinx ®
Starting from
been built up using the commercial code PumpLinx . Starting from the real CAD geometry of the the
the real
real CAD
CAD geometry
geometry of
of the
pump alreadyshown
already shownin
shown ininFigure
Figure 1,1,the
the fluidvolume
fluid volumehas
volume hasbeen
has beenextracted
been extractedand
extracted andthen
and thenmeshed.
then meshed.The
meshed. Theextracted
The extracted
fluid volume
volume ofof the
the entire
entire pump
pump isis presented
fluid volume of the entire pump is presented in Figure 3. inin Figure
Figure 3.3.
The fluidvolume
fluid volumehas
volume hasbeen
has beenmeshed
been meshedusing
meshed usingaaabody-fitted
using body-fittedbinary
body-fitted binarytree
binary treeapproach.
tree approach.The
approach. Thegrid
The gridgenerated
grid generated
with body-fittedbinary
body-fitted binarytree
binary treeapproach
tree approachis
approach isisaccurate
accurate andefficient
and efficientbecause
efficient becausethe
because theparent-child
the parent-childtree
parent-child tree
architecture allows
allows for
for anan expandable
expandable data
data structure
structure with
with reduced
architecture allows for an expandable data structure with reduced memory storage. memory
memory storage.
In thisarchitecture
this architecture
architecture ofofofthe
the the
grid, grid,
grid, thebinary
the the
binarybinary refinement
refinement isisoptimal
is optimal optimal fortransitioning
for transitioningtransitioning between
between between
length length
scales and scales
scales andresolutions
resolutions resolutions within
within thewithinmodel. the
the model.
The Theof
majority majority
cells areofof cellsare
cubes, arecubes,
whichcubes, which
is the isisthe
optimum the
optimum celltype
orthogonally,aspect aspectratio,
ratio,and andskewness,
reducingthe the
influence numericalerrorserrorsandandimproving
improvingthe thespeed
speedand andaccuracy.
accuracy.The Thegrid
Energies 2017, 10, 1113 5 of 20

cell type in terms of orthogonally, aspect ratio, and skewness, thereby reducing the influence of
numerical errors and improving the speed and accuracy. The grid can also tolerate inaccurate CAD
Energies 2017, 10, 1113 5 of 20
surfaces with small gaps and overlaps. Therefore, a body-fitted binary tree approach has demonstrate
to be theinaccurate
best methodology
CAD surfacesto mesh
with smallthegapscomplex geometry
and overlaps. of the
Therefore, pump under
a body-fitted binary analysis.
tree approachThanks to
has demonstrate
the approach adopted,toitbe is the best methodology
possible to create atogrid mesh theto
able complex geometry
take into accountof the
thepump under of the
geometry,analysis. Thanksin
especially to the
the approach
boundary adopted, In
is possible to create
fact, also on thea grid able to the
surfaces take grid
into account
density thehas been
complexity of the geometry, especially in the boundary layer. In fact, also on the surfaces the grid
increased without excessively increasing the total cell count. This has been realized using cubic cells,
density has been increased without excessively increasing the total cell count. This has been realized
which, as said,
using arecells,
cubic the optimum cell are
which, as said, type theinoptimum
terms of orthogonally
cell type in terms and improve speed
of orthogonally and accuracy.
and improve
For this speed
reason,andin the regions
accuracy. For thisofreason,
high curvature and
in the regions small
of high details and
curvature the small
mesh been and cut
to conform it to the and cut to conform
surface. From the it to the surface.
volume From the
in Figure volume
3 the meshinhasFigure
been3 the mesh hasand
generated beenis shown
in Figure 4. and is shown in Figure 4.

4. (a) 4. (a) Binary
Binary treetree mesh,
mesh; (b)(b)mismatched
mismatched grid
gridinterface (MGI)
interface between
(MGI) volumes.
between volumes.

A maximum cell size has been chosen for the grid. This parameter defines the maximum cell size
A maximum
in all the fluidcellvolume.
size has In been chosen
the same way, for the grid.cell
a minimum This
has been fixeddefines thethe
to limit maximum
minimum cell size
in all the fluid volume.of all cells.
In Fixing this parameter
the same means that cell
way, a minimum no cell sidehas
size canbeen
be smaller
fixed than
to the minimum
limit the minimum
cell size. Another important parameter must to be set, which defines the size of
dimensions of all cells. Fixing this parameter means that no cell side can be smaller than the minimum cells on surfaces.
Different techniques are available for the treatment of a moving mesh. For positive displacement
cell size. Another important parameter must to be set, which defines the size of cells on surfaces.
pumps, it is necessary to use a moving/sliding methodology whereby the stationary and moving
are meshedare availableThe
separately. forcode,
the treatment of a moving
therefore, allows for the mesh. For positive
simultaneous displacement
treatment of
it is necessary to useand
(gear chambers) a moving/sliding methodology
stationary (like suction and delivery whereby
ports and the stationary
grooves in the and
plate moving
are meshed fluidseparately.
volumes. Each Thevolume
code, therefore, allows for
has been connected theothers
to the simultaneous treatment
via an implicit of moving
called mismatched grid interface (MGI). Each MGI, due to deformations
(gear chambers) and stationary (like suction and delivery ports and grooves in the plate geometry)and motion, is updated at fluid
each time-step.
volumes. Each volume has been connected to the others via an implicit interface called mismatched
grid interface (MGI).
2.1. Study Each
of the Gap MGI,Teeth
between due to deformations and motion, is updated at each time-step.

