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WWCollection Assign
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Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
For Texas Wastewater Licensed Operators
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
The rules in Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Page 2 Chapter 217 - Design
Criteria for Domestic Wastewater Systems effect immediately before the effective date
of the amendments to this chapter are continued in effect for that purpose. (3) This
chapter does not apply to: (A) the design, installation, operation, or maintenance of
domestic wastewater treatment facilities, treatment units, collection systems, or
collection system units with plans and specifications that were approved by the
executive director on or before August 27, 2008, which are governed by Chapter 317 of
this title (relating to Design Criteria Prior to 2008) or design criteria that preceded
Chapter 317 of this title; and (B) systems regulated by Chapter 285 of this title (relating
to On-Site Sewage Facilities); or collection systems or wastewater treatment facilities
that collect, transport, treat, or dispose of wastewater that does not have the
characteristics of domestic wastewater, although the wastewater may contain domestic
(b) The executive director may grant variances from new requirements added by the
amendments of this chapter to a person who proposes to construct, alter, or re-rate a
collection system or wastewater treatment facility if the plans and specifications for the
project are submitted within 180 days after the date the amendments to this chapter are
effective, provided the plans and specifications comply with the rules in effect
immediately prior to the amendment. Adopted November 4, 2015 Effective December 4,
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Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
Texas Students Only
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the current TCEQ Criminal Conviction Guidelines for Occupational Licensing, which
describes the process by which the TCEQ’s Executive Director determines whether a criminal
renders a prospective applicant an unsuitable candidate for an occupational license;
warrants the denial of a renewal application for an existing license; or
warrants revocation or suspension of a license previously granted.
the right to request a criminal history evaluation from the TCEQ under Texas
Occupations Code Section 53.102; and
that the TCEQ may consider an individual to have been convicted of an offense for the
purpose of denying, suspending or revoking a license under circumstances described in Title 30
Texas Administrative Code Section 30.33.
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
Wastewater Collections Answer Key
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This course contains general EPA’s CWA federal rule requirements. Please be aware
that each state implements wastewater/safety/environmental /building regulations that
may be more stringent than EPA’s regulations. Check with your state
environmental/health agency for more information. These rules change frequently and
are often difficult to interpret and follow. Be careful to not be in non-compliance and do
not follow this course for proper compliance.
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
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Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
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Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
Wastewater Collections CEU Training Course Assignment
The Assignment (Exam) is also available in Word on the Internet for your Convenience,
please visit www.ABCTLC.com and download the assignment and e- mail it back to TLC.
You’ll have 90 days from the start of this course to complete in order to receive your
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We would prefer that you utilize the enclosed answer sheet in the front, but if you are unable to
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and make copy for yourself. You can e-mail or fax your Answer Key along with the Registration
Form to TLC. (S) Means answer may be plural or singular
2. The CWA makes it unlawful for any person to discharge any pollutant from a point source
into navigable waters unless a permit (NPDES) is obtained under the?
A. Act D. EPA
B. Water quality levels E. OSHA
C. Clean water legislation F. None of the Above
4. Which of the following terms primary objective is to restore and maintain the integrity of the
nation's waters?
A. Clean Water Act D. EPA still retains oversight responsibilities
B. Water quality levels E. Valuable wetlands and other aquatic habitats
C. Clean water legislation F. None of the Above
5. Which of the following terms focuses on improving the quality of the nation’s waters?
A. Clean Water Act D. Water quality standard(s)
B. EPA E. Public notification program(s)
C. Congress F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
6. Which of the following terms requires major industries to meet performance standards to
ensure pollution control; charges states and tribes with setting specific water quality criteria
appropriate for their waters and developing pollution control programs?
A. Clean Water Act D. EPA still retains oversight responsibilities
B. Water quality levels E. Valuable wetlands and other aquatic habitats
C. Clean water legislation F. None of the Above
7. The CWA provisions for the delegation by this term of many permitting, administrative, and
enforcement aspects of the law to state governments. In states with the authority to implement
CWA programs, the EPA still retains oversight responsibilities.
