Chapter 1-6 UPDATED (1,2,3)

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San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela

Lagpasan moto

San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela


A. Background of the Study

In today’s world, the computer is an essential resource that connects its user to

the world. It is especially important for students and individuals with special needs to

understand how to properly use this tool (Moorer, 2017). The computer is an essential

part of most computer literacy lessons and girls and boys like these lessons most when

activities with the computer have to be done (Voogt, 2017).

It is generally believed that the computer nowadays can empower teachers and

learners, transforming teaching and learning processes from being highly teacher

dominated to student’s academic performance. Many students today are called 21st

century learners because of their digital literacy, reasoning skills, critical thinking skills,

and collaboration. These are some of the reasons why the Department of Education

(DepEd) implemented the K to 12 program to their curriculum so that the students can

improve their skills and knowledge.

The researchers want to found out the effect of being a computer literate in

relation to their academic performance. The information gained from this study could

help the parents, future researchers, students and school administrators.


San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela
B. Conceptual Framework

According to Alina (2017), the use of technology in the classroom has increased

significantly during the last years, there are still students that are struggling with it, that

feel left behind and don’t know how to include it in their institutions.

With that the researchers identified that some of the students is not literate

when it comes on computer, the aims of this study is to know the effects of computer

literate and not computer literate to their academic performance.

C. Research Questions

This research aimed to find the effects of computer literacy among grade 12 ICT

students in their academic performance. To do this, the following questions is used as


a. How many students in Grade 12 ICT 1 and 2 are computer literate and not

computer literate?

b. What is the academic performance of students who are computer literate and

not computer literate?

c. Is there a significant difference in the academic performance of ICT students

who are computer literate and those who are not computer literate?

San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela
D. Research Hypotheses

a. Null hypothesis

There is no significant difference in academic performance of ICT

students who are computer literate and not computer literate.

b. Alternative hypothesis

There is a significant difference in academic performance of ICT students

who are computer literate and not computer literate.

E. Scope and Delimitation

This research wanted to know the effects of computer literacy among Grade 12

ICT students at San Mariano National High School – Main, Zone 1, San Mariano, Isabela

and its relation to their academic performance in the third grading of S.Y. 2018-2019.

This has been conducted from January until February 2019. It used focused group

discussion, survey questionnaire, and documentary analysis in gathering data.

F. Significance of the Study

This research is helpful because it benefits the following:

Parents. This research benefits the parents of students because it will help them to

know the effects of computer literate.


San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela
Future Researchers. This research helps the next researchers that are related to this

study because it gives a background of the study.

Students. This study will help the students to understand the importance of being a

computer literate.

School Administrators. The result of this study enables school administrators to

determine the effects of computer literate. In addition, the result of this study will

act as a guide for administrator to determine if the computer learnings are helpful

to the students.

G. Definition of Terms

The following are the key terms by which the researchers have encountered and

considered to be unfamiliar for others:

Computer. An electronic machine that can store and work with large amount of


Effect. A change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.

Literacy. Knowledge that relates to a specified subject.


San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies, which includes

both foreign and local studies.

According to Aitokhuehi and Ojogho (2014) it is true that student’s computer

literacy enhances their academic performance in school that computer literate students

perform better academically than the non-computer literate. Also, Hicks (2016) stated

that computer literate students perform better academically than the non-computer

literate. According to Journal of Education and Human Development, (September 2014)

computer literacy improved the knowledge and ability of students for higher academic

performance. According to Richard (2019), Students' task performance will be positively

correlated with their level of computer literacy, even if the task involves the use of

unfamiliar software. Cahn (2018), states that, a student with computer literacy skills is

generally smarter than the average student and that’s why he/she did well. Base on the

study of Towolawi and Onuka (2018), that there is positive and significant relationship

between students’ computer skills and their academic achievement. According to the

study of Mohagheghzadeh etal. (2014), the Pearson correlation coefficient between

students’ computer grades as a measure of their ICT skill and their grade point averages

was (R=0.367, P<=0.01) which shows a positive and significant relationship between the

two variables. Chima (2015), added that the influence of computer literacy in education

San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela
promotes students’ performance in web-based courses, online searching and effective

use of library databases which are essential to students’ academic performance.

In the contrary findings of Allen and Wolff (2010), the effect of computer literacy

on student academic performance, that there was no statistically significant relationship

between grades and computer skills. Argentin et al (2014), added that the digital skills

could be of no impact on school performance because of a temporary misuse of ICT for

school related activities, which will be solved with the development of better digital

learning techniques and habits.

Base on the study of Aitokhuehi and Ojogho, Hicks, Journal of Education and

Human Development, Cahn, Towolawi and Onuka, Mohagheghzadeh etal. and Chima,

stated that being a computer literate can affect the academic performance of students.

This mean that our alternative hypothesis is related to their study.

On the other side Allen and Wolff, Argentin etal. said that there is no effect or

impact of being a computer literate when it comes on academic performance of

students. This statement is related to the researchers null hypothesis.


San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela


This chapter shows the whole process on how the research has been done

systematically. It includes: research design, locale and respondents of the study,

research instrument, and statistical treatment used.

