C14 Terrace GSMBulletin 60

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Habitat and C-14 age dating oflignitic terrace sands - implications for uplift
on the Borneo coastline during the Holocene

Article in Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia · December 2014

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2 authors:

Franz-Luitpold Kessler John Jong

Curtin University Sarawak 110 PUBLICATIONS 642 CITATIONS

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Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 60, December 2014, pp. 27 – 34

Habitat and C-14 ages of lignitic terrace deposits along the northern
Sarawak Coastline
Franz L. Kessler1 & John Jong2
Curtin University of Technology, Department of Applied Geology, CDT 250, 98009 Miri, Sarawak
Currently at Lundin Malaysia BV, Lot 13A-01, Level 13A, Menara HLA,
No. 3 Jalan Kia Peng, 50450, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Email address: [email protected]
JX Nippon Oil and Gas Exploration (Deepwater Sabah) Limited
Level 51, Menara 3 PETRONAS, Persiaran KLCC, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur

Abstract: The young terraces fringing the Miri coastline from Miri to Bekenu are formed by lignitic sands, fossil wood,
and conglomeratic beds that contain reworked quartz pebbles derived from the older Tukau Formation. The sequence can
be subdivided into four sub-units: I. Basal Conglomerate, II. Sandstone with fossil wood and Ophiomorpha, III. Cross-
bedded lignitic sandstone, and IV. Bleached and weathered palaeosol. These sediments are indicative of a transgressive
near-shore, fluvial to marginal marine depositional environment, as water energy peaked in cross-bedded sandstone of Sub-
unit III. Radiometric C-14 based age determination in ten coastal locations indicates an age range from Late Pleistocene
to Early Holocene (28,570 + 230 to 8,170 + 50 years BP). Given the terraces were formed in the same environment, but
are now located at different elevations and appear to be block-faulted, it might imply significant tectonic movements in
the Holocene.

Keywords: terraces, Quarternary, Pleistocene, Holocene, Borneo, tectonics, Ophiomorpha, C-14 dating

INTRODUCTION there are no Tukau deposits on the Canada Hill, either due
Quarternary terrace deposits are very common along to non-deposition or erosion, and even the upper part of
the northern Sarawak coastline, often in conjunction with the Miri Formation is eroded. This observation points to
mangrove swamp, fluvial to marginal marine depositional the view, that a part of the Neogene sediment (upper Miri
environments, and these have been preserved on land, where Formation and Tukau Formation) has been eroded ahead
the terraces were uplifted above the present-day sea-level of the latest uplift, which supports the implication that the
(Kessler and Jong, 2011). The terrace deposits lie above a hill must have formed in relatively recent times. However,
marked angular unconformity that may have originated as oil industry workers have indicated from seismic and well
an intra-tidal abrasion surface (Kessler, 2005). Since 2009, data that most of the uplift occurred during the Pliocene
the Curtin University of Technology has carried out studies (post-Tukau Formation) until recent times. The potential
along outcrops flanking the new coastal road, between Miri presence of Quarternary tectonism, however, is particularly
and Niah (Figure 1). interesting from the angle of petroleum geology. Significant
In northern Sarawak, the terrace deposits were Quarternary tectonism would have considerable impact on
recognized early in the history of geologic research that hydrocarbon entrapment leading to potential fault movement
started at the onset of the 20th century, and are marked on and leakage of hydrocarbons trapped at the Miri Field.
Sarawak Oil Field’s maps (a precursor of Sarawak Shell) as This paper, in addition to characterize the depositional
early as 1930. Outside of the study area, terrace deposits are habitat of the terrace deposits also attempts, with the help of
reported near Sandakan (Lee, 1970), as well as near Kota additional field data and geo-chronological assessment, to
Belud, the Klias Peninsula and the Tutong area in Brunei find more evidence in support or otherwise of Quarternary
(Wilford, 1968). Liechti et al., (1960) mapped these terrace tectonism.
deposits at “low” and “medium” elevation overlying the
older Tukau, Lambir and Setap Shale Formations (Figure 2). STRATIGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGICAL SETTING
The current location of terrace deposits above present-day In the study area, located south of Miri along the coast
sea-level is also discussed by Tija (1983). Figure 3 shows (Figure 1), there may be more than one terrace levels (of
the Baram Delta stratigraphic nomenclature and schematic different location and different age); remnants of which are
lithostratigraphy of the study area. located SW of Miri near Kpg. Beraya, and can only be seen
In Miri, the Canada Hill is elevated up to almost 90 there. The largest terrace (this article) however, is a raised
m above mean sea level, and is formed by sandstones of beach shoulder, covers a coastal strip of 35 km length, and
the Miri Formation; remnants of terrace deposits are seen reaches typically 1 km wide inland, but occasionally extend
on the flanks and even on the top of hill, deposited above more than 10 km (in the Miri suburbs of Taman Tunku and
the eroded Miri Formation sandstones. It is also noted that Riam) towards inland. Sandal’s map (Figure 2) suggests
Franz L. Kessler & John Jong

