Chemistry: Matter

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General awareness has always been taken at the lighter side by many of the candidates not
realizing that how major it can be in SSC Exams. General awareness is not something you
can expect to master in a day. But from an exam point of view, if you spend time
consistently, you can perform well in it in relatively less time as compared to Quantitative
Aptitude and Reasoning section.
So, keeping the SSC Exams in mind, below is a link to the Chemistry Digest and we assure
you that not even a single question from chemistry section will be asked from outside this
Chemistry Digest.
The Chemistry Digest includes all the Chemistry topics you should be aware of for all the
competitive exams.
Sandeep Baliyan
Community Manager (Gradestack Team)

Chemistry, a branch of physical science, is the study of the composition, properties and behavior of
point of water is less than 100°C and more
time is required to cook a food.
 In general it exists in 3 states i.e.,
(i) Solid Melting Point
(ii) liquid  It is a temperature at which a substance
(iii) gas. converts from its solid state to liquid
 Now-a-days there is a discussion on two  Meling point of ice is 0°C; It decrease in the
more states of matter i.e., Plasma (Ionised presence of impurity
gases containing super energetic and super
excited particles and Bose-Einstein Atom, Molecule and Element
condensates or BEC (a gas at super low  Atom is the smallest particle of a matter
temperatures with extremely low density). that takes part in chemical reactions, but
cannot exist in free state.
Boiling Point  Atom is made 43 of electrons, protons
 The temperature at which liquid converts in and neutrons.
to vapours is called its boiling point.  Protons and neutrons reside in the nucleus
 Boiling point of water is 100°C. (at the centre of atom) whereas electrons
 The boiling point increases in the revolve around the nucleus.
presence of impurities. That's why boiling  Atoms combine to form molecules, the
point of sea water is more than the smallest part of matter which can exist in
boiling point of pure water (as the former free state.
contains impurity).
 It usually decreases at high altitudes,
that's why at high altitudes, the boiling
Isotopes and Isobars (ii) Secondary Batteries: (rechargeable) Act as
galvanic as well as voltaic cell E.g., lead
 Isotopes have the same number of storage battery, nickel cadmium battery etc.
protons (i.e., atomic number), but
different number of neutrons and mass Corrosion
number (atomic number + number of  The oxidative deterioration of a metal
neutrons), e.g., 1111, 1H2. surface by the action of environment is
 Isobars have the same mass number but called corrosion, an electrochemical
different atomic number. process.
Example: 18Ar40, 19K40  When iron exposed in to air, iron surface
turns brown due to the formation of
Dating Techniques hydrated ferric oxide (Fe203.xH20) which
is also called rust,
 Radiocarbon dating is used to determine
 Silver - Surface turns black due to the
the age of carbon bearing materials like
formation of silver sulphide (Ag2S)
wood, animal fossils etc.
 Uranium dating is used to determine the
age of Earth, minerals and rocks. Renewable Non-renewable Natural
 Battery is a device, used to convert  Renewable resources are available in
chemical energy into electrical energy large excess, i.e., never ends, e.g, air,
and is of two types sunlight etc.
(i) Primary batteries (non-rechargeable) act  Non-renewable resources are available in
as galvanic cell, e.g., dry cell, mercury cell limited quantity and end, if used
etc. excessively, after a limited period of time.
e.g., mineral, coal, petroleum, natural gas

 The substance, which produce heat and light on combustion are called fuels.
 A strong foul smelling substance, called ethyl mercaptan is added to LPG to detect its leakage as
LPG is an odourless gas.

