Tarmac Precast Beam Catalogue

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jaw companies possess the necessary resources, skills of knowledge, or offer the Jnvels of experiencs and expertise required to. supply the specialised, high pertarmance factory engineered concrete products so essential 10 modem elvil engineering projects, ‘At Tarmac Precast Gonerete our team of qualified designers and engineers coupled with experienced technical sales Staff and the latest manufacturing facilitias enable our range of bridge beams and precast concrete components to be specified with ‘absolute confidence, From the initial enquiry through ta delivery of high ‘qualily precast concrete units to meet construction programmes our dedicated team of specialists ensures that the finished product meets specified requirements in design, performance, tolerances and ‘quality of manufacture, In-nouse designers use specialised GAD systems to ensure that every detail of the specification is satisfied. Computer controlled manufacturing processes, sophisticated testing procedures and ‘stringent quality control procedures which comply with BS EN [SO 9001: 1904, the intemationally recognised quality assurance standard, mean that the product ‘specified Is the product received. ‘And the service doesn't end at design and manufacture. Sales support and technical advisory staff provide invaluable assistance at every stage of the project from advising on the right beam to select from our extensive range through to on-site advice an installation. All providing you with the assurance you ‘expect from the industry's host outstanding conpany. Precast Concrete Precast conerete offers sigr ‘other materials fer the entire construction team. It icant advantages over enables units to be manufactured to precise tolerances and, where requi ed, tested prior to installation. Units manufactured from precast concrete are quick and easy to instal, minimising on-site labour time and, unlike in-situ concrete, enable construction elements to perform their function immediately without waiting for concrete to set Precast concrete can also achieve significant cost savings, net only in terms of initial eenstruction costs but also through the low levels of maintenance required aver the life of a project. Whole life costing of components such as prestressed precast concrete bridge beams has highlighted the material's val ue When compared w i alternative steel or in-situ solutions. This principle, particularly im comparisons ‘with steel, has bean recognised by the Deparment of ‘Transport and is of great significance as contractors undertake design, Build, finanoa and operate projects. Contents TY Beam TY Beam with rebate TYE Beam T Beam ¥ Beam YE Beam SY Beam M Beam UM Beam U Beam 2 8 5 Span Range (In metres) Page Wii 1111 © 8 i 42 44 $0 og ae ne on a an a2 ae ae aD 4 i 1” | nl op at at a6 a9 99 a5 24 on on ae t0-12 U6 96 99 99 a2 28 at 30 ot oe oe a | to-s2 te 6 1a a0 27 a4 38 3H St Ok 38 36 Ao i | HRHNeN RADU! BBs TIMI ll | 10-11 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 24-25 Contents Profile Span Range (In metres) Standard Bridge st Beam (SEB) y I | | | | Solid Box Beam fe teas we awa a 10 904 5 s8 om a 26 26 9 OF 92 Ew aes en) Footbridge Beams - Topdeck Parapets Safety Barriers — Sign Gantry Beams aes and Columns n Arches & Portal Frames f \ el Debonded and Deflected Strand Techniques Bridge Designers Checklist HN ae iii J I vem a2 2 woo 6 ao Page a2 33 38 39 TY Beam ‘The new ‘TY' range of beams is a of beams and less in-situ concrete, Typical Applications natural progression trem the long the TY beam can reduce overall Short and medium span OTp bridges established ‘T' beam range. construction costs particularly at and commercial developments. Providing a closely assembled the shorter span range soffit solution with a lower pumber 800—~ 6) 7)—® ro &35—D s9— 8 335—O 0 —=@ B—S5 356—®) ‘1 SECTION PROPERTIES: Design seif weight per unit volume hos been taken ox 25kh/ef secrow wa, [CEP nen | AREA mnt Yom | meet x sot | amet net MP ye ca oa cm a2 a. te at io 308 0 “a0 zt 1a a fer ait o at 681 Tae sess ate rat a cr e SPAN LOADING 45 units HB Loadiag {Incl 2.4KN/m for_finishes) s+ 7 se oe SS TY Beam Advantages Span Range (In metres) " Provides a closely assembled soffit 2 4 4 te st ie ot 20 2 ot an 3E WO wot oe aD with a lower number of beams \l| | | | | | | required aie less in-situ concrete. 75mm TOPPING LIFTING THROUGH END WEB HOLES | s00_| #00 _| soa REINFORCEMENT "CENTRES" CENTRES MW.” ph DECK SECTION PART ELEVATION ae aemamee | et R Emme AT. UNKS BOR 10mme TYPICAL SECTION (TY10) ONE PIECE LINK TWO PIECE LINK a: FESURED DOWEL SLOT DETAIL STANDARD TRANSVERSE HOLE DETAIL PGROUNE SAL EASED ON Feerensen civ Seas 2N0 STARERAD RIGUSITR Pane TY Beam with rebate ‘The new ‘TY’ range of beams is a complements the existing “‘Ybeam Typical Applications natural progression {rom the lang range for shorter spans, whilst Short and medium span OTp bridges: established 'T beam range. enabling easy accass to the and corimercial developments, Providing the well known benefits underside of the structure and af an open soffit solution the ‘TY’ providing unobtrusive service slab deck farm of construction locations. Tyo— ase Ts — 80 2—8 — ; eoaS ee Its — 630 — é5—D Te — ee — £9 14 — 559 — 3—o) a 86 s1—O 3, a =?) 3 o— SECTION PROPERTIES: 1n_seif_welght per unit volume hoa been taken os 25kN/mt secriow ws | OePA em he, SPAN LOADING 49 units HE Leading (Incl 24kN/m tor finishes) * oe oo Te TY Beam with rebate Advantages Span Range (In metres) The beams are spaced apart fas am facilitating easy access to the underside of he structure. sa ov ap 20 30 92 24 98 oF ae iil | so00__| s00_| 100 |, os CENTRES ‘CENTRES, ERD, CHAMFER DECK SECTION PART ELEVATION LINK PROJECTION [AS REQUIRED — BOR 10mms WS. GR Bind HT. UNS 6 OF 1omms 40. NOMINAL COVER (30 ELSEWHERE) TYPICAL SECTION (TY10) ONE PIECE LINK TWO PIECE LINK EPL EEWS TY EERSTE ais STANDARD INDUSTRY DOWEL SLOT DETAIL STANDARD TRANSVERSE HOLE DETAIL §) Developed by the Prestressed _ Concrete Asscciation following the Success of the °Y" beam range this beam is the purpose designed exige + beam for use with the "TY" range. Is unique shape provides the opportunity for a wide variety of REQATE wares DEPENGENT ON EDGE OETA, SECTION PROPERTIES TYE Beam attractive surface finishes to suit local aesthetic and environmental requirements. Tatmac Precast Concreta ‘TYE’ beams can be used in two different forms of construction, either as a sold infil deck, or beam and slab deck, Ty Complementary edge beam to the beam, ‘ecign seit weight per unit volume has been token os 25iN/at Seon ho [BEF mm | AREA rwm® [PO mem [21 mort» 108| th meh w 10M Een ye Peal ae aa 0 Sear EA Bee Fd 89 a8 a2 208, sar 3.48 a6 as. Soa Br Than BE 8 “rae ar SPAN LOADING umes] 45 units HB Loading (Incl Ee ee ee 2.skN/m’ for finishes) ee Advantages Can be used for either a solid infil deck or beam and slab