Experiment 3 Filtration GRP 5

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The key takeaways are that the experiment aimed to obtain empirical equations governing constant pressure filtration operation and specific cake resistance as a function of operating pressure drop. Various equipment like mortar, pestle, sieves, and a sieve shaker were used to grind and separate chalk samples of different sizes. The results showed relationships between filtration rate and pressure as well as time taken to filter different volumes.

The two objectives of the experiment were to obtain the necessary empirical equation governing the constant pressure operation of a filter and to obtain an empirical equation of the specific cake resistance as a function of operating pressure drop.

Equipment used included a mortar and pestle to grind chalk, sieve series of different sizes to separate chalk particles, a brush to clean equipment, and a sieve shaker to apply force to the sieve series. Their purposes were listed.

Saint Louis University

School of Engineering & Architecture

Department of Chemical Engineering

Code: 2476 Reporter: ROXAS, Samuel Jade T.

Course No.: CH E 512 Members: ALIBUYOG, Norween Vince P.
Schedule: 7:30-10:30 TTH CHELAB 1 RIMANDO, Jeremy E.
Group No.: 5 VALDEZ, Claudine C.
VIERNES, Kimberly G.

Date Performed: August 31, 2017

Date Submitted: September 4, 2017

Experiment No.: 3
Experiment Title: Filtration


1. Report Format and Neatness
2. Objectives
3. Theoretical Background
4. Equipment and Apparatus
a. List of Equipment and apparatus and its uses
b. Experimental Set-up
5. Procedure
6. Data and Results
7. Interpretation of Results
8. Recommendations and Conclusions
9. Sample Computations
10. Answers to Study Questions
11. Appendices
a. Graphs Accompanying Data and Results
b. References

Instructor: Engr. Jonalyn A. Kimpay


For this experiment, there are two objectives that are to be accomplished by the group. First,
that is to obtain the necessary empirical equation governing the constant pressure operation of a
filter. It is assumed that the filter cake is negligible and the filter medium resistance is negligible.
Second objective is to obtain an empirical equation of the specific cake resistance as a function of
operating pressure drop.


In chemical manufacture, separation processes are extremely important. It is in the mere

fact that processing equipment is devoted in separating different phases. There are two classes
of separation, diffusional and mechanical.
Mechanical separation applies to heterogeneous mixtures. It is based on physical differences
between particles such as size, shape, or density. The process is applicable in separating two
phases such as solid from liquid, solid from gas, liquid from gas, solid from solid, and solid from
liquid.[ CITATION McC93 \l 1033 ]
Filtration is one of the mechanical separation processes. In this process, suspended particles
in a fluid or gas are removed either mechanically or physically using a porous medium. As a feed
solution pass through this medium, two separate entities were formed. One is the particle that
will retain as a separate phase and the clear filtrate.
The feed solution can carry heavy load of solid particles or very small amount of it. Types of
filters were developed because of problems in the filtration process[ CITATION Gea93 \l 1033 ] .
With pressure difference across a certain medium, fluid can flow through a filter medium.
Pressures above atmospheric may be developed by either a centrifugal force or by gravitational
force. Filters used in industries can be pressure filters, vacuum filters, or centrifugal separators.
They can be also further classified either continuous or discontinuous. [ CITATION McC93 \l 1033
Filters are divided into three main groups: (1) cake filters in which it separates large amounts
of solids as a cake of crystals or sludge. (2) Clarifying filters in which it removes particulates to
produce a clean gas or clear liquid. (3) Crossflow filters, in this type of filter the feed suspension
flows across a medium under pressure and fairly high velocity. There can be a formation of thin
layer of solids but due to the high velocity it keeps it from building up.

Figure 1: Three Main Groups of Filter: (a) Cake Filter, (b) Clarifying Filter, (c) Crossflow Filter


Name of equipment
or apparatus

Mortar is a receptacle in
which the chalk is to be
crushed with a pestle.
Mortar and Pestle
While pestle is a tool used
to crush the chalk in a


Brush is use to clean the

Brush mortar and pestle, and
sieve series.

Sieve series are composed

Sieve series of individual screens with
different aperture.