Some important fuels and their compositions

Fuel Composition Sources

Water Gas Carbon monoxide (co) + By passing stream over red hot
hydrogen(h2) coke
Producer Gas Carbon monoxide (CO) + By passing insufficient air over red
Nitrogen (N2) hot coke
Coal Gas Hydrogen + methane + Ethylene By fractional distillation
+ Acetyene + CO +Nitrogen
Natural Gas Methane(83%) + Ethane From petroleum
Liquefied Petroleum Butane (CH4) 95% From petroleum
Gas (LPG)
Compressed Natural Methane (CH4) 95% From petroleum
Gas (CNG)
Biogas or Gobar Gas Methane (CH4) + Carbon dioxide From organic wastes
(CO2) + Hydrogen (H2)+ Nitrogen

Physical and Chemical Changes

 Physical changes are the change, which only
affect the physical properties like colour, Flame contains three parts
hardness, density, melting point etc. of
matter, but do not affect the composition 1. Innermost Part- which is black due to the
and chemical properties of matter. presence of unburned carbon particles- has
 A physical change is temporary, while a lowest temperature.
chemical change is permanent.
 Crystallisation, sublimation, 'boiling, 2. Middle part – is yellow due to incomplete
melting, vaporisation, cutting of trees, combustion of fuel.
dissolving sugar or salt in water etc. are
physical changes. 3. Outermost part- which is blue due to
 Chemical changes affect the composition as complete combustion of fuel is the hottest
well as chemical properties of matter and and used by goldsmith to heat the gold.
result in the formation of a new substance.
 Burning of fuel, burning of candle and
Fire Extinguishers
paper, electrolysis of water,
photo-synthesis, ripening of fruits etc, are  Water extinguishes fire because as it
examples of chemical changes evaporates, the vapours surround the
burning substance, cutting off the oxygen
supply, thus inhibiting burning process.
 In case of electrical or oil (petrol) fires,
Coal is obtained by carbonization of vegetable water cannot be used as extinguisher. This
matter and is available in different varieties: is because water is a conductor of electricity
and heavier than oil. Thus, oil floats over it
 Peat- 60% C and continues to burn.
 Lignite or Brown Coal – 70% C  Carbon dioxide, which is generated by the
 Bituminous – 60 to 80 % C reaction of baking soda with acid, is used
 Anthracite Coal – 90% C extinguish electrical or oil fires. Quality of
 Fame petrol is measured in terms of octane
number and that of diesel in terms of cetane

Safety Matches
In safety matches, the stick consists of mixture
of antimony trisulphide and potassium chlorate
at its one end. The box side contains a mixture
of powdered glass and phosphorus.
Acids, Bases and Salts

 These are the substance, which have sour taste and turn blue litmus red.
 These are good conductor of electricity in aqueous solution.
 Pickels are always kept in glass jar because acid present in them reacts with metal to produce
hydrogen gas.

 These are the substances, which have bitter taste and turn red litmus, blue.
 They give different colours in acid and base solutions.

 These are the product of neutralisation reaction between an acid and a base.
 pH is the measure of acidity/basicity.


