Title 4 Public Interest
Title 4 Public Interest
Title 4 Public Interest
Kong Leon, a goldsmith, was selling illegally fabricated US Article 165. Selling of False or Mutilated Coin,
dollar coins which are already withdrawn from circulation. without Connivance
Several unfinished coins were found by the police in his
shop and pockets.
Acts punished
HELD: When RPC was enacted, the Spanish text was the
one approved. Thus it controls the interpretation of 1. Possession of coin, counterfeited or mutilated by
provisions. Therefore, under Spanish Penal Code,
another person, with intent to utter the same,
fabrication of coin withdrawn from circulation is punishable
because of (1) the harm it caused to the public when it knowing that it is false or mutilated;
Valentino occupies a public position as bookkeeper at the Article 173. Falsification of Wireless, Cable,
Clearing Office of the Central Bank. He intercepted and Telegraph and Telephone Messages, and Use of
pilfered BPI-Laoag checks with the assistance of petitioner
Said Falsified Messages
Estacio, a janitor-messenger at the Central Bank. In the
comfort room of the bank, Valentino and/or one Villasanta
tampered with the clearing statements and clearing Acts punished
manifests. Valentino then brought the altered clearing
statements back to the clearing center and prepared a 1. Uttering fictitious wireless, telegraph or
Clearing Bank Manifests where he changed the figure in the telephone message;
original copy to tally with those in the altered clearing
statement. The tampered documents, along with the
pilfered demand envelopes, were then sent to the Central Elements
Bank Regional Clearing Center in Laoag. In utilizing this 1. Offender is an officer or employee of the
scheme from October to December of 1981, the syndicate government or an officer or employee of
netted P9 Million. a private corporation, engaged in the
service of sending or receiving wireless,
cable or telephone message;
Lumancas v. Intas (2000)
3. Using such falsified message. The falsification of the certificate of large cattle is
not covered by Art 174 but by Art 171 or 172.
Elements Certificate of residence for voting purposes is
1. Offender knew that wireless, cable, certificate of “similar circumstances”.
telegraph, or telephone message was
falsified by an officer or employee of the
government or an officer or employee of Article 175. Using False Certificates
a private corporation, engaged in the
service of sending or receiving wireless, Elements
cable or telephone message; 1. The following issues a false certificate:
2. He used such falsified dispatch; a. Physician or surgeon, in connection with
3. The use resulted in the prejudice of a the practice of his profession, issues a
third party or at least there was intent false certificate;
to cause such prejudice. b. Public officer issues a false certificate of
merit of service, good conduct or similar
The public officer, to be liable, must be engaged in circumstances;
the service of sending or receiving wireless, cable c. Private person falsifies a certificate
or telephone message. falling within the classes mentioned in
Private individual cannot be a principal by direct the two preceding subdivisions.
participation in falsification of telegraphic
dispatches under Art. 173 unless he is an employee 2. Offender knows that the certificate was false;
of a corporation engaged in the business of sending
or receiving wireless, telegraph or telephone He uses the same.
Private individual can be criminally liable as When any of the false certificates mentioned in Art.
principal by inducement in falsification of 174 is used in the judicial proceedings, Art 172
telegraphic dispatches. does not apply because the use of false document
Act. No. 1851, Sec $, punishes private individuals in judicial proceeding under Art 172 is limited to
who forge or alter telegram by an fine of not more those false documents embraced in Arts 171 and
than P100. 172.
Article 174. False Medical Certificates, False Article 176. Manufacturing and Possession of
Certificates of Merit or Service, Etc. Instruments or Implements for Falsification
1. Offender knowingly and falsely Gigantoni v People
represents himself;
Gigantoni, working on an investigation for another
2. As an officer, agent or representative of
company, represented himself to PAL legal officer as a PC-
any department or agency of the CIS agent. He requested that he be shown the PAL records
Philippine government or of any foreign which was granted and he xeroxed them.
