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Use a digital twin

to overcome pump
pressure pulsation
Save time by simulating the dynamic behavior of a triple
screw pump without computational fluid dynamics

Executive summary
Pressure pulsations in pumps lead to noise, vibration and system strain. To increase the amount
of fluid flow while keeping pulsations at an acceptable level, the pump behavior must be
understood in detail. Physical tests and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are common
methods in modern pump design. However, both methods cannot be used to rapidly assess
numerous design changes and machine integration challenges. The new method using
model-based system engineering (MBSE) dramatically increases the speed of simulating pump
behavior and opens the possibility of integrating the models into higher level systems. It is also
possible to reproduce dynamic effects and system responses for control tasks.

S. Kosmann, O. Trossmann, M.-J. Fikacek,

Leistritz Pumpen GmbH
Dr. H. Tielbörger,
Siemens Digital Industries Software
White Paper – Use a digital twin to overcome pump pressure pulsation


Introduction 3

Methodology  4

Modeling  6

Measurement setup  11

Results and discussion  12

Conclusion 17

Siemens Digital Industries Software  2

White Paper – Use a digital twin to overcome pump pressure pulsation


Simcenter™ Amesim™ software, which is part of the A common method in pump design is to run
Siemens Xcelerator portfolio, the comprehensive physical tests, which show reliable outcomes
and integrated portfolio of software, hardware and but are expensive and time-consuming. Another
services, has been used to model a Leistritz Flexcore contemporary method is to use CFD. This works
45/90 triple screw pump. Fluid properties, pres- well for a thorough analysis the flow characteristics
sure-dependent aeration and inertia effects are for consistent operating points. However, the draw-
considered. Internal leakage between the chambers back is the system boundaries are limited and
is also considered, turning the model into a realistic investigations into the impact of the surrounding
digital twin of the screw pump. To verify the model, system led to a significant increase in calculation
measurements of operating points on a real pump time. Conversely, system simulation models have
have been carried out. Simulated volume flows fast computation times, allowing exploration of
and pressure pulsation show good agreement the full design space for the best pump design.
with measurements. The existing model can
The aim of this paper is to show an alternative
be extended toward further physics like friction
method to numerical simulation for emulating the
modeling or additional system components like
dynamic behavior of a pump using Leistritz Flexcore
an electrical power unit.
45/90, a triple screw pump. For dynamic investiga-
Screw pumps are rotary positive displacement tions of a screw pump, the combination of
pumps used for numerous applications, such as the mechanics and hydraulics is required.
oil, naval and chemical industries. For a lot of use
cases high efficiency and low pulsations are inevi-
table. In some applications it is necessary to convey
fluids with high gas volume fractions as well as solid
particles. Increasing the amount of gas in the fluid
usually leads to higher pressure pulsation that
causes vibration, noise and stress on the system.
In addition to the gas content there are many other
factors that influence the dynamic behavior of the
pump. To optimally adapt the pump design to the
system it is being implemented in, the internal
behavior must be precisely studied.

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White Paper – Use a digital twin to overcome pump pressure pulsation

2. Methodology
2.1. Conceptual design

Triple screw pumps contain a drive spindle and two running spindles. The intermeshing spindles and the
housing wall form enclosed chambers. They continuously move linearly due to the spindle rotation.
Geimer1 describes the progression of the chamber movement in five steps, as shown in figure 1.

1) 4)

2) 5)


Figure 1. Conveying phases of a screw pump.

At the beginning of developing the chamber, the When a chamber is fully expelled at the end of
corresponding volume increases depending on the the spindle, it can be re-used to create a nascent
angle of rotation of the spindles and extracts fluid chamber at the beginning of the spindle. Since
from the suction area. Then it travels along the the sequence of chambers along the length of
length of the spindle with a constant volume until it the spindle constantly changes in this procedure, a
opens toward the pressure side and expels the fluid. parallel arrangement of variable volumes is appro-
During this process, several chambers are presented priate. The suction and ejection processes of the
simultaneously. Based on this principle, the individual chambers together result in the total
approach shown in figure 3 has been elaborated. theoretical constant volume flow of the pump.