construction. Increased section properties to support parapet loading. INSTU SLAB LeNerH As REQUIRED 728 DOWEL SLOT DETAIL TYE Beam Span Range (In metres) PG 6 8 19 2 Mh te 30 92 3t 30-20-50 3F 30 38 38 AO UFTING THROUGH END WES HOLES eA Frese — ole eroare DECK SECTIONS 124 ww., PART ELEVATION a se FEE Tbh attee ot a Boas i 3 i i ij ce now come TYPICAL SECTION (TYE10) TWO PIECE LINK Oye win Be. eee PRIUS SSIES MIN BE PRIUS Ei RO SRaUS Weise) Heke STANDARD COUPLER DETAIL T Beam Suitable far short and medium span apalications Tarmac Precast "T beams have been succosstully used far many years + ina varigty of situations requiring solid slab construction including commercial developments, jetties and other heavily loaded structures, Tarmac Precast Concrete ‘T’ beams eliminate the need for site formwork and the resulting construction gives. 8 very road and access bridges, durable structure, 205 To—215 — 19775 — Te—735— T7— 695 — e455 — 151s — 14375 13535 T2420 — T3809 — THIS, STRAND. POSTION USED: IN BEAMS T3 7G TIO GHLY O8SOSS08R 25 25 495 Typical Applications Short and medium span DTp bridges, commercial develo Sy ‘ultistorey car parks, jeties and other heavily loaded structures, 70 70 700—1 680—1 620—1 580—1 540—1 500—1 390—1 340—1 300 —1 260—t 220—I 30—1 50 om SECTION PROPERTIES: Dasigh self weight par unit volume hat bean taken os 25kN/mt seonew wo [term em [AAA ret Yer | Beme «10 | tenet | | a 386. as a. Sai 36. zs. “420, Toss, 15 e7e Teas. Be 5 Tate 0 ‘os 7653 2a 75 Tea as a8 se r Pry st 27e Sar te i960 ier 73s 735 Sar T3820 ea 0 Dear Sas ES co El 2138 te x Sa zesr 3206 re 3S Tse 3 zie BEE ae SPAN LOADING 5 45 units HB Looding (inct. 2.4iN/m* for flalshes} CC ee e nS T Beam Advantages Span Range (In metres) Ideal for situations requiring @ Solis pee slab construction providing a | Z rapidly erected alternative to the a insitu slab, | TSmm TOPPING (TYPICAL) wees ise [ae | we | on | aw [Bag oe eee Ld el le DECK SECTION LINK PROJECTION [as ReGURED TYPICAL SECTION (rs) ONE PIECE LINK TWO pes NOT “WESSON AROME SE Ose ROME, SUITALEE NAY Bt PAB? Bp THE WRaNSvERSe Le AND SraNGARS SNDUSIAY PaAETE! Ny LENGTH AS 58 MIN] 32 ui all DOWEL SLOT DETAIL STANDARD TRANSVERSE PIECE LINK "ARED BY TPC PREFERRED LINK OETALS 140 [| co ss 65 UX, HOLE DETAIL Y Beam Since its recent iniroduction by the Providing an open soffit solution ‘Typical Applical ns Prestrassed Conerele Association Tarrae Precast Concrete ‘Y’ beams Provides an open solfit solution the "Y' beam sariss has rapidly with their inherent structural and primarily used for medium and becume established as the mos! inspection advantages compared to long span majar road bridge popular general purpose prasiressed the ‘M" beam range, are principally construction. concrete beam for spans within the used for major jaad construction, range of 12:10 31 metres, ya— 1409 ¥F— 1301— ¥6— 1200 — ys— 1109 — Y4— 109 — SECTION PRO Bea 300—D 140, 96 1200-8) 130, 80 109 —@ 120, 70 1090—® no, 60 ‘00—@) too, 50 e0—® 0 BIVENSION To STRIND FROM SL OF BEAM OVE, DIMENSION tay BE VARIED 10) ACHIEVE REQUIRED Cou To LINK a REBATE} 2g0— 10. ©, g—G, o—@ 1 750 eo 7 FEEEREEE ¥ ecoe or sooo comes rs 45 unl HB Loading (Incl, ZARN/ a? for inishes) eo a ee Y Beam Advantages Span Range (In metres) Amare durable and efficient section 0 2 than the traditional ‘M’ beam. Can be spaced apart facilitating easy access and Inspection to the underside of the structure. InsITy SLAB Lise usta ‘LINKS: Bybee cop CE Sh S | +00 [5 1000 70 2000 