Corynebacterium Diphtheriae Infections Currently

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PRZEGL EPIDEMIOL 2015; 69: 439 - 444 Problems of infections

Aleksandra Anna Zasada



Department of Bacteriology, National Institute of Public Health

– National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland


Along with the introduction of common obligatory vaccinations against diphtheria, the disease has been
limited in developed countries. However, diphtheria is still endemic in developing countries. Due to a growing
popularity of visiting these countries, there is a risk of importation of the disease to Europe. Studies revealed
that over 60% of persons aged > 40 years in the Polish population do not have a protective level of antibodies
against diphtheria. Furthermore, an access to diphtheria antitoxin, which is essential in diphtheria treatment, is
now hardly accessible in Europe.
On the other hand, in many countries, including Poland, new infections caused by non-toxigenic Corynebac-
terium diphtheriae have been emerged. Such infections are frequently manifested by bacteraemia and endocarditis
with a high fatality rate, amounting even to 41%.

Key words: diphtheria, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, invasive infection, vaccination


Corynebacterium diphtheriae is a Gram-positive, STRAINS
aerobic, pleomorphic coccobacillus, frequently with
club-shaped edges. Based on the colony morphology Toxigenic C. diphtheriae strains cause the disease
and biochemical properties, four C. diphtheriae biotypes called diphtheria. Depending on the anatomic site
were described: gravis, mitis, intermedius and belfanti involved, there are the following manifestations of
(1, 2). Until recently, strains capable of producing diph- diphtheria: pharyngeal, laryngeal, aural, nasal, cutane-
theria toxin were exclusively considered to be patho- ous, conjunctival, umbilical and genital. The disease is
genic for humans. C. diphtheriae acquires the potential transmitted through respiratory droplets or direct contact
to produce diphtheria toxin through the lysogenization with an infected person or carrier, their secretions or
with corynebacteriophage carrying tox gene. Recently, objects that were in contact with the infected person or
severe infections caused by non-toxigenic strains are carrier. During the course of diphtheria bacteria colonize
also reported. Its course is considerably different com- locally the mucosa. Usually, they do not permeate the
pared to diphtheria (3). tissues, however, the toxin, which is produced by these
Irrespective of the fact that pathogens belonging to bacteria, is absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed
Corynebacterium are prevalent in environment – soil, throughout the whole organism. Pharyngeal and laryngeal
plants, skin and mucosa of humans and animals - C. diphtheria are the most common manifestations of this
diphtheriae is present nearly only in humans. Recently, disease. Following a short period of incubation, lasting
however, it was observed that horses and other domestic for 2-5 days, fever and sore throat are present. At the
animals, including cats and dogs, may also be the car- site of colonization on the mucosa of the pharynx and
riers of this pathogen (4-6). larynx, necrotic membranes appear, i.e. pseudomem-
branes which are grey, translucent or black-coloured.
Any efforts to remove it cause bleeding. Simultaneously,
lymph nodes are enlarged. Neck’s size is increased (called