Sieve shaker is use to

shake the sieve series, the
purpose of shaking is to
Sieve Shaker apply force to the series
for the chalk to easily pass
through in the individual
screens at a time.

Chalk is to be ground or
crush in the mortar using
pestle. And to be screen in
the sieve series.
Analytical balance is use to
weigh the chalk to be used
Analytical balance
in the filtration
The researchers performed filtration of slurry containing semi-dissolved chalk in water. Chalk was
initially pulverized using mortar and pestle then screened through a 25 mesh screen. An ample amount of
pulverized chalk was weighed in the preparation of a 5% by weight slurry. Five gallons of distilled water
was first poured in the agitation tank then the pulverized chalk is gradually added and mixed. After
preparation of the mixture, the plate and frame set-up of the filtration apparatus is prepared by covering
the plates with filter sheet and arranging them in the filter press. Such filter plates were weighed
beforehand including their corresponding filter sheets. The filter plates are inserted in such a way that
their eyelets alternately form the inlet and outlet channels. The filter plates whose eyelets are connected
to the inlet valve are turbid plates and those connected to the outlet valve are clear plates or filtrate
plates. The filter plates and the plastic end plates are designed with ridged pattern on both sides. After
the sheets are inserted in the filtration apparatus, a spindle is turned to tighten the pack of filter plates.
The agitation tank is connected to the filter press. All the inlet and outlet values are checked prior for
leaks and maintained closed prior to operation. The agitator is turned on to mix the pulverized chalk and
water. The valves are then opened to allow the slurry to pass through the filter plates. Filtered water is
collected in the end with their volumes being measured. Every 200 mL of filtrate collected, time is
recorded. After filtration, the filter sheets and plates are removed. Their weights are recorded. The filter
sheets and plates are cleaned afterwards using running water.
Initial mass of chalk = 964.6146 g


time/filtrate volume,
filtrate volume, mL time, sec Rate of filtration, L/sec
200 19.21 0.010411 96.05
400 9.27 0.04315 23.175
600 7.89 0.076046 13.15
800 7.9 0.101266 9.875
1000 8.98 0.111359 8.98
1200 8.35 0.143713 6.958333
1400 9.11 0.153677 6.507143
1600 8.88 0.18018 5.55
1800 13.16 0.136778 7.311111
2000 10.78 0.185529 5.39
2200 11.14 0.197487 5.063636
2400 14.01 0.171306 5.8375
2600 13.64 0.190616 5.246154
2800 12.42 0.225443 4.435714
3000 15.1 0.198675 5.033333
3200 14.1 0.22695 4.40625
3400 15.98 0.212766 4.7
3600 17.36 0.207373 4.822222
3800 18.75 0.202667 4.934211
4000 27.11 0.147547 6.7775
4200 26.77 0.156892 6.37381
4400 26.4 0.166667 6
4600 29.51 0.155879 6.415217
4800 30.67 0.156505 6.389583
5000 33.41 0.149656 6.682
5200 37.17 0.139898 7.148077
5400 39.47 0.136813 7.309259
5600 42.17 0.132796 7.530357
5800 40.09 0.144674 6.912069
6000 34.03 0.176315 5.671667
6200 28.49 0.21762 4.595161
6400 38.05 0.1682 5.945313
6600 36.1 0.182825 5.469697
6800 46.2 0.147186 6.794118
7000 44.88 0.155971 6.411429
7200 53.21 0.135313 7.390278
7400 51.58 0.143466 6.97027
7600 81.69 0.093035 10.74868
7800 377.75 0.020649 48.42949
8000 764.65 0.010462 95.58125
Table 3.1: Filtrate Volume and Time Data

Table 3.1 summarizes the various filtration data recorded during the experiment. The rates of filtration
and time/ filtrate volume were calculated using the data from the experiment.