2.1. Study ofBefore describing

the Gap betweenthe model results obtained it is important to proceed with an analysis on the
sizing of the gaps between teeth. This study becomes crucial to correctly predict the performance of
Before describing
an external the model
gear pump. results
Therefore, in theobtained
following aitpreliminary
is important todone
study proceed with
choosing thean analysis on the
sizing ofbetween teeth
the gaps of gears is
between presented.
teeth. This study becomes crucial to correctly predict the performance of
As shown in Figure 5, the minimum gap between teeth is 5.3 μm. This gap value has been
an external gear pump. Therefore, in the following a preliminary study done choosing the clearances
defined after a analyzing the pump geometry and the angles θ and φ in Figure 6). The angle θ defines
betweentheteeth of gears
“driving gear”is(Gear
1 in Figure 6) position while the angle φ is referred to the “driven gear”
As (Gear
shown in Figure 5, theangle
2 in Figure 6). The minimum gap between
φ is defined as functionteeth is angle
of the 5.3 µm. This
θ and thegap value
number of has
z of defined
after a analyzing the angle
each gears. This pump geometry
ideally and the
is calculated angles θ and φ in Figure 6). The angle θ defines the
as follows:
“driving gear” (Gear 1 in Figure 6) position while the 360 angle φ is referred to the “driven gear” (Gear 2 in
= + (1)
Figure 6). The angle φ is defined as function of the angle 2 θ and the number of teeth z of each gears.
This angle ideally is calculated as follows:

φ=θ+ (1)
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Figure 5. Mesh
Figure 5. Mesh of
of the
the rotating
rotating fluid volume and
fluid volume and size
size of
of the
the minimum
minimum gaps.

Looking at Figure Figure 6,

Figure in
5. 5.
Mesh this
Mesh configuration
the rotating
rotating fluid gearsand
fluid volume
volume are
and perfectly
size ofofthe meshing
minimum gaps.but not in contact.
Looking at Figure 6, in this configuration gears are perfectly meshing but not in contact. However
However this meshing is not real, because, as well know, there is no gap between gears in a real
this meshing is not
at real, because, as well know, there is no gap between gears but
inworking pump.
pump. atFigure
Therefore, 6,6,ininthis
in orderthis configuration
to gears
correctly reproduce are
are perfectly
perfectly meshing
real working not
conditions, in contact.
where contact
However in order
However this
this to
meshing isisnot reproduce
not real,
real,because,real as
because, working
as conditions,
well know,
know, thereisisno
there where
nogap contact
between occurs,
in Equation
gears a real (1)
occurs, Equation (1) must be implemented including the shift angle φ. Equation (1) becomes:
mustworking pump.
beworking pump.
implemented Therefore,
including ininorder
the to
to correctly
shift correctly reproduce
angle φ. reproduce
(1) workingconditions,
working conditions, where
where contact
occurs, Equation (1) must be implemented
occurs, Equation (1) must be implemented including = + the shift angle φ. Equation (1) becomes:
including the shift angle φ. Equation (1) becomes: (2)
φ == =θ ++
+ ±φ (2) (2) (2)

Figure Front
6. 6.
Figure Frontview
view of thegears;
of the gears;angle
angle θ and
θ and φ. φ.
view of
of the gears;
Therefore, from an ideal gap shown in Figure 6 simulation have been run with three values of φ
Therefore, from an ideal gap shown in Figure 6 simulation have been run with three values of
and gap in order to achieve the best accuracy of the model (Figure 7c). The final value of the gap
φ andTherefore,
gap fromfroman an ideal
ideal gapshown
gap shownininFigure
Figure 66 simulation
beenrun with
run three
with values
three of φof φ
between gears to
in order achieve
is 5.3 μm. the best accuracy of the model (Figure 7c). The final value of the gap
and gap
and gap gears
between in order
in order to
to µm.
is 5.3 achieve the best accuracy of the model (Figure 7c). The final value
achieve the best accuracy of the model (Figure 7c). The final value of theof the gap gap
between gears
gears is 5.3
is 5.3 μm.μm.

Figure 7. Three different pump configurations: (a) φ of −0.10° and gap size of 71.8 μm, (b) φ of −0.17°
and gap size of 45.9 μm and (c) φ of −0.28° and gap size of 5.3 μm.
Figure 7. Three
7. Three different
different pump
pump configurations:(a)
configurations: of−
(a)φφof 0.10◦and
−0.10° andgap
sizeofof71.8 μm,
71.8 (b)(b)
µm; φ of of −0.17◦
φ −0.17°
and and gap
gap7.sizesize of
of 45.945.9 μm
µm and and (c) φ of
of −0.28 ◦
−0.28° and
(c) φconfigurations: gap size
gapφsize of 5.3 μm.
of 5.3and
µ size of 71.8 μm, (b) φ of −0.17°
Figure Three different pump (a) of −0.10°
and gap size of 45.9 μm and (c) φ of −0.28° and gap size of 5.3 μm.
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2.2. Mesh Sensitivity Analysis
2.2. Mesh Sensitivity Analysis
A mesh sensitivity analysis has been done on the model by changing the size of the grid. This
A mesh
analysis shouldsensitivity
be always analysis
done has
in a been
CFD done
studyontothe model
define theby changing
best grid fortheeach size of the grid.
application andThis
analysis should be always done in a CFD study to define the best grid for each
correctly predict the real working conditions of the pump. Therefore, in this section a mesh sensitivityapplication and to
showing the predict theon
effects real
theworking conditions
model results of the pump.
of variation Therefore,
for example in this
of the sectionbetween
clearances a mesh sensitivity
teeth and
showing the effects
sliding bushing on the
blocks model results of variation for example of the clearances between teeth and
is presented.
sliding bushing
Fluid volumes blocks
haveis presented.
been slit in six parts: inlet port, outlet port, outlet high speed grooves, inlet
low noise volumesoutlethave low
slit in six parts:
grooves inletEach
e rotor. port,volume
outlet port, outlet
has been high speed
connected grooves,
to others, as inlet
low noise
via the grooves,
“MGI” outlet
interface (seelow noise
Figure grooves
4b). Table 2eclarifies
rotor. Each volume hasofbeen
the importance connected
the mesh to others,
sensitivity as
said, via the
in a CFD “MGI” interface (see Figure 4b). Table 2 clarifies the importance of the mesh sensitivity
analysis in astep
A first CFDhas study.
been done analyzing the influence of the grid on the boundary layers. Two
different meshes havebeen
A first step has beendone analyzing
created the influence
by changing of the grid in
the grid parameters onthetheboundary
models are meshes
“Mesh been created
1” and “Mesh by changing the second
2” where the grid parameters
one has a in thegrid
finer boundary
size. layers. These
models are called
In Table 2, the“Mesh 1” andof“Mesh
percentages 2” wherethe
error between thesuction
has a finer
flowgrid size. by the model
In Table 2, the percentages of error between the suction and delivery
are reported. The simulations in Table 2 have been run at 1500 rpm and for two delivery flow evaluated by the
model are bar.
50 and 200 reported.
As shownThe insimulations
the Table 2,inthe ∆Q%2 of
Table have
bothbeen run“Mesh
models at 15001” rpm and for2”,two
and “Mesh delivery
as expected,
increases with50 andthe200 bar. As
delivery shown in the Table 2, the ΔQ% of both models “Mesh 1” and “Mesh 2”,
as expected, increases with the delivery pressure.
Table 2. Mesh sensitivity varying the mesh size in the boundary layers, simulations at 1500 rpm.
Table 2. Mesh sensitivity varying the mesh size in the boundary layers, simulations at 1500 rpm.
Delivery Pressure ∆Q% Mesh 1 ∆Q% Mesh 2
Delivery Pressure ΔQ% Mesh 1 ΔQ% Mesh 2
pdelivery = 50
pdelivery barbar
= 50 0.72%
0.72% 0.24% 0.24%
pdelivery = 200 bar 1.78%
pdelivery = 200 bar 1.78% 1.36% 1.36%