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White Paper – Use a digital twin to overcome pump pressure pulsation

Figure 2. Leakage flows in a FLEXCORE screw pump. Profile leakage (blue), throttle leakage (green) and running
spindle leakage (orange).

A Leistritz Flexcore screw pump has three different A design sketch for this approach with an exemplary
types of leakage in figure 2. The running spindle number of three chambers can be seen in figure 3.
leakage and the throttle leakage can be imple- Because of the cyclic re-use of the chambers to
mented as a return pipe with an aperture and the represent a rotating spindle in the sketch, the
profile leakage can be reproduced with connections sequence of chambers alternates as they would
between the individual chambers. As described by be located in the spindle profile of the real pump.
Wincek,2 the leakage causes a linear increase of the For this reason, chambers 1 and 3 are adjacent
chamber pressure along the spindle length. For the phase-wise and must also have a profile
pressurization at the pump outlet, an adjustable leakage connection.
throttle can be set to simulate the system pressure.

Figure 3. Conceptual design sketch of the model with three chambers.

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White Paper – Use a digital twin to overcome pump pressure pulsation

2.2. Modeling At 527°, the chamber reaches the end of the spindle
Every chamber needs the information about its package and opens on the discharge side. From this
current volume as a function of the angular position point on, the fluid is pushed out of the chamber by
of the driving spindle. For this purpose, a chamber reducing the chamber volume until it no longer
model in computer-aided design (CAD) has been exists after 928°.
constructed based on the spindle geometry data,
Figure 5 shows the Simcenter Amesim sketch
which can be seen in figure 4. The chamber volume
of a single chamber. The blue lines represent the
has been determined by measuring the cross-sec-
hydraulic connection of the individual components
tional area for every 1 degree (°) spindle rotation,
and transmit the information about the pressure
which corresponds to 0.25 millimeters (mm) of
and the volume flow between the components. The
linear displacement for a pitch of 90 mm per rota-
black colored modules are called super components
tion. Figure 4 shows the resulting characteristic
(sc), which include different subcomponents. This
curve along the spindle package length. When a
has the advantage that the overall sketch is more
chamber is just beginning to be formed, the spindle
compact. The structures of the sc's are shown
must rotate 402° until the chamber is completely
below under points 1 to 4. The signal “W” gives
shaped and enclosed.
the momentary spindle angle. In sc 1, the brown

Figure 4. CAD chamber model and volume of one chamber over rotary displacement.

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White Paper – Use a digital twin to overcome pump pressure pulsation

colored modules provide the information about the Above and below sc 1 there is an inlet and an outlet
chamber volume. A phase shift “k” depending on throttle. They are intended for the angle-dependent
the chamber number is added to the spindle angle opening and closing of the chamber to the suction
incoming from port 4, since each chamber is offset and pressure ports. While the chamber volume is
from the previous one by 180°. Additionally, the growing, the inlet throttle needs to be open and the
torque that is created by the pressurization of the outlet throttle closed. During the stationary shifting
fluid is read out. It is calculated from the pressure both orifices must be closed and while the volume
present in the chamber and the change in volume decreases, the outlet is open. This process is
per change in angle of rotation as follows: controlled by the sc’s 2 and 3.
T = p . dVch (1)

Figure 5. Model structure of one chamber in Simcenter Amesim.

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White Paper – Use a digital twin to overcome pump pressure pulsation