Carbon Dioxide  On Mixing with water, plaster of Paris

 It is an acidic oxide of carbon and is used by further sets into a hard solid, called gypsum.
green plants for photosynthesis. It does not Thus, it is used to plaster fractured bones,
help in burning. for making toys, materials for decoration
Air and our breath contain carbon and for making surfaces smooth.
dioxide. Thus, when lime water is kept in Portland Cement
air or we pass our breath into it, the lime  It is a complex mixture of silicates and
water turns milky. aluminates of calcium with small amount of
Carbon Monoxide gypsum. Raw materials used for the
 It is a neutral oxide of air and has more manufacture of Portland cement are
affinity towards haemoglobin than oxygen limestone and clay.
(about 200 times more). That’s why in the  The composition of Portland cement is
environment of carbon monoxide – which calcium oxide (50-60%), alumina (5-10%),
is a non- poisonous gas - people die for the and magnesium oxide (2-3%). Gypsum is
need of oxygen. added to cement to decrease its rate of
It is dangerous to sleep in an unventilated setting.
room with fire burning inside because the  In cement, if line is in excess, cement cracks
fire produces carbon monoxide and during setting and if lime is less, cement is
carbon dioxide gases. of weak strength.
Plaster of Paris  Mortar a mixture of sand, cement and water
 It is chemically calcium sulphate is used for joining bricks and plastering
hemihydrate (CaSO4.1/2H2O) and is walls.
prepared by heating gypsum – which is  Concrete—a mixture of gravel, sand,
calcium sulphate dehydrate (CaSO4.2H2O) at cement and water is used for flooring and
373 K. making roads.
 Reinforced Concrete Cement (RCC)— which molecule per twenty million water
is concrete with steel bars and wires is used molecules is heavy water.
for constructing roofs, bridges and pillars
 Glass—an amorphous solid or super- Hard Water
cooled liquid—contains maintz silica (SiO2).  The water in which soluble bicarbonates oil
calcium and magnesium are present, is
Different substances are added to obtain called temporary hard water and in which
glass of different colours soluble sulphates and chlorides of
magnesium and calcium are present is
Colour Substance Added called permanent hard water.
 The temporary hardness of water is
Red Copper oxide (CuO) removed by boiling or by adding calcium
Green Chromium oxide (Cr203) hydroxide, Ca(OH)2—the Clark's process
Blue Cobalt oxide (Co0) The permanent hardness of water is
re move d b y a ddi n g sodium carbonate
Brawn Iron oxide (Fe203) (Na 2 CO3), or calgon (sodium
hexametaphosphate, Na2[Na4(P03)
Heavy water Hardening of Oil (Hydrogenation)
 Heavy water is water that contains heavy  Oil, an unsaturated fat when heated with
hydrogen or deuterium. Deuterium differs nickel catalyst and hydrogen gets converted
from the hydrogen usually found in water, into a solid mass, called ghee, a saturated
protium, in that each atom of deuterium fat. This process is called hardening of oil
contains a proton and a neutron. Heavy and is carried out through hydrogenation in
water may be deuterium oxide, D2O or it the presence of nickel as a catalyst.
may be deuterium protium oxide, DHO.
 Note: Heavy water occurs naturally,
although it is much less common than
regular water. Approximately one water

Some Important Ores of Metals

Ores - Those minerals from which the metals are extracted commercially and economically and with
minimum effort are called Ores of Metals.