As shown
table, improving
improving the the quality
quality of theofmesh
the mesh in the boundary
in the boundary ∆Q%the
layers, the ΔQ%
suction andsuction andports
delivery delivery portscloser
becomes becomes closer
to each other.toIneach
fact,other. In fact, the
the reductions fromreductions
simulations from
simulations “1” and “2”, for both pressure
and “2”, for both pressure levels, are significant.levels, are significant.
After the
the analysis
boundary layers,
layers, thethe
been been studied
studied improving
improving the quality.
the quality. Nine
modelsmodels havecreated
have been been created
the numberthe of
number ofFigure
cells. In cells. In
8, aFigure 8, a comparison
comparison of and
of the suction the
suction and delivery mass flows is shown. Looking at the graph, it is clear that only with
delivery mass flows is shown. Looking at the graph, it is clear that only with a grid above 200,000 cells a grid above
does thecells doesbecome
solution the solution
stable.become stable.
Each point Each point
in Figure in Figure to
8 corresponds 8 corresponds
a model builttoupa with
model built up
a different
with a different grid size.
grid size.

Figure 8.
8. Mesh
Mesh sensitivity—flow-rate
sensitivity—flow-rate vs
vs cells
cells number
number at 1500 rpm and a delivery pressure of 50 bar.

Simulations have been run, as already said, has been run on an Intel® Xeon® X5472 CPU @ 3.00
GHz (two processors) with 24 GB RAM. As we know, upon increasing the number of cells the
simulation time increases as well. From the analyzed case, the time goes from half an hour for the
Energies 2017, 10, 1113 8 of 20

first point in Figure 8 to 10 h of the last model of almost 500,000 cells. Therefore, in order to achieve
the best compromise between accuracy and computational time, the final model consisted of 200,000
cells which is the point underlined in Figure 8.
Energies 2017, 10, 1113 8 of 20
2.3. Model Setup
The standardhave
Simulations - turbulence
been run, as model
already has said,
been has
been because
run on an this®specific
forIntel Xeon® problem
X5472 CPU it has@
3.00 GHz to (two
be accurate.
processors) The with - model
24 GBisRAM.
a robust Asmethod
we know, demonstrated
upon increasing to provide good engineering
the number of cells the
results. As time
simulation well increases
known, in asthe literature
well. From the there are other
analyzed case,resolution
the time goes methods more
from half anaccurate
hour forthan the
the first
- model
point and RNG
in Figure 8 to 10-modelh of the(RNG, LES, or
last model DES, etc.).
of almost However
500,000 cells. since the losses
Therefore, due to
in order to achieve
the viscous
best are negligible
compromise between compared
accuracy to andpressure forces time,
computational the the - model can consisted
final model be chosenofbecause it is
200,000 cells
which robust,
is the point computationally
underlined in Figure 8. efficient and it provides good accuracy. In fact, in this
application, where the computational time is close to 10 hours per revolution, the adoption of a higher
orderModel Setup model would have increased the computational time with no relevant improvement
of theTheresults.
standardThek-ε authors
turbulenceof this paperhas
model have
adopted used this strategy
because for this for manyproblem
specific other similar
it has
analyses confirming the accuracy of the solutions obtained [13–21].
proven to be accurate. The k-ε model is a robust method demonstrated to provide good engineering
results. analysis on the convergence
well known, in the literature criteria
therehave been resolution
are other done to achievemethods the more
best accuracy
accurate results.
than the“R i”
is the residual drop referred to the “i-th volume”. It is defined as the
model and RNG k-model (RNG, LES, or DES, etc.). However since the losses due to the viscous stressesdifference between the obtained
are for thecompared
negligible selected volume, during
to pressure two subsequent
forces the k-ε model iterations. The correct
can be chosen solution
because it is convergence
is realized
robust, when all the residuals
computationally efficient goand below the defined
it provides goodRaccuracy.
i. In fact, in this application, where
For all the simulations,
the computational time is close thetoconvergence
10 hours percriteria for the
revolution, thepressure,
adoption velocity andorder
of a higher the vapor mass
fraction is 0.01 as shown in Figure 9a. Figure 9a, in fact, presents the
model would have increased the computational time with no relevant improvement of the results. The trend of the residual drop for
each variable
authors of thisinpaper
a singlehave time-step. As shown,
already used residuals
this strategy forgomany below 0.01similar
other (settled Ri.).
analyses confirming the
These values have been
accuracy of the solutions obtained [13–21]. demonstrated to be suitable for this application. However, a study on
the convergence
An analysis on criteria has been also
the convergence performed
criteria varying
have been donethe Ri. As example,
to achieve in Figureresults.
the best accuracy 9b the R“Ri is
shown as function of the delta mass fraction (%) between the pump inlet
is the residual drop referred to the “i-th volume”. It is defined as the difference between the obtained and outlet mass flows. As
shown, for
results, thetheRi has been volume,
selected varied from during0.01two to 0.05 with steps
subsequent of 0.02.The correct solution convergence is
realized maximumall theerror
residualson thegodelta
belowmass fractionRbetween
the defined i.
the pump inlet and outlet mass flows
has been
For all the simulations, the convergence criteria for the pressure,can
fixed at 1%. It has been demonstrated that the best solution been achieved
velocity with amass
and the vapor Ri of
0.01 (Figure 9b). Other analyses have been run reducing the R i for the to lower value without
fraction is 0.01 as shown in Figure 9a. Figure 9a, in fact, presents the trend of the residual drop for each
variable in athe deltatime-step.
single mass flowAspercentage.
shown, residuals go below 0.01 (settled Ri. ).

