Seminar On Nanotechnology: by VC - Asif Roll No:-17QP5A0245

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Seminar On


Seminar Contents
 History of Nanotechnology.
 Introduction of Nanotechnology.
 Applications of Nanotechnology.
 Information and Communication Technology
 Nanochip Designing.
 Carbon Nanotubes.
 Practical applications of Nanotechnology.
History of Nanotechnology
 The amount of space available to us for information storage (or other uses) is enormous. As first
described in a lecture titled, 'There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom' in 1959 by Richard P.
Feynman, there is nothing besides our clumsy size that keeps us from using this space. In his time,
it was not possible for us to manipulate single atoms or molecules because they were far too small
for our tools.

 He described how the laws of physics do not limit our ability to manipulate single atoms and
molecules. Feynman explored the possibility of manipulating the materials at a scale of individual
atoms and molecules, imagining the whole of the encyclopedia Britannica written on the head of
the pin.

 Prof. Feynman described such atomic scale fabrication as a bottom-up approach, as opposed to
the top-down approach that we are accustomed to.

 Top-down Manufacturing :- It involves the construction of parts through methods such as

cutting, carving and molding. Using these methods, we have been able to fabricate a remarkable
variety of machinery and electronics devices.

 Bottom-up manufacturing :- On the other hand, would provide components made of single
molecules, which are held together by covalent forces that are far stronger than the forces that hold
together macro-scale components. Further more, the amount of information that could be stored
in devices build from the bottom up would be enormous
Introduction to
 Nanoscience is the study of phenomena and manipulation of materials
at atomic, molecular and macro-molecule scales, where properties
differ significantly from those at a larger scale.

 Nanotechnology is the branch of science and engineering which deals

with creation of materials, devices, and systems through the
manipulation of individual atoms and molecules. The original definition
is technology that is built from single atoms and which depends on
individual atoms for function.

 The goal of nanotechnology is to control individual atoms and

molecules to create computer chips and other devices that are
thousands of times smaller than current technologies permit.
Current manufacturing processes use lithography to imprint
circuits on semiconductor materials.
 The prefix ‘nano’ is derived from the Greek word for dwarf.
One nanometer (nm) is equal to one-billionth of a
meter, 10-9 m.

 A human hair is approximately 80,000nm wide, and a red

blood cell approximately 7000nm wide. Atoms are below a
nanometer in size. A nanometer-sized particle is also smaller
than living cell and can be seen only with the most powerful
microscope available today.

 Nanotechnology is the technology of preference to make

things small, light and cheap, nanotechnology based
manufacturing is a method conceived for processing and
rearranging of atoms to fabricate custom products .if we
rearrange the atoms in coal, we can get diamond. If we
rearrange atoms of sand we can make computer chips etc.

 The original definition this technology that is built from single

atoms and which depends on individual atoms for function.

Click here to see the Nano-sized particle

Applications of

Nanotechnology Applications

Nanosystems Nanomaterials Nanoelectronics


It is small systems can be seen as

an extension of biotechnology. For
example, to create a molecular
motor about the size of a virus,
scientists have combined
genetically engineered proteins
with other chemically structured

It is possible to create new

kinds of materials by working
at the nanolevel. One of the
first nanomaterials was the
“carbon nanotube”, which
conducts electricity better than
copper yet is stronger and
lighter than steel.

Standard computer chips,

which soon will have
minimum feature sizes below
100 nanometers, will
inevitably enter the realm of
Information and Communication
Technology (ICT)
• In IT industry the computer chips is formed by charting number of
transistors, the building blocks of computer chips, over the past 30

• In 1971 there were just 2300 transistors on Intel’s 4004, their first
computer chip, with a clock speed of 0.8 million cycles per second.

• But because of nanotechnology by 2003

the Intel Xeon processor had 108 million transistors operating at
clock speeds in excess of 3,000 million cycles per second. The
increase in number of transistors on a chip coupled with increased
speed have fuelled the economics of IT industry.

• Nanotech and computer chips

The first integrated circuit in 1970 chips have become smaller, faster and
more capable. Computer chips consist of "field-effect transistors" (FETs)
that form the active circuits on most chips become smaller and smaller
they begin to come up with certain problems.

In the computer-chip world, then, nanotech will be characterized by new

types of transistor (such as the "single-electron transistor" or SET)
and new types of semiconductor device (such as quantum-well and
quantum-dot lasers) to operate in the nanotech environment.

In the optical communications industry there is already a commercially

available device (wavelength selective switch) which consists of some
100'000 individually moveable mirrors mounted on the surface of a silicon
chip about one cm square where each mirrors is few microns across.

The current 130nm technology node that produces the Intel Xeon
processor defines the size of the DRAM (Dynamic random access memory)
half-pitch (half the distance between two adjacent metal wires in a
memory cell). In 1971 Intel 4004 chip used 10,000nm technology; the
chips of 2007 and 2013 will require 65nm and 32nm technology,
Nanochip Designing
 In 2000 the semiconductor industry quietly began producing
"Nanochips"--chips with features measuring less than 100 nanomet
(roughly one thousandth the thickness of a human hair). These
devices are found in the average desktop computer today

 Reducing the size of features boosts speed and improves the

economics of manufacture by allowing more transistors (often more
than 50 million) to be put on a single chip. In just a few years, a
typical microprocessor will contain about 10 times that number.


Basic Chip making Process
• The basic chip making process
involves three stages:-




Silicon-on-insulator Technology
Atomic Layer Decomposition
Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography
Intel’s 65 Nanometer SRAM chips
 Intel has claimed to have produced fully functional 65
nanometer SRAM chips using 12-inch (300mm)
silicon wafers. They are expected to go into
production in 2005.

 The chips use a second generation version of Intel's

strained silicon, copper interconnect and low-k
dielectrics. The 4Mbit SRAM cells are only .57µ2 in
size which means that 10 million chips could fit
inside the tip of a ball point pen.
Carbon Nanotubes
 Carbon Nanotubes are
hexagonally shaped
arrangements of carbon atoms
that have been rolled into tubes.
These tiny straw-like cylinders of
pure carbon have useful
electrical properties. They have
already been used to make tiny
transistors and one-dimensional
copper wire.

 Carbon Nanotubes can route

signals in microprocessor chips
faster than traditional copper or
Fig :- Multi – walled
aluminum wires at speeds of up
carbon nanotube
to 10 GHz.
 Carbon Nanotubes also have great
significance for use in flat-panel
displays, microwave generators,
devices for electric surge protection,
and high intensity lamps.

 Carbon Nanotubes are also likely to

be used in IT. These tubes can be
either conducting or semi
conducting and have the potential
for memory and storage as well.

 Nanotechnology also has

prospective applications for display
devices, such as the replacement of
cathode ray tube (CRT) technology
by electron-producing carbon
Fig :-Single-walled carbon
 Structure of Carbon nanotubes. Nanotube
Practical Applications of
 Monitoring Patience
 Electronics
 Automobile
 Optical transmission
 Modern
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