Name of Elements Ores Chemical Formulae

1. Aluminum (Al) (a) Bauxite Al2O32H2O
(b) Corundum Al2O3
(c) Kryolite Na3AlF6
2. Iron (Fe) (a) Hematite Fe2O3
(b) Magnetite Fe3O4
(c) IronPyrite FeS2
(d) Siderite FeCO3
3. Copper (Cu) (a) Copper Pyrite CuFeS2
(b) Copper Glance Cu2S
(c) Malachite 2CuCO3Cu(OH)2
4. Zinc (Zn) (a) Zinc Blende ZnS
(b) Calamine ZnCo3
5. Sodium (Na) (a) Rock Salt NaCl
(b) Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3
6. Potassium (K) (a) Karnalite KClMgCl6H2O
(b) Salt Petre KNO3
7. Lead (Pb) (a) Galena PbS
(b) Anglesite PbCl2
8. Tin (Sn) (a) Tin Pyrites Cu2FeSnS4
(b) Classiterite SnO2
9. Silver (Ag) (a) Silver Glance Ag2S
10. Gold (Au) (a) Calve rite AuTe2
(b) Sybarite AgAuTe2
11. Mercury (Hg) (a) Cinnabar HgS
(b) Calomel Hg2Cl2
12. Magnesium (a) Dolomite MgCO3CaCO3
(Mg) (b) Karnalite KClMgCl26H2O
13. Calcium (Ca) (a) Lime Stone CaCO3
(b) Dolomite MgCO3CaCO3
14. Phosphorous (a) Phosphorite Ca3(PO4)CaFe2
(P) (b) Floreopetite 3Ca3(PO4)CaFe2
Some Previous Year Questions asked in SSC Exam
two —NH₂ groups joined by a carbonyl (C=O)
1. The father of modern chemistry is ______? functional group.
A. Priestley
B. Lavoisier 5. A radioactive substance emits______?
C. Dalton A. alpha particle
D. Mendeleeff B. beta particle
Ans: B C. gamma particle
Antoine Lavoisier was a French nobleman and D. all of the three
chemist central to the 18th-century chemical Ans: All of the three
revolution and a large influence on both the Radioactive substances are continually
history of chemistry and the history of biology. producing three kinds of dangerous radiation:
He is widely considered in popular literature as alpha particles, beta particles and gamma
the "father of modern chemistry". rays. These types of radiation are invisible to
the naked eye, and so you won't see a green
2. Which one is not metal_____? glow.
A. sulphar
B. sugar 6. The fuel in atomic pile is?
C. nitrogen A. carbon
D. all B. sodium
Ans: All C. petroleum
A metal is a material (an element, compound, or D. uranium
alloy) that is typically hard, opaque, shiny and Ans: D
has good electrical and thermal conductivity. In the pile, the neutron-producing uranium
pellets were separated from one another by
3. Which one is the pure element______? graphite blocks. Some of the free neutrons
A. glass produced by the natural decay of uranium
would be absorbed by other uranium atoms,
B. cement
causing nuclear fission of those atoms and the
C. sodium release of additional free neutrons.
D. none of these
Ans: C
7. Which of the following is the lightest metal?
A pure element is a chemical element consisting A. Mercury
of only one stable isotope. B. Silver
C. Lithium
4. What is the elements present in urea______? D. Lead
A. C,H,O Ans: C
B. C,N,O The lightest or least dense metal that is a pure
element is lithium, which has a density of 0.534
C. C,N,H
g/cm3. This makes lithium nearly half as dense
D. C,O,N,H
as water, so if lithium was not so reactive, a
Ans: D chunk of the metal would float on water.
Urea is an organic compound with the
chemical formula CO(NH₂)₂. The molecule has 8. The element present in the largest amount
in rocks and minerals is_____?
A. carbon acid that can make beer or wine taste sour.
B. silicon Vinegar is typically 4-18% acetic acid by mass.
C. hydrogen Vinegar is used directly as a condiment, and in
D. aluminium the pickling of vegetables and other foods
Ans: B
Silicon is the eighth most common element in 12. Which one of the following is correct?
the universe by mass, but very rarely occurs as Setting of plaster of Paris is _____.
the pure free element in nature. It is most A. dehydration
widely distributed in dusts, sands, planetoids, B. oxidation with atmospheric oxygen
and planets as various forms of silicon dioxide C. hydration leading to another hydrate
(silica) or silicates. Over 90% of the Earth's D. combination with atmospheric carbon
crust is composed of silicate minerals, making dioxide
silicon the second most abundant element in the Ans: D
Earth's crust after oxygen. To make lime plaster, limestone (calcium
carbonate) is heated to produce quicklime
9. German silver is an alloy of_______? (calcium oxide). Water is then added to produce
A. copper, nickel and silver slaked lime, which is sold as a wet putty.
B. silver, copper and aluminium Additional water is added to form a paste prior
C. zinc, copper and nickel to use. The paste may be stored in airtight
D. silver, zinc and copper containers. When exposed to the atmosphere,
Ans: C the calcium hydroxide very slowly turns back
German silver is a copper alloy with nickel and into calcium carbonate through reaction with
often zinc. The usual formulation is 60% copper, atmospheric carbon dioxide, causing the plaster
20% nickel and 20% zinc. to increase in strength.

