Iboc 4
Iboc 4
Iboc 4
A Seminar
Report On
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree
The engineering world has been working on the development and evaluation of IBOC
transmission for some time. The NRSC began evaluation proceedings of general DAB systems in
1995. After the proponents merged into one, Ibiquity was left in the running for potential
adoption. In the fall of 2001,the NRSC issued a report on Ibiquity's FM IBOC. This
comprehensive report runs 62 pages of engineering material plus 13 appendices. All of the
system with its blend-to analog operation as signal levels changes. The application of the FM
IBOC has been studied by the NRSC and appears to be understood and accepted by radio
AM IBOC has recently been studied by an NRSC working group as prelude to its adoption for
general broadcast use .Its was presented during the NAB convention in April. The FM report covers
eight areas of vital performance concerns to the broadcaster and listener alike .If all of these
concerns can be met as successfully by AM IBOC, and the receiver manufactures rally to develop
and produce the necessary receiving equipment. The evaluated FM concerns were audio quality,
service area, acquisition performance, durability, auxiliary data capacity, and behavior as signal
degrades, stereo separation and flexibility.
The FM report paid strong attention to the use of SCA services on FM IBOC. About half of all
the operating FM stations employ one or more SCAs for reading for the blind or similar services.
Before going to the description of FM IBOC system, it is important to discuss the basic
principles of digital radio, and IBOC technology. In the foregoing sections we see the above-
mentioned topics
Spintronics can be fairly new term for you but the concept isn't so very exotic .This technological
discipline aim to exploit subtle and mind bending esoteric quantum property of electron to
develop a new generation of electronics devices. The ability to exploit spin in semiconductor
promise a new logical devices as spin transistor etc with enhanced functionality higher speed and
reduction power conception and might have a spark revolution in semiconductor industry. so far
the problem of injecting electron with controlled spin direction has held up the realization of
such spintronics
Spintronics is an emergent technology that exploits the quantum propensity of the electrons to
spin as well as making use of their charge state. The spin itself is manifested as a detectable
weak magnetic energy state characterised as "spin up" or "spin down".
Conventional electronic devices rely on the transport of electrical charge carriers - electrons - in
a semiconductor such as silicon. Device engineers and physicists are now trying to exploit the
spin of the electron rather than its charge.
Spintronic-devices combine the advantages of magnetic materials and semiconductors. They are
expected to be non-volatile, versatile, fast and capable of simultaneous data storage and processing,
while at the same time consuming less energy. Spintronic-devices are playing an increasingly
significant role in high-density data storage, microelectronics, sensors, quantum computing and
bio-medical applications, etc.
Since the fabrication of MOSFET, the minimum channel length has been shrinking continuously.
The motivation behind this decrease has been an increasing interest in high-speed devices and in
very large-scale integrated circuits. The sustained scaling of conventional bulk device requires
innovations to circumvent the barriers of fundamental physics constraining the conventional
MOSFET device structure. The limits most often cited are control of the density and location of
dopants providing high I on /I off ratio and finite sub threshold slope and quantum-mechanical
tunneling of carriers through thin gate from drain to source and from drain to body.
The channel depletion width must scale with the channel length to contain the off-state leakage I
off. This leads to high doping concentration, which degrade the carrier mobility and causes
junction edge leakage due to tunneling. Furthermore, the dopant profile control, in terms of depth
and steepness, becomes much more difficult. The gate oxide thickness tox must also scale with
the channel length to maintain gate control, proper threshold voltage VT and performance. The
thinning of the gate dielectric results in gate tunneling leakage, degrading the circuit
performance, power and noise margin.
As a scientific pursuit, the search for a viable successor to silicon computer technology has
garnered considerable curiosity in the last decade. The latest idea, and one of the most intriguing,
is known as molecular computers, or moletronics, in which single molecules serve as switches,
"quantum wires" a few atoms thick serve as wiring, and the hardware is synthesized chemically
from the bottom up.
The central thesis of moletronics is that almost any chemically stable structure that is not
specifically disallowed by the laws of physics can in fact be built. The possibility of building
things atom by atom was first introduced by Richard Feynman in 1959.