that terraces in the Marudi area might also belong to the the coast (e.g., by block-faulting; Tija, 1983). However,
same system. The flat and sharp unconformity surface, the the currently available age data are insufficient for further-
base of the terrace deposits, was originated as a wave-cut reaching conclusions.
platform, perhaps similar to present-day examples along
the coast (Figure 4). Moving landwards, the fossil terrace Sedimentary Sequence of the Terrace Deposits
deposits exhibit a gradual thinning of the section, sometimes Under the assumption that we are dealing with one
onlapping against older formations. At one locality, a coastal single sedimentary sequence, there are a wide variety
beach conglomerate could be identified (Figure 5). In the of environments to be resolved ranging from episodic
Sungai Rait Valley (Sample Point No. 9), terraces are seen high energy (cross-bedded sand layers, quartz pebble
fringing a “palaeo-island”, with the core of the island formed conglomerates); lignite and tree trunks (very low energy
by weathered clastics of the Tukau Formation, which are marsh); desiccation cracks (intermediate drying-up of
particularly quartz-rich and hold many layers of quartz sediment), and a very meager fossil record (Ophiomorpha-
pebbles that formed an erosion-resistant hill. type only).
The terrace deposits overlie unconformably the older The tree trunks are possibly the best milieu-indicators,
Miri, Tukau and Lambir Formations (Figures 1 & 6); they indicating that the sedimentary environment was inter-tidal
are in general flat-lying, hence the different elevations to supra-tidal. The tree-trunk layer is characterized by
above sea-level. Interestingly, the sea-level curve in Figure fine-medium sand, and contains Ophiomorpha burrows,
7 shows a drop in the Pleistocene, followed by a gradual possibly Callianassa sp. The tree-trunk layer lies often
sea-level rise until present-day. For this reason, given there buried beneath a high energy coarse-grained sand, that is
was no higher sea-level observed during the last 30,000 conglomeratic in places.
years compared to present-day, the current locations of the
terrace deposits cannot be explained by sea-level changes,
but point instead towards differential uplift in segments of

Figure 2: Geological map of the Miri – Bekenu terrace areas, after

Sandal, 1996 (modified after Liechti et al., 1960). The map shows the
distribution of the terrace deposits (pale-blue). Heights of terraces
are shown as l=low (<15 m), m=medium (15-30 m).

Figure 1: Top - Google Earth view of the Baram Delta, Miri City,
and coastal areas. The inland-boundary of the studied terraces, is
shown as an orange line. Arrows show sample points and numbers.
Bottom - sketch that shows the relative elevation of the terraces in
respect to position above sea-level, and the underlying formations.
The width of the purple colour indicates measured thickness of the
terraces deposits. The lowest elevation of the terraces above sea- Figure 3: Baram Delta stratigraphic nomenclature and schematic
level is noted near Bakam, where the underlying Tukau Formation lithostratigraphy of northern Sarawak with key onshore exploration
has maximum thickness. wells (Nippon Oil).

28 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 60, December 2014

Habitat and C-14 ages of lignitic terrace deposits along the northern Sarawak Coastline