A. Research Design

This study used quantitative research design because it is more reliable, valid,

real and unbiased. According to Babbie (2010), quantitative methods emphasize

objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numeral analysis of data

collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre- existing

statistical data that used computational techniques.

The research method used in this study is causal research method. According to

Babbin and Griffin (2012), causal research is conducted in order to identify the extent

and nature of cause and effect relationships.

B. Sampling Procedure and Sample

The participants of this study are the Grade 12 ICT students of San Mariano

National High School- Main.

The researchers used the Slovin’s Formula, (𝑛 = 1+Ne2 ) in obtaining

considerable sample size with a marginal error of 0.05.


San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela
The study has been conducted at San Mariano National High School- Main at

Zone 1 San Mariano, Isabela. The researchers choose the students of SMNHS-main in

this study because the researchers want to help the ICT students of SMNHS-main in

order to know the effect of being a computer literate on their academic performance.

C. Data Gathering Methods

The researchers used three data collection methods. These are the survey

questionnaire, focused group discussion, and documentary analysis.

1. Survey questionnaire

The research instrument used in this study is survey questionnaire

according to Mcleod (2018) questionnaires provide a relatively cheap, quick and

efficiently of obtaining large amounts of information from a large sample of

people and focused group discussion.

2. Focused group discussion

Evidence Base (2006) find out that focused group discussion is useful to

obtain detailed information about personal and group feelings, perceptions and


San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela
3. Documentary analysis

According to University of Portsmouth (2012) using documents in

research includes the fact that such research is relatively low cost, particularly

when the documents are easily accessible and already located is that you can get

access to information that would be difficult to get in any other way.

We prefer to use these kind of research instruments to ensure the validity and

truthfulness of the study.

The researchers used five data gathering procedure. These are the

brainstorming, planning, making a letter, making a questionnaire and making an

interview guide.

1. Brainstorming

The researcher conducted a brainstorming, according to London

(2018), the concept of brainstorming itself is not a hard thing to

comprehend. He also added that brainstorming technique can

encourage widespread participation and involvement in a given task and

collecting all different ideas within their group and made questionnaire to

analyzed and checked by the research adviser to ensure the validity and

reliability of responses it would elicit.


San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela
2. Planning

Akani (2012), find out that planning makes optimum utilization of all

available of valuable resources and avoids their duplication. It aimed to give the

highest returns at the lowest possible cost.

3. Making a letter

Letter is one person's written message to another pertaining to some

matter of common concern. In addition, letters are a way to

connect/communicate with someone.

4. Making a questionnaire

A questionnaire was constructed that aimed to draw out proper

responses on the objectives of this study. In addition, a questionnaire is an

instrument for collecting data and almost always involves asking a given subject

to respond to a set of oral or written questions (Debois, 2016).

5. Making an interview guide

According to Martin (2014), the interview is one of the most important

tools to obtain information, to expand on information we may have from other

sources, and to clarify facts and see things from different perspectives.

San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela
D. Data Analysis

The data collected were classified, organized, coded and tabulated for analysis.

The data gathered were processed by computer system using the application Microsoft

Excel. To show which among the two factors is affecting the academic performance of

Grade 12 ICT students.

The researchers also used Z-test; a Z-test is a type of hypothesis test. Hypothesis

testing is just a way to figure out if the results from a test are valid or repeatable

(Stephanie, 2014).

San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela



This chapter shows the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data


4.1 Number of participants who are computer literate and not computer literate

Table 1. Total number of participants’ computer literacy

Section Computer Literate Not Computer Literate

ICT 1 19 8

ICT 2 11 16

Total 90% 88%

The table 1 shows that there are 30 ICT students who are computer literate and

have an average score of 90%. The other 24 students are not computer literate and they

have an average score of 88%.


San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela
4.2. Academic performance of students those who are computer literate and not
computer literate S.Y 2018-2019

Table 2. Summary of the general average in third quarter between computer literate
and not computer literate students

Average grades of those Average grades of those

High School GWA who are computer who are not computer
literate literate

ICT 1 92 77

ICT 2 93 89

Total 92 83

Table 2 reveals the percentage of respondents according to the academic

performance in third quarter average. Out of 27 respondents in ICT 1 there are 92%

numbers of participants who are computer literate in the other hand there are 77%

which is the number of participants who are not computer literate.

Furthermore, in ICT 2 there are 27 respondents, 93% percent of them are

computer literate while 89% of them are not computer literate.

Findings show that the mean score of those who are computer literate is 92%

compared to 83% of those who are not computer literate. It is clearly shown that

computer literacy can affect your academic performance in a better way.


San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela
4.3. The difference of having and not having a personal computer to the general
average in first quarter

Table 3. Computed Z test of the average grades of students who have and who do not
have their own personal computer
z-Test: Two Sample for

Not Computer
Computer Literate Literate
Mean 92.84449761 83.25
Known Variance 1 1
Observations 1 1
Hypothesized Mean
Difference 0
z 6.78433432
P(Z<=z) one-tail 5.83111E-12
z Critical one-tail 1.644853627
P(Z<=z) two-tail 1.16622E-11
z Critical two-tail 1.959963985

Table 3 show the summary of the z-test results that were conducted in order to

test if having and not having a personal computer correlated to their academic

performance. The correlation is 0.05 level of significance.