Figure 9. (a)
Figure 9. (a) Pressure,
Pressure, velocity
velocity and
and vapor
vapor mass
mass fraction—residual
fraction—residual drop
drop analysis
analysis R
Rii;, (b) error on
on the
mass flow vs residual drop R
mass flow vs residual drop Rii. .

These running simulations,
have it is important
been demonstrated to underline
to be suitable for thisthat in this study
application. the model
However, hasonbeen
a study the
built up including an accurate submodel able to predict cavitation. In the following
convergence criteria has been also performed varying the Ri . As example, in Figure 9b the Ri is shownsubsection the
as of cavitation
function inside
of the delta anfraction
mass external(%)gear pump the
between haspump
been done. In fact,
inlet and outletone of the
mass targets
flows. of this
As shown,
research was to detect cavitation, in order to predict
the Ri has been varied from 0.01 to 0.05 with steps of 0.02. the worst working conditions for the pump.
The one of the
maximum aims
error on of
thethe research
delta is the investigation
mass fraction between the pumpon theinlet
andof the pump
outlet to avoid
mass flows has
cavitation, the model has been equipped with a robust submodel, available in the code,
been fixed at 1%. It has been demonstrated that the best solution can been achieved with a Ri of 0.01 able to predict
(Figure 9b). Other analyses have been run reducing the Ri for the to lower value without improving
the delta mass flow percentage.
Energies 2017, 10, 1113 9 of 20

Before running simulations, it is important to underline that in this study the model has been built
up including an accurate submodel able to predict cavitation. In the following subsection the study of
cavitation inside an external gear pump has been done. In fact, one of the targets of this research was
to detect cavitation, in order to predict the worst working conditions for the pump.
Since one of the aims of the research is the investigation on the ability of the pump to avoid
cavitation, the model has been equipped with a robust submodel, available in the code, able to
predict with high accuracy cavitating conditions. The chosen cavitation module accounts for all three
important real liquid properties: cavitation, aeration, and liquid compressibility. This model builds
on the work of Singhal et al. [22]. A module is used to predict the aeration and cavitation in a liquid
system, therefore allowing for the calculation of cavitation effects, when the pressure in a specified zone
of the fluid domain falls below the saturation pressure and vapor bubbles form and then collapse as
the pressure rises again [22]. Many physical models for the formation and transport of vapor bubbles
in liquids are available in literature, but only few computational codes offer robust cavitation models.
This is due to the difficulty on handling gas/liquid mixtures with very different densities. Even small
pressure variations may cause numerical instability if they are not optimally treated [22].The original
cavitation model proposed by Singhal et al. describes the vapor distribution using the following
formulation [13–16,22]:
∂ 0
Z Z 0 Z 0 Z 0
ρ f dΩ + ρ((v − vσ )n) f dσ = Df + (∇ f n)dσ + ( Re − Rc )dΩ (3)
∂t Ω(t) σ σ σf Ω

where Df is the diffusivity of the vapor mass fraction and σf is the turbulent Schmidt number. In the
present study, these two numbers are set equal to the mixture viscosity and unity, respectively.
The vapor generation term, Re , and the condensation rate, Rc , are modeled as [13,21]:
√ 1
2 ( p − pv )

k 2 
Re = Ce ρl ρv 1 − fv − f g (4)
σl 3 ρl
√ 1
2 ( p − pv )

k 2
R c = Cc ρl ρv fv (5)
σl 3 ρl
in which the model constants are Ce = 0.02 and Cc = 0.01.
The final density calculation for the mixture is done by [13–16,22]:

1 fv fg 1 − fv − f g
= + + (6)
ρ ρv ρg ρl

The model by Singhal et al. has been extended to include non-condensable gases, finite rate and
equilibrium dissolved gas. The fluid model, in addiction, accounts for liquid compressibility. This
is critical to accurately model pressure wave propagation in liquids. The liquid compressibility is
found to be very important for a high-pressure system and the systems in which water hammer effects
are relevant.