The sc 2 calculates the opening signal “signalin“ Therefore, the existence angle 𝜑𝑒𝑥 is required.
from the spindle angle and the chamber number This is the total angle of rotation during which the
“kn“ with the modulo operation chamber exists both open and closed. The Leistritz
signalin = (W + Kn 180°) % 𝜑𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 Flexcore 45/90 has a spindle length 𝑙= 131.5 𝑚𝑚
and a pitch ℎ = 90 𝑚𝑚. From the formula
which resets the value after a period of 𝜑𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 =
1080° and shifts it depending on the chamber ( l + h 1.119) . 360° (5)
𝜑𝑒x =
number. Thereafter a “trigger” component converts
the existence angle of 𝜑𝑒𝑥 = 928° is obtained for the
the signal into a binary information for “1 = open”
entire existence time of a chamber. A chamber is
if 0 < 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑛< 402° and “0 = closed” if 402° <
slightly longer than its pitch due to the complex
𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑛. In sc 3 the spindle angle signal for the
spindle geometry. For this reason, the pitch must be
outlet throttle receives an additional offset “V.”
multiplied by a factor of 1.119 to get the chamber
It is calculated with the formula:
length. This was determined by measuring the CAD
V = 𝜑𝑒x - 402° - 540° (3) data and is the same for all pump sizes. Rounded up
Between the chambers the profile leakage is inte- to whole rotations, the period angle for a repeating
grated as an adjustable throttle. The differential period corresponds to 𝜑𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 = 1080°. Since the
pressure dependent volume flow of the throttle is spindles are double threaded, the phase shift of the
given by a table. The characteristic must be calcu- chambers is 𝜑𝑝ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 = 180°. The total number of
lated for every individual pump design based on chambers 𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 6 follows from:
the geometrically determined flow dynamics. For 𝜑𝑝ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒
ntotal = (6)
this model an internal company tool was used to 180°
determine the profile leakage flow. The profile
leakage can only be present while both involved
chambers exist, and the associated throttles get
addressed by sc 4. By applying a modulo operation,
the function component converts the angle signal
into a repeating sequence, which is shifted by the
chamber number. The Boolean operators convert
it into a binary signal “1 = open” and “0 = closed”.
The leakage begins as soon as the chamber is fully
developed, which is the parameter of 402°. This
value is the same for every Leistritz Flexcore pump
and has been determined from CAD models. The
duration of the leakage depends on the pump size
and is adjusted by the extension “X” at port 1. The
value of “X” is obtained by the following formula:

X = 𝜑𝑒x - 402° (4)

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White Paper – Use a digital twin to overcome pump pressure pulsation

Figure 6. Composite model sketch of a Leistritz Flexcore 45/90 in Simcenter Amesim. a) left part
and b) right part.
The complete high-fidelity system simulation model volume flow. An internal company tool was also
of the pump shown in figure 6 allows you to used to create this characteristic curve. The system
optimize the pump's flow while keeping the noise pressure gets emulated by conveying against an
vibration harshness (NVH) characteristics at accept- adjustable throttle at the outlet. It has a circular
able levels. The running spindle leakage and the cross-section of 790 mm² at maximum opening and
throttle leakage are combined into one pipe around a maximum flow coefficient 𝐶𝑝= 0.7. The generated
the spindle package and its characteristic is included pressure depends on the one hand on the opening
in the properties of a fixed orifice. As with the ratio, which can be selected between 0 and 1, and
leakage profile, a table is stored in this module that on the other hand on how large the volume flow is
characterizes the pressure-dependent leakage that goes through it.

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White Paper – Use a digital twin to overcome pump pressure pulsation

In this example with pump size 45/90, a function Figure 7 contains the input parameters to be set
component was used to automatically adjust the by the user. The fluid properties can be specified in
orifice geometry. By plotting different operating the blue drop symbol. The hydraulic fluid model is
points, the formula for calculating the opening computed as a slightly compressible oil and it is
ratio can be determined. If another pump size is assumed that it always contains a certain amount
used, the formula must always be redetermined or of air or gas. The gas content is defined as the
the opening ratio has to be set manually. For a more volume percentage of the total fluid volume.
appropriate solution, further development needs The liquid phase of the fluid has a constant bulk
to be done. Sensors for measuring the dynamic modulus and a constant absolute viscosity, which
volume flow and the pressure over time are built in in this example are set at 𝐾= 1,7 𝐺𝑃𝑎 and 𝜈= 2,7087 ∙
before the pressure throttle. To ensure the model is 10−3 𝑃𝑎∙ 𝑠. The density of the liquid must be given
flexible for modifications to different pump sizes, for atmospheric pressure. For other pressures, the
the suction and pressure chamber volumes can component calculates the density to be consistent
be adjusted. with the bulk modulus for mass conservation. The
user can set a saturation pressure, at which the gas
The complete high-fidelity system simulation phase is totally dissolved and the fluid is only influ-
model of the pump shown in figure 6 allows enced by the properties of the liquid. Beneath the
you to optimize the pump's flow while keeping saturation pressure, the gas exists as bubbles in
the noise vibration harshness (NVH) character-
the liquid and modifies the bulk modulus and the
istics at acceptable levels.
absolute viscosity of the fluid. For simplification,
the saturation pressure is constantly set at
100 MPa.

