Leg Tech Final Output
Leg Tech Final Output
Leg Tech Final Output
College of Law
Atty. Nestor Mondok
Bonnie Macay
-Recognizing Arguments
- Arguments and Explanations
-Deductive and Inductive Reasoning
-Validity and Truth
-Paraphrasing Arguments
-Diagramming Arguments
-Complex Argumentative
-Problems in Reasoning
Credit: 2 units
Topic Description: This lesson discusses the methods in recognizing arguments, and
some of the difficulties confronted in that process. As well as,
assessment of validity and truth value, proper usage of deductive
and inductive reasoning and distinguishing arguments from
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the learner is expected to be able to do the
Other policy: Students are encouraged to share reference materials with his section mates
and other sections as long as the degree of assistance is properly
Explain the
characteristics of
explanation that Copi, I. M., Cohen, C., & McMahon,
K. (2014). Introduction to logic.
Arguments and differentiates it from
Routledge. pp 40-50
Explanations arguments and
describe the tools to
decipher the intent of
31 the language used.
Copi, I. M., Cohen, C., & McMahon,
K. (2014). Introduction to logic.
Discuss deductive and Routledge. pp 51-56
inductive reasoning
Deductive and and provide examples https://philosophy.hku.hk/think/
Inductive that illustrate the arg/complex.php
Reasoning proper usage of both
reasoning. https://prezi.com/sqqxhgtdpywe
Copi, I. M., Cohen, C., & McMahon, K. (2014). Introduction to logic. Routledge. pp 11-36.
I. Recognizing Arguments
Abstract: Several kinds of non-argumentative discourse are characterized, illustrated, and
distinguished from argumentative discourse
Two conditions must be fulfilled for a passage to purport to prove something: At least
one of the statements must claim to present evidence or reasons; and there must be a claim that
the alleged evidence supports or implies something—that is, a claim that something follows from
the alleged evidence or reasons.
To be an argument, then, a passage must contain both a factual claim and an inferential
claim. The factual claim is expressed in the premises, and the inferential claim is the claim that
these sentences support or imply something further. The implication may be implicit or explicit.
In deciding whether there is a claim that evidence presented supports or implies something; look
for 1) premise and conclusion indicator words and 2) the presence of an inferential relationship
between the statements. Note, though, that the mere presence of an indicator word is not a
guarantee that it’s an argument. (Hurley, Section 1.2, taken from
http://faculty.bsc.edu/bmyers/Section1.2.htm on January 26, 2019)
Given these characterizations, then, how do we sort out arguments from the rest of the
kinds of linguistic behavior? In effect, what we are doing is separating the territory of logic from
the rest of the world. In order to know to what we can apply our powerful methods of analysis,
we need to learn how to separate argumentative discourse from non-argumentative discourse.
(taken from https://philosophy.lander.edu/logic/nonarg.html on January 27 2019).
Most factual claims fall outside the domain of logic. So in this class, we’ll be focusing in
inferential claims. Inferential claims are either explicit or implicit. (taken from
https://prezi.com/sqqxhgtdpywe/recognizing-arguments/ on January 28, 2019)
No premise indicators or conclusion indicators are used here, yet the argument is
clear. Indicators are absent in the following argument in Sam Harris’s Letter to a Christian
Nation, whose premises and conclusions are unmistakable:
Often, however, the force of an argument can be appreciated only when one
understands the context in which that argument is presented. For example, the
undergraduate admission system of the University of Michigan that gave a fixed number
of extra points to all members of certain minority groups was held unconstitutional by
the U.S. Supreme Court in Gratz v. Bollinger in 2003. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
dissented, defending the Michigan system with the following argument:
D. Unstated Propositions
1. By carefully reading the text, you can discern several important differences
between an argument and an explanation.
(1) The Roman Empire collapsed because (2) it lacked the spirit of liberalism and free
a. Which statement is better known (1) or (2)? Since the first statement is better
known, we would normally conclude that this is an explanation which shows a causal
connection rather than an argument with a logical implication. However, Copi has taken
this passage out of context as we will see below.
b. If the author were advancing the general thesis "All countries that lack these
attributes crumble to dust," therefore the Roman Empire did, then a Deductive
Nomological Explanation is being given. In point of fact, this is precisely the argument
which von Mises gives in the original passage from which this passage was excerpted:
"The Roman Empire crumbled to dust because it lacked the spirit of liberalism and free
enterprise. The policy of interventionism and its political corollary, the Fuhrer principle,
decomposed the mighty empire as they will by necessity always disintegrate and destroy any
social entity."