un] Haat CENTRES CORES ey BECK SECTION LINK PROJECTION TP.C, DOES NOT RECOMMEND USE “OF THIS CENTRAL ‘STRAND TYPICAL SECTION (4) ONE PIECE LINK TWO PIECE LINK BENDING SCHEDULES WILL BE PREPARED BY LP. K, FR ARPRGWAL EASED ON PREFERRED LINK: obtatts AND STANDARE INDUSTRY PF LENGTH as - REQUIRED n 2 700 2 DOWEL SLOT DETAIL STANDARD TRANSVERSE HOLE DETAIL Wego YE Beam Introduced by the Prestressed Precast Conerele to olfer a varity Typical Applications _ Conerete Asaciaon ts beam is of atrecive euraoaHnshes wo sul Complementary edge Beam fr te _ the purpose designed edge beam local aesthetic and environmental = -y" beam range. | for use with the "Y' beam range. Ils requirements, “i unique shape allows Tarmac SeseNDed as bce BETAL 49 535, ” e0— 1400 | ve7 — 1300 — i 1309—O yes — 1200 — 120—®) ves — 1100 — 0 —Q Yea — 1000 — 1900 —h YE3— 990 — 300—G ve2— 00 — 00-—@ ve1—70 — YB WER STRAND Seal OPS See PR. dee so es Ras eae eo wetteetees apo & ue a Xe 780 SECTION PROPERTIES Design self welght par unit volume has bsen token as 25kN/ni Seer | tipminal| Beton [iain] at at st [Sot un POT] EC ae a rae = fea ee = See oe ten = ee oe So = a oe Yer F35753, ez 108.06 5354 250 ee a EE cr oar es 208 ‘SPAN LOADING 45 units HE Leading (inel, 2.dkH/rm? for finishes) 20 4 oi 1 i 0 om MB MS mH ee (EERIE cons ar c000 comes WE 2005 ar 000 cores: Advantages His unique shape allows far a variety of attractive surtaes finishes to suit local environmental requirements, Increased section properties to support parapet leading ¥900 10 2000 CENTRES: DECK SECTIONS. COVER AT REBATE. To. BE DEPENDENT ON WEB STRAND LOGATION YPICAL SECTION (YE4) Ay ES | 728, DOWEL SLOT DETAIL ‘OR ORAWN STRAND & 210KN INITIAL FORCE. PREFERRED 30_ NOMINAL COVER UINAL COVER YE Beam Span Range (In metres) iii URTNG USING A STRANO HOOKS, (LINKS. DISPLACED To Sum 1000 19 2600 CENTRES CHAUFER PART ELEVATION 12s MIN. 10 OR 12mms TWO PIECE LINK BENDING SCHEDULES WILL BE PREFARED BY TPC. FOR APPROVAL BASED ON PREFERRED LINK DETAILS AND STANDARD INOUSTRY PRACTICE NGTH AS REQUIRED STANDARD COUPLER DETAIL SY Beam Fallewing on from the successful introduction of the super "Y' beam. ‘Typical Applications “use of 'Y' beams the need fora This practical and economic Longer spans. Major motorway | similar form of construction for solution can easily span up to 40 schemes. " ionger span applications, where no. metres and has all of the | precas! concrete alternative to advantages of the standard "Y" steal existed, was realised with the beam range, 40.) 240 sv¥6— 2000— sys— 1900 — sy4— 1800 — sv3— 1700 — sYe— 1609 — Syl —1500 — 56 +t se — Om, ti 496 —@ +4 4ie—-® Vi £ 30 : E ee t z1—® + k Wee [itt hun g W— Oe | TEETH it ‘60—48) BEES bth a g 25 25 750 SECTION PROPERTIES Design self waight per unit volume hos been token as 25kH/n? ‘SECnOM No, ORTH mm AREA ere em emer? x 10% | Ze mat 108 [PP LE WO : ee = | eo ee a ets —— = oo — Sipe es ee Aa oe eee a a = Se SPAN LOADING 5 nliy WB Gooding Gots Bani Tor fisher) = 8 © on 8 oS Me WEEE] © G00 ar 1400 cfc = 105 wesmu su, REESE sx seus at ro00 c/t — 105 wire St SY Beam Advantages Span Range (In metres) Provides a practical and Pod 8 bw IPM an te meat ob mo oe aoe economical solution for spans up to 49 metres. | Al | | DECK SLAB VARIES FROM Isms Lrts use 175 TO 225mm THICK [sane (inks, bgruscko TIT To Sum} ‘ PERMANENT FORMWORK \ = a $809 10 200mm Hees ap CENTRES 600 MN | GARBER DECK SECTION PART ELEVATION wasn SERBS i AS REQUIRED 10 OR 12mmi HT. UNKS ‘OR DRAWN STRAND @ 