Basella Alba Journal
Basella Alba Journal
Basella Alba Journal
L. (Basellaceae)
Noreen Mae E. Chavez, Bianca Mae G. Limjoco, Melchi Esrom L. Opelario, Edmin Christian R. Tunod, Ma. Beatrice M.
The ethanolic leaf extract of Basella alba L. has been shown to possess diuretic activity owing to the presence of
saponins. The study focused on the formulation of a diuretic oral suspension, as potential alternative to oral solid diuretic
medications, using the ethanolic leaf extract of Basella alba L. as active ingredient. The ethanolic leaf extract of Basella
alba L. is an aromatic, non-greasy, dark green, viscous mass. The test for saponins produced a positive result in the froth
test, but a negative result in the hemolysis test. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis showed potential inter-
actions with sodium chloride, carboxymethylcellulose, sodium benzoate, citric acid, and saccharin. An oral suspension
containing 50 mg/mL of Basella alba leaf extract was formulated, and viscosity, pH, and redispersibility were assessed.
Using the Lipschitz method, diuretic activity was evaluated using four groups of Sprague Dawley rats: Group 1 was
treated with base suspension, Group 2 received 10 mg/kg Furosemide, and Groups 3 and 4 were treated with 250 mg/kg
and 500 mg/kg of the oral suspension formulation, respectively. The urine volume and electrolyte content of the urine
were used as indicators of diuretic activity. The formulated oral suspension with the dose of 500 mg/kg showed a compa-
rable diuretic effect to furosemide having a diuretic index of 1, while the formulated oral suspension with a dose of 250
mg/kg produced a mild diuretic effect. There was a significant increase in urine Na+ and K+ output after administration of
both test concentrations of Basella alba oral suspension (p<0.0001). The study findings suggest that the formulated oral
suspension containing Basella alba leaf extract exhibits dose-dependent diuretic activity and maybe a suitable alternative
to oral solid diuretic medications.
The materials tested for compatibility with the Organoleptic properties of formulated suspension
active ingredient are found in Table 1. Binary mixtures were described based on color, odor, and consistency.
were obtained by manual mixing of 1:1 ratios of the Samples were placed at 300 C and 500 C temperature con-
ethanolic leaf extract and excipients using a mortar and ditions for one week and reassessed using the same para-
pestle. Thermal behavior was assessed by weighing 4–6 meters.
mg of the sample, enough to uniformly cover the alu-
minum crucible. A heating rate of 20°C min−1 was used pH Determination
during this study. The thermograms for each excipient
and ethanolic extract was compared to the thermogram of The pH of the formulated suspension was mea-
the binary mixture. If there are no insignificant changes in sured using a calibrated pH meter. Three independent
the peaks of the thermogram of the extract and the binary measurements were made. The pH of samples stored at
mixture, the excipient and the ethanolic leaf extract are room temperature and oven conditions for one week were
considered compatible. Glycerin was also tested for ther- compared to the pH of the suspension at time 0.
mal stability using the oven by subjecting it to 50 ℃ for a
duration of 4 weeks. Viscosity Determination
Table 1. Excipients used for compatibility test Viscosity of the different samples were measured
using a Brookefield viscometer, spindle 4 at 250 rpm.
Components of an Oral
Excipients Redispersibility Evaluation
Flocculating agent Sodium chloride Cylinder was used to determine the redispersibili-
ty of the suspension based on the method reported by
Viscosity/ thickening Mittal and co-workers (2014). The suspension was al-
Carboxymethycellulose lowed to settle in a measuring cylinder. The mouth of the
agent/ suspending agent
cylinder was closed and inverted to 180º and the number
Buffer Citric acid of inversions necessary to restore a homogeneous suspen-
sion was determined. If the homogeneity of the suspen-
Preservative Sodium benzoate sion was attained in one inversion, then the suspension is
Sweetener Saccharin considered 100% easily redispersible. Every additional
inversion decreases the percentage of ease of redis-
persibility by 5%.
Formulated oral
3.5.2 pH 0.82
suspension (250 mg/kg)
The pH of the suspension at baseline, suspension Formulated oral
allowed to stand for 1 week at room temperature and the 1.00
suspension (500 mg/kg)
suspension allowed to stand for 1 week at 40ºC oven were
4.102, 4.586, and 4.574 respectively. Therefore, the pH of
each suspension conforms with the specifications indicat-
ed for suitability for use. 3.6.2. Urinary Electrolyte Excretion
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