Plate and Frame area Mass of plate & Mass of plate and Mass of cake
frame + cake frame
1-2 49 in2 776.72 g 487.43 g 340.54 g
3-4 49 in2 770.46 g 476.33 g 333.36 g
5-6 49 in2 797.35 g 484.45 g 361.22 g
7-8 49 in2 799.86 g 486.91 g 364.2 g
9-10 49 in2 2135.61 g 1911.74 g 439.56 g
Table: 3.2 : Filter Cake Data

Table 3.2 summarizes the data collected after filtration. The mass of the filter cake collected and of the
plates used are taken into account.


From the data gathered during the filtration experiment, we can observe that the time required
to filter every subsequent 200ml of filtrate increases linearly with the amount of filtrate already
recovered. This is due to the fact that during the filtration process, the filter cake accumulates into the
filter cloth and provides additional resistance to the flow of filtrate. This is because as the filter cake
accumulates into the filter cloth, they block the natural openings of the filter cloth giving additional
resistances to the flow of filtrate through the filter cloth.

The increase in the mass of the recovered filter cake suggests that the filter cake accumulated on
the 9-10 plate. Furthermore, the data from table 3.2 shows that no filtration process is 100% effective
and that multiple stages of filtration are needed to ensure that most of the effluents present in the fluid
media is removed. Additionally, the filter cake accumulated the most on the plate the slurry first
encountered, in this case, plate 9-10. As the filtration process continued, the amount of filter cake
gathered through the succeeding filter cloths gradually decreases suggesting that more and more filter
cake has been captured on the previous plate.


In conclusion for this study, it can be sum up with the help of graphs to the subsequent
statements. First, as the time of filtration increases the rate of filtration gradually decreases. Next, an
increased in the concentration of the slurry will lead to a decrease in volumetric flow rate. On the other
hand, the resistance of the filtrate to flow will increase and the rate of filtration decreases when the
thickness of the cake in each plate and frames increases.

There will be a certain period of time where the plate and frame reaches its maximum capacity of
filtration then cakes collected attain its maximum concentration. At this point of time, the filtration exists
at a very low rate of filtration. As the concentration of cake increased, solids contained in the mixture will
tend to fail to filtrate due to the attained maximum capacity of the plate and frame which can lead to the
reduction of solids in mixture at the same time the efficiency of the filtration process.
There are problems and difficulties faced in this experiment which will result to the inaccuracy of
the data. One of them is the equipment used where there are some leakages of liquid in the tube
connected to the filter press. There can be also some parallax error while reading the water level in the
bottle where the filtrate was collected as well as it can be add up to the discrepancy or inaccuracy of the
gathered data.


From HANDBOOK Table 2-305

μ@ 1 atm = 2.8328 × 10 -4 Pa∙s

From t/V vs V graph

( )
= c V+
V 2
Slope = = 2 × 10-9
Kc = 4 × 10
= 0.0035
a. Mass Of Solid Per Unit Volume

mass of solid 964.62 g

volume 18.33 L
= 52.6252
b. Filter Area

0.0254 m
Area = 490 in 2 × ( 1 in )
= 0.3161 m 2

c. Specific Cake Resistance

2 2

[ 2
490 in ×
0.0254 m
1 in ) ] ( 101,325 Nm )(1 kg∙m
N∙ s )
( 4× 10 )

(2.8328×10 kg∙m
∙s 52.6252
m )

α = 4.2114

d. Filter Medium Resistance

Filtrate Volume (ml) Time (s)
200 19.21

[ ) ](101,325 Nm )(1 kg∙m

0.0254 m
( N∙s )
490 in 2 × 2
( 0.0035 )
1 in
Rm =
(2.8328× 10 kg∙m

2 )
R m = 153.7737



Rate of Filtration, L/s

Rate of Filtration =
( 200 ml ×
1000 ml )
19.21 s
Rate of Filtration = 0.01041

Time/Filtrate volume, s/L

t 19.21 s
V 1L
( 200 ml ×
1000 ml )
t s
= 96.0500

Mass of Plate and Frame, g

mplateandframe = 776.72 g – 396.56 g + 53.82 g = 487.43 g

Mass of cake, g

mcake = 776.72 g – 487.43 g = 396.56 g


1. What is the relationship of filtration time and volume of filtrate collected?

The relationship of the filtration time and the volume of the filtrate collected were
inversely proportional, the longer the time it takes to filter the cake, the lesser the volume of the
filtrate collected.