210KN IMMAL FORCE PREFERRED ONE PIECE LINK TWO PIECE LINK TYPICAL SECTION (SY1) PENDING SCHEDULES WILL BE PREPARED BY TP. FOR OQWEL SLOT, AMD. STANDARD, TRANSVERSE BASED ON PREFERRED UNK DETAILS HOLE ETAL REPER 1 ANS STANDARD INGUSTHY PRACTICE M Beam beam has lang provided the __‘raditional solution for general bridge ‘beam applications in the span range of 16-29.5m, In particular, it provides a voided bridge deck with a ip — 1360 Ms — 1280 Me — 1200 M7 —u20 Mé — 1040 MS — 360 M4 — a0 Me — 2800 Me — 720 SECTION PROPERTIES OEP rm ‘SEETON Hos closed soffit for road bridge construction. The reliabilily of this beam is demonstrated by its extensive use in a wide varialy of applicalons. Typical Applications Provides vaided bridge deck for medium and fong span road bridge ‘canstruction, 25kN Jr Tm 45 units HB Loading (nel. 2akN/ert for finkshes) 2 =F M Beam Advantages Span Range {In metres) | Closed soffit to underside ideal for pee awn na pecude-Dox type constuction il | | | | 2 INST SLAB LETNG USNC: Hoot SHRAND 40N Fe eo os, rights 409) Ta 30 JOINT, 1000 CENTRES DECK SECTION PART ELEVATION 3285 MAX, Link PROJECTION. 385 MAK, ew" t 15.28 STANDARD © 162kti OR ORAWN STRAND @ 2103N INTIAL FORGE PREFERRED TYPICAL SECTION ey ONE PIECE LINK TWO PIECE LINK ENING, SCHEOULES WiLL BE PRERARED BF TPC FO ARPROVAL BASED ON PRET ie Ob Ay 3S STRNoeRG DUSTIN PRACTICE f DOWEL SLOT DETAIL STANDARD TRANSVERSE HOLE DETAIL 150 Hi 0 WAX UM Beam The ‘UM’ beam is offered by providing a clean vertical face as Typical Applications Tarmac Precast Concrete as the well as a channel void fer the neat Gomplomentary adge beam to the complementary edge beam in ‘W’ incorporation of services. ‘M beam. beam bridge construction, 309, «70 00, 25. 25 28. 28 uo — 1360 us — 1280 — uke — 1200 — 8 uw? — ze — We — 1049 — ‘STRANDS, POsm ee ae a4 — 8b — SURRS" SORE Henne m3 — 800 50 STRAND POSITONS WITHIN: WEB SECTION PROPERTIES ‘secnow to [cern em Design self weight per_unit volume hos been token os 25kN/n? Bt eet 1c" | eta 1 | PP SE ROOT ez SEI a ae rH ‘wut 1360. SPAN LOADING 45 units HB Leading (incl. 2.4KN/n# for finishes) DN = om «= ® Advantages Provides a clean vertical face, with a variaty of finishes along wilh a channel veid for incarporation of serviews. 1000 CENTRES TRANSVERSE HOLE. IN INNER] WEE ONLY (GEER LENGTH. as REQUIRED 30_ JOINT DECK SECTION 30 NOMBAL COVER TYPICAL SECTION (U M4) UM Beam Span Range (In metres} ING SING, STRAND HOOKS 8 SPREADER, UNS BSPLACED To Sum 400 MIN 600 MIN | | CHAMFER PART ELEVATION i TURK PROJECTION AS REG : PROJECTING 0. ER DEMQULDING oot 10 GR 12mm WT. UNKS 15.28 STANDARD @ 162kN (OR DRAWN STRAND @ 219KN INTL FORGE PREFERRED TYPICAL LINKS BENDING SCHEDULES WiLL BE PREPARED BY LP. EDR SPGROYAL BASED ON PREFERRED Link’ DEALS AN PRACTICE ID STANDARD INDUSTRY FI 935, DOWEL SLOT DETAIL STANDARD TRANSVERSE HOLE DETAIL U Beam ) The Tarmnae Precast Concrete ‘U' | boam range caters for fong span DTp bridges. ft is particularly advantageous where skew decks are required and where torsian is high by providing a stiff box when incorparated with the an site stab, ‘The ‘U' beam shape provides a roady made odge detail, witheut the need for a specialised edge beam ‘They are usually spaced at 1500: 200mm centres giving minimum beam quantities and hence reduced overall construction costs, 325 sof 238 ex—@ Typical Applications Long span Op bridges. we — 1600 — un — 1800 — we — 1400 — ue — 1300 — ve — 1200 — ur — 1100 — us — ia0e— va — s00— wi — 9800 — 