An "assembler", which is little more than a submicroscopic robotic arm can be built and be
controlled. We can use it to secure and position compounds in order to direct the precise location
at which chemical reactions occur. This general approach allows the construction of large,
atomically precise objects by initiating a sequence of controlled chemical reactions. In order for
this to function as we wish, each assembler requires a process for receiving and executing the
instruction set that will dictate its actions. In time, mo lecular machines might even have onboard,
high speed RAM and slower but more permanent storage. They would have communications
capability and power supply.
Moletronics is expected to touch almost every aspect of our lives, right down to the water we
drink and the air we breathe. Experimental work has already resulted in the production of
molecular tweezers, a carbon nanotube transistor, and logic gates. Theoretical work is
progressing as well. James M. Tour of Rice University is working on the construction of a
molecular computer. Researchers at Zyvex have proposed an Exponential Assembly Process that
might improve the creation of assemblers and products, before they are even simulated in the lab.
We have even seen researchers create an artificial muscle using nanotubes, which may have
medical applications in the nearer term.
Teramac computer has the capacity to perform 1012 operations in one seconds but it has 220,000
hardware defects and still has performed some tasks 100 times faster than single-processor .The
defect-tolerant computer architecture and its implications for moletronics is the latest in this
technology. So the very fact that this machine worked suggested that we ought to take some time
and learn about it.
Such a 'defect-tolerant' architecture through moletronics could bridge the gap between the
current generation of microchips and the next generation of molecular-scale computers.
then measuring the reflective response from different depths and is therefore capable of scanning
non-invasively beneath the surface of the sample. In ultrasound imaging, it is relatively easy to
measure the time delay of each reflected packet. However, for light pulses, interferometry must
be used to measure the displacement with meaningful accuracy. The amount of light reflected
from each point within the scanning window in the sample is plotted graphically as an OCT image.
The goal of this investigation is to use Optical Coherence Tomography to image epileptic lesions
on cortical tissue from rats. Such images would be immensely useful for surg ical purposes. They
would detail how deep the lesion is, allowing for precise removal that neither removes an
insufficient amount of damaged tissue nor extracts too much healthy tissue.
Though commerical OCT systems already exist, they typically do not scan very deeply beneath
sample surfaces. For the purpose of this study, a system must be constructed that scans up to 2
millimeters into tissue1. Unfortunately, an increase in axial depth necessitates a decrease in
transverse (along the surface of the sample) resolution due to focal restrictions of the objective
lenses2. However, this loss is acceptable for this investigation, as the main goal is to determine
lesion depth and not to achieve perfect image clarity.
The ability to detect the positional delay of light reflecting from a tissue sample is at the heart of
OCT. Low-coherence interferometry provides just that. A low-coherence light source has the
potential to produce interference fringes only when integrated with light from the same source
that has traveled nearly exactly the same distance3. This means that if light from such a source is
split by a beam splitter into two equal parts, both of them reflect off of different objects, and
combine to form one beam again, they will produce an interference fringe pattern only if
thedistance they traveled while split was exactly the same.
The field of surgery is entering a time of great change, spurred on by remarkable recent advances
in surgical and computer technology. Computer-controlled diagnostic instruments have been
used in the operating room for years to help provide vital information through ultrasound,
computer-aided tomography (CAT), and other imaging technologies. Only recently have robotic
systems made their way into the operating room as dexterity-enhancing surgical assistants and
surgical planners, in answer to surgeons' demands for ways to overcome the surgical limitations
of minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery.
The Robotic surgical system enables surgeons to remove gallbladders and perform other general
surgical procedures while seated at a computer console and 3-D video imaging system acrossthe
room from the patient. The surgeons operate controls with their hands and fingers to direct a
robotically controlled laparoscope. At the end of the laparoscope are advanced, articulating
surgical instruments and miniature cameras that allow surgeons to peer into the body and
perform the procedures.
Now Imagine : An army ranger is riddled with shrapnel deep behind enemy lines. Diagnostics
from wearable sensors signal a physician at a nearby mobile army surgical hospital that his
services are needed urgently. The ranger is loaded into an armored vehicle outfitted with a
robotic surgery system. Within minutes, he is undergoing surgery performed by the physician,
who is seated at a control console 100 kilometers out of harm's way.
The patient is saved. This is the power that the amalgamation of technology and surgical sciences
are offering Doctors.
Just as computers revolutionized the latter half of the 20th century, the field of robotics has the
potential to equally alter how we live in the 21st century. We've already seen how robots have
changed the manufacturing of cars and other consumer goods by streamlining and speeding up
the assembly line.