2. What is the significance of calculating the cake resistance and filter medium resistance?

The significance of calculating the cake resistance and filter medium resistance is to find
out how the cake and filter media will affect each other during filtration because during filtration,
the filter cake will grow and become “thicker” as particulate matter is being retained. With
increasing layer thickness the flow resistance of the filter cake increases. After a certain time of
use the filter cake has to be removed from the filter. If this is not accomplished, the filtration is
disrupted because the viscosity of the filter cake gets too high, thus too little of the mixture to be
filtered can pass through the filter cake and the filter plugs. The specifications of the filter cake
dictate the filtration method of choice.

3. Briefly describe the characteristics of a plate and frame filter press.

A plate and frame filter press is also referred as "membrane filter plate". This type of
filter press consists of many plates and frames assembled alternately with the supports of a pair
of rails. The presence of a centrifuge pump ensures the remaining suspended solids do not settle
in the system, and its main function is to deliver the suspension into each of the separating
chambers in the plate and frame filter. For each of the individual separating chambers, there is
one hollow filter frame separated from two filter plates by filter cloths. The
introduced slurry flows through a port in each individual frame, and the filter cakes are
accumulated in each hollow frame. As the filter cake becomes thicker, the filter resistance
increases as well. So when the separating chamber is full, the filtration process is stopped as the
optimum pressure difference is reached. The filtrate that passes through filter cloth is collected
through collection pipes and stored in the filter tank. Filter cake (suspended solid) accumulation
occurs at the hollow plate frame, then being separated at the filter plates by pulling the plate and
frame filter press apart. The cakes then fall off from those plates and are discharged to the final
collection point.

4. What are the factors that affect the filtration process in a PFFP?

The efficiency of the filter process is heavily dependent on two things, the characteristics
of the solid in the slurry, and the filter media that is used. The type of filter media selected will
determine the type of filtration that will occur.

5. How does filtration differ from other mechanical separations?

A mechanical separation is a group of laboratory and production operations whereby the

components of a polyphase mixture are separated by mechanical methods into two or more
fractions of different mechanical characteristics. The separated fractions maybe homogeneous or
heterogeneous, particulate or non particulate. While filtration is simply the process of separating
suspended solid matter from a liquid, by causing the latter to pass through a substance called the
filter. Mechanical separation is a much more broad topic, filtration will be a simple branch of the
many types of mechanical filtration.

6. Enumerate and define the main groups of filters. Classify PFFP under these groups and explain.

Two main types of filter media are employed in laboratories: a surface filter, a solid sieve
which traps the solid particles, with or without the aid of filter paper; and a depth filter, a bed of
granular material which retains the solid particles as it passes. The first type allows the solid
particles, i.e. the residue, to be collected intact; the second type does not permit this. However,
the second type is less prone to clogging due to the greater surface area where the particles can
be trapped. Also, when the solid particles are very fine, it is often cheaper and easier to discard
the contaminated granules than to clean the solid sieve. The PFFP will fall under the second type
which is a depth filter because the solid collected in a PFFP will be collected by a centrifuge

7. What are the requirements of a good filter media?

A number of specifications are important to consider when selecting a filter media. One is
filtration grade, describes the ability of a fluid filter to remove contaminants by particle size,
maximum liquid flow, the highest flow for which the filter is designed and finally, maximum
pressure is the largest pressure at which the filter is designed to operate.

8. What is a filter aid and what is the significance of its use?

Certain filter aids may be used to aid filtration. These are often
incompressible diatomaceous earth, or kieselguhr, which is composed primarily of silica. Also
used are wood cellulose and other inert porous solids such as the cheaper and safer perlite.
These filter aids can be used in two different ways. They can be used as a precoat before
the slurry is filtered. This will prevent gelatinous-type solids from plugging the filter medium and
also give a clearer filtrate. They can also be added to the slurry before filtration. This increases
the porosity of the cake and reduces resistance of the cake during filtration. In a rotary filter, the
filter aid may be applied as a precoat; subsequently, thin slices of this layer are sliced off with the
cake. The use of filter aids is usually limited to cases where the cake is discarded or where
the precipitate can be chemically separated from the filter.