70—®, | “© a4 16 ‘s See aetetet ttt i —@® a] Latte s1——® ° 4] OIE TO ENSURE STABILITY OF REINFORCEMENT ut Tous - 1 QURING CONCRETING Ir Is DESI STRANDS IN THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: US 10 us — 2 ALSO THE TOP TWO STRANDS IN ALL BEAMS 4* BLE TO WAVE, ua To viz - 3+ taken _as_25kN/at SECTION PROPERTIES Deslge aeif weigh! per unit volume has be: [L secnene ne. [_ceene men | _aneh n? [vo rom | ttn? 16 | a med ih PP SOOT } wt 800 AOSD. e218 Bas f= sa are ter Ta e + ee i ae — “ Srv. 0 i389 “aap a te Tae f fer 130 a E i i a sseesg pe ee Ing! Z.4kN/m* for finishes) SPAN LOADING ii us ur us Us ea units. HB_Leodin 45 28m 30 U Beam Advantages Span Range (In metres) Suitable fer skew decks where ‘torsion is high. Provides a ready made edge detail and easy provision far services. INSU SLAB, AON Jen? UFTING USING STRAND See ISPLACED TO SU 1500 To 2000 ‘CENTRES ‘8 ie 600_ MIN DECK SECTION PART ELEVATION. Hole Broa OR Rvs ho Wee ALTEMASINELY Fdewed watt FCerer RENE a MoE FORHES ca [20] SKEW BEAM STANDARD TRANSVERSE HOLE DETAIL Standard Bridge Beam (SBB) ‘Suitable for short and medium span applications, Tarmac Precast Concrele Standard Bridge Beams are ideal for solid deck construction, ‘They have a proven track record in a wade varialy of situations and are suited where 10 marine cover 10 pariieutarly applications reinforcement in the bottom flange is citcal. A.durable solution for a nice variety of heavily lnaded structures. Max ond aopth 31S Preferred strand syoe 12.5 dia standard ateand clase 2 SECTION PROPERTIES SEnEre Gopths 60 Typical Applications Ideal for short span DTp bridges, jetties, marine decks and leading bay construction. S16 302 — © 206 223 — x —® 5 —@ ——o noigne oF erand ews at Genera feeuien he | Conca teem | Pa bow 2 2 So 25 ae “at 50 zs Ec mT EG aa ia si7 Ey ae 2 ioe) [arise [aa [ese a ca 20 Tas Hee Eo ea 335, [baer ao es ‘SPAN LOAGING 45 unste HE heading Corel 2eahNin! For Punch aI Se 33 3 = 8 3 316 Str $10. Sie sie. Gascgr eal? vecgre = Standard Bridge Beam (SBB) Advantages Span Range (In metres} Robust bridge censtruction. Na B48 10 ab a 16 48 20 a B4 29 aR ma az 3H ae ae aD need for formwork. Very good resistance in marine environments. Can be readiy designed fer continuity. = centre 2090 oF ee Standard 7 okawod boars. the [enke ane at tha ond amare they Fol trenaverga pa inforconen: Recaenengas form ef construction Solid Box Beam Bex beams are suitable for ‘Typical Applications economic short and medium span ideal for use over busy railway applications. lines. 300 te 690 {IN 50 INCREMENTS) 495, 750 or 970 PREFERRED * DIMENSIONS TO SUIT CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS: SECTION PROPERTIES 495 Wide Design aif weight par unit voluma has been token of 25kN/ni SEGTEN Nox [GERM mm | AREA mat Tem | tw = | wet = 1 or i a a cc “sat rl salze tt Tse 200 2586 es ar [se Bane ea Baa soe) 280. = 3 Se seat) ca Ss 3S aaa SECTION PROPERTIES 750 WIDE ‘SEOTOH No. | _ DEFT we 200 ‘SECTION PROPERTIES 970 WIDE SEOTON No. [DEP en | AREA oa? sh cc aie Co z aaa136 ‘a 70128 Solid Advantages Span Range (In metres) Provides a quick, sale working So4 G8 mir te te 29 22-26-30 28 9932 38 o6 OB cD platform, TOP PROFLE INST _INFLL 8S REQUIRED _, Uk PRovtotion as | Crore um CIPICALY NOMINAL COVER MAY BE SLOPED. Box Beam l INIT + UFTING USING STRAND HOOKS, UNRS. DISPLACED __To Sut aS x $0 Wax END see. mn CHAMFER PART ELEVATION CONSTRUCTION JOINT FINISH 1280 STANDARD @ 118kN, 1526 STANDARD @ 162kN' OR