Read Instructions Carefully Before Attempting Use Black or Blue Pen Write Your Name in Block Letters Attempt All Questions Time Allocated 3 Hrs

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Patrick Sana School of Nursing

City Clinic – Port Louis

Certificate in Assistant Nurse Class Test 16th December 2010

Student name……………………………………..

Read instructions carefully before attempting

Use black or blue pen
Write your name in block letters
Attempt all questions
Time allocated 3 hrs
Part 1

1. The nurse must wear gloves when:

A. Feeding a client
A. Doing a care of the perineum
B. Giving a backrub
C. Helping the patients in exercising in bed

2. A nurse is assigned to the care of a patient who is agitated. The nurse SHOULD:
A. Speak loudly so that the patient can hear her
B. Ask to be reallocated another patient
C. Talk in a slow, calm, reassuring manner
D. Tell the client to be quiet

3. A patient confide his offers a nurse five hundred rupees notes as a thank you for all
that the nurse has done. The nurse SHOULD
A. Take the money so as not to offend the client
B. Politely refuse the money
C. Take the money and share it with other nurses.
D. Ask the patient to buy something for her instead.

4. In giving care according to a patient Bill of Rights, a nurse SHOULD:

A. Provide privacy during personal care
B. Open the patient mail without permission
C. Use the patient’s personal possession for another patient
D. Prevent the patient from complaining about care.
5. A heavy patient needs to be repositioned and the nurse is not sure that she will be able
to manage. The nurse should:
A. Try to move the patient by herself
B. Have the family to do it
C. Ask another nurse for assistance
D. Go on to another task

6. While using the arm lift to move up a patient to a sitting up position in bed, two nurses
A. Grasp hands below the pelvis and lower chest.
B. Place patient’s arms at the back of their shoulders.
C. Lift the patient with a sheet
D. Ask the patient to use the monkey chain.

7.When transferring a patient, the nurse’s should support most of the patient’s weight
A. Back
B. Shoulder
C. Legs
D. Wrists

8. While moving and lifting patients, nurses should avoid the following to prevent sores
A. Using strength.
B. Friction
C. Good posture
D. Rolling and turning the patient.

9. Before moving or transferring a client, what assessment should the nurse make?
A. Client’s ability to assist
B. Good body mechanics
C. Good posture
D. Client’s psychological wellbeing.

10. Patient Jim needs to be sent for X-ray at the radiology department. To transfer him
from the bed to the wheelchair, the nurse should position the wheelchair:
A. Parallel to the bed
B. Right angle at the foot part
C. Any desired position
D. At the foot part of the bed

11. In pushing the stretcher, which of the following guidelines should be observed to
protect the client’s head in the event of collision?
A. Lock wheels of the bed
B. Push from the end where head is positioned
C. Fasten safety straps across the client
D. Raise the side rails on both sides
12. A patient is placed in the dorsal position
A. For inspection of her back.
B. Because she suffers from backache.
C. Because she has sustain an injury of the vertebral column.
D. For examination of the vagina.

13. To prevent a patient who is placed in the upright position to get pressure sores
A. Air rings are placed under the buttocks.
B. A bed table is placed over the bed.
C. The upper part of the bed is elevated up to 90 degrees.
D. A bed cradle is placed under the top beddings.

14. The Sim’s position is essential for an unconscious patient as it

A. Increases his level of comfort.
B. Prevent the patient to acquire pressure sores.
C. Prevent the patient from axphysia.
D. Prevent the patient from vomiting.

15. A patient who has undergone a surgery of the chest is placed in the following
A. Prone
B. Tredenberg
C. Lithotomy
D. Sitting up

16. A fracture board is a necessary bed accessory for a patient who has
A. A fracture of the ulna and radius
B. Severe back ache
C. Difficulty to breath
D. Oedema

17. The nurse is caring to patients who have difficulty of breathing and some having heart
problems. The position of choice for these clients is:
A. Supine position
B. Trendelenburg position
C. Fowler’s position
iv. Orthopneic position

18. The primary purpose of bed making is

A. To make the ward appear neat.
B. To provide comfort to the patient.
C. To have time to talk to the patient.
D. To check for formation of bedsores.
19. The following is a type of bed commonly used in modern hospitals for a wide range
of patients
A. Unoccupied bed
B. Fowler’s bed
C. Orthopedic bed
D. Divided bed

20. While doing bed making the following equipment is used to place soiled bed linen.
A. A trolley
B. A wheel chair
C. A hamper bag
D. A chair

21. The following bed accessories is needed post operatively for a patient who had
undergone an amputation of the lower leg
A. Bed blocks and foot rest
B. Bed cradles and sand bags
C. Bed railings and bed board
D. Back rest and bed table

22. While doing bed making the nurse should not

A. Talk
B. Disturb the patient sleep
C. Shake bed linen vigorously
D. Ask patient to help.

23. The best way for a nurse to prevent transfer of microorganisms is:
A. Use of hand sanitizer
B. Disinfection of used materials
C. Hand washing
D. Health assessment

24. Patient X is in traction, in order to assess good circulation in the foot, the nurse must
palpate for:
A. Brachial pulse
B. Radial pulse
C. Posterior tibial
D. Femoral pulse

25. If hygiene is promoted and maintained, the individual has a feeling of all of the
following EXCEPT:
A. Comfort.
B. Shame and doubt
C. Well-being
D. Self-confidence

26.To stimulate the circulation of the blood in the scalp through massage, the nurse
should perform which of the following?
A. Bed bath
B. Back rub
C. Hair shampoo
D. Hair care

27. Infestation of the scalp with lice can cause all of the following except
A. Insomnia
B. Infection
C. Anemia
D. Stomatitis

28. Presence of lice in the scalp and hair is referred as

A. An infected head
B. A verminous head
C. A dirty head
D. An untidy head

29. The following principles can be used to wash a patient head in bed except
A. Turning the mattress under the head
B. Bring the patient head to the edge of the bed
C. Place a bowl of water on the bed near the patient head
D. Place a basin on a bed table placed over the bed.

30. A bed sore is also referred as a

A. Cold sore
B. Decumbitus ulcer
C. Pressure area
D. Infection of the skin

31. A patient is prone to get pressure sores at the scapulae, occiput, elbows, sacrum and
coccyx while lying continuously of the following position
A. Supine
B. Dorsal
C. Lateral
D. Prone

32. Halitosis is a consequence of a dirty mouth. It is referred as

A. Loss of appetite
B. Inflammation of the mouth
C. Foul smelling breath
D. Inflammation of the tongue

33. Sodium bicarbonate is used in mouth care to

A. To freshen the mouth
B. To moisten the mouth
C. To promote blood circulation
D. To dissolve and remove crusts.

34. The right dilution for hydrogen peroxide for mouth care is
A. 1:10
B. 1:60
C. 1:30
D. 1:8

35. The following is a necessary equipment to be used in caring for the mouth of an
unconscious patient
A. An artery forceps
B. An airway
C. A mouth gag
D. A endotracheal tube

(70 Marks)

To be attempted on a separate sheet of paper and attached.
1. List four indications for mouth care.
2. List the requisites needed for caring for the mouth of a helpless patient.
3. Explain the procedure for mouth care
(30 marks)

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