HELD: He cannot be held liable for usurpation of authority
2. Usurpation of official functions. because he did not knowingly represented himself to be an
agent. AT the time he went to PAL office, he was still an
agent though he knew he was suspended. The conveyance
Elements to him of the notice of dismissal was not proven. He should
1. Offender performs any act; have been charged with usurpation of official functions
2. Pertaining to any person in authority or where dismissal or suspension would make no difference
public officer of the Philippine because both imply the absence of the power to represent
government or any foreign government, himself as vested with authority to perform acts pertaining
to an office which he knowingly was deprived of.
or any agency thereof;
3. Under pretense of official position;
4. Without being lawfully entitled to do so. Article 178. Using Fictitious Name and
Concealing True Name
In usurpation of authority, it is not necessary that
he performs an act pertaining to public office. Acts punished
However in usurpation of official functions, it is
essential that the offender should have performed 1. Using fictitious name
an act pertaining to a person authority or public
officer. Elements
There must be positive, express and explicit 1. Offender uses a name other than his
representation. Such false representation may be real name;
shown by acts. 2. He uses the fictitious name publicly;
This article applies to “any person” and thus covers 3. Purpose of use is to conceal a crime, to
even a public officer. (ex. Councilor usurping evade the execution of a judgment or to
mayor’s office) cause damage [to public interest -
This article does not apply to occupant under color Reyes].
of title.
2. Concealing true name
This article also punishes usurpation of authority or
official functions of any officer of any foreign Elements
government. 1. Offender conceals his true name and
RA 75 provides additional penalties for usurping the other personal circumstances;
authority of diplomatic or consular or any other 2. Purpose is only to conceal his identity.
official of foreign government if offender has intent
to defraud. A fictitious name is any other name which a person
publicly applies to himself without authority of law.
Penalties imposed
Legamia v IAC Any violation of this Act shall be punished with imprisonment
of from one year to five years and a fine of P5,000 to
Corazon Legamia lived with Emilio Reyes for 19 years and P10,000. (Sec. 5)
gave him a son. She was known and introduced to others as
Mrs. Reyes. Upon Emilio’s death, Corazon filed for death
benefits on behalf of their son. The real Mrs. Reyes,
Felicisima, filed a complaint against Corazon for using Article 179. Illegal Use of Uniforms or Insignia
fictitious name.
HELD: Corazon was acquitted. It is not uncommon for a 1 Offender makes use of insignia, uniforms or
woman to represent herself as the wife of the person she is dress;
living with. Corazon assumed the role of a wife not for any
2 The insignia, uniforms or dress pertains to an
personal material gain but for her son. Ours is a tolerant
and understanding society… office not held by such person or a class of
persons of which he is not a member;
Use of unregistered aliases 3. Said insignia, uniform or dress is used publicly
and improperly.
R.A. 6085
Wearing the uniform of an imaginary office is not
REGULATING THE USE OF ALIASES An exact imitation of a uniform or dress is
unnecessary; a colorable resemblance calculated to
What is prohibited? deceive the common run of people is sufficient.
1. No person shall use any name different from the one with
which he was registered at birth in the office of the local civil
(Immunity of Diplomats and Consuls)
registry, or with which he was registered in the bureau of
immigration upon entry; or such substitute name as may
An Act to Penalize Acts which would Impair the Proper
have been authorized by a competent court.
Observance by the Republic and Inhabitants of the
Philippines of the Immunities, Rights, And Privileges Of Duly
Exception: Pseudonym solely for literary, cinema,
Accredited Foreign Diplomatic And Consular Agents In The
television, radio, or other entertainment and in athletic
events where the use of pseudonym is a normally accepted
practice. (Sec. 1)
When applicable
2. No person having been baptized with a name different
The provisions of the Act are applicable only in cases where
from that with which he was registered at birth in the local
the country of the diplomatic or consular representative
civil registry, or in case of an alien, registered in the bureau
adversely affected has provided for similar protection to
of immigration upon entry, or any person who obtained
duly accredited diplomatic or consular representatives of the
judicial authority to use an alias, or who uses a pseudonym,
Republic of the Philippines by prescribing like or similar
shall represent himself in any public or private
penalties for like or similar offenses herein contained.
transaction or shall sign or execute any public or
private document without stating or affixing his real
Who are punishable?
or original name and all names or aliases or
Oath is any form of attestation by which a person Diaz was charged with falsification of official document. He
signifies that he is bound in conscience to perform allegedly executed and filed in CSC a personal data sheet,
an act faithfully and truthfully. an official document, where he stated he was a 4 th yr AB
student at Cosmopolitan and Harvardian Colleges w/c led
An affidavit is a sworn statement in writing; a
to his reappointment. The accused was never enrolled in
declaration in writing made upon oath or before an said schools. He presented a transcript of record with no
authorized magistrate or officer. imprint of college seal nor signature of school president.