3. Model Validation
The pump has been tested on a dedicated test bench at Casappa S.p.A. The test bench is shown in
Figure 10. Simulations have been run under the same conditions tested in the lab with pump speeds
of 1000, 1500 and 2500 rpm, oil temperatures of 50 and 80 ◦ C and delivery pressures of 50, 150 and
250 bar.
The test bench layout is shown in Figure 10b. There are two strain gauge sensors P1 and P2
(both from WIKA® , Lawrenceville, GA, USA, scale: 0–40 bar and 0.25% FS accuracy) and P2 at the
delivery side (by WIKA® , with a scale of 0–400 bar and an accuracy of 0.25% FS). The pressure
sensor P4 is piezoelectric (made by KISTLER® , Winterthur, Switzerland, scale: 0–1000 bar, 140 kHz
Energies 2017, 10, 1113 10 of 20

natural frequency, 0.8% FS accuracy) while the traducer P5 is piezoresistive (ENTRAN® , Strainsense
Ltd, Milton Keynes, UK, scale: 0–350 bar, 450 kHz natural frequency, compensated temperature,
0.5% FSO
Energies 2017,accuracy).
10, 1113 10 of 20

Figure 10.
10. (a)
(a) Test
Test bench of Casappa
bench of Casappa S.p.A.;
S.p.A., (b)
(b) test
test bench
bench layout.

The flow-rate mater Q1 is a VSE®® VS1 (VSE.flow, Neuenrade, Germany), scale 0.05–80 l/min,
The flow-rate mater Q1 is a VSE VS1 (VSE.flow, Neuenrade, Germany), scale 0.05–80 l/min,
0.3% measured value accuracy. There is an HEIDENHAIN®®, ERN120 θ encoder (HEIDENHAIN,
0.3% measured value accuracy. There is an HEIDENHAIN , ERN120 θ encoder (HEIDENHAIN,
Traunreut, Germany), 3600 r/min, a limit velocity 4000 r/min and a period accuracy of 1/20.
Traunreut, Germany), 3600 r/min, a limit velocity 4000 r/min and a period accuracy of 1/20.
In Figure 11a–c, a first comparison between model and experimental data is shown for three
In Figure 11a–c, a first comparison between model and experimental data is shown for three
different pump speeds: 1000, 1500 and 2500 rpm. In the graph, the continuous line are the
different pump speeds: 1000, 1500 and 2500 rpm. In the graph, the continuous line are the experimental
experimental data while the dashed ones are the simulation results.
data while the dashed ones are the simulation results.
Simulations and test, as said, have been done for three delivery pressure conditions: 50, 150 and
Simulations and test, as said, have been done for three delivery pressure conditions: 50, 150
250 bar. The comparisons have been done on the torque requested on the driving gear (gear 1 in
and 250 bar. The comparisons have been done on the torque requested on the driving gear (gear 1
Figure 6).
in Figure 6).
By analyzing Figure 11, it is possible to appreciate that the model results are really close to the
By analyzing Figure 11, it is possible to appreciate that the model results are really close to the
experimental data. However, there is a gap between model and experimental data that depends also
experimental data. However, there is a gap between model and experimental data that depends also
on the fact that the model does not consider torque due to mechanical friction.
on the fact that the model does not consider torque due to mechanical friction.
The experimental data in thick lines represents the absorbed torque by the pump measured by
The experimental data in thick lines represents the absorbed torque by the pump measured by
a torque meter. This means that experimental data takes into account, of course, the “hydraulic”
a torque meter. This means that experimental data takes into account, of course, the “hydraulic”
component of torque (volumetric efficiency) even of all the friction (mechanical efficiency). This is
component of torque (volumetric efficiency) even of all the friction (mechanical efficiency). This is the
the reason why the simulation results are lower than the experimental data. In Figure 12 the delta
reason why the simulation results are lower than the experimental data. In Figure 12 the delta torque
torque between experimental and model results is presented. This ΔC represent the toque lost due to
between experimental and model results is presented. This ∆C represent the toque lost due to friction.
Model validation has been done also comparing at the delivery flow-rate varying the delivery
Model validation has been done also comparing at the delivery flow-rate varying the delivery
pressure. This comparison is shown in Figure 13 at the oil temperatures of 50 and 80◦ C and at pump
pressure. This comparison is shown in Figure 13 at the oil temperatures of 50 and 80°C and at pump
speeds of 1500 and 2500 rpm.
speeds of 1500 and 2500 rpm.
It can be noticed that delivery flow rate decreases by increasing the delivery pressure for both the
It can be noticed that delivery flow rate decreases by increasing the delivery pressure for both
model and experimental data; the error percentage between model and experimental data is always
the model and experimental data; the error percentage between model and experimental data is
below 2%.
always below 2%.
Energies 2017, 10, 11132017, 10, 1113
Energies 11 of 20 11 of 20

Figure 11. Absorbed torque—comparison between model and experimental data. (a) 1000 rpm;
Figure 11. Absorbed torque—comparison between model and experimental data. (a) 1000 rpm, (b)
(b) 1500 rpm and (c) 2500 rpm.
1500 rpm and (c) 2500 rpm.
Energies 11.10,Absorbed
2017, 1113 torque—comparison between model and experimental data. (a) 1000 rpm,12(b)
of 20
1500 rpm and (c) 2500 rpm.

Figure 12. Delta torque between experimental data and simulation data at 1000, 1500 and 2500 rpm.
Energies 2017, 12. Delta torque between experimental data and simulation data at 1000, 1500 and 2500 rpm.
10, 1113 12 of 20

Figure 13. Pressure
Pressure vs.
vs. delivery flow-rate comparison
comparison at
at 50
50 and
and 80 ◦ C.