A. Clean Water Act or CWA D. EPA
B. Water quality levels E. Valuable wetlands and other aquatic habitats
C. Clean water legislation F. None of the Above
8. Which of the following terms is the primary federal law that protects our nation’s waters,
including lakes, rivers, aquifers, and coastal areas. Lake Erie was dying?
A. Clean Water Act D. Water quality standard(s)
B. EPA E. Public notification program(s)
C. Congress F. None of the Above
10. Which of the following terms occur every year, causing huge monetary losses, damage to
fish/shellfish beds, polluting groundwater, and decreased tourism?
A. Public health and water quality D. Dissolved organics
B. Disrepair E. Undesirable solids
C. 40,000 Sanitary sewage overflows SSOs F. None of the Above
11. Which of the following terms release raw sewage from the collection system before it can
reach a treatment facility?
A. Sanitary sewage overflows (SSOs) D. Management, operation, and maintenance
B. Wastewater E. Full compliance with the Clean Water Act
C. Clean decantible water F. None of the Above
12. Cities have used a wide variety of building materials, designs, and installation techniques,
which aren’t durable enough to withstand heavy, continuous use.
A. True B. False
13. The Management, Operation and Maintenance (MOM) Programs Project is a pilot
enforcement approach developed by?
A. Clean Water Act D. Water quality standard(s)
B. EPA E. EPA Region 4
C. Congress F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
14. A SSO is a release of untreated wastewater before the flow reaches a treatment plant.
SSOs pose a significant threat to public health and?
A. Public health and water quality D. Dissolved organics
B. Disrepair E. Certain compounds and undesirable solids
C. Water quality F. None of the Above
16. When a plant is properly maintained these bacteria or bugs eat the dissolved organics in
the water, thus removing?
A. Public health and water quality D. Dissolved organics
B. BOD, Ammonia, Nitrates, and Phosphorus E. Certain compounds
C. Sanitary sewage overflows SSOs F. None of the Above
17. The wastewater treatment process leaves extremely clean and reusable water that can be
injected back into the ground, sent to ponds or used for?
A. Irrigation D. Management, operation, and maintenance
B. Wastewater E. Full compliance with the Clean Water Act
C. Clean decantible water F. None of the Above
19. Which of the following terms can release untreated sewage into basements or out of
manholes and onto city streets, playgrounds, and into streams before it can reach a treatment
A. Deteriorating Sewer System D. Badly connected sewer service lines
B. Pipe Failure(s) E. SSOs
C. Destructive compounds F. None of the Above
20. Which of the following terms occasionally occur in almost every sewer system, even though
systems are intended to collect and contain all the sewage?
A. SSOs D. Poor sewer collection system management
B. Undersized Systems E. Back-ups and sewer overflows
C. Sewer Service Connections F. None of the Above
23. Which of the following terms: blocked, broken or cracked pipes, tree roots grow into the
sewer, sections of pipe settle or shift?
A. Deteriorating Sewer System D. Badly connected sewer service lines
B. Pipe Failure(s) E. Sanitary Sewer Overflows or (SSOs)
C. Destructive compounds F. None of the Above
24. Which of the following terms discharges occur at sewer service connections to houses and
other buildings; some cities estimate that as much as 60% of overflows comes from the service
A. SSOs occasionally occur D. Poor sewer collection system management
B. Undersized Systems E. Back-ups and sewer overflows
C. Sewer Service Connections F. None of the Above
25. Which of the following terms is improper installation, improper maintenance; widespread
problems that can be expensive to fix develop over time?
A. Deteriorating Sewer System D. Badly connected sewer service lines
B. Pipe Failure(s) E. Sanitary Sewer Overflows or (SSOs)
C. Destructive compounds F. None of the Above
27. Many municipalities have asked for national consistency in the way permits are considered
for wastewater discharges, including this term, and in enforcement of the law prohibiting
unpermitted discharges.
A. Deteriorating Sewer System D. Badly connected sewer service lines
B. Pipe Failure(s) E. SSOs
C. Destructive compounds F. None of the Above
29. Which of the following terms transport all of their wastewater to a sewage treatment plant,
where it is treated and then discharged to a water body?