We even have robotic lawn mowers and robotic pets now. And robots have enabled us to see places
that humans are not yet able to visit, such as other planets and the depths of the ocean. In the
coming decades, we will see robots that have artificial intelligence,coming to resemble the humans
that create them. They will eventually become self-aware and conscious, and be able to do
anything that a human can. When we talk about robots doing the tasks of humans, we often talk
about the future, but the future of Robotic surgery is already here.
In digital communication , CellonicsTM offers a fundamental change to the way modem solutions
have traditionally been designed and built. CellonicsTM technology introduces a simple and
swift Carrier - Rate DecodingTM solution to the receiving and decoding of a modulated signal. It
encodes and decodes signals at one symbol per cycle-a feature not found elsewhere. Its simplicity
will obsolete the super heterodyne receiver design that has been in use
since its invention by Major Edward Armstrong in 1918.In fact, according to one estimate,98 %
of the worlds radio systems are still based on this superhet design.
Cellonics Inc. has invented and patented a number of circuits that mimic the above biological
cell behavior. The CellonicsTM circuits are incredibly simple with advantages of low-cost, low
power consumption and smallness of size. When applied in communication, the CellonicsTM
technology is a fundamental modulation and demodulation technique. The CellonicsTM
receivers are used as devices that generate pulses from the received analog signal and perform
demodulation based on pulse counting
Embedded systems are usually programmed in high level language that is compiled (and/or
assembled) into an executable ("machine") code. These are loaded into Read Only Memory (ROM)
and called "firmware", "microcode" or a "microkernel". The microprocessor is 8-bit or
16-bit.The bit size refers to the amount of memory accessed by the processor. There is usually no
operating system and perhaps 0.5k of RAM. The functions implemented normally have no
priorities. As the need for features increases and/or as the need to establish priorities arises, it
becomes more important to have some sort of decision making mechanism be part of the
embedded system. The most advanced systems actually have a tiny, streamlined OS running the
show, executing on a 32-bit or 64-bit processor. This is called RTOS.
Embedded Hardware
All embedded system has a microprocessor or microcontroller for processing of information and
execution of programs, memory in the form of ROM/RAM for storing embedded software
programs and data, and I/O interfaces for external interface. Any additional requirement in an
embedded system is dependent on the equipment it is controlling. Very often these systems have
a standard serial port, a network interface, I/O interface, or hardware to interact with sensors and
activators on the equipment.
Embedded Software
C has become the language of choice for embedded programmers, because it has the benefit of
processor independence, which allows the programmer to concentrate on algorithms and
applications, rather than on the details of processor architecture. However, many of its
advantages apply equally to other high-level languages as well. Perhaps the greatest strength of
C is that it gives embedded programmers an extraordinary degree of direct hardware control
without sacrificing the benefits of high-level languages. Compilers and cross compilers are also
available for almost every processor with C.
Any source code written in C or C++ or Assembly language must be converted into an
executable image that can be loaded onto a ROM chip. The process of converting the source
code representation of your embedded software into an executable image involves three distinct
steps, and the system or computer on which these processes are executed is called a host
computer.First, each of the source files that make an embedded application must be compiled or
assembled into distinct object files.Second, all of the object files that result from the first step
must be linked into a final object file called the relocatable program.
Mention optical communication and most people think of fiber optics. But light travels through
air for a lot less money. So it is hardly a surprise that clever entrepreneurs and technologists are
borrowing many of the devices and techniques developed for fiber-optic systems and applying
them to what some call fiber-free optical communication. Although it only recently, and rather
suddenly, sprang into public awareness, free-space optics is not a new idea. It has roots that go
back over 30 years--to the era before fiber-optic cable became the preferred transport medium for
high-speed communication. In those days, the notion that FSO systems could provide high-speed
connectivity over short distances seemed futuristic, to say the least. But research done at that
time has made possible today's free-space optical systems, which can carry full-duplex
(simultaneous bidirectional) data at gigabit-per-second rates over metropolitan distances of a few
city blocks to a few kilometers.
FSO first appeared in the 60's, for military applications. At the end of 80's, it appeared as a
commercial option but technological restrictions prevented it from success. Low reach
transmission, low capacity, severe alignment problems as well as vulnerability to weather
interferences were the major drawbacks at that time. The optical communication without wire,
however, evolved! Today, FSO systems guarantee 2.5 Gb/s taxes with carrier class availability.