The validatedmodel
modelhashasbeenbeen analyzed
analyzed in order
in order to studyto the
pump thein pump
depth. in depth. A three-
A three-dimensional
CFD modelingCFD modeling
approach, approach,
as said, has manyas said, has many
advantages. In advantages. In fact,
fact, considering theconsidering theofreal
real geometry the
geometry of the pump, it is useful to visualize parameters that are impossible or onerous
pump, it is useful to visualize parameters that are impossible or onerous to obtain experimentally to obtain
as such as theofvelocity
the velocity magnitude the fluidmagnitude of the fluid in leachates.
in leachates.
Figure 14 shows a first result of the numerical model with the velocity magnitude countering
Figure 14 shows a first result of the numerical model with the velocity magnitude countering
through the leakages between gears and the static body. The area under investigation in the pictures
through the leakages between gears and the static body. The area under investigation in the pictures is
is shown in Figure 14c. In fact, figures refer to the leakages between the first pressurized chamber
shown in Figure 14c. In fact, figures refer to the leakages between the first pressurized chamber and
and the last chamber at low pressure.
the last chamber at low pressure.
Figure 14a,b, in particular, show the results in the gaps by increasing the pressure from 50 to
250 bar for oil temperatures of 50 and 80 ◦ C, respectively, at the same pump speed. The velocity
magnitude scale in all figures is always in the 0–13 m/s range.
In Figure 14a, by comparing graphs at the same oil temperature it is possible to distinguish the
flow velocity magnitude profile through gaps. In fact, as consequence of the higher pressure drops
between the two following chambers (from 50 to 250 bar), the flow velocity through the gap between
the tooth and the pump housing increases and, as shown in pictures in Figure 13, flow becomes a jet.
Looking for example at Figure 14a, the flow velocity through the gap with a delta pressure of
50 bar is below 5 m/s. It increases in correspondence of the connection between the gap and the
chamber at the lower pressure. This velocity profile is, of course, quite similar with a higher pressure
drop, however the values increase. For a ∆p of 150 bar the maximum velocity value registered in the
analyzed fluid volume is of almost 9 m/s. It becomes 13 m/s for the delta pressure of 250 bar.
4. Model Results
The validated model has been analyzed in order to study the pump in depth. A three-
dimensional CFD modeling approach, as said, has many advantages. In fact, considering the real
geometry of the pump, it is useful to visualize parameters that are impossible or onerous to obtain
Energies 2017, 10, 1113 13 of 20
experimentally such as the velocity magnitude of the fluid in leachates.
Figure 14 shows a first result of the numerical model with the velocity magnitude countering
through It isthe leakagesto
interesting between gears
underline theand theofstatic
effect the Tbody. Theflow
oil on the areavelocity
under investigation in the pictures
and as consequence, on the
shown in Figure efficiency.
volumetric 14c. In fact,
all therefer to the∆p,
analyzed leakages between
the velocity the◦ C
at 50 first pressurized
is lower chamber
than for an oil
and the last chamber
temperature ◦
of 80 C.atThis
lowdepends modification of the fluid properties with the temperature.

14.Velocity magnitude at (a) 50 ◦°C,
Velocity magnitude C; (b) 80 ◦°C (c) zoomed
C and (c) zoomed area.

In Figure 15, the pressure evolutions inside the chambers are diagrammed for a shaft revolution
at the operating condition listed below:

• Oil temperature of 50 ◦ C
• Pressure drop of 50 and 250 bar
• Pump speed of 1500 and 2500 rpm.

As is well known, it is also possible to obtain experimentally the results in Figure 15, however it
is not easy. Therefore, the best solution is to obtain these important data with modeling techniques.
Data shown in graphs of Figure 15 allow evaluating the pressure evolution inside a chamber in
rotation for each gear. In particular, the lines in red refer to the chambers of the gear 1, while the blue
ones correspond to gear 2.
The graphs can be interpreted as follows. From the suction port the flow fills the generic chamber
(obtained by coupling the two gears) and is compressed. Looking at Figure 15, it is clear that each
chamber has a pressure evolution during the 360 degrees but the low-pressure zone has a lower
angular extension. It is, in fact, more or less 90 degrees and depends by the pump geometry.
In Figure 15, the pressure evolutions inside the chambers are diagrammed for a shaft revolution
at the operating condition listed below:
• Oil temperature of 50 °C
• Pressure drop of 50 and 250 bar
Energies 2017, 10, 1113 14 of 20
• Pump speed of 1500 and 2500 rpm.

Figure 15.15.
Figure Pressure
evolutions for twopressure
for two pressurelevels
levels atoilTof
at T oil of
◦ C.°C.
50 50

As expected, when the chamber is connected to the delivery port, it has an oscillating pressure
around the delivery value (in this case 50 and 250 bar). The pressure is smoother around the mean
value with a lower pump speed (1500 rpm). At 2500 rpm instead the oscillations around the mean
value are high for both delivery pressures. The pressure spikes inside the chambers, at the higher
delivery pressure level, are clear for both gears’ fluid volumes. Those investigations, especially the
evaluation of the spikes values, are really important for engineers to design or optimize a pump.
The results in Figure 15 are also of extreme interest by visualizing the pressure-axis in the range
0–3.5 bar and reducing the angle-axis to the only the degrees of connection with the pump suction side.
In this way, it is possible to appreciate the behavior of the pressure when the chamber is connected to
the suction port. These results are shown in Figure 16, providing a preliminary investigation of the
cavitation phenomena. Cavitation, however, it analyzed in depth in Section 5.
The results in Figure 15 are also of extreme interest by visualizing the pressure-axis in the range
0–3.5 bar and reducing the angle-axis to the only the degrees of connection with the pump suction
side. In this way, it is possible to appreciate the behavior of the pressure when the chamber is
connected to the suction port. These results are shown in Figure 16, providing a preliminary
Energies 2017, 10, 1113 15 of 20
investigation of the cavitation phenomena. Cavitation, however, it analyzed in depth in Section 5.