A. MOM program(s) D. NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual
B. Combined sewer system(s ) E. Utility's CMOM or MOM programs
C. Utility's plan/schedule F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
30. Which of the following terms are designed to overflow occasionally and discharge excess
wastewater directly to nearby streams, rivers, or other water bodies?
A. Written MOM programs D. Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW)
B. Program goal E. Combined sewer systems
C. Water quality F. None of the Above
32. Which of the following terms when present and properly maintained, they support customer
service and protect system assets, public health, and water quality?
A. MOM programs D. Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW)
B. Program goal E. Combined sewer systems
C. Water quality F. None of the Above
33. Which of the following terms have goals directed toward their individual purposes. Progress
toward these goals is measurable, and the goals are attainable?
A. MOM program(s) D. Proper MOM programs
B. Combined sewer system(s ) E. Utility's CMOM or MOM programs
C. Utility's plan/schedule F. None of the Above
Available In Writing
34. The effectiveness of a MOM program quickly breaks down unless it is available in writing.
Personnel turnover and lapses in communication between staff and management can change
otherwise proper MOM programs to improper ones.
A. True B. False
37. If a utility owns treatment works or a pond system, then activities associated with the
management, operation, and maintenance of these facilities should also be included in the
A. True B. False
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
What are the elements of a proper Self-Audit?
Initial Assessment
38. Begin by performing a general assessment of the utility, and prioritizing the order of
programs to be audited. Which of the following terms may be useful references in making this
A. Written MOM programs D. Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW)
B. Program goal E. NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual and Guidance
C. Water quality F. None of the Above
Identify Deficiencies
41. Identify any permitted discharges which have occurred in the past seven years.
A. True B. False
Are there federal grants or other compliance assistance resources available to conduct a
44. Which of the following terms offers a number of financial resources to assist qualified
utilities in making improvements to their programs?
A. Utility's plan/schedule D. Both personnel and management
B. MOM Programs Self-Audit E. Office of Wastewater Management
C. SSOs F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
What other Damage can SSOs do?
45. Which of the following terms also damage property and the environment?
A. Utility's plan/schedule D. Both personnel and management
B. MOM Programs Self-Audit E. Capacity and/or reliability
C. SSOs F. None of the Above
46. Which of the following terms enter oceans, bays, estuaries, rivers, lakes, streams, or
brackish waters is their effect on water quality?
A. Self-audit results D. Raw sewage
B. Unpermitted discharges E. Infiltration and inflow
C. SSOs F. None of the Above
48. Reducing which of the following terms through system rehabilitation and repairing broken or
leaking service lines?
A. Self-audit results D. Raw sewage
B. Unpermitted discharges E. Infiltration and inflow
C. SSOs F. None of the Above
49. Enlarging or upgrading sewer, pump station, or sewage treatment plant capacity and/or?
A. Utility's plan/schedule D. Reliability
B. MOM Programs Self-Audit E. Preventative operations
C. SSOs F. None of the Above
51. Which of the following terms communities should address during sewer system master
planning and facilities planning, or while extending the sewer system into previously unsewered
A. Utility's plan/schedule D. Both personnel and management
B. MOM Programs Self-Audit E. Capacity and/or reliability
C. SSOs F. None of the Above
52. Which of the following terms include those occurring from unpreventable vandalism, some
types of blockages, extreme rainstorms, and acts of nature such as earthquakes or floods?
A. Utility's plan/schedule D. Unavoidable SSOs
B. MOM Programs Self-Audit E. Capacity and/or reliability
C. SSOs F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
CMOM Audits
53. CMOM will require regular, comprehensive audits, done by each facility. These audits will
help identify non-conformance to?
A. CMOM regulation(s) D. Preventative operations
B. Routine operation(s) E. Recurrent SSOs
C. NPDES permit authority F. None of the Above
54. If an SSO occurs, sanitary sewer facilities will be required to immediately notify the NPDES
permit authority, appropriate health agencies, state authorities, drinking water suppliers, and, if
necessary, the general public in the risk area.
A. True B. False
55. Facilities must post locations of this missing term and let the public know that the annual
report is available to them.