a. Graphs Accompanying Data and Results

Filtrate Volume vs. Time






0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 6 0 1 0 0 1 4 0 1 8 0 2 2 0 2 6 0 30 0 34 0 38 0 42 0 46 0 50 0 5 4 0 5 8 0 6 2 0 6 6 0 7 0 0 74 0 78 0

Fig 10.1 Filtrate Volume vs. Time

Time/filtrate volume vs. Filtrate Volume

5 2 5 1 3 2 4 1 8 1 3 8 8 1 7 4 9 9 8 6
.0 0.6 3.2 0.5 1.5 2.1 4.7 6.6 58. 2.1 9.0 5.1 1.9 90. 8.0 1.8 6.8 3.7 21. 4.4
96 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 1 1 1 17

Fig. 10.2 Time/filtrate volume vs. Filtrate Volume


Rate of filtration vs. Time






8. 9 0 0 - 3
5 . 0 0 0 -3

0. 1
0. 65

0. 8
0. 98
0. 4 1
0. 1 9
0. 27
0. 6 6

0. 1
0. 6 1

0. 9
0. 3
0. 2
81 0. 1
9. 14 1 02
8. 47 0-3

1 -3





20 1 0






7 1
1 1

5 1







35 x
78 x
20 x
73 x

Fig. 10.3 Rate of filtration vs. Time

b. Computations

Volume of slurry: 5 gallons

% weight of chalk: 5%

mass of chalk
% wt. of chalk = x 100
mass of chalk+ mass of water
Mass of water = ρ of water x volume of water

3.7854 liters 1m 3
Mass of water = 1000 kg/ m3 x 5 gallons x x = 18.927 kg
1 gallon 1000 liters
mass of chalk
5% = x 100
mass of chalk+18.9270 kg
1000 grams
Mass of chalk = 0.9961578947 kg x = 996.1579 grams
1 kg
Rate of filtration, L/s

L filtrate volume , L
Rate of filtration, =
s time , s
L 0.2 L 0104 L
Rate of filtration, = =0.
s 19.21 s s
L 0.4 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.0431
s 9.27 s s

L 0.6 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.0760
s 7.89 s s
L 0.8 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1013
s 7.9 s s
L 1L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1114
s 8.98 s s
L 1.2 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1437
s 8.35 s s
L 1.4 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1537
s 9.11 s s
L 1.6 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1802
s 8.88 s s
L 1.8 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1368
s 13.16 s s
L 2L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1855
s 10.78 s s
L 2.2 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1975
s 11.14 s s
L 2.4 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1713
s 14.01 s s
L 2.6 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1906
s 13.64 s s
L 2.8 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.2254
s 12.42 s s
L 3L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1987
s 15.1 s s
Rate of filtration, L/ s=3.2 L/(14.1 s)=0.2270 L/s
L 3.4 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.2128
s 15.98 s s
L 3.6 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.2074
s 17.36 s s
L 3.8 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.2027
s 18.75 s s
L 2L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1475
s 27.11 s s

L 2.2 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1569
s 26.77 s s
L 2.4 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1667
s 26.4 s s
L 2.6 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1559
s 29.51 s s
L 2.8 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1565
s 30.67 s s
L 3L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1497
s 33.41 s s
L 3.2 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1399
s 37.17 s s
L 3.4 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1368
s 39.47 s s
L 3.6 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1328
s 42.17 s s
L 3.8 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1447
s 40.09 s s
L 4L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1763
s 34.03 s s
L 4.2 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.2176
s 28.49 s s
L 4.4 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1682
s 38.05 s s
L 4.6 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1828
s 36.1 s s
L 4.8 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1472
s 46.2 s s
L 5L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1560
s 44.88 s s
L 5.2 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1353
s 53.21 s s
L 5.4 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.1435
s 51.58 s s
L 5.6 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.0930
s 81.69 s s