16. Pressure evolutions ◦ C.

16. Pressure evolutions forfortwo
pressure levels
range 0–3.5
range bar, at
0–3.5 Toilat
bar, ofT50
oil of 50 °C.

before before studyingthe
studying the cavitation
cavitation phenomena
phenomenaa studya ofstudy
the pressure
of theripples at the ripples
pressure delivery at the
side of the pump has been performed. For this reason the model has
delivery side of the pump has been performed. For this reason the model has been implemented been implemented adding
a supplementary volume in accordance with the experimental tests. This duct has the same geometry
adding a supplementary volume in accordance with the experimental tests. This duct has the same
of the real one, installed on the test bench in order to correctly follow the experimental delivery
geometry of the real one, installed on the test bench in order to correctly follow the experimental
pressure ripples. The geometry of the duct is shown in Figure 17a while in Figure 17b the final model
delivery pressure ripples.
is presented. In the modelThea geometry
monitoring of thelocated
point duct is
at shown
the samein Figureof17a
position while intransducer
the pressure Figure 17b the
final model
has beenis presented.
added and aInsection
the model
set likea the
monitoring pointvalve
real lamination located attest
of the thebench
samehas position of thetoo.
been added pressure
transducer has been
This section added
therefore and a section
simulates set likevalve,
the lamination the real
and lamination
for this reasonvalve of the
the entire test simulated
model bench has been
with high
Energies accuracy
2017, 10, 1113 the pressure waves inside the delivery duct.
added too. This section therefore simulates the lamination valve, and for this reason the entire 15 of 20 model

simulated with high accuracy the pressure waves inside the delivery duct.

Figure 17.
Calibratedorifice geometry,
orifice (b) (b)
geometry, pressure ripples
pressure monitoring
ripples point,point;
monitoring (c) mesh of the entire
(c) mesh of the
entire model.

During the tests a valve has been located close to the pump delivery in order to amplify the
pressure ripples. As consequence, the model has been implemented by adding a calibrated orifice.
The additional fluid volume has been inserted to replicate the real experimental setup. In Figure 17,
the entire model of the pump is shown, including the fluid volume of the calibrated orifice.
Simulations have been run with the model in Figure 17 and the model results have been compared
Figure 17. (a) Calibrated orifice geometry, (b) pressure ripples monitoring point, (c) mesh of the entire
Energies 2017, 10, 1113 16 of 20

During the tests a valve has been located close to the pump delivery in order to amplify the
pressureDuring theAs
ripples. tests a valve has the
consequence, beenmodel
the pump delivery in order
by adding to amplifyorifice.
a calibrated the
pressure ripples. As consequence, the model has been implemented by adding a calibrated
The additional fluid volume has been inserted to replicate the real experimental setup. In Figure 17, orifice.
theThe additional
entire modelfluid volume
of the pumphas is
been inserted
shown, to replicate
including thethe real volume
fluid experimental
of thesetup. In Figure
calibrated 17,
the entire model of the pump is shown, including the fluid volume of the calibrated
Simulations have been run with the model in Figure 17 and the model results have been compared orifice. Simulations
with thebeen run with data.
experimental the model in Figure 17 and the model results have been compared with the
experimental data.
The monitoring point for the simulation has been located in the same position of the pressure
The monitoring point for the simulation has been located in the same position of the pressure
transducer installed on the test bench, as shown in Figure 17b; in that point the pressure ripple has
transducer installed on the test bench, as shown in Figure 17b; in that point the pressure ripple has
been both measured and calculated. Comparisons have been done at two rotational speeds and three
been both measured and calculated. Comparisons have been done at two rotational speeds and
pressure levels at 50 °C (see Figure 17). The diagrams in Figure 18 have been normalized to a reference
three pressure levels at 50 ◦ C (see Figure 17). The diagrams in Figure 18 have been normalized to
a reference pressure.

comparison at
at 50
50 bar ◦
Figure 18.18.Pressure bar and
rpmand 5050C.°C.

AsAssaid, the
said, themodel
Figure 18
18 have been
been obtained
changingthe thedelivery
pressureat at
2500 rpm. Comparison between the model and experimental data shows a good
2500 rpm. Comparison between the model and experimental data shows a good agreement in all the agreement in all the
analyzed conditions,confirming
conditions, confirmingthe theaccuracy
accuracy of the numerical
show that
the timing and ripples have the same amplitude as the experimental
the timing and ripples have the same amplitude as the experimental data. data.
Pressure ripplesshow
ripples showthat
amplitude of
of the
the oscillation
oscillation increases
In the graphs the y-axis has been fixed, therefore, looking at the ripples, it is clear that by
In the graphs the y-axis has been fixed, therefore, looking at the ripples, it is clear that by increasing increasing
thethe delivery
delivery pressurethe
pressure theamplitude
increases as
as well.
well. This
happensfor forboth
bothpumppump speeds.
5. Cavitation
In this section, the model results have been analyzed verifying if cavitation occurs under particular
pump-operating conditions. The model, as already said in the corresponding section, includes the
capability of prediction of the occurrence of cavitation. Thanks to the three-dimensional visualization
of the total gas volume inside the pump, it is possible also to find when the cavitation occurs and
where bubbles are located. The study of this phenomenon becomes important for engineers in the
pump design and optimization phases.
In Figure 19, a front view of the pump is shown. The volume is colored as a function of the total
gas fraction that varies in the range 0–1. The gas volume fraction is the volume fraction of the free
non-condensable gas (NCG) in a liquid for a selected volume. In Figure 19, there are presented four
sections relative to gears rotations of θ = 9◦ , 18◦ , 27◦ and 36◦ . The simulation has been done under
fairly critical conditions for the cavitation: 2500 rpm and 250 bar.
engineers in the pump design and optimization phases.
In Figure 19, a front view of the pump is shown. The volume is colored as a function of the total
gas fraction that varies in the range 0–1. The gas volume fraction is the volume fraction of the free
non-condensable gas (NCG) in a liquid for a selected volume. In Figure 19, there are presented four
sections relative to gears rotations of θ = 9°, 18°, 27° and 36°. The simulation has been done under
Energies 2017, 10, 1113 17 of 20
fairly critical conditions for the cavitation: 2500 rpm and 250 bar.

