The Excellence of The Teacher and The Use of New Devices and Trends in English Language Teaching

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BY: Yvonne G. Amahit



English is widely spoken global language. It is a global language in all areas

of the pure sciences, social sciences, arts, trade, business, commerce and
diplomacy. There is no exemption from this language. Moreover, without English
language we are unable to express and present our nation to a global forum of
nations. Says Matthews, 1989, we cannot communicate effectively without command
of English language. However, the current situation about the language acquisition
doesn’t meet the global standard. This issue has something to do with the teacher
and the educational system itself.

The positive impact of professional development of a teacher on a student’s

learning outcomes is an undeniable fact. The excellence of the teacher has
something to do with the achievement of the students. Thus, this triggers the
questions, “What is teacher’s quality? Does his/her quality adequate to train the
students on how to complete globally? Is the teacher equipped enough to use new

Change is inevitable and we cannot escape from that. New trends in

educational system shows up today. A trend is the general direction towards change.
The newer trends seem to have emerged in the field of education that have entirely
changed the fact of traditional way of educational system.

Recent trends, methodologies and developments portray the vital role of

educational sector. In addition, the educational process stress on quality above
quantity, increase in the adoption of technologies which are necessity for

In the last two decades, so many books have been published in English about
English Language teaching in general and in particular. These books view the
subject differently by presenting a plethora of voices trying to liberalize themselves
from the clutches of traditional methods of teaching. The innovation that the
researcher talks pertains both to methodology and materials used in language

The needs and requirements of both communication skills classroom is

constantly changing as per requirement of the industry and society. Indeed it is a
great challenged especially when the teacher bears the accountability of the
student’s career and development. Teacher factor is not the only reason of student’s
acquisition. Some of these are the language exposure, self-motivation, social media,
movies and technologies. However, there are variables that hinders other learners in
acquiring and learning the English language, among of these are not enough
resources of materials, internet connections, parental involvement and the transition
of Mother Tongue to English language instruction. Despite of these hindrances,
teacher quality is definitely one of the strongest and most influential factors on
learner’s development.

Furthermore, having not enough knowledge of using new technologies affect

the achievement of the student. Therefore, it is necessary that educators know and
well equipped in using the new trends of teaching today. The moment when K-12
Curriculum implemented, biggest change happened. Example of that are the
materials used and the way of teaching. However, there are some educators who
are not yet accustomed with the latest trend and has difficulty on adopting the new
trending way of teaching; specifically the use of technologies. This is a big
challenged for those teachers who are not yet familiarize about using technologies.
Likewise, it is not only the students need to adjust nevertheless also the teachers.

Successful teaching depends on any factors including the levels of

instructional resources available, staffing levels, continuing professional
development and support administrators and parents (Johnson, 1990).
Objectives of this synthesis paper:

 Define who the teacher is and what the quality of a teacher is.
 Deliberate the effective teaching styles and new trends
 Identifies the best teaching technique that can be used in the
classroom setting.


The professional teacher is the “licensed professional who possesses dignity

and reputation with high moral value as well as technical and professional
competence… s/he adheres to observes, and practices a set of ethical and moral
principles, standards and values.”(Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers, 1997)

What is teacher’s quality? What are the aspects of teacher’s quality? How can
the teachers acquire and maintain the said quality? These questions are tough to
answer, yet let us try to define and explore the importance of teacher’s excellence.
Proverbs 9:9 says “Give instruction to a wise man and he will be yet wiser: teach a
just man and he will increase in learning. It only means that the more we acquire
new learnings through instruction, the more we will become wiser. Also, the more
learning to gain will increase and enhance the knowledge we have.

Going back to 1900’s, teachers should personify virtue. With the changing
times, teachers are the transmitters of cultural and educational values. (International
Journal of English Language Teaching Vol.3, No.5, pp. 13-19, July 2015). For that
reason, teachers should bear in minds and perceives as someone who can effect or
change someone as an effective member and individual member of the society.
According to the book of Principles in Teaching 1, teachers should possess these
personal attributes; passion, humour, values and attitudes, patience and enthusiasm.