Metropolitan, access and LAN networks are reaping the benefits.
The use of free space optics is particularly interesting when we perceive that the majority of
customers does not possess access to fibers as well as fiber installation is expensive and demands
long time. Moreover, right-of-way costs, difficulties in obataining government licenses for new
fiber installation etc. are further problems that has turned FSO into the option of choice for short
reach applications.
FSO uses lasers, or light pulses, to send packetized data in the terahertz (THz) spectrum range.
Air, ot fiber, is the transport medium. This means that urban businesses needing fast data and
Internet access have a significantly lower-cost option.
FSO technology is implemented using a laser device .These laser devices or terminals can be
mounted on rooftops ,Corners of buidings or even inside offices behind windows. FSOdevices
look like security video cameras.
As corporations move rapidly toward deploying e-business systems, the lack of business
intelligence facilities in these systems prevents decision-makers from exploiting the full potential
of the Internet as a sales, marketing, and support channel. To solve this problem, vendors are
rapidly enhancing their business intelligence offerings to capture the data flowing through e-
business systems and integrate it with the information that traditional decision-making systems
manage and analyze. These enhanced business intelligence-or e-intelligence-systems may
provide significant business benefits to traditional brick-and-mortar companies as well as new dot-
com ones as they build e-business environments.
The explosive growth in the use of e-business has led to the need for decision-processing
systems to be enhanced to capture and integrate business information flowing through e-business
systems. These systems also need to be able to apply business intelligence techniques to this
captured-business information. These enhanced decision processing systems, or E-Intelligence,
have the potential to provide significant business benefits to both traditional bricks-and-mortar
companies and new dot.com companies as they begin to exploit the power of e-business
E-intelligence systems provide internal business users, trading partners, and corporate clients rapid
and easy access to the e-business information, applications, and services they need in order to
compete effectively and satisfy customer needs. They offer many business benefits to
organizations in exploiting the power of the Internet. For example, e-intelligence systems give
the organization the ability to:
1.Integrate e-business operations into the traditional business environment, giving business users
a complete view of all corporate business operations and information.
2.Help business users make informed decisions based on accurate and consistent e-business
information that is collected and integrated from e-business applications.
This business information helps business users optimize Web-based offerings (products offered,
pricing and promotions, service and support, and so on) to match marketplace requirements and
analyze business performance with respect to competitors and the organization's business-
performance objectives.
3.Assist e-business applications in profiling and segmenting e-business customers. Based on this
information, businesses can personalize their Web pages and the products and services they
4.Extend the business intelligence environment outside the corporate firewall, helping the
organization share internal business information with trading partners. Sharing this information
will let it optimize the product supply chain to match the demand for products sold through the
Internet and minimizes the costs of maintaining inventory.
5.Extend the business intelligence environment outside the corporate firewall to key corporate
clients, giving them access to business information about their accounts.
With this information, clients can analyze and tune their business relationships with other
organization, improving client service and satisfaction.
The building blocks of new, sophisticated, intelligent data warehousing applications are now
intelligent e-services. An e-service is any asset made available via the Internet to drive new
revenue streams or create new efficiencies. What makes e-services valuable is not only the
immediacy of the service, but also the intelligence behind the service. While traditional data
warehousing meant simple business rules, simple queries and pro-active work to take advantage
of the Web, E-Intelligence is much more sophisticated and enables the Web to work on our behalf.
Combining intelligence with e-services promises exciting business opportunities.
A quiet revolution is taking place. Over the past few years, the density of the average
programmable logic device has begun to skyrocket. The maximum number of gates in an FPGA
is currently around 500,000 and doubling every 18 months. Meanwhile, the price of these c hips
is dropping. What all of this means is that the price of an individual NAND or NOR is rapidly
approaching zero! And the designers of embedded systems are taking note. Some system designers
are buying processor cores and incorporating them into system-on-a-chip designs;
others are eliminating the processor and software altogether, choosing an alternative hardware-
only design.
As this trend continues, it becomes more difficult to separate hardware from software. After all,
both hardware and software designers are now describing logic in high-level terms, albeit in
different languages, and downloading the compiled result to a piece of silicon. Surely no one
would claim that language choice alone marks a real distinction between the two fields. Turing's
notion of machine-level equivalence and the existence of language-to-language translators have
long ago taught us all that that kind of reasoning is foolish. There are even now products that
allow designers to create their hardware designs in traditional pro gramming languages like C. So
language differences alone are not enough of a distinction.