These high energy sediments formed in either brackish

or freshwater environments – there is no indication of
marine fossils, and the abundance of lignite is indicative for
marshlands behind the coastline. The cross-bedded sands
might be seen as relatively short-term events, in which
periodic rivers (crevasse splay of a larger river system?)
eroded lignitic marsh sediments, and deposited the mixed
sediment load in a near-shore area. Occasionally, muddy
intervals have preserved desiccation cracks.
The facies-indicative value of the Ophiomorpha fossils
is controversial (Frey et al., 1978). This view, however, is
somewhat moderated by Pollard et al. (1993), who made
a strong case for three Ophiomorpha facies zonations. In
balance, a dense Ophiomorpha population (also referring
to the recent occurrence of in-situ Ophiomorpha-type crab
burrows on the present-day northern Sarawak coast) is Figure 4: Present-day wave-cut platform in Pantai Bungai, 3 km
suggestive for a facies range between shallow sub-tidal to south of the last terrace deposit. Low tide exposes here a platform
brackish water coastal lagoonal environments. So-far, no strip more than 100 m wide, with the uppermost folded Setap
other fossils have been found, but one has to consider the Formation (Middle Miocene) being truncated. In the Pleistocene,
possible leaching and removal of calcite from this relatively wave-cut platforms seem to have occupied large areas, due to an
implied sea-level fall.
acidic sediment.
The likely habitat of the terrace deposits is near-shore
to supra-tidal occurred within freshwater-brackish lagoons;
overlying a basal conglomeratic lag as indicated by the
existence of reworked quartz pebbles. Indeed, the underlying
Tukau Formation contains frequent quartz conglomerate
layers, notably in the Bakam and Sungai Rait area, where
the Tukau Formation forms “palaeo-islands” that were
surrounded by marshlands documented in the terraces. In
the same area, and a little further SW, quartz pebble layers,
probably reworked from the underlying Tukau Formation
dominate also the terrace deposits. On the contrary, quartz
pebbles are less frequent and far smaller-sized in the now-
elevated terraces of the Canada Hill area, where Tukau
Formation sediments are either completely absent, or very
thin and nearly devoid of quartz conglomerates. Hence there
appears to be a positive correlation between the existence
of quartz pebbles in the terrace deposits, and those in the
subcropping Tukau Formation.
The terrace deposits can be described as a sequence
between 1.5 and 7.5 m thick. In most outcrops, only parts of
the sequence can be studied. Complete profiles can only be
logged in the area of Beraya/Coastal Road (Samples Point
No. 6, 7, and 10 – ‘m’ terraces on Sandal’s map, Figure
2). The sequence is flat-lying; in some areas the sediment
dips with less than 5°, possibly resulting from de-watering
and soil compaction processes. From several excellent
outcrops along the coastal road from Miri to Bintulu, the
terrace sequences can be divided schematically into four
sub-units (Figure 8), which are described in detail below.
Figure 9 shows examples for each of the cited environmental Figure 5: Top - weathered terrace outcrop near to Sample Point No.
6, displaying cross-bedded sands alternating with lignitic beds, and
frequent quartz conglomerates, in Sub-unit III. Bottom - Massive
conglomerate, some 3 m thick, with extensive Fe-oxide cementation,
Sub-unit I: Basal conglomerate (Figure 10) probably formed at a palaeo-beach. The conglomerate (lower half of
Sub-unit I is a basal conglomeratic layer consisting of photo) overlies the Lambir Formation (cutting upper half of photo)
conglomerate with quartz pebbles, interbedded with medium- consisting of vertical beds of claystone. Inset shows a 15 kg block
to coarse-grained sandstones, and siltstones which exhibits of conglomerate with very large rounded pebbles.

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 60, December 2014 29

Franz L. Kessler & John Jong

desiccation cracks and bioturbation, and devoid of any coaly

materials. This sub-unit varies from 0.5 to 1 m thick (where
present), and overlies unconformably the older Setap Shale,
Lambir, Tukau or Miri Formations. The sediments are mainly
semi-consolidated sand, silt and claystones containing large
clasts and pebbles (conglomerate); desiccation cracks are
seen on several clay-rich beds, in the lower part of the unit.
These cracks are an indicator for a thorough drying, probably
in excess of a typical low-tide period, hence indirectly point
toward the proximal inter-tidal, or even a supra-tidal realm
of sedimentation.