© National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene

440 Aleksandra A Zasada No 3

bull neck, proconsul neck or Neron neck). Formation and 219 to 1 186, respectively. At the time of occupation,
of pseudomembranes and considerable enlargement of no unified register of infectious diseases was held on
lymph nodes result in the narrowing of the pharynx and the territory of Poland. Immediately after the Second
larynx lumen. Consequently, it hinders swallowing and World War, i.e. 1945-1949, the number of cases varied
breathing. Toxin, which is produced by C. diphtheriae, from 13 713 to 22 510, including from 600 to 1 494
permeates the bloodstream and all organs. It causes an deaths. In 1950-1956, a large diphtheria epidemic was
early damage to the fibres of cardiac muscle and its present in Poland. During its peak, the number of cases
inflammation, conduction disorders and, possibly, heart ranged from more than 24 000 to nearly 44 000, while
block as well as demyelination of nerves which leads to the number of fatal cases varied from 1 600 to more
the paralysis of the palate and ocular muscles. Paralyses than 3 000 annually (13, 14). The number of cases
similar to those observed in case of the Guillain-Barré decreased considerably after introduction of common
syndrome may also be present (7, 8). vaccinations against diphtheria in the whole country in
Nasal, aural, conjunctival, cutaneous, umbilical 1954, (Figure 1). In 1981-2000, only single infections
and genital diphtheria occures due to the colonization were reported. Since 2001 up to the present time, no
of toxigenic C. diphtheriae strains on localized areas diphtheria cases were reported in Poland (14, 15).
such as wounds, abscesses, skin lesions. At these sites, It is worth to note that Poland was one of the first
inflammation is developed, accompanied by serosan- countries in Europe to introduce vaccinations against
guineous exudate, toxin production and formation of diphtheria. In 1930, diphtheria vaccinations were held
necrosis and pseudomembranes (7). in Warsaw, Łódź and Vilnius, and then, they were intro-
Diphtheria toxin is a potent toxin whose lethal dose duced to other regions of the country. During the Sec-
for susceptible species (i.a. human, monkeys, rabbits, ond World War, no diphtheria vaccinations were held.
guinea pigs) was determined at 100-150 ng/kg of body Following the WWII , vaccinations were not conducted
mass (9). Thus, a basic therapy of diphtheria consists in in a systematic manner. Furthermore, only one dose of
the neutralization of diphtheria toxin circulating in or- vaccine was mainly administered. It was not until the
ganism by administering appropriate doses of antitoxin. end of 1954, when the Ministry of Health commenced
It neutralizes only unbound toxin, i.e. toxin which has the mass vaccinations. All children aged 4 months to 7
not fixed to the host organism cells, thus, early initiation years were subject to obligatory vaccinations. Primary
of therapy with antitoxin is of importance (10). Unfor- immunization schedule included the administration of
tunately, diphtheria antitoxin is now hardly accessible in three doses of vaccine at specific intervals, and then,
both Europe and America as the majority of producers booster doses every 3-4 years (13).
stopped to manufacture it. Only few producers world-
wide with examples being Microgen (Moscow, Russia)
and Vins Bioproducts (Hyderabad, India) still produce DIPHTHERIA WORLDWIDE
diphtheria antitoxin (11, 12).
A number of countries in Africa, South America,
Asia, South Pacific, Middle East, Eastern Europe as
DIPHTHERIA IN POLAND well as Haiti and the Dominican Republic remain to be
endemic areas for diphtheria (16). In Europe, the largest
In 1919-1937, the number of diphtheria cases and diphtheria epidemic in the recent time was reported in
deaths due to this disease ranged from 1815 to 23 470 the countries of the former USSR in the 90s of the last













Fig. 1. Number of diphtheria cases in Poland in 1954-1980 (Gałązka A) (14).

Fig. 1. Number of diphtheria cases in Poland in 1954-1980 (according to Gałązka A (14)).
No 3 Corynebacterium diphtheriae infections currently and in the past 441

Fig. 2. Geometric mean of anti-diphtheria toxin antibody titre in Polish population by age groups (23).

century. In the peak of the epidemic in 1995, a total of against diphtheria resulted not only in a decrease of
Fig. 2. Geometric mean concentration of diphtheria toxoid antibodies in the Polish population according to the age groups (23).

50 425 cases and nearly 1 500 deaths were registered incidence, but also a shift of incidence to the elder age
(17). Overall, in 1990-1996, more than 150 000 in- groups as a lack of contact with this pathogen prevented
fections and nearly 4 500 fatal cases were noted (14). from acquiring the active immunity through being
In the present time, diphtheria occurs sporadically in repeatedly exposed to the infection with toxigenic C.
the developed countries. According to the data of the diphtheriae (21).
World Health Organization, a total 4 680 of diphtheria Current obligatory immunization schedule in Po-
infections were reported in 2013 worldwide. Based on land indicates to administer 7 doses of vaccine against
the ECDC data, 20 diphtheria cases were notified in diphtheria at the age of 2, 3-4, 5-6, 16-18 months and
2011 in Europe. These cases were reported in Latvia then 6, 14 and 19 years (22). In case of adults, it is rec-
(6 cases), France (5 cases), Germany (4 cases), Sweden ommended to be given a booster dose every 10 years.
(4 cases), Great Britain (2 cases) and Lithuania (1 case). According to the WHO data, 96-99% of children are
It is worth to note that the highest number of diphtheria given primary vaccinations against diphtheria in Po-
cases in Europe in the recent years is reported in Latvia land. Study conducted by Zasada et al. (23), however,
which is considered to be an endemic area for diphtheria, suggest that only 64% of children aged up to 5 years
e.g. in 2007 and 2008 a total of 15 and 28 cases were have a protective level of antibodies against diphtheria.
registered there, respectively, while the total number Along with the administration of successive doses of
of diphtheria infections in Europe was 21 in 2007 and vaccine, the percentage of immunized persons increases.
42 in 2008 (18). Its value is the highest in the 19-25 age group, i.e. fol-
Epidemiological data suggest that a more common lowing the administration of the last obligatory does of
cause of diphtheria in developed countries is not C. vaccine against diphtheria. In this group, nearly 83%
diphtheriae, but C. ulcerans which also has the potential of tested individuals had a protective level of anti-
to produce diphtheria toxin. For example, in 2000-2009, diphtheria toxin antibody. A dramatic decrease in the
43 toxigenic Corynebacterium strains were isolated anti-diphtheria toxin antibody titre was demonstrated in
from patients in Great Britain. Of them, 27 (63%) were persons aged > 40 years, where only 36% had antibody
C. ulcerans (19). In France, 12 C. ulcerans strains (63%) titre which ensures a basic protection. None of them had
were isolated from 19 cases infected with toxigenic antibody titre giving complete and long-term immunity
Corynebacterium in 2002-2008 (20). Having consid- against diphtheria (23). Figure 2 presents a geometric
ered the ECDC data on diphtheria in Europe in 2011 mean of anti-diphtheria toxin antibody titre in different
presented above, 7 cases were caused by C. ulcerans. age groups of the Polish population.


