6 Kads PDF
6 Kads PDF
6 Kads PDF
1. Low mood, sadness, feeling blah or down, depressed, just can't be bothered.
a) Hardly Ever b) Much of the time c) Most of the time d) All of the time
2. Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, letting people down, not being a good person.
a) Hardly Ever b) Much of the time c) Most of the time d) All of the time
3. Feeling tired, feeling fatigued, low in energy, hard to get motivated, have to push to get things
done, want to rest or lie down a lot
a) Hardly Ever b) Much of the time c) Most of the time d) All of the time
4. Feeling that life is not very much fun, not feeling good when usually would feel good,
not getting as much pleasure from fun things as usual.
a) Hardly Ever b) Much of the time c) Most of the time d) All of the time
a) Hardly Ever b) Much of the time c) Most of the time d) All of the time
a) Hardly Ever b) Much of the time c) Most of the time d) All of the time
a) Hardly Ever =0
b) Much of the time =1
c) Most of the time =2
d) All of the time =3
Total scores at or above 6 Suggest ‘possible depression’ (and a need for more
thorough assessment).
Further ROC curve analyses established that the overall diagnostic ability of a six-item
subscale of the KADS was at least as good as that of the BDI and was better than that of
the full-length KADS. Used with a cut-off score of 6, the six-item KADS achieved
sensitivity and specificity rates of 92% and 71%, respectively—a combination not
achieved by other self-report instruments. The six-item KADS may prove to be an
efficient and effective means of ruling out MDE in adolescents.