10. The inert gas abundantly found in widely 13. Which of the following is the best conductor
distributed is_____? of electricity?
A. Xe A. Ordinary water
B. Kr B. Sea water
C. He C. Boiled water
D. Ar D. Distilled water
Ans: D Ans: B
Argon (Ar) is the most prevalent of the noble Sea water is a "good" conductor. It has a
gases in Earth's crust with the element resistance and resistance increases by distance.
composing 0.00015% of this crust. So if you dip a very high voltage electric wire in
the ocean, the area around it (even 100 meters
11. Vinegar is used as a condiment, and in the or more based on how high it is) gets electric.
pickling of vegetables and other foods. What
is the constituent of vinegar? 14. Which one among the following substances
A. Butanoic acid evolved heat when dissolved in water?
B. Methanoic acid A. Glucose
C. Ethanoic acid B. Fructose
D. Hexanoic acid C. Quick lime
Ans: C D. Salt peter
When ethanol reacts with oxygen it forms a Ans: C
weak acid called ethanoic acid. In an open bottle Quicklime is a widely used chemical compound.
of beer or wine, the reaction happens naturally It is a white, caustic, alkaline, crystalline solid at
in the presence of bacteria, and it is the ethanoic room temperature. When limestone is heated, at
about 10000 C it undergoes thermal lustrous, hard, grayish-white metalloid in the
decomposition. carbon group.
It loses carbon dioxide and turns into quicklime
(calcium oxide). 19. Which one of the following is used in the
preparation of antiseptic solution?
15. Which one among the following polymers is A. Potassium nitrate
used for making bullet-proof material? B. Iodine
A. Polyvinyl chloride C. Iodine chloride
B. Polystyrene D. Potassium chloride
C. Polyethylene Ans: B
D. Polyamide Antiseptics are chemical agents that slow or
Ans: C stop the growth of micro-organisms (germs) on
A bullet-proof material is made of polyethylene. external surfaces of the body and help prevent
It is a higher grade of the plastic found in infections.
20. The name catalysis was given by______.
16. Hydrogen was discovered by______? A. Ratherford
A. Cavendish B. landmuir
B. Lavosier C. Grahm
C. Rutherford D. Berzelius
D. Scheele Ans: B
Ans: A Catalysis is the increase in the rate of a chemical
In 1766, Henry Cavendish was the first to reaction due to the participation of an
recognize hydrogen gas as a discrete substance, additional substance called a catalyst. With a
by naming the gas from a metal-acid reaction catalyst, reactions occur faster and with less
"flammable air". energy. Because catalysts are not consumed,
they are recycled. Often only tiny amounts are
17. Carbon reacts with metal to form____. required.
A. Carbide
B. Carbonate 21. Which of the following is not a natural
C. Hydroxide polymer?
D. Oxide A. Wool
Ans: A B. Silk
Carbon reacts with reactive metals, such as C. Cotton
tungsten, carbon forms either carbides to form D. Teflon
alloys with high melting points. Ans: D
Natural polymers occur in nature and can be
18. Which one of the following elements is extracted. They are often water-based.
metalloid? Examples of naturally occurring polymers are
A. Si silk, wool, DNA, cellulose,cotton and proteins.
B. Pb
C. Ge 22. Gamma rays are_____.
D. C A. High energy electrons
Ans: C B. Low energy electrons
A metalloid is a chemical element with C. High energy electromagnetic
properties in between metals and nonmetals. D. High energy positron waves
Germanium (Ge) is a chemical element. It is a Ans: C
Gamma rays (γ) refer to electromagnetic
radiation of an extremely high frequency and 26. Compound having tetrahedral structure is
therefore consist of high-energy photons. _____.
A. C2H4
23. The ultrapure metal is obtained by________? B. C2H2
A. Calcination C. CH4
B. Sublimation D. None of these
C. zone refining Ans: C
D. None of these Methane is a tetrahedral molecule with four
Ans: C equivalent C-H bonds. Its electronic structure is
The principal stages in the production of described by four bonding molecular orbitals
ultrapure metals are the preparation of pure resulting from the overlap of the valence
chemical compounds, the reduction of the orbitals on C and H.
compounds to the elementary state and further 27. The constant temperature, the product of
purification. Pure compounds are obtained by pressure and volume of a given amount of a
sorption, extraction, distillation, rectification, gas is constant . This is______.
ion exchange, and recrystallization from A. Gay-Lussac law
aqueous solutions B. Charles’s law
C. Boyle’s law
24. The gas used in a refrigerator is_______? D. Pressure law
A. cooled down on flowing Ans: C
B. heated up on flowing Boyle's law is a gas law, stating that the
C. cooled down when compressed pressure and volume of a gas have an inverse
D. cooled down when expanded relationship, when temperature is held
Ans: D constant. If volume increases, then pressure