L 5.8 L L
Rate of filtration, = =0.0206
s 377.75 s s
Rate of filtration, L/ s=6 L/(764.65 s)=0.0105 L/ s

Time/filtrate volume, s/L

time 19.21 s s
= =96.05
filtrate volume 0.2 L L
time 9.27 s s
= =23.175
filtrate volume 0.4 L L
time 7.89 s s
= =13.15
filtrate volume 0.6 L L
time 7.9 s s
= =9.875
filtrate volume 0.8 L L
time 8.98 s s
= =8.98
filtrate volume 1L L
time 8.35 s s
= =6.9583
filtrate volume 1.2 L L
time 9.11 s s
= =6.5071
filtrate volume 1.4 L L
time 8.88 s s
= =5.55
filtrate volume 1.6 L L
time 13.16 s s
= =7.3111
filtrate volume 1.8 L L
time 10.78 s s
= =5.39
filtrate volume 2L L
time 11.14 s s
= =5.0636
filtrate volume 2.2 L L
time 14.01 s s
= =5.8375
filtrate volume 2.4 L L
time 13.64 s s
= =5.2462
filtrate volume 2.6 L L
time 12.42 s s
= =4.4357
filtrate volume 2.8 L L
time 15.10 s s
= =5.0333
filtrate volume 3L L

time 14.10 s s
= =4.4063
filtrate volume 3.2 L L
time 15.98 s s
= =4.7
filtrate volume 3.4 L L
time/( filtrate volume)=(17.36 s)/(3.6 L)=4.8222 s / L
time 18.75 s s
= =4.9342
filtrate volume 3.8 L L
time 27.11 s s
= =6.7775
filtrate volume 4L L
time 26.77 s s
= =6.3738
filtrate volume 4.2 L L
time 26.40 s s
= =6
filtrate volume 4.4 L L
time 29.51 s s
= =6.4152
filtrate volume 4.6 L L
time 30.67 s s
= =6.3896
filtrate volume 4.8 L L
time 33.41 s s
= =6.682
filtrate volume 5L L
time 37.17 s s
= =7.1481
filtrate volume 5.2 L L
time 39.47 s s
= =7.3093
filtrate volume 5.4 L L
time 42.17 s s
= =7.5304
filtrate volume 5.6 L L
time/( filtrate volume)=(40.09 s)/(5.8 L)=6.9121 s /L
time 34.03 s s
= =5.6717
filtrate volume 6L L
time 28.49 s s
= =4.595 2
filtrate volume 6.2 L L
time 38.05 s s
= =5.9453
filtrate volume 6.4 L L
time/( filtrate volume)=(36.10 s)/(6.6 L)=5.4697 s /L
time 46.20 s s
= =6.7941
filtrate volume 6.8 L L

time 44.88 s s
= =6.4114
filtrate volume 7L L
time 53.21 s s
= =7.3903
filtrate volume 7.2 L L
time 51.58 s s
= =6.9703
filtrate volume 7.4 L L
time 81.69 s s
= =10.7487
filtrate volume 7.6 L L
time 377.75 s s
= =48.4295
filtrate volume 7.8 L L
time/( filtrate volume)=(764.65 s)/(8 L)=96.05 s /L

Filter cake

Mass of wet cake = mass of plate, frame & cake – mass of plate & frame

Mass of wet cake = 776.72 g – (53.45 + 53.82 + 328.91) g = 340.54 g

Mass of wet cake = 770.46 g – (53.43 +53.37 +330.3) g = 333.36 g

Mass of wet cake = 797.35 g – (53.18 + 53.44 + 329.51) g = 361.22 g

Mass of wet cake = 799.86 g – (53.66 + 53.37 + 328.63) g = 364.2 g

Mass of wet cake = 2135.61 g – (53.93 + 53.47 + 1588.65) g = 439.56 g

c. Documentation

Figure 10.4 Plate and Frame Filter Press

Figure 10.5 Filtration apparatus


d. References

Geankoplis, C. J. (1993). Transport Processes and Unit Operations, 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall

McCabe, W. L., Smith, J. C., & Harriott, P. (1993). Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 5th Edition.
Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book Co. - Singapore.

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