A. CMOM regulation(s) D. Preventative operations
B. Routine operation(s) E. Recurrent SSOs
C. NPDES permit authority F. None of the Above
57. Sewer systems are designed to maintain proper flow velocities with?
A. Design flow(s) D. Both wet and dry weather flows
B. Stormwater inflow E. Minimum head loss
C. I/I F. None of the Above
58. Which of the following terms may find it necessary to dissipate excess potential energy?
A. I/I D. Flow velocities and design depths of flow
B. Peak flow of population E. Higher elevations in the system
C. Wastewater F. None of the Above
59. Which of the following terms is determined largely by population served, density of
population, and water consumption?
A. Design flow(s) D. In flow
B. Stormwater inflow E. I and I
C. Flow F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
61. Most of the time the flow surface is exposed to the atmosphere within the sewer and it
functions as?
A. I/I D. Flow velocities and design depths of flow
B. Peak flow of population E. SSOs, surcharged lines, basement backups
C. An open channel F. None of the Above
62. Which of the following terms produces low pressure in the sewer system?
A. Surcharge D. Dry weather flows
B. Stormwater inflow E. Low pressure
C. I/I F. None of the Above
63. In order to design a sewer system, many factors are considered. The purpose of this topic
is to aid in the understanding of?
A. I/I D. Flow velocities and design depths of flow
B. Peak flow of population E. SSOs, surcharged lines, basement backups
C. Wastewater F. None of the Above
65. The capacity evaluation program evaluation begins with an inventory and characterization
of the?
A. I/I D. Flow velocities and design depths of flow
B. System components E. SSOs, surcharged lines, basement backups
C. Wastewater F. None of the Above
66. The system then undergoes general inspection which serves to continuously update and
add to the?
A. Design flow(s) D. Inventory information
B. Stormwater inflow E. Low pressure in the sewer system
C. I/I F. None of the Above
Capacity Limitations
67. The next step in the capacity evaluation is to identify the location of wet weather related
_________________, surcharged lines, basement backups, and any other areas of known
capacity limitations.
A. I/I D. Flow velocities and design depths of flow
B. Peak flow of population E. SSOs
C. Wastewater F. None of the Above
68. The reviewer should determine that the capacity evaluation includes an estimate peak
flows experienced in the system, an estimate of the capacity of this missing term, and
identifies the major sources of I/I that contribute to hydraulic overloading events.
A. Design flow(s) D. Both wet and dry weather flows
B. Stormwater inflow E. Key system components
C. I/I F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
69. The capacity evaluation should also make use of a hydraulic model; this will help identify
areas that need to alleviate?
A. I/I D. Flow velocities and design depths of flow
B. Peak flow of population E. SSOs, surcharged lines, basement backups
C. Capacity limitations F. None of the Above
70. A sewer inspection is an important part of a sewer system capacity evaluation and
determining your?
A. Design flow(s) D. Both wet and dry weather flows
B. Stormwater inflow E. Low pressure in the sewer system
C. I/I F. None of the Above
Flow Monitoring
71. Flow monitoring provides information on dry weather flows as well as areas of the collection
system potentially affected by?
A. I/I D. Flow velocities and design depths of flow
B. Peak flow of population E. SSOs, surcharged lines, basement backups
C. Wastewater F. None of the Above
72. Which of the following terms may also be performed for billing purposes, to assess the need
for new sewers in a certain area, or to calibrate a model?
A. Design flow(s) D. Both wet and dry weather flows
B. Stormwater inflow E. Flow measurement
C. I/I F. None of the Above
Flow Measurements
74. Base flow is generally taken to mean the wastewater generated without any?
A. Stoppages D. Inflow
B. Deposition of solids E. Any I/I component
C. Infiltration F. None of the Above
75. Which of the following terms is the seepage of groundwater into pipes or manholes
through defects such as cracks, broken joints, etc?
A. Velocity D. Blockage(s)
B. Infiltration E. Sewer cleaning
C. RII F. None of the Above
76. Which of the following terms is the water which enters the sewer through direct
connections such as roof leaders, direct connections from storm drains or yard, area?
