MCQ Web Tech

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Bca III yr: web technology

One line questions

1 Do all HTML tags come in a pair?
2. How do you insert a comment in HTML?
3.What is an image map?
4. Define Semantic elements in HTML.
5. Define attributes in HTML tag.

6. What is http mean?

7. What is HTML and HTTP?
8. What is an IMAP email account?
9. What is difference between IMAP and POP?
10. What is mime explain?
11. What is JavaScript?
12. Enumerate the differences between Java and JavaScript?
13. What are JavaScript Data Types?
14. What is the use of is NaN function?
15. Between JavaScript and an ASP script, which is faster?
16. What is negative infinity?
17. Is it possible to break JavaScript Code into several lines?
18. Which company developed JavaScript?
19. What are undeclared and undefined variables?
20. Write the code for adding new elements dynamically?
21. What are global variables? How are these variable declared and what are the problems associated with using them?
22. What is a prompt box?
23. What is 'this' keyword in JavaScript?
24. Explain the working of timers in JavaScript? Also elucidate the drawbacks of using the timer, if any?
25. Which symbol is used for comments in JavaScript?
26. What is the difference between ViewState and SessionState?
27. What is === operator?
28. Explain how can you submit a form using JavaScript?
29. Does JavaScript Yes support automatic type conversion?
30. How can the style/class of an element be changed?

1.What is DHTML?
2. What is mouseover in HTML?
3.How DHTML work with JavaScript?
4. How we used JavaScript with HTML DOM?
5. What is the difference between DHTML and HTML?
6. What is a href??
7. What is the features of DHTML?
8. Distinguish Between Static Vs. Dynamic Html?
9. What Handle Events With Dhtml.?
10. Difference Between Dhtml And Html?
11. What is the use of Dom?
12 What is DOM methods?
13. What is the use of data binding?
14. What is the difference between DHTML and HTML?
15. What is Onmouseout??
16. What is data binding and its types?
17.What is record set in Web technology?
18. What is filter in dhtml?
19.What causes motion blur?
20. What are transitions in dhtml?
21. How do you do motion blur?
22. How fast is blur speed?
23. What is navigator ?.
24. What is Window Navigator?
25.What is navigator userAgent?
26. What are the attributes that make up a DHTML?
27. What are mouse events? ?
28. What is onclick in HTML?
29.How do you link a button in HTML?
30. How do we use tooltip in HTML?
1)What is PHP? ...
2) What is PEAR in PHP? ...
3) Who is known as the father of PHP? ...
4) What was the old name of PHP? ...
5) Explain the difference b/w static and dynamic websites? ...
6) What is the name of scripting engine in PHP? ...
7) Explain the difference between PHP4 and PHP5.

8) What are the popular frameworks in PHP?

9) What is "echo" in PHP?

10)What is "print" in PHP?

11) What is a session?

12 What are the types of e business models?

13 What do you mean by online payment?

14. What are the security of online payment?

15 Which method is used for security in e commerce?

16.Define SOAP?

17.What is a Web server definition?

18,what is http request
19What is an HTTP header?

20. What are the different types of HTTP methods?

21What is HTTP PUT request?
22. What is HTTP delete request?

23. What is post method?

24. What is client side scripting?

25. Where is client side scripting used?

26.What do you mean by server side scripting language?

27.What is the use of Web server?

28.What is Domain give example?

29. What is the Apache Web server?

30. What is use of Apache Web server?


1. What is a Database Management System (DBMS)?

2. What are the 4 types of database?
3. What is relational data base model ?
4. What is database SQL?
5. What is SQL ?
6. What is the SQL command?
7. What are the two major categories of SQL commands?
8.What are the types of queries?

9.What is primary key SQL?

10. What is SQL Data?

11. What do you mean by ASP?

12. What is the use of ASP?

13. Is ASP a scripting language?

14. What are the features of ASP?

15. What are the components of ASP?

16 what is asp object ?

17. What is a server object?

18. What is ASP file system?

19.Why session is used?

20 Where session cookies are stored?

21. What is ADO ASP?

22 What is ADO connection?

23. What is an ActiveX component?

24. What is ActiveX application?

25. What are Web based sources?

26.What is XML data?

27. What does namespace mean?

28. What does mean in DTD?

29. What is DOM methods?

30. Why is Dom used?


1. What is Servlet ?
2. What is Servlet life cycle?
3. What is a servlet session?
4. What is servlet filter?
5. What is JSP mean?
6. What is JSP life cycle?
7. What are JSP elements?
8. What is JSP processing?
9. What is HTTP servlet request and response?
10. What is HTTP request and response?
11. What is HTTP response body?
12. What are the three parts of an HTTP request?
13. What is the function of the HTTP GET message?
14. What does HTTP request body contains?
15. What is Content Type in post request?
16. What is request redirect?
17. What is a 302 redirect?
18. What is a multi tier application?
19. What are JSP elements?
20. What is the JDBC?
21. What is a JDBC driver and how many JDBC drivers are available?
22. What is the meaning of connection?
23. What is Web 2.0 ?
24. What is the use of Semantic Web?
25. What is the best example of the semantic web?
26. What is Semantic Web PDF?
27. What are some current technologies?

30 What are latest Web technologies?

Subjective question

Unit -1

Q.1 What is SMTP. Explain the model of SMTP ?

Q.2 Define javascript. Explain javascript objects ?


Q.1 What is DHTML? What are the features of DHTML ?

Q.2 Explain How To Handle Events With DHTML.?


Q.1 explain different types of models of E-commerce?

Q. 2 difference between client side scripting used and server side scripting language?


Q.1 write the components of ASP ?

Q.2 Explain SQL commands?


Q1 Explain Servlet life cycle ?

Q.2 Explain HTTP servlet request and response?

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