Figure 7. Using Simcenter Amesim to show input parameters and output of the simulation model.

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White Paper – Use a digital twin to overcome pump pressure pulsation

The pump size and pitch refer to a pump index from However, such a decrease does not affect simulation
a deposited table. Another table returns the corre- accuracy since the solver automatically adjusts its
sponding spindle length. From spindle length and local time step to the model dynamics.
pitch the extension “X” and the offset “V” are calcu-
3. Measurement setup
lated. Finally, the operating data in terms of target
For the sake of validating the simulation results,
pressure and target speed must be entered. These
measurements of the Leistritz Flexcore 45/90 on
can be variable over time. By integrating the rotary
the test bench are necessary. Figure 8 shows the
velocity, the momentary spindle angle “W” is calcu-
hydraulic circuit diagram of the experimental setup.
lated. After reaching a defined angular position, the
A temperature sensor “TR2432” with a range from
simulation stops automatically.
-40 °C to 300 °C is used to measure the temperature
The output area provides the most important simu- of the fluid. It has a resolution of 0.1 K and an
lation results. At the top the volumetric flow curve accuracy of ±0.3 K. The pressure is measured before
and the pressure curve over time can be displayed. and after the pump. The sensor at the suction side is
In order to make the absolute values easier to iden- a “PN009A” with a measuring range from -100 kPa to
tify, high frequencies are smoothed by a moving 0 kPa, a resolution of 0.5 kPa and an accuracy of ±1
average. The hydraulic torque of each individual percent. At the discharge side a “PN2023” is used
chamber caused by the pressurization of the fluid with a range from -0.1 MPa to 2.5 MPa and a resolu-
is summed up to the total torque acting on the tion of 0.05 kPa. The accuracy is ±1 percent. To get
driving spindle. The “run stats” component is a higher resolution of the outlet pressure, a pressure
used to determine some statistics about the pulsation sensor of type “4065A200” is attached at
current simulation run. the pump outlet as well. It has a sampling rate
of 10,000 hertz (Hz), reaches from 0 to 200 bar,
Further settings can be made before running the
has a resolution of 0.1 Pa and the accuracy is
simulation. It is recommended to select a resolution
±0.5 percent.
("Print Interval") of 𝑡𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑡 = 0,0001 𝑠 under "Run
The pressure is applied by means of a hand
Parameters." This way, the resolution of the results
wheel adjustable valve. A screw type flow meter
is high enough to clearly display and examine the
“OMG68.70” with an accuracy of ±0.1 percent and
pulsations. If operating points are simulated where
a range up to 1050 l/min (liters per minute) deter-
the pulsation is insignificant, the resolution can
mines the flow rate of the pump. The power shaft
be decreased in order to minimize the result file.
contains a digital torque meter “T12” with a range

Figure 8. Hydraulic circuit diagram of the test bench.