Common refrigerants used in various decreases and vice versa when temperature is
applications are ammonia, sulfur dioxide, and held constant.
non-halogenated hydrocarbons such as
propane. Compressing these gasses into liquids 28. Modern periodic law had been given by ____.
they are made to give up their heat. A. Moseley
B. Mendeleev
C. Lother-Mayer
25. Which one of the following petroleum
D. Lavoisier
refinery products has the lowest boiling
Ans: A
In 1913, H.G.J Moseley in England proved that
A. Kerosene
the more fundamental properties of an
B. Gasoline
element are its atomic number. Therefore he
C. Diesel
suggested that the basis of classification of
D. Lubricating oil
elements should be atomic number.
Ans: D
Lubricating oil is the most commonly used 29. In Nuclear reactors graphite is used as______.
lubricant because of its wide range of possible A. Lubricant
applications. The two basic categories of lube oil B. Fuel
are mineral and synthetic. Mineral oils are C. Linear of the reactor
refined from naturally occurring petroleum, or D. Modulator
crude oil. Synthetic oils are manufactured Ans: D
polyalphaolefins, which are hydrocarbon-based
polyglycols or ester oils.
Nuclear reactors are used at nuclear power Ans: B
plants for electricity generation .These are Freon uses for a number of halocarbon
generally graphite moderated and CO2 cooled. products. They are stable, nonflammable,
moderately toxic gases or liquids which have
30. An acid is a substance which ____. typically been used as refrigerants and as
A. Donates a proton aerosol propellants.
B. Accepts an electron
C. Give H+ in water 34. Which gas is used in filling electric
D. All bulbs____.
Ans: D A. Neon
An acid is a chemical substance whose B. Argon
aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour C. Radon
taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red and the D. Krypton
ability to react with bases and certain metals to Ans: B
form salts. Argon is used to fill incandescent light bulbs to
31. A mixture of carbon monoxide and inhibit the evaporation of the tungsten
hydrogen is called______. filaments and increase bulb life.
A. Producer gas
B. Water gas 35. Lead pencil contains_____.
C. Natural gas A. Lead nitrate
D. None B. Graphite
Ans: B C. Lead peroxide
Water gas is a synthesis gas, containing carbon D. Lead Sulphate
monoxide and hydrogen. It is a useful product Ans: B
but requires careful handling due to its Most pencil cores are made of graphite mixed
flammability and the risk of carbon monoxide with a clay binder which leaves grey or black
poisoning. The gas is made by passing steam marks that can be easily erased.
over a red-hot carbon fuel such as coke.
36. Air is____?
32. The compound of a metal found in nature is A. Compound
called______. B. Element
A. Mineral C. Mixture
B. Ore D. Solution
C. Flux Ans: C
D. Slag Pure air is a mixture of several gases that are
Ans: A invisible and clourless. It consists of about 78%
Metals are an integral part of our planet and are nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and less than 1% of
found in almost all rocks and soils. Most metals argon, carbon dioxide and other gases, as well
form compounds called minerals, which are as varying amounts of water vapour.
naturally occurring, inorganic solids with
regular chemical compositions and crystal 37. Which of the following is a noble gas______?
structures. A. Argon
B. Hydrogen
33. Freon is used as____. C. Oxygen
A. Oxidant D. Nitrogen
B. Refrigerant Ans: A
C. Catalyst Noble gas ,any of the seven chemical elements
D. Both A and B that make up Group 18 (VIIIa) of the periodic
table. The elements are helium (He), neon (Ne), A. Copper sulphate
argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), radon B. Silver bromide
(Rn). C. Magnesium sulphate
D. None
38. Study of old age is called_________? Ans: B
A. Gerantalogy Silver bromide (AgBr) is a soft pale-yellow,
B. Pedology water-insoluble salt well for its unusual
C. Ornithology sensitivity to light. This property has allowed
D. Anthropology silver halides to become the basis of modern
Ans: A photographic materials. AgBr is widely used in
Gerontology is the study of the aging process photographic films and is believed by some to
itself. Geriatrics is sometimes called medical have been used for making the Shroud of Turin.
43. ‘Plaster of pans’ chemically known as______.
39. The chemical name for common salt______. A. Sodium Aluminate
A. Sodium chloride B. Calcium sulphate
B. Sodium hydroxide C. Spdium bicarbonate
C. Sodium chlorate D. Sodium acetate
D. Potasium chloride Ans: B
Ans: A Calcium sulphate is a calcium salt that is used
Sodium chloride is also known common salt is for a variety of purposes. It exists in various
an ionic compound with the chemical formula forms and states of hydration. Plaster of Paris
NaCl, representing a 1:1 ratio of sodium and is a mixture of powdered and heat-treated
chloride ions. gypsum.