Sub-unit II: Sandstone with fossil wood and

Ophiomorpha (Figure 11)
Sub-unit II is well-exposed in several locations along
the Coastal Road, but is not present in the outskirts of Miri
(Taman Tunku, Riam, Tanjong Lobang). The layer is between
0.5 and 1.5 m thick. The medium-grained sand layers are
mostly dark-amber colored, whilst the coarse-grained and
cross-bedded sands are light-brown coloured. Bioturbation
is quite common, but confined to Ophiomorpha-type crab
burrows. In several layers, tree trunks and their roots are
preserved. The sediment is semi-consolidated. Ophiomorpha
burrows, which indicate an aquatic environment, are
commonly found in coastal sediments (both stenohaline
Figure 6: Top - Headland Dua, beach SW of Miri, Tusan Cliff and brackish), but possibly also in freshwater lagoons and
area. Note the razor-sharp abrasion unconformity above the 50° swamps.
NW dipping Lambir sandstone, and the dark sands of the terrace,
above the unconformity. The shown picture makes the case for a Sub-unit III: Cross-bedded lignitic sandstone (Figure
marine wave-cut platform. Bottom - Tukau Formation (low dip) 12)
above Miri Formation (vertical). The Pliocene Tukau Formation, This unit has the largest regional distribution of the
that reaches a thickness of estimated > 300 m near Bakam, thins four described sub-units, only thickness and the amount
in NE direction towards Miri. In the suburb of Lopeng (picture),
the Tukau deposits are only a few metres thick, and overly steeply
dipping Late Miocene Miri Formation. The Tukau Formation is
formed by fine- and medium-grained sand, and does not contain any
quartz pebble conglomerates. No Tukau sediments are observed on
the Canada Hill, either due to non-deposition or erosion.

Figure 7: Eustatic sea-level curve for the Pliocene-Holocene period,

modified after Pillans et al. (1998). The dated terrace unit (red
rectangle indicates the age range of dated terrace deposits) coincides Figure 8: Schematic column of the terraces deposits. The picture
with a mild drop, followed by a rapid and significant sea-level rise. shows the four Sub-units (I, II, III and IV), which are described in text.

30 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 60, December 2014

Habitat and C-14 ages of lignitic terrace deposits along the northern Sarawak Coastline

of quartz pebble components vary. In the terrace deposit sand to hard, consolidated sandstone. The cross-bedded
at the Beraya Boathouse (near Sample Point No. 7), Sub- lignitic sands contain quartz pebbles, and were deposited
unit III reaches a thickness of 4 m, which is the largest in a high energy, probably fresh water, near-shore fluvial
thickness seen in the study area. This sub-unit is cross- channel system.
bedded, contains varying amounts of lignite and quartz
pebble conglomerates within the cross-bedded sequence.
This layer is devoid of any bioturbation. Quartz clasts are
milky-white, more rarely clear crystalline quart and probably
stems from eroded quartz dykes and quartz layers within
the anchi-metamorphic Rajang Group. Among the medium-
grained sands, possible (< 1%) volcanic glass fragments and
heterolithics are observed. The sediment varies from loose

Figure 10: Sub-unit I basal conglomerate above an unconformity,

which truncates vertical beds of the Tukau Formation below. The
unconformity surface (red dashed line) in the centre of the picture
is interpreted as a wave-cut platform.

Figure 11: Sub-unit II sandstone with fossil wood and Ophiomorpha

beds, deposited in a shallow sub-tidal to brackish water costal
lagoon environments.

Figure 9: Facies indicators of the terrace deposits (location near to

Sample Point No. 6). Top – Sub-units II-IV: Terraces, SW of Miri.
Layered sand beds with in-situ fossil wood stems, and roots. The
tree trunks appear to be mostly located in patches within the lower
one third of the terrace deposits. Centre – Sub-unit I: desiccation
cracks are seen on several clay-rich beds, in the lower part of the
sequence. These cracks are an indicator for a thorough drying,
probably in excess of a typical low-tide period, hence indirectly
point toward the proximal inter-tidal, or even a supra-tidal realm
of sedimentation. Bottom – Sub-unit II: Ophiomorpha burrows,
which indicate an aquatic environment, and are commonly found Figure 12: Sub-unit III cross-bedded lignitic sands with quartz
in coastal sediments (both stenohaline and brackish), but possibly pebbles, deposited in a high energy, probably fresh water, fluvial
also in freshwater lagoons and swamps. channel system.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 60, December 2014 31
Franz L. Kessler & John Jong