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White Paper – Use a digital twin to overcome pump pressure pulsation

up to 2 kilonewton meters (kNm) and an accuracy 4. Results and discussion

of ±0.01 percent. The “T12” also contains a speed
4.1. Stationary operating points
sensor with a resolution of 0.1 min-1 and a
maximum deviation of 1.5 min-1. For validation, the measurement results of the
stationary operating points are compared with the
The fluid used in the test bench is the lubricating simulation results. Table 1 summarizes the relative
oil Magna 2, which at a temperature 𝜃= 25 °𝐶 has a deviations of the volume flow Q and the strain
density 𝜌= 812 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 4. torque Mt.

n [rpm] 750 1500 2100

Δp [bar] dev. Q dev. Mt dev. Q dev. Mt dev. Q dev. Mt
2 -2.50% 5.63% 1.53% 4.66% 1.45 % 0.00%
5 -0.47% 4.26% 2.15% 4.25% 1.89 % 2.93%
10 1.62% 5.00% 3.41% 4.26% 2.78 % 4.09%
12 2.54% 4.86% 3.79% 4.70% 3.10 % 4.13%
15 - - 4.54% 4.66% 3.56 % 4.34%

Table 1. Relative deviations of the volume flow Q and the strain torque Mt between measurement
and simulation results.

The volume flow measurement shows the tendency The deviation of the torque shows a slight decrease
of the relative difference of the simulation to at higher rotational speed. It is mostly between 4
increase with rising pressure. It can be concluded and 5 percent, except for lower pressures at 1,500
that the deviations result from the leakage flow. As hertz (Hz) where the deviation is lower. In the
the differential pressure increases, the influence of simulation the total torque is caused by the pressur-
leakage on the total volumetric flow becomes larger, ization of the fluid, while some other aspects like
which is why deviations become more significant. friction are not considered. This challenge could be
In addition, the calculation of the leakage character- solved by adding mechanical components such as
istics assumes minimal component tolerances and bearings to the model to take friction into account.
ideal conditions, which means the simulated
leakage is lower than in practice. For this reason, System simulation models can be integrated
it would be desirable to detach the model from a into extensive applications to investigate the
manual characteristic input so the behavior of the interactions of the pump component with its
leakage restrictors is calculated based on physical supplied system, allowing the user to antici-
pate integration issues.
conditions in the simulation itself. This requires a
detailed investigation of the gap flows.

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White Paper – Use a digital twin to overcome pump pressure pulsation

4.2. Pressure pulsation The gas content gives the fluid increased compress-
Figure 9 shows the pressure pulsation during 0.1 ibility. The piping between the chambers and the
seconds for 15, 10 and 5 bar at 1,500 RPM. The pressurization throttle enables taking into account
black graph shows the measurement recording, the inertia of the fluid and thus the volumetric flow
while the red graph represents the simulation result. rate along the length of the pipe in a location-differ-
For the 15 bar simulation the gas content was set at entiated manner. Due to reflections of the pulses,
1 percent and for the 10 and 5 bar simulation it the observable high frequencies in the pressure
was decreased to 0.5 percent. The gas content in pulsation occur.
the test rig fluid was not known during the tests,
The overall shape of the pulsations is similar.
so it had to be estimated. Through iterative adjust-
Both measurements and simulation results show
ments, the best matches of the pressure curves
increasing oscillations at higher pressure. There is
were achieved with the above values.
a jump in the pressure peaks that becomes more
The main frequency of the pulsation measurement significant when the target pressure is higher, in
coincides with the pressure pulsation in the simula- which measurement and simulation coincide. A
tion at 1,500 RPM with 50 Hz. This corresponds to noticeable difference in shape is that the simulated
the chamber opening frequency, which can be curves are more rectangular than the measured
calculated from: curves. A reason for the different rates of rise and
1 fall could be the inertia of the measurement setup.
min . 2 = 50 s-1 (7)
f= s Another difference occurs in the amplitudes.
60 min
The amplitude of the model is about 0.5 bar larger
This effect has been explained by Geimer,1 than the real pump at the 15 bar setting, while it
according to which due to the compressibility of the is about 0.3 bar smaller at the 5 bar setting and
medium, compensating currents take place when a matches at the 10 bar setting. The differences could
chamber opens to the pressure side, which gener- also be caused by frequencies in the driving unit or
ates a pressure pulsation of 1 to 3 percent of the minor unbalances of the spindles, which change the
set pressure. The level of pulsation is significantly curve by means of a superimposition.
higher than this value, both in the measurements
and in the simulation results, but Geimer does not
consider the influence of the gas content into
account here. This effect can be quite large, but for
a more precise statement, further investigations on
the impact of the gas content must be conducted.