DRAWN STRAND @ 210mN IMITL FORCE PREFERRED TYPICAL SECTION (SD6(3)) LINKS/U BARS PENDING SCHEOULES MILL BE PREPARED, ay T.P.c. FOR APPROVAL BASED ON PREFERRED LINK DETAILS. AND STANDARD INDUSTRY PRACTICE Footbridges Tarmac Precast Conerote manufactures 2 range of both prestressed and forced footbridges which require minimal maintenance. A variety of profiles and finishes Is available to suit local environmental ‘angtions, Fixings for siee! handrails are cast in or, alternatively, precast concrelé parapets can bo supplicd where additional protection is required. Span Range (In metres) 2 6 8 W013 1 Wo M8 70 32 34 fo 34 50 2-54 95 98 AE Typical Applications Advantages Footpaths, cycleways and cattle Minimal craneage required for crossings over highways, railways installation. Low maintenance, and watervays. TWPICAL PRESTRESSED, POST TENSIONED ‘OR REINFORCED BEAM (TYPICAL PROFILES GNLY) ~ PLEASE CONSULT OUR TECHNICAL DEPARTHENT FOR YOUR SPECIAL REGUIREMENTS Parapets More and mere contractors are ara typically precast onto our ‘Typical Applications using the option of factory standard range of prestressed Aad and railway bridges. manulactured conerete cast-on or bridge beams as a secondary individually cast parapets. Tarmac process. individually cast parapels, Advantages Precasi Cancrele parapets may be ray bé supported on any material, Factory produced. Speedily ‘of any profile, including the DTp the fixing detail being adapted to erected, Alternative finishes and types P1 10 PO. Gaston parapets suit arofiles available to suit local environmental conditions THE MINIMUM HEIGHT ABOVE ADUOINNNG PAVED SURFACES ARIES FROM 1900 FOR A PT PARAPET TO 1500 FOR A PE PARAPET. THE OVERALL HEIGHT (H), ve (8) AO ENG POSITIONS, CAN BE SARIED 70 Suit CUSTOMERS. SPECIFIC. REDUREMENTS. usHen FIXING EXAMPLE TO INSITU CONCRETE DECK INDIVIDUALLY CAST PARAPETS Foes EXAMPLE. TO EXPORED AOGREGATE FINEH SR oe STEEL/MSMU CONCRETE Dec FORO EER ERAT FIXING EXAMPLE TO: INSITU/PRECAST CONGRETE DECK CAST=ON PARAPETS EXPOSED: AGGREGATE FINISH (OPTIONAL) TO EXTERNAL FACE OF PRESTRESSED. Bia a SECOND STAGE PARAPET, TYPICAL, PARAPET PROFILES ONLY — PLEASE CONSULT OUR TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT FOR YOUR SPECIAL REQUIREUENTS Sign Gantry Beams and Columns Advantages Span Range (In metres) Tarmac Precast Conerete sign ee ee ee ee gantries offer the highest level cf durability with consequent low maintenance, whole life cast advantages, 1364 rose, | 214 : 2 5 z 3 1 8 z| 5 1 zg 3 5 sna. posoibe Subsequent use EP eatiios) Bridge Designers st Checkl The following design notes are fired for guidance purposes and reflect our standard manufacturing techniques, Should you have other requirements our Technical Department wil be pleased ta offer advice, Bearings ‘As a general rule the edge of the bearing closest to the abuiment should be detailed a minimum of 180mm ram the end of the beam, Camber Due to ihe properties of prestressed concrete unite upvard camber will be present. AS our standard beams are east on flat bases built in cambers cannot normally be accommodated. Cast in items Gast in items can be included providing that they do net project through the sides or soffit of our stendard mouldage. Care should be taken to ensure that any cast in items do not conflict with reinforcement or prestressing af strand locations, Concrete The use of cementitious materials other than RHPC may require a longer curing period prior to detensioning and therefore are 