[All countries that lack the spirit of liberalism and free enterprise crumble to dust.] I.e.,
contraposition of the last sentence of the passage above.
The Roman Empire lacked the spirit of liberalism and free enterprise.
4. Some passages are a mixture of argument and explanation. Consider this example:
"There was therefore a sound reason why, despite theological differences, the political
theories of Calvinists in France or Scotland should have had certain similarities with those of
the Jesuits. Both were in a situation where it was necessary to urge that political obligation
is not absolute and that a right of rebellion exits against an heretical ruler. Both depended
upon a common heritage of medieval thought and argued that the community itself creates
is own officials and can regulate them for its own purposes. Both held, therefore, that
political power inheres in the people, is derived from him by contract, and may be revoked if
the king becomes a tyrant."
(George H. Sabine, A History of Political Theory, 3rd. ed. (London: Haarp, 1963), 388.)
The second and third statements are reasons for the conclusion expressed in the third
statement. The third statement is the explanans (that which is the explanation) for the first
statement which is the explanandum (that which is to be explained)..
Note: Explanations often are given for well-known states of affairs. In science, the
explanation is almost always less well known than that which is to be explained.
For example, the answer as to why rainbows form on gasoline-station driveways is expressed
in terms of layers of different densities of fluids with different optical properties. The index
of refraction, reflection, wavelengths of light, and the electromagnetic spectrum are all
mentioned in the explanans.
Hence, unlike arguments, the statements in an explanation generally "move" from well-
known to less well known statements.
In contrast, the central task of inductive arguments is to ascertain the facts by which
conduct may be guided directly, or on which other arguments may be built. Empirical
investigations are undertaken—as in medicine, or social science, or astronomy—leading,
when inductive techniques are applied appropriately, to factual conclusions, most often
concerning cause-and-effect relationships of some importance
In sum, the distinction between induction and deduction rests on the nature of the claims
made by the two types of arguments about the relations between their premises and their
conclusions. Thus we characterize the two types of arguments as follows: A deductive
argument is one whose conclusion is claimed to follow from its premises with absolute
necessity, this necessity not being a matter of degree and not depending in any way on
whatever else may be the case. In sharp contrast, an inductive argument is one whose
conclusion is claimed to follow from its premises only with probability, this probability being
a matter of degree and dependent on what else may be the case.
Truth is the attribute of those propositions that assert what really is the case. When I
assert that Lake Superior is the largest of the five Great Lakes, I assert what really is the case,
what is true. If I had claimed that Lake Michigan is the largest of the Great Lakes my assertion
would not be in accord with the real world; therefore it would be false. This contrast between
validity and truth is important: Truth and falsity are attributes of individual propositions or
statements; validity and invalidity are attributes of arguments. Just as the concept of validity
cannot apply to single propositions, the concept of truth cannot apply to arguments. Of the
several propositions in an argument, some (or all) may be true and some (or all) may be false.
The relations between true (or false) propositions and valid (or invalid) arguments are
critical and complicated. Those relations lie at the heart of deductive logic. It devoted largely
to the examination of those complex relations, but a preliminary discussion of the relation
between validity and truth is in order here. We begin by emphasizing that an argument may
be valid even if one or more of its premises is not true. Every argument makes a claim about
the relation between its premises and the conclusion drawn from them; that relation may
hold even if the premises turn out to be false or the truth of the premises is in dispute.
There are many possible combinations of true and false premises and conclusions in both
valid and invalid arguments. Here follow seven illustrative arguments, each prefaced by the
statement of the combination (of truth and validity) that it represents. With these
illustrations (whose content is deliberately trivial) before us, we will be in a position to
formulate some important principles concerning the relations between truth and validity.
I. Some valid arguments contain only true propositions—true premises and a true
II. Some valid arguments contain only false propositions—false premises and a false
This argument is valid because, if its premises were true, its conclusion would have to be
true also—even though we know that in fact both the premises and the conclusion of this
argument are false.
III. Some invalid arguments contain only true propositions—all their premises are true,
and their conclusions are true as well:
The true conclusion of this argument does not follow from its true premises. This will be
seen more clearly when the immediately following illustration is considered.
IV. Some invalid arguments contain only true premises and have a false conclusion. This
is illustrated by an argument exactly like the previous one (III) in form, changed only enough
to make the conclusion false.
If Bill Gates owned all the gold in Fort Knox, then Bill Gates would be wealthy.
Bill Gates does not own all the gold in Fort Knox.
The premises of this argument are true, but its conclusion is false.
Such an argument cannot be valid because it is impossible for the premises of a valid
argument to be true and its conclusion to be false.