Table 1: Summary of the 10 sampled terrace locations for radiometric C14 age dating. Samples were taken mainly from Sub-units II
(fossil wood), and Sub-unit III (lignitic cross-bedded sands) given their organic content.
Sample Northing Easting Altitude (m) Above formation, Thickness Area C-14 Age
Index dip, dip direction (years BP)
1 04° 13.596’ 113° 55.149’ 18 20° NW, Tukau >1m Sewa Yaya 24,150 ± 170
2 04° 19.757’ 113° 59.931’ 23 5° NW, Tukau >1m Taman Tunku 25,580 ± 190
3 04° 15.174’ 113° 55.758’ 14 13° NW, Tukau >2m Bakam Sandpit 18,880 ± 140
4 04° 21.996’ 113° 58.160’ 38 30° NW, Miri > 1.5 m Miri Jalan Tanjung 24,140 ± 170
5 04° 21.107’ 113° 59.801’ 30 Probably Tukau >2m Riam 28,570 ± 230
6 04° 09.140’ 113° 51.169’ 23 80° NW, Lambir 2-3 m Coastal road 8,880 ± 50
7 04° 02.153’ 113° 53.555’ 17 70° NW, Lambir 2-3 m Coastal Road 16,360 ± 80
8 04° 07.403’ 113° 49.289’ 22 50° NW, Lambir 1-2 m Tusan Cliff 15,550 ± 80
9 04° 15.293’ 113° 56.955’ 21 25° NW, Tukau 1-2 m Sungai Rait Valley 11,230 ± 60
10 04° 11.376’ 113° 52.708’ 16 45° NW, Tukau >4m Beraya Boatshouse 8,170 ± 50

Sub-unit IV: Bleached, weathered palaeosol Table 2: Percentage of lignite within the terrace deposit.
This sub-unit occupies the top section of the terrace
deposits, and is commonly composed of loose, white sand, Area Lignite (weight %, range)
often more than 2 m thick. The original texture within this Bakam 5 – 10 ( 6 samples)
layer is difficult to reconstruct, since the unit is heavily Tanjung Lobang 6.5 – 7.3 (6 samples)
bleached and components other than quartz have been Coastal Road, Beraya 4.45 (1 sample)
removed. The occurrence of quartz pebbles is noted. Possibly, Coastal Road, SG Uban 0.58 – 7.71 (6 samples)
Canada Hill 2.8 – 4.4 (8 samples)
the layer was formed originally by lignitic sandstone such
as described in Sub-unit III.
The sediment was found to be relatively rich in antimony
SAMPLE ANALYSIS and tin for trace elements (Table 3). However, currently
Lignitic sandstone samples collected from 10 terrace there is no explanation for their richness in the terrace
locations (Figure 1) were extracted, and studied by the sediments and further studies will be required to study the
authors, assisted by Curtin University students undertaking provenance of both trace elements. The samples do not
their final year B.Sc. mapping project. Coordinates and other contain any bitumen (no color change with toluene, and
parameters of sample locations are summarized in Table 1. offer no fluorescence under UV lamp).
The following laboratory tests were carried out: analysis
of carbon content; sediment composition and petrography; C-14 Age Determination
and composition of lignite. In addition, C-14 ages were Field observations, in the context of stratigraphy, the
determined by the Poznan Radiocarbon Laboratory (Poland). presence of buried wood and degree of minor compaction
suggested that the sediments might possibly be younger than
Burning/Combustion Tests and Percentage of 50,000 years, allowing for the radiometric C-14 analysis
Lignite to be used for age dating of the terrace deposit samples.
Several samples were taken from Sample Point No. 6 The summary of sample locations and the results of C-14
and 7 of Sub-units II and III to analyze the amount of organic analysis are indicated in Table 1, which include age dates
material. Examination of the organic-rich material under the and uncertainty ranges. The data (all samples are taken from
microscope showed the lignitic clasts are equally distributed Sub-units II and III) indicate a range of ages from Late
between sand grains, probably due to sorting within the Pleistocene to Early Holocene (28,570 + 230 to 8,170 + 50
shoreface environment. Lignitic (weight) percentage in years BP). This means the terrace sediments were deposited
the sediment is established as follows: A lignite-bearing during a period of continuous sea-level rise, and that their
sample is dried, and then heated to 800°C, for 5 minutes. current elevation above sea-level suggests that uplift took
Ash is removed by sieving, and the weight of the lignite- place in recent times.
free sediment compared to the original sample weight. The
lignite percentage (weight) was found to be in the range of DISCUSSION OF RESULTS
2 to 10 % (Table 2). Given the terraces are found at very different elevations,
one would argue that they cannot originate from a sea-
Trace Elements (XRF Analysis) level change alone. Broadly speaking, the dated sediments
The coaly sediment (Sub-unit III, Sample Point No. 1, correspond to an interval of mild sea-level drop, followed by
Sewa Jaya) was also analyzed using a hand-held XRF tool. a rapid and significant sea-level rise (Figure 7). The sediment