As shown in the table 3, the critical value of computer literate and not computer

literate is 1.959963985 which is equivalent to 1.95. It means that computer literate and

not computer literate have a significant difference to their academic performances.

Finally, base on the study of Aitokhuehi and Ojogho, Hicks, Journal of Education

and Human Development, Cahn, Towolawi and Onuka, Mohagheghzadeh etal. and

Chima, stated that being a computer literate can affect the academic performance of

San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela
students. Those studies have been proven on the results base on the results of z-test as

shown in the table 3.


San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela



This chapter explained the results of the study. It includes the summary of the

findings, conclusions and recommendations.

5.1 Summary

Based from the data of the research, the following are the findings of the study:

a. The total number percentage of participants who are computer literate is

90%, while there is 88% percentage of respondents who are not computer


b. The mean score of those who are computer literate is 92% while 83% for

those who are not computer literate.

c. Being a computer literate and not computer literate have a significant

difference to their academic performances.

5.2 Conclusions

The following conclusions drawn as a result of the study:

a. Most of respondents are computer literate.


San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela
b. The academic performance of those who are computer literate is very good

(92%) and for the academic performance of those who are not computer

literate is fair (83%) this means that being a computer literate can help the

students to perform better in class.

c. There is a significant difference of being a computer literate and not

computer literate to their academic performance.

5.3 Recommendations

In view of the findings and conclusions of the study, the following

recommendations are hereby forwarded:

a. Parents of ICT Students may help their children to study about computer

for the academic performance of their children.

b. Future researchers may use the result of this study as their background for

their research.

c. The students may study about computer literacy to improve their

participation in class and have the chances of having a high grade.

d. School administrators may suggest to their fellow head teachers to have a

computer literacy subject to help students for their academic performance.


San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela

Akrani, G. (2012). Importance of Planning - Why Planning is Important?, Retrieved from:

Allen and Wolff, D. C. (2010). The Effect of Computer Literacy on Academic Performance
Retrieved from publication/ 266763882

Argentin, etal. (2014). The Impact of Digital Literacy on Educational Outcomes Retrieved from

Babbie, R. (2010). The Practice of Social Research Retrieved from :

Cahn, D. (2018). How do computer literacy skills affect the academic performance of the
students in general mathematics? Retrieved from

Chima, B. (2015). International Research Journal of Interdisciplinary & Multidisciplinary

Studies Retrieved from

Debois, S. (2016). Advantages and Disadvantages of Questionnaires, Retrieved from:

Evidence Base, (2006). Focus groups. Retrieved from:

Journal of Education and Human Development, (September 2014). Retrieved

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London, J. (2018). The Advantages of Brainstorming, Retrieved from:

San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela
Mcleod, S. (2018). Questionnaire. Retrieved From:

Mohagheghzade, etal. (2014). The impact of computer and information

communication technology literacy on the academic achievement of
medical and dental students at shiraz university of medical sciences
Retrieved from
Moorer, A. (2017). computer literacy Retrieved from

Richard, R. (2019). The Impact of Computer Literacy on Student Academic Performance in the
Introductory Management Information Systems Course Retrieved from

Stephanie, J. (2014). Statistic how to?, Retrieved from test/

Towolawi & Onuka, A. H. (2018). International Journal of Computer Applications, Retrieved


University Of Portsmouth,(2012). Advantages & Disadvantages Of Analyzing Written Documents

For The Purposes Of Research, Retrieved From:

Voogt, T. (2017). Computer Literacy In Secondary Education: The Performance And Engagement

Of Girls Retrieved from https://Ris.Utwente. Nl/Ws/ Portalfiles/ Portal/ 6738649/


Zikmund, etal. (2012). Business Research Methods Retrieved from: research/

San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela

San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela

San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela



Name:_____________________________ Section: _____________________

This questionnaire was prepared in order to determine the effects of ICT 12

students’ computer literacy in their academic performance. The result of this survey
shall serve as a basis for determining the possible interventions which can be done to
resolve the problem.

Direction: Put a check mark () on the space provided that corresponds to your


Questions Agree Disagree

I can boot the computer.
I can turn off computer.
I can install diff. application.
I browse the internet for information.
I can setup a multimedia projector.
I can manipulate office application.
I can troubleshoot computer software.
I can troubleshoot computer hardware.
I can format computer.
I can create a backup.

San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela

Interview Guide

1. Does computer literacy affect your academic performance? Why?

2. Does being a computer literate or not computer literate help you improve your
academic performance?

San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela

Documentary Analysis
General Weighted Average of ICT 1 in Third Grading S.Y. 2018-2019

San Mariano National High School

Zone 01, San Mariano, Isabela
General Weighted Average of ICT 2 in Third Grading S.Y. 2018-2019

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