Perjury is an offense which covers false oaths other
than those taken in the course of judicial HELD: The crime committed was perjury. This offense is
proceedings. the willful and corrupt assertion of a falsehood under oath
or affirmation administered by authority of law on a
A false affidavit to a criminal complaint may give
material matter.
rise to perjury.
Material matter is the main fact which is the subject
matter of the inquiry or any circumstance which Acuna v. Deputy Ombudsman (2005)
tends to prove that fact, or any fact or
circumstance which tends to corroborate or FACTS: Petitioner Acuña is a former teacher of the
Angeles City National Trade School ("ACNTS") in Pampanga.
strengthen the testimony relative to the subject of
Pascua was ACNTS' Officer-In-Charge while Turla was a
inquiry or which legitimately affects the credit of member of the faculty. Yabut, another ACNTS teacher,
any witness who testifies. together with other school personnel, requested a dialogue
There must be competent proof of materiality. The with Pascua on some unspecified matter. Turla attended
matter is material when it is directed to prove a fact the meeting upon Pascua's directive. Acuña, upon Yabut’s
in issue. invitation also attended the meeting. As an offshoot to an
incident during the meeting which was held on July 16,
There is no perjury if sworn statement is not
1998, Acuña charged Pascua with misconduct ("OMB-ADM-1-
material to the principal matter under investigation. 99-0387") and with violation of Article 131 of the RPC ("OMB
There is no perjury if defendant subscribed and 1-99-903") before the Office of the Ombudsman. In his
swore before a clerk in treasurer’s office as a sworn counter-affidavit in OMB-ADM-1-99-0387, Pascua
competent person authorized to administer oath is alleged, among others, that: (1) OMB-ADM-1-99-0387 is a
a person who has a right to inquire into the "rehash and a duplication with a slight deviation of fact" of
an administrative case pending with DECS which Acuña and
HELD: The records show that the goodwill and reputation of 3. False Designation of Origin / False Description of
La Chemise products bearing the TM LACOSTE date back Fact
even before 1964 when LACOSTE clothing apparels were
first marketed in the Philippines. To allow Hemandas to Elements:
continue using the trademark Lacoste for the simple reason 1. Uses in commerce any false designation of origin, false
that he was the first registrant of a trademark used in description or representation of fact which:
international commerce and not belonging to him is to
is likely to deceive as to sponsorship or approval of
render nugatory the very essence of the law on trademarks
goods by another person
and tradenames.
misrepresents nature, characteristics, qualities and
The purpose of the law is to point out distinctly the origin geographic origin of goods in commercial
or ownership of the article to which it is affixed, to secure advertising or promotion
to him, who has been instrumental in bringing into a
market a superior article of merchandise, the fruit of his PATENTS
industry and skill, and to prevent fraud and imposition. It is
based on the principle of business integrity and common What act are punishable?
Repetition of Infringement
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8293 Elements:
The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines 1. Existence of a final judgment against the offender
TRADEMARKS, TRADENAMES, SERVICEMARKS in a civil action for infringement of patent
2. Infringer or anyone in connivance with him
What acts are punishable? repeats the infringement after the finality of the
1. Infringement
By the way, what is infringement with respect to patents?
1. Registration of TN, TM or SM It is the making, using, offering for sale, selling, or importing
2. Use in commerce by another (inc. reproduction and of a (1) patented product or a product obtained directly or
application of reproduction) indirectly from a patented process, or the use of a patented
3. Use is without owner’s consent process (2) without authorization of the patentee.
4. Use is likely to cause confusion, cause mistake or
deceive Prescription: The criminal action for repetition of
regardless of whether or not there is actual infringement of patent prescribes in three (3) years from
sale date of the commission of the crime.