One of the guiding principles in the selection and the use of teaching
strategies, learning is a lifelong process. Meaning as long as we live we are always
learning. Educators also need learning enhancement to sharpen and to become
more effective and efficient inside the class; but the question is how? This will be
done through attending trainings, seminars, lectures, orientation and earns masters
education. Self-motivation, willingness to learn and constant practice are the
characteristics of a successful teacher.
Additionally, it is compulsory today to attend seminars, workshops and such
because of many innovation of teaching trends and techniques. A teacher needs
new learning for them to be reminded and in order for him/her to achieve the
excellence that the school needs.

Modern Trends Of Teaching English

Deena Boraie highlights that there are eight trends in teaching of English as
discussed further. “Change is the Goal of Teaching English” says Boraie “In my
opinion there are two key changes in the purpose of teaching English. Firstly, as
Penny Ur (2009) noted, the goal is to produce fully competent English knowing
bilinguals rather than imitation of native speakers. The purpose is not to aspire to
become native speakers of English because we are already native speakers of our
own but to focus on English as a means of communication. Secondly, English is not
viewed as an end in itself but as a means to learn content such as science and


With the proliferation of tablets and smart phones, it is believed that textbooks
will disappear in a few years. Furthermore, the access to knowledge in terms of
flexibility and mobility has changed drastically.


Many countries have started teaching English in earlier grades at school. For
example, since 2011, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam have introduced English from
Grade-IV. Also in 2011, Japan introduced English in the primary stage and in 2012,
Dubai introduced English in the KG stage instead of Grade-I.


Teaching in English language classes focuses on fostering the students‟

thinking as well as language content, outcomes and learning activities. There are
significant and complex student- teacher interactions inside and outside the
classroom. The ramification of learning is emerging as a way to make language
learning more engaging and relevant to the younger generation.


The conventional method of teaching wherein the teacher enjoys the

monopoly of teaching sometimes even obliterates the pressure of the learners. It is
Dewey (1938) who originated the term „learner centeredness‟ which has gained
popularity in the ELT. The Humanistic Approach which was developed during the
second half of the Communicative Language Teaching, developed in the 1960s and
1970s was an outcome of the desire to make language teaching more flexible and
more responsive to students (Tudor 1996, 7).


The third dimension of globalization which is inseparable from English

teaching is an advancement of Information and Communication Technology [ICT].
The field of the ELT has been deeply pervaded by the ICT. The easy access to
technology has made information possible for enhancement of learning programme
and about 80% of it is in English (MC – Crum. R. et al., 1986). At the outset, the
English teachers regarded internet as one of the alternative media to teach
language( Warschauer,1995). The followings are some of the ICT enabled teaching


A web based learning also called technology based learning/distance

learning/on line education/e learning is one of the fastest developing areas. It
provides opportunities to create well–designed, learner–centered, affordable,
interactive, officiate, flexible e-learning environment (khan, 2005). There are
thousands of English web based classes that offer trainings for a variety of basic
language skills such as Learning, Speaking, Reading and Writing and are made
interactive in a variety of ways. Some of the common technologies available for
promotion of education are as follows:

1. E-mail: The students can correspond with native speakers of the target
language using e mail by creating a personal email account (g-mail,
yahoo, hotmail, etc) which is free. The students can mail their home work
to the teachers concerned and get it corrected in turn. The teacher can
also provide revisions, feedback, suggestions for the betterment of every
work and send them back.
2. Blogs: A blog is a personal or professional journal frequently updated for
public consumption. The blogs enable uploading and linking the files which
is very much suited to serve as on line personal journals for students.
Pinkman (2005) indicates blogging becomes communicative and
interactive when participants assume multiple roles in the writing process,
as readers/reviewers who respond to other writers‟ posts, and as writers-
readers who, returning to their own posts, react to criticism of their own
posts. The readers in turn can comment on what they read, although blogs
can be placed in secured environments as well.
3. Skype: Every internet service has audio functions, and technological
instruments like laptops with cameras. The students could communicate
with their teachers and friends who are far away. Likewise, they could very
well communicate with the speakers of native language and get their
pronunciation checked so as to improve their speaking.
4. Mobile Phone: Learners can search for new words using dictionary option
in the mobile phones and enrich their vocabulary. They may verify the
spelling, pronunciation and usage of the specific word they searched for.
Moreover, they can use Short Message Service (SMS) to send queries to
their instructors and get their doubts cleared.
5. Ipods: Ipods, one of the multimedia devices, enhance the users to
generate, deliver, exchange texts, image, audio and video scripts as per
the requirement. The teachers send text messages and the students can
read and answer to them. In addition to this, the students can record and
listen to their speeches, poems, news, short stories etc. Thus, ipods give a
chance to the learners of English to improve their listening, pronunciation,
vocabulary, grammar and also writing.
Braj Kachru's Three Circles of English