19 be avaided. ‘Our standard concrete mixes have been designed to attain a transter strength of 40N/mm? and a 28 day strength of GON/mm2. Other concrete strengths can be considered. Ends Skews up to 30 degrees ean hormally be incorporated within our standard. manufacturing pro- cedures, the acute comer will be blotked out to avoid the risk of spalling, At the beam ends chamfers are provided across the soffit to prevent spalling on datensioning Searfed ends and solid end blocks should be avoided where possible, Any holes for the construction of diaphragms should be detailed se that our standard web openings can be used as indicated on the design drawings within this brochure, Where dowel slots arc specified account should be taken ef the implications of reinforcement and eower detailing. Finishes Top finish will be as cast with side and seftit finishes to the OTp Highway Specification or BS 8110. Colour variations between units may agcur, and also between our units and ary site in-sku works, Lifting Our standard litting methods are as detailed in this brochure. Lengths The overall length after transfer should be specified, Small variations in length should 8 avoided. Quality Assurance Tarmac Precast Concrete is a 8SI Registered Company. The Quality Sysiem fully complies with the requirements of BS EN ISO gont:1984. Reinforcement Links are tied to the prestressing strand using stainless steel tying wire as standard, Links musi 62 dimensioned to take account of strand positions and link diameters, when considering cover require ments. For skewed beams links should be detailed square to the beam centreline and skewed only at the beam ends, Two piece links of different diameters and/or centres should be avoided. To avoid displacement of reinforcement in complex cages during casting it may be necessary to use lack welding. Reinforcement projecling through the sides and seflt should be avaided and reinforcament couplers should be considered as an alternative. Roinioreement prajecting trom the ‘beam end should be straight where possibie, Special slop endsiceuplers may bo provided to accemmodale a. bbob on the projecting bar. Storage Bearers Storage bearers are generally located at iting positiens. Stand ‘Our preforied strand sizes and types. aro indicatod on the design drawings. within tis brochure, Standard strand positions are as shown in this brochure and both debending and dellection techniques can be used. Testing Our high standards of Quality Control make routine load testing unnecessary. However, if requited {ull testing facilities are avaiable on request Tolerances Tolerances should be to cither the DTp Highways Specification or BS 8110, Web Openings Standard web holes are provided at 90 degrees te the beam sides for bath square and skewed Beam ends, at sontres as given in this, brochure for all beam types, The centres of the end web holes should be at least 400mm from the beam end to avoid the risk of horizontal splitting. Weight The weight of the beams used for handling and erection purposes is that indicated on the design drawings within this brochure. Tarmac ld Tarmac Precast Concrete Limited ‘The Company/s palicy is ane of continuous develapment Tallingtor: Starmfore! and product improvement. information cantained in this Linselnshire PEO RL leaflet ic subject to alteration without notice, Telephone 01778381000 Fax 0178 346041 “pecorthaion st Taner arnt ersten reso are

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