Both hardware and software designs are compiled from a human-readable form into a machine-
readable one. And both designs are ultimately loaded into some piece of silicon. Does it matter
that one chip is a memory device and the other a piece of programmable logic? If not, how else
can we distinguish hardware from software?
Regardless of where the line is drawn, there will continue to be engineers like you and me who
cross the boundary in our work. So rather than try to nail down a precise boundary between
hardware and software design, we must assume that there will be overlap in the two fields. And
we must all learn about new things. Hardware designers must learn how to write better programs,
and software developers must learn how to utilize programmable logic.
Many types of programmable logic are available. The current range of offerings includes
everything from small devices capable of implementing only a handful of logic equations to huge
FPGAs that can hold an entire processor core (plus peripherals!). In addition to this incredible
difference in size there is also much variation in architecture. In this section, I'll introduce you to
the most common types of programmable logic and highlight the most important features of each
At the low end of the spectrum are the original Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs). These
were the first chips that could be used to implement a flexible digital logic design in hardware. In
other words, you could remove a couple of the 7400-series TTL parts (ANDs, ORs, and NOTs)
from your board and replace them with a single PLD. Other names you might encounter for this
class of device are Programmable Logic Array (PLA), Programmable Array Logic (PAL), and
Generic Array Logic (GAL).
Femtocells, a technology little-known outside the wireless world, promise better indoor
cellular service. In telecommunication, a Femtocell is a small cellular base station, typically
designed for use in a home or small business. It connects to the service provider’s network via
broadband. Current designs typically support 2 to 4 active mobile phones in a residential setting,
and 8 to 16 active mobile phones in enterprise settings. A Femtocell allows service providers to
extend service coverage indoors, especially where access would otherwise be limited or
unavailable. For a mobile operator, the attractions of a Femtocell are improvements to both
coverage and capacity, especially indoors. This can reduce both capital expenditure and
operating expense.
A Femtocell is typically the size of a residential gateway or smaller, and connects into the
end-user’s broadband line. Once plugged in, the Femtocell connects to the MNO’s mobile
network, and provides extra coverage in a range of typically 30 to 50 meters for res idential
The end-user must declare which mobile phone numbers are allowed to connect to his/her
Femtocell, usually via a web interface provided by the MNO. When these mobile phones arrive
under coverage of the Femtocell, they switch over from the Macrocell (outdoor) to the Femtocell
automatically. Most MNOs provide means for the end-user to know this has happened, for
example by having a different network name appear on the mobile phone. All communications
will then automatically go through the Femtocell. When the end-user leaves the Femtocell
coverage (whether in a call or not), his phone hands over seamlessly to the macro network.
The terms “fixed WiMAX”, “mobile WiMAX”, “802.16d” and “802.16e” are frequently used
incorrectly Correct definitions are the following:
• 802.16-2004 is often called 802.16d, since that was the working party that developed the
standard. It is also frequently referred to as “fixed WiMAX” since it has no support for mobility.
This paper outlines some of the techniques being developed to provide affordable, reliable
satellite communications suitable for a wide range of military aircraft, from agile platforms such
as jets and helicopters to surveillance, tanker and transport aircraft. It also gives an overview of
airborne SHF (Super High Frequency) and also EHF (Extremely High Frequency) satcom
techniques. Although presently used UHF (Ultra High Frequency) satellite communication are
relatively simple to install and comparatively inexpensive, suffer from very limited capacity and
are prone to multipath and unintentional interference due to their poor antenna selectivity.
Whereas, the SHF satcoms offer significantly increased bandwidth for high data rates or
increased use of spread-spectrum techniques, together with localized (spot) coverage and
adaptive antenna techniques – for nulling unwanted signals or interference.
Blu-ray, also known as Blu-ray Disc (BD) is the name of a next-generation optical disc video
recording format jointly developed by nine leading consumer electronics companies. The format
was developed to enable recording, rewriting and playback of high-definition video (HDTV).
Blu-ray makes it possible to record over 2 hours of digital high-definition video (HDTV) or more
than 13 hours of standard-definition video (SDTV/VHS picture quality) on a 27GB disc. There
are also plans for higher capacity discs that are expected to hold up to 50GB of data.