The conclusion of this argument is true, as we know; moreover, it may be validly inferred
from these two premises, both of which are wildly false.
VI. Some invalid arguments also have false premises and a true conclusion:
From Examples V and VI taken together, it is clear that we cannot tell from the fact that
an argument has false premises and a true conclusion whether it is valid or invalid.
VII. Some invalid arguments, of course, contain all false propositions—false premises and
a false conclusion:
These seven examples make it clear that there are valid arguments with false conclusions
(Example II), as well as invalid arguments with true conclusions (Examples III and VI). Hence
it is clear that the truth or falsity of an argument’s conclusion does not by itself determine
the validity or invalidity of that argument. Moreover, the fact that an argument is valid does
not guarantee the truth of its conclusion (Example II)
Copi, I. M., Cohen, C., & McMahon, K. (2014). Introduction to logic. Routledge. pp 11-36.
Credit: 2 units
Topic Description: This lesson discusses the techniques for the analysis of arguments, and
some of the difficulties confronted in that process.
The most common, and perhaps the most useful technique for analysis is
paraphrase. We paraphrase an argument by setting forth its propositions in
clear language and in logical order. This may require the reformulation of
sentences, and therefore great care must be taken to ensure that the
paraphrase put forward captures correctly and completely the argument
that was to be analyzed.
And lastly, in reasoning we advance from premises known (or affirmed for
the purpose) to conclusions.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the learner is expected to be able to do the
Copi, I. M., Cohen, C., & McMahon, K. (2014). Introduction to logic. Routledge. pp 36-64.
Lesson Content:
Description of the Lesson:
This lesson discusses the techniques for the analysis of arguments, and some of the difficulties confronted
in that process.
The most common, and perhaps the most useful technique for analysis is paraphrase. We paraphrase an
argument by setting forth its propositions in clear language and in logical order.
A second technique for the analysis of arguments is diagramming. A diagram is not needed for a simple
argument, even though drawing one can enhance our understanding.
In complex argumentative passages, some arguments are exceedingly complicated with some
propositions serving as both premises and sub-conclusions while other propositions serve only as
premises, and still others are repeated in different words.
And lastly, in reasoning we advance from premises known (or affirmed for the purpose) to conclusions.
Enduring Understanding:
• A successful paraphrase is your own explanation or interpretation of another person's ideas.
• Analyzing the structure of arguments is clarified by representing the logical relations in diagram
• In order to analyze simple and complex arguments, we will find it useful to construct a diagram of
the structure of the argument that details the relations among the various premises and conclusions.
• When working with complex arguments, it is often helpful to reconstruct the argument backwards
from the conclusion.
• An (simple) argument is a set of one or more premise with a conclusion. A complex argument is a set
of arguments with either overlapping premises or conclusions (or both). Complex arguments are
very common because many issues and debates are complicated and involve extended reasoning. To
understand complex arguments, we need to analyze the logical structure of the reasoning involved.
Drawing a diagram can be very helpful.
• There are numerous types of logical reasoning test, and many of these are used interchangeably.
Show the questions and let the students answer on their own. Then show its answer.
Ask the students how they understand the terms being shown. Then show the definition that shall be used
during the lecture.
Discuss the essence of the activities with respect to the lesson objective. Provide a fluid transition by
emphasizing the importance of understanding argumentation and its causes. Emphasize the need to grasp
concepts and how it is contextualized based on various viewpoints.
Main Content:
1. Essential Activity #1: Paraphrasing
Require the students to get a sheet of paper and answer the sample exercise shown. Ask a student to
go to the board and argue the points or merits of the discussion.
In the same sheet of paper answer the sample exercise shown. Ask a student to go to the board and
argue the points or merits of the discussion.
Lesson Summary:
In this chapter we have discussed techniques for the analysis of arguments, and some of the difficulties
confronted in that process.
In Section 4 we discussed contrived problems of reasoning, which often mir- ror the complexities
confronted by many different kinds of investigation in real life, and whose solutions require the
construction of extended sets of arguments and subarguments.
Copi, I. M., Cohen, C., & McMahon, K. (2014). Introduction to logic. Routledge. pp 36-64.
Basics of Paraphrasing
A successful paraphrase is your own explanation or interpretation of another person's ideas.
Paraphrasing in academic writing is an effective way to restate, condense, or clarify another
author's ideas while also providing credibility to your own argument or analysis. While
successful paraphrasing is essential for strong academic writing, unsuccessful paraphrasing
can result in unintentional plagiarism. Look through the paraphrasing strategies below to
better understand what counts as an effective paraphrase.