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White Paper – Use a digital twin to overcome pump pressure pulsation

4.3. Internal pressure buildup shrinking volume until it gets annihilated at around
Figure 10 shows the pressure buildup of the single 2010°. For software logical reasons, the chamber
chambers along the spindle package over the rotary volume can only become almost zero, which is why
angle at a constant speed of 1,500 RPM and at this small chamber is enclosed at the time of the
about 15 bar. The plots depict the chambers of the actual extinction and a constant pressure prevails.
standard pump size 45/90. The process is explained This remains until the chamber of the model is used
using the red chamber 0 as an example: Up to 1480° again at 2160° to form a new chamber at the start
the chamber is opened to the suction side of the of the spindle. How the problem can be solved so a
pump, so the pressure equals zero. From 1480° prevailing pressure is displayed here although the
to 1610° the chamber is closed to both sides and chamber is no longer present has yet to be investi-
the pressure becomes 7.5 bar, which is half the gated. Nevertheless, this does not affect the rest of
discharge pressure. When the chamber opens to the pressure curve and can therefore be ignored.
the outlet at 1610°, the complete adjustment to The pressure increase in the enclosed chambers
the discharge pressure takes place. Since chamber does not occur abruptly but shows a damped rise
5 is not completely closed at 1660°, there is no due to the throttling behavior of the leakage gaps.
fully enclosed chamber along the spindle package For chamber 0 this can be seen at about 1480 to
present. Chamber 0 ejects the containing fluid with 1490°. When the chamber is opened at 1610°, on
the other hand, the pressure rises immediately.

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White Paper – Use a digital twin to overcome pump pressure pulsation

Figure 9.Measured and simulated pressure pulsation curve at 1500 rpm and a)15 bar; b) 10 bar; and c)5 bar.

Figure 10. Chamber pressure buildup over the rotary angle at 1,500 RPM and 15 bar for the Leistritz Flexcore 45/90.

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White Paper – Use a digital twin to overcome pump pressure pulsation

If a chamber is open to the discharge side, it could pressure step across a single chamber boundary
be assumed that the curve must correspond to the is in this case 7.5 bar. In a section where only one
outlet pressure pulsation. However, a slight differ- boundary must be crossed by the profile leakage,
ence from figure 9 a) can be observed, which can the pressure step is 15 bar in comparison. If the
be justified on the basis of the inertial properties pressure step is greater, the resulting profile leakage
of the fluid in the pipes. Figure 10 shows the main increases, which in turn reduces the total volume
frequency of the pulsation is caused by the opening flow. With a larger volume flow, a larger discharge
of the chambers. As described previously, according pressure is created at the pressurization throttle.
to Geimer,1 when a chamber opens to the discharge
side, compensating currents lead to this effect. This The Simcenter Amesim modular approach
simulation plot suggests a different explanation: allows the user to easily customize the pump
In sections with one enclosed chamber, there are and investigate new technology solutions.
two gaps to be passed by the profile leakage. The

Figure 11. Chamber pressure buildup over the rotary angle at 1,500 RPM and 15 bar for the Leistritz Flexcore 45/70.

Since there is only one closed chamber at a time Between these segments, as in size 45/90, chamber
for the size 45/90, the chamber pressure curve for 0 is the only one that is completely closed off and
the size 45/70 is shown in figure 11. Because of its contains a pressure of 7.5 bar. This model shows
lower pitch, this type has a total of two simultane- the distribution of the pressure levels varies with
ously closed chambers from 1480° to 1570° and the number of chambers. The section with the
from 1660° to 1750°. During these sections the incorrectly displayed constant pressure can be
internal pressure reaches one-third (5 bar) respec- seen at about 2160°, but lasts only for a few
tively 2/3 (10 bar) of the discharge pressure. degrees of spindle rotation.