A. Stoppages D. Inflow
B. Deposition of solids E. Any I/I component
C. Infiltration F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
77. Many collection system owners or operators add a third classification: rainfall induced
infiltration (RII).
A. True B. False
78. Although not from piped sources, this term tends to act more like inflow than infiltration.
A. Stoppages D. Inflow
B. Deposition of solids E. RII
C. Infiltration F. None of the Above
79. Other methods of inspecting flows may be employed, such as visually monitoring manholes
during low-flow periods to determine areas with?
A. Velocity D. Blockage(s)
B. Infiltration E. Excessive I/I
C. RII F. None of the Above
Flow Capacity
80. Most sewers are designed with the capacity to flow quarter full for less than 15 inches in
diameter; larger sewers are designed to flow at half flow.
A. True B. False
81. A velocity in excess of 10 fps can be tolerated with proper consideration of pipe material,
abrasive characteristics of the wastewater, this term, and thrust at changes of direction.
A. Velocity D. Blockage(s)
B. Infiltration E. Sewer cleaning
C. RII F. None of the Above
Sewer Cleaning
83. The purpose of sewer cleaning is to remove accumulated material from the sewer.
Cleaning helps to prevent?
A. Velocity D. Blockage(s)
B. Infiltration E. Sewer cleaning
C. RII F. None of the Above
84. Which of the following terms in gravity sewers are usually caused by a structural defect,
poor design, poor construction, an accumulation of material in the pipe?
A. Stoppages D. Inflow
B. Deposition of solids E. Any I/I component
C. Infiltration F. None of the Above
85. Protruding traps may catch debris, which then causes a further buildup of?
A. Velocity D. Blockage(s)
B. Infiltration E. Solids
C. RII F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
Sewer Cleaning Methods
86. Mechanical cleaning uses physical devices to scrape, cut, or pull?
A. Velocity D. Blockage(s)
B. Infiltration E. Sewer cleaning
C. Material from the sewer F. None of the Above
87. Chemical cleaning can facilitate the control of odors, grease buildup, root growth, corrosion,
and insect and?
A. Stoppages D. Inflow
B. Deposition of solids E. Rodent infestation
C. Infiltration F. None of the Above
89. The owner or operator should also be able to identify the number of stoppages experienced
per mile of sewer pipe. If the system is experiencing a steady increase in stoppages, the
reviewer should try to determine the cause (i.e., lack of preventive maintenance funding,
deterioration of the sewers due to age, an increase in?
A. Grease producing activities D. Maximum flow capacity of wastewater
B. Problem collection system areas E. Breakdown or malfunction
C. Infiltration F. None of the Above
91. Without such an inventory, the collection system may experience long down times or
periods of inefficient operation in the event of a?
A. Grease producing activities D. Maximum flow capacity of wastewater
B. Problem collection system areas E. Breakdown or malfunction
C. Infiltration F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
93. Which of the following terms occurs when surface water such as storm water enters the
sewer system through roof downspout connections, holes in manhole covers, illegal plumbing
connections, or other defects?
A. Both infiltration and inflow or I/I D. General I/I source areas
B. Inflow E. Equipment problems
C. Potential problem areas F. None of the Above
94. The sanitary sewer collection system and treatment plants have this missing term that can
be handled.
A. Grease producing activities D. Maximum flow capacity of wastewater
B. Problem collection system areas E. Breakdown or malfunction
C. Infiltration F. None of the Above
Determining I/I
95. Flow monitoring and flow modeling provide measurements and data used to determine
estimates of?
A. Both infiltration and inflow or I/I D. General I/I source areas
B. I/I E. Equipment problems
C. Potential problem areas F. None of the Above
96. Measurements taken before and after a precipitation event indicate the extent that this term
is increasing total flow.
A. Grease producing activities D. Maximum flow capacity of wastewater
B. Problem collection system areas E. I/I
C. Infiltration F. None of the Above
97. Infiltration increases when groundwater rises from precipitation, and inflow is mainly
stormwater and rainwater. Rainfall monitoring is also performed to correlate this data.