1. Reread the original passage you wish to paraphrase, looking up any words you do not
recognize, until you think you understand the full meaning of and intention behind the
author's words.
2. Next, cover or hide the passage. Once the passage is hidden from view, write out the
author's idea, in your own words, as if you were explaining it to your instructor or
3. After you have finished writing, check your account of the author's idea against the
original. While comparing the two, ask yourself the following questions:
Have I accurately addressed the author's ideas in a new way that is unique to my writing
style and scholarly voice?
Have I tried to replicate the author's idea or have I simply changed words around in
his/her original sentence(s)?
4. Last, include a citation, which should contain the author's name, the year, and the page
or paragraph number (if available), directly following your paraphrase.
Examples of Paraphrasing
Here is the original source an author might use in a paper:
Differentiation as an instructional approach promotes a balance between a student's style and
a student's ability. Differentiated instruction provides the student with options for processing
and internalizing the content, and for constructing new learning in order to progress
Here is an example of bad paraphrasing of the source. Even though the student is citing
correctly, underlined words are simply synonyms of words used in the original source. You can
also see how the sentence structure is the same for both the original source and this
Differentiation is a way to encourage equality between the approach and talent of the
student (Thompson, 2009). This type of instruction gives students different ways to deal with
and grasp information, and for establishing new learning to move on in education (Thompson,
Here is an example of a better way to paraphrase the source. In this example, the author has
taken the essential ideas and information from the original source, but has worded it in her
Diagramming Arguments
Abstract: Analyzing the structure of arguments is clarified by representing the logical relations
in diagram form.
I. Arguments in logic are composed reasons being offered for a conclusion. (The use of
the term "argument" in logic does not carry the everyday connotation of a quarrel in
everyday discourse.
III. There are three main ways of judging the presence of an argument:
A. The author or writer explicitly states explicitly lists the reasons, evidence,
justification, rationale, or proof of a statement.
(1) I conclude the dinosaurs probably had to cope with cancer. These are my
reasons: (2) a beautiful bone found in Colorado filled with agate has a hole in its
center, (3) the outer layer was eroded all the way through, and (4) this
appearance closely matches metastatic bone tumors in humans.
(1) Since the solution turned red when the indicator was added, (2) I conclude it
is acidic, inasmuch as acidic substances react with this indicator to form a red
(1) The types of sentences you use are quite varied. (2) I've noticed that your
essays are quite sophisticated. (3) You have been learning much more about
sentence structure.
IV. In order to analyze simple and complex arguments, we will find it useful to construct a
diagram of the structure of the argument that details the relations among the various
premises and conclusions.
1. The conclusion might be evident from the content and context of the
paragraph structure. The sequence of sentences is often an indication of
the conclusion. Arrangement of sentences from most general to specific
is a common form of paragraph or passage; the arrangement of sentences
from specific to general is a bit less common. Considering both cases, the
conclusion is often the first and sometimes the last sentence in a passage.
(1) John didn't get much sleep last night. (2) He has dark circles under his
eyes. (3) He looks tired.
(1) Studies from rats indicate that neuropeptide Y in the brain causes
carbohydrate craving, and (2) galanin causes fat craving. (3) Hence, I
for the reason
follows from
after all
in light of the fact
*for the reason
Example Argument:
it follows that
proves that
indicates that
implies that
*for this reason
(1) Math grades for teens with bipolar disorder usually drop
noticeably about one year before their condition is
diagnosed, thus(2) probably bipolar disorder involves a
deterioration of mathematical reasoning.
in addition
(and also the semicolon ";")
(1) Some students absent today are unprepared for this test, since
(2) the law of averages dictates that only 10% of students are
absent due to illness, and (3) more than 10% are absent.
V. When working with complex arguments, it is often helpful to reconstruct the argument
backwards from the conclusion. Consider the following argument.
o The premise indicators suggest that (2) is a subconclusion of (3) since the
indicator "as" connects them, and (3), in turn, is a subconclusion of (4) since the
indicator "because" connects those two statements.
o Statement (6) is the final conclusion since it has the conclusion indicator "thus"
and the import of the paragraph indicates that this statement is the main point
of the argument.
o Intuitively, the structure of the first statement (1) together with statement (5) is
a common argument form:
If A then O
Not O
If A then O
Not O
Not A which is the same statement as (6).
Argument mapping
An (simple) argument is a set of one or more premise with a conclusion. A complex argument is
a set of arguments with either overlapping premises or conclusions (or both). Complex
arguments are very common because many issues and debates are complicated and involve
extended reasoning. To understand complex arguments, we need to analyze the logical
structure of the reasoning involved. Drawing a diagram can be very helpful.