40. Liquid metal is______? 44. When iron rusts, its weight________?
A. Mercury A. decreases
B. Sodium B. increases
C. Antimony C. Constant
D. None D. None
Ans: A Ans: B
Liquid metal consists of gallium-containing Iron rust when they come into contact with
alloys with very low melting points which are water and oxygen. They rust faster in salty
liquid at room temperature. The standard water or acid rain.
metal formerly is mercury.
45. Which is not a type of elements?
41. Match sticks are made of____? A. Metals
A. Red phosphorus B. Non Metals
B. blue phosphorus C. Metalloids
C. led nitrate D. Gases
D. None Ans: C
Ans: A Element is a chemical substance consisting of
Red phosphorus is used in matches. atoms having the same number of protons in
Ferrophosphorus, a combination of their atomic nuclei.
phosphorus with iron, is used as an ingredient There are 118 elements that have been
in high-strength low-alloy steel. identified. The elements classified as
metalloids are boron, silicon, germanium,
42. Chemical that is used in photography______? arsenic, antimony, tellurium and polonium.
D. glycol
46. Which acid is present in lemon? Ans: A
A. marlic acid Dynamite is an explosive material based on
B. citric acid nitroglycerin, using diatomaceous earth or
C. lactic acid another adsorbent substance such as powdered
D. tartaric acid shells or clay
Ans: B
Citric acid is a weak organic acid with the 49. Nail polish remover contains?
formula C6H8O7.The juice of the lemon is about A. benzene
5% to 6% citric acid, which gives a sour taste. B. acetic acid
C. acetone
47. What among following is used to produce D. petroleum ether
artificial rain? Ans: C
A. copper oxide The most common solvents are acetone. It is
B. carbon monoxide powerful and effective but can be harsh on skin
C. silver iodide and nails. Acetonitrile has been used as a nail
D. silver nitrate polish remover.
Ans: C 50. Human bone does not contain________.
Artificial rain is produced by spraying clouds A. calcium
with substances like Silver Iodide (costly) or B. carbon
cheaper ones like solid carbon dioxide (dry C. oxygen
ice) or even finely powdered Sodium Chloride. D. phosphorous
Ans: C
48. Which is used in preparation of dynamite? Human Bones are primarily formed from salts
A. glycerol of calcium, carbon and phosphate, the major
B. ethyl alcohol salt being hydroxyapatite.
C. methyl alcohol

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