A. True B. False
99. Smoke testing – smoke is pumped into sewer pipes. Its reappearance aboveground
indicates points of ?
A. I/I D. Smoke testing and dyed water testing
B. High wet weather flows E. Illegal plumbing, drains, and roof downspouts
C. Stormwater and rainwater F. None of the Above
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101. Dye testing – Dye is used at suspected ___________ sources.
A. I/I D. Smoke testing and dyed water testing
B. High wet weather flows E. Illegal plumbing, drains, and roof downspouts
C. Stormwater and rainwater F. None of the Above
102. Which of the following terms are also sometimes identified when sewer backups or
overflows bring attention to that part of the system?
A. Smoke D. Sewer system testing techniques
B. Excessive I/I E. Faults
C. Sources of I/I F. None of the Above
105. Areas with high wet weather flows should then be subject to?
A. I/I D. Smoke testing and dyed water testing
B. High wet weather flows E. Inspection and rehabilitation activities
C. Stormwater and rainwater F. None of the Above
108. Which of the following terms is a relatively inexpensive and quick method of detecting
sources of inflow in sewer systems?
A. Smoke D. Sewer system testing techniques
B. Excessive I/I E. Smoke testing
C. Sources of I/I F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
109. Which of the following terms can be identified when smoke escapes through them.
A. I/I D. Smoke testing and dyed water testing
B. High wet weather flows E. Sources of inflow
C. Stormwater and rainwater F. None of the Above
111. Building inspections are sometimes conducted as part of a smoke testing program and,
in some cases, may be the only way to find?
A. I/I D. Smoke testing and dyed water testing
B. High wet weather flows E. Illegal connections
C. Stormwater and rainwater F. None of the Above
112. If traces of the smoke or its odor enter the building, it is an indication that this term may
also be entering.
A. Smoke D. Gases from the sewer system
B. Excessive I/I E. Faults
C. Sources of I/I F. None of the Above
Dye Testing
113. Dyed water testing may be used to establish this term to the sewer.
A. Smoke testing D. Presence of roots
B. Potential problem areas E. Connection of a fixture or appurtenance
C. I/I problems F. None of the Above
114. Which of the following terms can be used to identify structurally damaged manholes that
might create potential I/I problems?
A. Smoke testing D. The presence of roots
B. Potential problem areas E. Dyed water testing
C. I/I problems F. None of the Above
116. Visual inspections provide additional information concerning the accuracy of system
mapping, the presence and?
A. Smoke testing D. The presence of roots
B. Potential problem areas E. Degree of I/I problems
C. I/I problems F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
117. By observing the manhole directly and the incoming and outgoing lines with this term, and
it is possible to determine structural condition, the presence of roots, condition of joints, depth of
debris in the line, and depth of flow.
A. Smoke testing D. The presence of roots
B. Potential problem areas E. Dyed water testing
C. I/I problems F. None of the Above
119. Sewer system cleaning should always be considered before this term is performed in
order to provide adequate clearance and inspection results.
A. Sewer system cleaning D. Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) inspections
B. Capacity evaluation E. Confined space entry
C. Inspection F. None of the Above
121. Which of the following terms may be done on a routine basis as part of the preventive
maintenance program, as well as part of an investigation into the cause of I/I?
A. Lamping D. CCTV inspections
B. Camera inspection E. Sewer scanner and evaluation
C. Sonar F. None of the Above
122. A benefit of which of the following terms is that a permanent visual record is captured for
subsequent reviews?
A. Sewer system cleaning D. CCTV inspection
B. Capacity evaluation E. Confined space entry
C. Trenchless technologies F. None of the Above
124. The rehabilitation program should build on information obtained as a result of all forms of
maintenance and observations made as part of the sewer system cleaning to assure the
continued ability of the system to provide sales and service at the greatest cost.
A. True B. False
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
125. There are many rehabilitation methods; the choice of methods depends on pipe size, type,
location, dimensional changes, sewer flow, material deposition, surface conditions, and?
A. A significant source of infiltration D. Warm, moist, nutrient rich atmosphere
B. A serious source of I/I E. Severity of I/I
C. Non-structural repairs F. None of the Above
126. Manhole covers can allow significant inflow to enter the system because they are often
located in the?