We can also use numbers to label the premises and conclusion. (1) = Life is meaningless, (2) =
Death is inevitable:
(1) Paris is in France, and (2) France is in Europe. So obviously (3) Paris is in Europe.
This should be contrasted with the following example where the premises are not co-premises.
They provide independent reasons for supporting the conclusion:
[1] Smoking is unhealthy, since [2] it can cause cancer. Furthermore, [3] it also increases the
chance of heart attacks and strokes.
Instead of writing the premises and the conclusion in full in the argument map, we can label
them and write down their numbers instead:
This diagram tells us that [2] and [3] are independent reasons supporting [1]. In other words,
without [2], [3] would still support [1], and without [3], [2] would still support [1]. (Although
the argument is stronger with both premises.)
Finally, it is also possible to have a single reason giving rise to multiple conclusions :
[1] Gold is a metal. [2] So it conducts electricity. [3] It also conducts heat.
Po cannot come to the party because her scooter is broken. Dipsy also cannot come because
he has to pick up his new hat. I did not invite the other teletubbies, so no teletubby will
come up to the party.
Exercise #1
Draw argument maps for the following arguments: (For answer refer to
1. [1] This computer can think. So [2] it is conscious. Since [3] we should not kill any
conscious beings, [4] we should not switch it off.
2. [1. Many people think that having a dark tan is attractive.] [2. But the fact is that too
much exposure to the sun is very unhealthy.] [3. It has been shown that sunlight can
cause premature aging of the skin.] [4. Ultraviolent rays in the sun might also trigger off
skin cancer.]
3. [1. If Lala is here, then Po should be here as well.] [2. It follows that if Po is not here,
Lala is also absent,] and indeed [3. Po is not here.] So most likely [4. Lala is not around.]
4. [1. Marriage is becoming unfashionable.] [2. Divorce rate is at an all time high], and [3.
cohabitation is increasingly presented in a positive manner in the media]. [4. Movies are
full of characters who live together and unwilling to commit to a lifelong partnership].
[5. Even newspaper columnists recommend people to live together for an extended
period before marriage in order to test their compatibility.]
There are numerous types of logical reasoning test, and many of these are used
interchangeably. These tests tend to be similar in their layout and methodology, but with
subtle and important differences. A list of common logical reasoning tests is as follows:
Inductive reasoning:
Inductive reasoning is the ability to reach general conclusion based on perceived patterns
observed in specific events. Inductive logic is often used in everyday life and is therefore
practical to a work place environment. In these tests candidates will be provided with a
series of diagrams with an evident pattern. Candidates will need to identify the pattern in
the sequence of diagrams and select the next diagram in the sequence
Deductive reasoning:
Deductive reasoning involves a general rule or principle that leads to a specific conclusion.
These tests will evaluate and measure a candidates ability to make logical arguments and
draw sound conclusions based on provided data, as well as identify flaws in a piece of
information. As a result this is a useful tool in selection procedures as this type of reasoning
will be used in the workplace. This type of reasoning will often be used in verbal reasoning
tests and numerical tests, and is therefore very likely to be encountered in recruitment
Abstract reasoning:
Abstract reasoning, also known as conceptual reasoning measures your lateral thinking
ability. In these tests candidates will be tested on their ability to identify relationships,
patterns and trends. Candidates will be provided with a series of images that follow a
logical sequence or underlying rules. This may include following a rule in a sequence,
identifying a code or finding a missing diagram.
Diagrammatic reasoning:
Diagrammatic reasoning is a specific form of abstract reasoning. Tests which assess this
ability will typically show a flowchart of diagrams and symbols, with an input and an
output. Candidates will need to identify which inputs effect diagrams, and therefore
generate a specific output based on those rules.
Critical thinking:
Critical thinking tests are a type of verbal critical reasoning task which assesses various
different types of logical reasoning in arguments, assumptions and conclusions. Typical
logical abilities tested include analysing arguments, making inferences and evaluating
Alonzo, Kurt, Rudolf, and Willard are four creative artists of great talent. One is a dancer, one is a painter, one
is a singer, and one is a writer, though not necessarily in that order.
1. Alonzo and Rudolf were in the audience the night the singer made his debut on the concert stage.
Legal Technique and Logic Second Semester: AY2018 – 2019 Page 29 of
2. Both Kurt and the writer have had their portraits painted from life by the painter.
3. The writer, whose biography of Willard was a best-seller, is planning to write a
biography of Alonzo.