32 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 60, December 2014

Habitat and C-14 ages of lignitic terrace deposits along the northern Sarawak Coastline

Table 3: Trace element composition of lignite-bearing terrace perhaps mangrove estuaries, and characterize a generally
sediments (measurement 1, measurement 2), from Sewa Jaya S of low energy environment, comparable to the present-
Miri, Sub-unit III. Note the relative abundance of Sb, Sn and the day Brunei Bay. This unit might equate to a highstand
complete lack of Fe, as a result of bleaching and quantitative removal. system tract (HST).
ELEMENT ppm (+/-) ppm (+/-) III This cross-bedded, fine-medium grained sand, and
Sb 150.90 63.30 107.30 68.20 occasionally pebble-rich unit contains significant
Sn 161.40 47.20 94.90 50.50 amount of lignite; hence constitutes a layer of reworked
marshland under temporarily elevated water energy, as
Cd 71.20 23.80 56.10 25.70
for instance caused by a crevasse splay occurring on a
Ag 19.60 17.70 7.80 19.10 broken levee in the hinterlands. Possibly this unit might
Rb 1.70 2.30 1.10 2.40 correlate to an HST, but there is insufficient proof for
Se 3.00 3.00 2.30 3.10 such a conclusion.
Hg 0.20 4.40 0.40 4.80 IV Bleached and weathered palaeosol. Composition and
texture of this member is similar to Sub-unit III, however
Co 6.40 33.20 1.40 36.30
the rock has been bleached, with both lignite contents
Mn 1.60 53.20 0 51.70 and iron removed from the sediment.
Cr 0.60 77.70 14.00 85.90 Radiometric C-14 based age determination was carried
out in ten coastal locations, and samples were taken from
the organic-rich layers of Sub-units II and III . Data from
is marginal-marine to non-marine, and was deposited above C-14 analysis indicate an age range from Late Pleistocene
a marine abrasion platform. Possibly, the formation of the to Early Holocene (28,570 + 230 to 8,170 + 50 years BP).
terraces originated as a sea-level lowstand, as recorded by Given the terraces are found on several elevations, it implies
the documented shift in facies, followed by a sea-level rise, significant tectonic movement(s) after the Late Pleistocene/
and later, differential uplift of coastline segments due to Early Holocene period. The highest terrace deposits, dated
tectonic activity such as fault rejuvenation. The magnitude Pleistocene have been found on Canada Hill (Sample point
of faulting is best illustrated in the area of Miri City, where No. 4, Jalan Tanjung), which could indicate a particular
terraces are found at some 38 m (Jalan Tanjong, lower tectonic setting for the Canada Hill area.
Canada Hill), and the upper Canada Hill plateau (ca. 90 m).
As always, new data resolve problems but raise new ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
questions. One particular important question is, whether the We would like to thank Nippon Oil for contributing
terrace deposits constitute one single unit of sediments, or to Curtin’s R & D fund sponsorship, including the C-14
are composed by several distinct units welded together. A analysis. Gratitude is extended to the students of the Curtin
preliminary data analysis suggests, that samples taken near University’s petroleum geology program final year class
to the base of the laminated-lignitic sandstone sequence (2010) for their enthusiasm and dedication for both field
(Sub-unit II), are always delivering relatively old age values, studies and laboratory tests. We also like to thank Prof.
mostly around 20,000 years. Younger values (Holocene) are Denis Tan and Dr. Peter Barber for helpful constructive
found in sections of Sub-unit III in the greater Beraya area, reviews of an earlier version of the manuscript, whilst useful
where the sub-unit reaches its maximum thickness. Could it discussions on terrace deposits in the study area with Dr.
be that we are dealing here with a younger sequence that is Mario Wannier and Dr. Maarten Wiemer (Shell) are also
particular to this area only? It seems possible, and therefore gratefully acknowledged.
more C-14 and possibly other age dating methodologies
will be required to better answer this important question. REFERENCES
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34 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, Volume 60, December 2014

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