A. Sanitary sewer service line D. Path of surface runoff
B. Debris discharged E. Cracks or loose joints in the sewer pipe
C. Rehabilitation program F. None of the Above
127. Manholes themselves can also be this term from cracks in the barrel of the manhole.
A. A significant source of infiltration D. Warm, moist, nutrient rich atmosphere
B. A serious source of I/I E. Severity of I/I
C. Non-structural repairs F. None of the Above
129. The flow of warm water inside the sanitary sewer service pipe causes water with this
missing term surrounding the pipe.
A. A significant source of infiltration D. Vapor to escape to the cold soil
B. A serious source of I/I E. Severity of I/I
C. Non-structural repairs F. None of the Above
130. Tree roots are attracted to the water vapor leaving the pipe and they follow the vapor trail
to the source of the moisture, which are usually in?
A. Sanitary sewer service line D. Exert considerable pressure
B. Debris discharged E. Cracks or loose joints
C. Rehabilitation program F. None of the Above
131. Upon reaching the crack or pipe joint, this term will penetrate the opening to reach the
nutrients and moisture inside the pipe.
A. A significant source of infiltration D. Tree roots
B. A serious source of I/I E. Severity of I/I
C. Non-structural repairs F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
133. Homeowners will notice the first signs of this term by hearing gurgling noises from toilet
bowls and observing wet areas around floor drains after completing the laundry.
A. A significant source of infiltration D. Slow flowing drainage system
B. A serious source of I/I E. Severity of I/I
C. Non-structural repairs F. None of the Above
134. As roots continue to grow, they expand and exert considerable pressure this term where
they entered the pipe.
A. Sanitary sewer service line D. At the crack or joint
B. Debris discharged E. Cracks or loose joints in the sewer pipe
C. Rehabilitation program F. None of the Above
135. Which of the following term and pipes that are structurally damaged will require
A. A significant source of infiltration D. Severe root intrusion
B. A serious source of I/I E. Severity of I/I
C. Non-structural repairs F. None of the Above
137. The replacement cost of a sanitary sewer service line as a result of this term may be very
A. Root intrusion D. Copper sulfate and sodium hydroxide
B. Damage from tree roots E. The common method of removing roots
C. Tree roots F. None of the Above
139. The tightly fitting PVC joints are less likely to do this term as a result of settlement of
backfill around the pipe.
A. Root intrusion D. Leak
B. Sewer service E. The common method of removing roots
C. Tree roots F. None of the Above
Root Spread
140. During drought conditions and in winter, tree roots travel long distances in search of
moisture, as a general rule, tree roots will extend up to 10 times the height of the tree.
A. True B. False
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
Root Growth Control
141. The common method of removing roots from this term involves the use of augers, root
saws, and high pressure flushers.
A. Root intrusion D. Sanitary sewer service backup(s)
B. Sewer service E. The common method of removing roots
C. Sanitary sewer service pipes F. None of the Above
143. Smoke travels throughout the system, identifying problems in all connected lines, even
sections of line that were not known to exist, or thought to be independent or unconnected.
Best results are obtained during dry weather, which allows smoke better opportunity to travel
to the surface.
A. True B. False
More on Manholes
144. When designing a wastewater system, the design engineer begins by first determining
the amount of money that is available.
A. True B. False
145. The design engineer bases his design on the average daily use of solids per person in
the area to be served.
A. True B. False
146. The average daily flow (based on the average utilization) is multiplied by a peak flow
factor to obtain the?
A. Design flow D. Water per person in the area to be served
B. Peak flow factor E. A typical infiltration allowance
C. A typical value F. None of the Above
Vacuum Lines
147. Which of the following terms are installed in narrow trenches in a saw tooth profile for
grade and uphill transport?