In the past, diphtheria was considered to be a child-
hood disease as it was of the highest incidence and Until recently, non-toxigenic C. diphtheriae strains
fatality in this group (14). Widespread vaccinations were not considered to be pathogenic. In Europe and
442 Aleksandra A Zasada No 3








Toxigenic C. diphtheriae Non-toxigenic C. diphtheriae

Fig. 3. Number of toxigenic and non-toxigenic C. diphtheriae strains isolated in England and Wales in 1986-2013 (25).

America, however, serious invasive

Fig. 3. Number infections
of toxigenic causedC. diphtheriae
and non-toxigenic Department ofand
in England Bacteriology of the
Wales in 1986-2013 (25). NIPH-NIH for veri-

by these pathogens began to be reported in the 90s of fication. There is no obligation to notify the infections
the last century. Such cases were reported, i.a. in France, caused by non-toxigenic C. diphtheriae strains, thus,
Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain, Brazil, it may be presumed that the number of such cases is
Canada as well as Poland (4, 24). The most spectacular higher.
increase in the number of infections caused by non- The phenomenon observed suggests that non-
toxigenic C. diphtheriae was reported in England and toxigenic C. diphtheriae strains acquired the potential to
Wales where 8 toxigenic strains and 1 non-toxigenic permeate the tissues. It is worth to note that diphtheria
strain were isolated in 1986. Then, the number of iso- vaccine contains diphtheria toxoid, thus, it prevents
lated non-toxigenic strains began to increase dramati- from the action of diphtheria toxin, however, it does
cally in the 90s while in 2000 it amounted to 294. At not protect against the infection with non-toxigenic
that year, only one toxigenic strain was isolated (25, 26). strains. Studies demonstrate that the homeless, persons
Nowadays, the number of non-toxigenic C. diphtheriae addicted to alcohol, people who inject drugs, individu-
strains isolated in England and Wales annually amounts als suffering from diabetes, cirrhosis and those having
to several dozens (Fig. 3). massive dental caries are at a risk of invasive infection
In Poland, the first case of bacteraemia and en- with non-toxigenic C. diphtheriae strains. It is assumed
docarditis due to non-toxigenic C. diphtheriae strain that dental caries may be a portal of entry for invasive
was reported in 2004. Since that time, such cases are infection with C. diphtheriae (3). In cases of invasive
noted every year (3, 27). Figure 4 shows non-toxigenic infections with non-toxigenic C. diphtheriae strains, fa-
C. diphtheriae cases whose isolates were sent to the tality rate is very high and amounts to 36-41% (28, 29).

Number of patients

≤15 16-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 ≥71
Age (years)

Male Female
Fig. 4. Number of non-toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae infections in Poland in 2004–2012 (excluding 5 cases for
whom age is not available) (3).
Fig. 4. Number of non-toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae infections in Poland in 2004–2012. Excluded are 5 cases for which no data a
age were available (3).
No 3 Corynebacterium diphtheriae infections currently and in the past 443

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