2. Unfair Competition COPYRIGHT
(c) Malicious Reporting. Any person who, with malice, R.A. 8203
or in bad faith, reports or files a completely unwarranted or Special Law on Counterfeit Drugs
false information relative to money laundering transaction
against any person shall be subject to a penalty of 6 months What are counterfeit drugs?
to 4 years imprisonment and a fine of not less than
P100,000 but not more than P500,000, at the discretion of Counterfeit drug/medicine refers to medicinal
the court: products:
Provided, That the offender is not entitled to avail the with the correct ingredients but not in
benefits of the Probation Law. the amounts as provided hereunder,
wrong ingredients,
If the offender is a corporation, association, partnership or without active ingredients,
which results in the reduction of the drug's safety, presentation of sales invoices, official receipts, or other
efficacy, quality, strength or purity. It is a drug which is legally acceptable documents evidencing his
deliberately and fraudulently mislabeled with respect to purchase thereof from a drugstore, distributor,
identity and/or source or with fake packaging, and can apply manufacture, hospital pharmacy or dispensary, or
to both branded and generic products. It shall also refer to: any other person or place duly licensed to sell
and/or dispense drugs or medicines, and
the drug itself, or the container or labeling thereof or any indicating therein the batch and lot numbers, as
part of such drug, container or labeling bearing without well as the expiry dates such drugs; or
authorization the trademark, trade name or other presentation of certificates and other documents
identification mark or imprint or any likeness to that evidencing the importation or exportation of the
which is owned or registered in the Bureau of Patent, counterfeit drugs found in his possession as
Trademark and Technology Transfer (BPTTT) in the required by existing laws including those
name of another natural or juridical person; documents required in the preceding paragraph
a drug product refilled in containers by unauthorized persons covering the commercial transactions involving
if the legitimate labels or marks are used; counterfeit drugs.
an unregistered imported drug product, except drugs
brought in the country for personal use as confirmed In both cases, the subject counterfeit must not on
and justified by accompanying medical records; and their face, appear to be as such, or do not bear
a drug which contains no amount of, or a different active any marking or any patently unusual characteristic
ingredient, or less than eighty percent (80%) of the sufficient to arouse the suspicion of a reasonable
active ingredient it purports to possess, as and prudent person that such drugs are
distinguished from an adulterated drug including counterfeit. Furthermore, the amount or volume of
reduction or loss of efficacy due to expiration. counterfeit drugs held is such that it does not
negate or is inconsistent with the averment that
What are the prohibited acts under the law? the same are for personal use, notwithstanding
the presentation by the possession of medical
1. The manufacture, sale, offering for sale, records and other similar documents
donation, distribution, trafficking, brokering, accompanying and justifying the use of such
exportation, or importation or possession of drugs.
counterfeit drugs.
3. Forging, counterfeiting, simulating or
The presence or availability of such counterfeit drugs falsely representing, or without proper
within the premises of any entity engaged in the sale, authority, using any mark, stamp, tag, label or other
manufacture or distribution of drugs and/or identification mark or device authorized or required by
pharmaceutical products or in a private residence, or in Republic Act No. 3720, as amended, and/or the
public or private vehicle, or in the premises not covered regulations promulgated under this Act.
by a valid license to operate from the Bureau, shall
constitute a prima facie evidence of violation of this 4. Photocopying, duplicating, altering,
Act. printing, transferring, obliterating or removing
the approved label or any part thereof, lawfully
This presumption shall not apply to the legitimate belonging to another person, for the purpose of using
owners of trademarks, trade names or other identifying such label or a part thereof on any counterfeit drug.
marks, or the legitimate or authorized representatives
or agents of such owners, who have in their possession That if the person who committed any of the acts
counterfeit drugs which bear the trademarks, trade enumerated in this paragraph and the person who used
names or marks if they can show the sales invoices or the labels produced thereby are not one and the same
official receipts evidencing their purchase from a person and the former had knowledge of the purpose
drugstore, manufacturer or distributor suspected by for which the labels are intended, the former shall also
them of dealing in counterfeit drugs involving the be liable under this Act notwithstanding the failure of
trademarks, trade names and other similar identifying the latter to achieve the intended purpose; and
marks registered in their names. Such counterfeit
products shall be reported and immediately turned over 5. Making, selling, or concealing any punch,
to the Bureau. dye, plate or any other equipment or instrument
designed to print, imprint or reproduce the
Compliance with the preceding proviso shall be made trademark, trade name or other identifying mark
within a reasonable period from the date of purchase of of another registered producer or any likeness thereof,
such counterfeit drugs as indicated in the sales invoice, upon any drug product or device or its container or
official receipt, or other similar documents label without authority from the legitimate owners of
abovementioned to the time the counterfeit drugs are the trademark or trade name.
reported and turned over to the Bureau.