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White Paper – Use a digital twin to overcome pump pressure pulsation


The model simulates the pump behavior sufficiently the design of a two-flute pump only requires some
for various investigations. The variations of the modifications of the model structure, but the main
volumetric flow and the shaft torque are mostly concept remains the same. First attempts for
below 5 percent. Pressure pulsations show excellent Leistritz L4 pumps show promising results.
accuracy. The model can be optimized in the
investigation of pump behavior and pump design
Cp flow coefficient
by adding frictional components and an electrical
power unit, which would likely improve the accuracy f frequency [Hz]
of the simulated parameters. Due to the deposited
h spindle pitch [mm]
tables and the model internal calculations, a change
in pump size is easy to manage. To simplify the k constant signal
model, most of the internal calculations could be
kn chamber number
replaced by tables containing the required
size-specific information. However, this would K bulk modulus [bar]
imply that all this information would have to be
l spindle length [mm]
determined again for new pump sizes. In addition,
the memory size of the model increases with each leak_profile profile leakage
table that is included. A disadvantage of the current
leak_rs running spindle leakage
model is the independence of the leakage from the
viscosity of the fluid. When changing the viscosity, leak_throttle throttle leakage
the resulting leakage must be determined again.
Mt torque [N/m²]
Correspondingly, an improvement could be made
by integrating viscosity-dependent leakage behavior n rotary speed [rpm]
that is not defined by external tables.
ntotal total number of chambers
The model can be used for different studies, such
p chamber pressure [bar]
as investigating the influence of high gas contents,
high speeds, high pressures and pressure jumps. Δp differential pressure [bar]
Moreover, system simulation models can be inte-
pin inlet pressure [bar]
grated into extensive applications to investigate
the interactions of the pump component with its pout discharge pressure [bar]
supplied system, allowing the user to anticipate
pp pressure pulsation [bar]
integration issues. The mutual influence of the
pressure pulsation is of special interest for many Q volume flow [m³/h]
implementations. The principle of the Simcenter
T torque [Nm]
Amesim model works also for different screw pump
types. The Simcenter Amesim modular approach tprint print interval [s]
allows the user to easily customize the pump and
V offset [°]
investigate new technology solutions. For example,

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White Paper – Use a digital twin to overcome pump pressure pulsation

Vch chamber volume [m³]

W rotary angle [°]

X extension [°]

θ temperature [°C]

ν absolute viscosity [cP]

ρ density [kg/m³]

φex existence angle [°]

φperiod period angle [°]

φphase phase shift [°]

References (English and German)

1. Geimer, M., 1995. “Metrological investigation and creation of calculation bases for
determining the application limit of three-spindle screw pumps,” doctoral thesis,
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, p 12 f.

2. Wincek, M., 1992. “On the calculation of the pumping behavior of screw pumps
when pumping liquid/gas mixtures,” doctoral thesis, University of Erlangen-
Nuremberg, p 55 f.

1. Geimer M 1995 Meßtechnische Untersuchung und Erstellung von

Berechnungsgrundlagen zur
Ermittlung der Einsatzgrenze. Dreispindeliger Schraubenpumpen Doctoral Thesis
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen p 12 f.

2. Wincek M 1992 Zur Berechnung des Förderverhaltens von Schraubenspindelpumpen

bei der Förderung von Flüssigkeits/Gas-Gemischen Doctoral Thesis Universität
Erlangen-Nürnberg p 55 f.

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Siemens Digital Industries Software About Siemens Digital Industries Software

Americas: 1 800 498 5351 Siemens Digital Industries Software is driving transformation to
enable a digital enterprise where engineering, manufacturing
EMEA: 00 800 70002222
and electronics design meet tomorrow. Siemens Xcelerator, the
Asia-Pacific: 001 800 03061910 comprehensive and integrated portfolio of software, hardware
and services, helps companies of all sizes create and leverage a
For additional numbers, click here.
comprehensive digital twin that provides organizations with
new insights, opportunities and levels of automation to drive
innovation. For more information on Siemens Digital Industries
Software products and services, visit or
follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
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