The Blu-ray Disc technology can store sound and video while maintaining high quality and also
access the stored content in an easy-to-use way. Adoption of the Blu-ray Disc in a variety of
applications including PC data storage and high definition video software is being considered.
Ferroelectric memory is a new type of semiconductor memory, which exhibit short programming
time, low power consumption and nonvolatile memory, making highly suitable for application
like contact less smart card, digital cameras which demands many memory write operations.
Smart sensors are sensors with integrated electronics that can perform one or more of the
following function logic functions, two-way communication, make decisions.
The advent of integrated circuits, which became possible because of the tremendous progress in
semiconductor technology, resulted in the low cost microprocessor. Thus if it is possible to
design a low cost sensor which is silicon based then the overall cost of the control system can be
reduced .We can have integrated sensors which has electronics and the transduction element
together on one silicon chip. This complete system can be called as system-on-chip .The main
aim of integrating the electronics and the sensor is to make an intelligent sensor, which can be
called as smart sensor. Smart sensors then have the ability to make some decision. Physically a
smart sensor consists of transduction element, signal conditioning electronic and
controller/processor that support some intelligence in a single package. In this report the usefulness
of silicon technology as a smart sensor, physical phenomena of conversion to electrical
output using silicon sensors, characteristics of smart sensors. A general architecture of smart
sensor is presented.
This paper presents a new design and implementation of HDD (Hard Disk Drive) embedded
DSR (Digital Satellite Receiver). The digital broadcasting technology enables multimedia access
via broadcasting system. The amount of digital data to be processed is increased as compared to
the previous broadcasting environment. In this paper’ a method is proposed to provide storage
ability of a DSR to cope with these changes. Efficient digital data storage and management
technology is also discussed. The real data recording and playing back are the most important
function of the proposed system. The trick modes such as fast forward and fast backward support
are the other important factors of the proposed system as compared to the previous analog
recorders. The above-mentioned functions are the main evolution criteria for the system
performance. The DSR uses new file system that is designed by considering disk cluster size and
limited memory in the system, which is more appropriate than that of the general personal
computer. This system enables us to watch broadcasting and to manage multimedia data
Digital Subscriber Lines (DSL) are used to deliver high-rate digital data over existing ordinary
phone-lines. A new modulation technology called Discrete Multitone (DMT) allows the
transmission of high speed data. DSL facilitates the simultaneous use of normal telephone
services, ISDN, and high speed data transmission, e.g., video. DMT-based DSL can be seen as
the transition from existing copper-lines to the future fiber-cables. This makes DSL
economically interesting for the local telephone companies. They can offer customers high speed
data services even before switching to fiber-optics.
Today wireless technology forms the basis of almost every industry including Home
Automation, Industrial Automation, Remote Metering, Automotive Networks, Interactive Toys,
Active RFID or asset tracking and Medical as well. There are multitudes of standards like
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi that provide high data transfer rates for voice, PC LANs, video, etc.
However, until now there hasn’t been a wireless network standard that meets the unique needs of
sensors and control devices. Sensors and control don’t need high bandwidth but they do need low
latency and least energy consumption for long battery lives and for large number of devices.
ZigBee is the only wireless standards-based technology that addresses the unique needs of
remote monitoring & control, and sensory network applications. ZigBee offers unique
advantages for wireless applications, including low-cost radios, mesh networking, a basis in
standards, low power consumption, reliability and security.
This paper provides an introduction to ZigBee, presenting key aspects of ZigBee’s architecture
and operation as they relate to implementation options including example application for office
lighting. It gives an insight into the strengths and challenges of this emerging technology,
comparing it with the other wireless standards that will help the reader to decide which path is
best suited to specific application and needs.
21. Microphotonics
This paper presents an overview of our study on the subject “Microphotonics” which is related
with optical science and also behaves as one of the technologies used in “Wireless systems”.
“Microphotonics” has also proven to be one of the successors to the field of electronics in this
21st century or the third millennium.
“Photonics” has revolutionized communications and ho lds similar potential for computing,
sensing and imaging applications. . The Photon Belt has reasonable probability of occurrence,
judging by the ongoing innovations in Microphotonics.
In this paper we are going to examine the introduction to our topic, it s vision and evolution.
Along with the evolution we are also going to see the great contribution of our scientists to this
budding field.
The paper also includes the applications of the field in the technical as well as medical world.
Different devices using the Microphotonics technology are also included in the paper.
Finally the future of the “Microphotonics” concludes the topic over here.