A lot of linguists and educators provided perspectives and insights on the

spread of the English language across the world. One of the most popular models of
the spread of English would be the Three Circles of English by Braj Kachru.

The world renowned Indian linguist Braj Bihari Kachru is a Jubilee Professor
of Linguistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who coined the term
Word English, the concept of the English language as a global means of
communication in numerous dialects, and also the movement towards an
international standard for the language. World English is also referred to as Global
English, International English, Common English, Continental English, General
English, Engas (English as associate language), or Globish. In connection to World
English, Professor Kachru classified English into Three Circles based on its function,
teaching and learning around the world.

According to Professor Kachru, the Inner Circle is made up of countries

where English is the native language (ENL) of almost all of the speakers. This circle
represents the traditional, historical and sociolinguistic bases of English in regions.
The United States of America, England and Australia are examples of countries in
this circle. As a group, these countries are known to have English as their native
language or mother tongue.

The Outer Circle is composed of countries where English is used as a lingua

franca. This circle shows how the English language was spread through imperial
expansion by Great Britain in Asia and Africa. In these regions, English is not the
native tongue, but serves as a useful common language between ethnic and
language groups; a language that is mainly used as the medium of instruction for
professional and academic purposes. The Philippines, Nigeria, India and Singapore
are examples of countries in this circle. English was used to linguistically unify the
people in these countries as it was used in political instructions during the
colonization in the past. People in these countries basically inherited the practice of
using the English language from the imperial countries that once colonized them.
English has become a second language (ESL) among most of the people in the
countries in this circle.
The last circle is the Expanding Circle which is made of countries where
English plays no historical or governmental role. Nevertheless, these countries still
use English as a foreign language (EFL) used almost exclusively for international
communication. China, Russia, Japan, non-Anglophone Europe (especially the
Netherlands and Nordic countries), South Korea, Egypt and Indonesia are examples
of countries in this circle. At this time, it’s hard to hear people speak the English
language in the local streets of these countries but these countries are now
introducing English in their systems because of globalization.


The traditional method lays more emphasis on a teacher himself and is

teacher centered. Repetitive practice, mechanical drills and memorization are the
hallmarks of the traditional methods (Dr. Vitthal V. Parab). Basically, the interaction
between the students and students before is passive, wherein mostly the work is
done by the teacher only. Today is different. Due to the demand of globalization the
way of teaching has been changed constantly – even in teaching styles, techniques
and strategies.

Being a third world country is very degrading. There are stereotyping and
discriminations that Filipinos are dull. Aside from that, in terms of technologies we
are far from the advancement of the other countries. The question is, how can the
new generation cope and compete with globally if the educational system in our
country is weak? It is a big challenge for us teachers.

Teachers have a big accountability of the learners’ development. Therefore

teacher will also increase in knowledge, updated in terms of technologies and
strategies especially in English language teaching. Knowing, that English is not easy
to learn because it is foreign and we are not accustomed and familiarize in using it in
conversation and instruction.

I always heard comments about English that it is one of the boring subjects
we have in the Philippines. That’s why English language teachers shall use the
stated techniques above to make the class alive and active. This techniques will help
us teachers improve our teaching styles inside the classroom. Thus, teachers’ quality
has something to do with the learners’ achievement and development. Hence, what
the learners are, is also the teacher.


Dr. Vitthal V. Parab, Innovative Techniques, Methods & Trends in English Language
Teaching, IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 20, Issue
6, Ver. I (Jun. 2015),
Safary Wa-Mbaleka, EdD, PhD (2014) International Journal of Academic Research
in Progressive Education and Development June 2014, Vol. 3, No. 3 (Special Issue)
D. Swathi Patnaik, The Role of professional Development In Ensuring Teacher
Quality, International Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.3, No.5,

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