Figure 19. Distribution
19. Distribution of of
thethe totalgas
total gasfraction
fraction in
in aa section
the pump
the at 250
pump bar,bar,
at 250 25002500
and and
◦ 50 °C for a shaft rotation of θ = ◦
9°, ◦
18°, ◦
50 C for a shaft rotation of θ = 9 , 18 , 27 and 36 .and ◦

Areas in blue correspond to a concentration of free gas equal to zero while areas colored in
Areas inare
magenta blue correspond
at a percentage of to
100%. As shown, of the
free gasinequal
areas magentato zero whileinareas
are located areas colored
where in
magenta are at a percentage of gas of 100%. As shown, the areas in magenta are located
the rotating chamber, from the condition of minimum, starts to increase its volume. Therefore, in in areas where
the rotating chamber,
correspondence withfrom the condition
the meshing area, anof minimum,
intense startscavitation
and sudden to increase its As
occur. volume. Therefore,
well known, this in
correspondence causes noise
the and damage
meshing area, anto parts andand
intense therefore
suddenmust be avoided.
cavitation Figure
occur. As 20 shows
well two this
diagrams of
phenomenon the total
causes gasand
noise volume fraction
damage to inside the chambers
parts and thereforeofmust
gears.beThe total gasFigure
avoided. volume20fraction,
shows two
as said, varies in the range 0–100%.
diagrams of the total gas volume fraction inside the chambers of gears. The total gas volume fraction,
as Signs
Energies varies of
10, 1113the rangecould be appreciable for values higher than 80%. Even if the total gas fraction
0–100%. 17 of 20
in the chamber of the driving gear at 2500 rpm has a spike between 0° and 45° this pump demonstrates
to not be subject to cavitation, even under critical operating conditions. However, the methodology
described in this paper is demonstrated to be suitable because it offers the opportunity to fully study
the complex fluid dynamics of external gear pumps. Results showing cavitation are really important
for the optimization of a pump. Therefore, a CFD modeling analysis becomes fundamental in the
design phase of components to achieve the best performance for all working conditions.

Figure 20. Total gas fraction behaviors at 1500 and 2500

2500 rpm.

6. Conclusions
A three-dimensional CFD study a high-pressure external gear pump has been descried in this
paper. The model has been realized based on a geometry of a pump manufactured by Casappa S.p.A.
The model has been built up using a commercial code including accurate tools to predict the flow
turbulence and cavitation. Leakages have been taken into account in order to correctly estimate the
Energies 2017, 10, 1113 18 of 20

Signs of cavitation could be appreciable for values higher than 80%. Even if the total gas fraction
in the chamber of the driving gear at 2500 rpm has a spike between 0◦ and 45◦ this pump demonstrates
to not be subject to cavitation, even under critical operating conditions. However, the methodology
described in this paper is demonstrated to be suitable because it offers the opportunity to fully study
the complex fluid dynamics of external gear pumps. Results showing cavitation are really important
for the optimization of a pump. Therefore, a CFD modeling analysis becomes fundamental in the
design phase of components to achieve the best performance for all working conditions.

6. Conclusions
A three-dimensional CFD study a high-pressure external gear pump has been descried in this
paper. The model has been realized based on a geometry of a pump manufactured by Casappa S.p.A.
The model has been built up using a commercial code including accurate tools to predict the flow
turbulence and cavitation. Leakages have been taken into account in order to correctly estimate
the volumetric efficiency of the pump. The final model has demonstrated to achieve an accuracy
close to 1%.
Model results have been compared with experimental data obtained on a dedicated test bench
by the pump manufacturer. Thanks to the good agreement of the data the model has been run under
some conditions (such as at high pressure value) which are very challenging from a modeling and
numerical point of view. Simulations have found that at the higher pressure and speeds the pump
has a tendency to cavitate. For this reason, monitoring points have been located inside the chamber
volumes of both gears.
The pressure behavior underlined that the pressure, especially inside the driving gear chamber,
goes below the oil saturation pressure. This has been confirmed by visualizing the total gas fraction
distribution in sequential images in a pump cross-section. This study summarized a methodology
able to completely describe the operation of pumps such as external gear pumps. All the working
parameters have been analyzed and, where possible, compared with experimental data. Research has
confirmed the importance of CFD, which can be a valuable instrument for engineers to study some
working anomalies like cavitation.

Acknowledgments: This research is a result of a research collaboration between the Fluid Power Research Group
(FPRG) of the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Naples “Federico II” and Casappa S.p.A.
We appreciate the technical contribution from Federico Monterosso and Micaela Olivetti of OMIQ s.r.l.
Author Contributions: Emma Frosina and Manule Rigosi built up the model. Adolfo Senatore supervised the
study. Emma Frosina wrote the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

ceq,k Coefficient
CFD Computational fluid dynamic
Cc Cavitation model constant
Ce Cavitation model constant
Df Diffusivity of vapor mass fraction
dS Infinitesimal surface, m2
fv Vapor mass fraction
fg Non-condensable gas mass fraction
Gt Turbulent generation term
MGI Mismatched grid interface
Ndriving Number of the teeth of the Gear 1
n Pump velocity rotation, rpm
pu,k k-th inlet pressure, bar
pd,k k-th outlet pressure, bar
ps Oil supply pressure, Pa
Energies 2017, 10, 1113 19 of 20

Qteo Theoretical flow-rate, l/min

Qreal Real flow-rate, l/min
Ri Residual drop
Re Vapor generation rate
Rc Vapor condensation rate
rpm Pump speed
S’ij Strain tensor
Toil Oil temperature, ◦ C
V Pump displacement, cm3 /rev
Vi i-th volume, m3
Greek Letters
β Bulk modulus, bar
γ Angle step, deg
ε Turbulence dissipation
η vol Volumetric efficiency
Θ Angle of rotation driving gear, deg
µ Fluid viscosity, Pa·s
µt Turbulent viscosity, Pa·s
v Velocity, m/s
ρ(pk ) Fluid density at pressure k, kg/m3
ρg Gas density, kg/m3
ρl Liquid density, kg/m3
ρv Vapor density, kg/m3
τ Stress tensor
θ Angle of rotation driven gear, deg
φ Shift angle, deg
Ω Volume, m3

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