A. Vacuum sewer system(s) D. Vacuum pump(s)
B. Lift station E. Vacuum service lines
C. Downhill transport F. None of the Above
148. Unlike gravity sewers that must be laid at a minimum slope to obtain a 2 ft./sec.
scouring velocity, vacuum has a flatter slope since a high scouring velocity is a feature of
A. Raw sewage D. Potential vacuum loss
B. Vacuum sewage E. Vacuum pump(s)
C. High scouring velocity F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
Line Sizes
149. The vacuum service line from this term to the main in the street is 3".
A. Vacuum sewer system(s) D. Vacuum pump(s)
B. Lift station E. Vacuum service line
C. Valve F. None of the Above
Vacuum Station
150. The vacuum station is similar in function to a lift station in a gravity sewer system.
Sewage pumps transfer the sewage from the?
A. Vacuum sewer system(s) D. Vacuum pump(s)
B. Lift station E. Vacuum service line
C. Collection tank F. None of the Above
Vacuum Pumps
151. Which of the following terms typically run 2 to 3 hours each per day and don't need to
run continuously since the vacuum interface valves are normally closed?
A. Raw sewage D. Potential vacuum loss
B. Solids E. Vacuum pump(s)
C. High scouring velocity F. None of the Above
154. Collection system maps should have a numbering system which uniquely identifies all
manholes and?
A. Engineering endeavors D. Quality sanitary sewer designs
B. Sewer line maps E. Numbering system
C. Sewer cleanouts F. None of the Above
Grease Chapter 3
155. Which of the following terms due to grease build-up are a common cause of sanitary
sewer overflows, and grease accumulation at treatment facilities can lead to pass-through of
A. Grease interceptor(s) D. Pass-through of contaminants
B. POTW E. Blockages
C. Notice of Violation F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
156. Proactive municipal governments have a grease ordinance which provides them legal
authority to require that grease generators have devices to catch the grease before it enters
the public wastewater system, these devices are often referred to as?
A. POTW(s) D. International Plumbing Code
B. Local ordinance E. Grease traps
C. Grease interceptor(s) F. None of the Above
157. Proactive municipal governments also have in place this term to ensure grease
generators clean the traps on an appropriate schedule and in a proper manner.
A. Grease interceptor(s) D. Pass-through of contaminants
B. POTW E. An inspection and enforcement program
C. Notice of Violation F. None of the Above
158. Which of the following terms have public education programs to ensure non-
commercial contributions of grease to the wastewater system are minimized?
A. Proactive municipalities D. International Plumbing Code
B. Local ordinance E. POTW inspectors
C. Grease interceptor(s) F. None of the Above
Grease Interceptors
159. Which of the following terms use grease interceptors which are larger than the traps
and are installed underground, outside of a facility?
A. Grease interceptor(s) D. Pass-through of contaminants
B. High-volume or new establishments E. An inspection and enforcement program
C. Notice of Violation F. None of the Above
160. Which of the following terms should be accessible by three manhole covers, and a
sample box?
A. Sewer D. Grease trap
B. Manhole E. POTW sampling point
C. Grease interceptor(s) F. None of the Above
Grease Blockages
162. A determination should be made as to which commercial facilities contributed to the
blockage, and more in-depth inspections are conducted at those facilities. Where
appropriate, additional requirements and/or procedures are put in place.
A. True B. False
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
163. A Notice of Violation, with this term, is issued once a facility has passed its final due
A. Grease interceptor(s) D. Pass-through of contaminants
B. POTW E. An inspection and enforcement program
C. An administrative fee F. None of the Above
165. Which of the following terms are essential to maintaining a properly functioning system;
these activities further a community’s reinvestment into its wastewater infrastructure?
A. Inspection technique(s) D. Visibility of manholes and other structures
B. CCTV inspection(s) E. Cleaning and inspecting sewer lines
C. Inspection program(s) F. None of the Above
Inspection Techniques
166. Which of the following terms are required to determine current sewer conditions and to
aid in planning a maintenance strategy?
A. Documentation of inspections D. Cleaning and inspecting sewer lines
B. CCTV inspection(s) E. Inspection programs
C. Visual inspection(s) F. None of the Above
Most sewer lines are inspected using one or more of the following techniques:
167. Which of the following terms are the most frequently used most cost efficient in the long
term, and most effective method to inspect the internal condition of a sewer?
A. Grade 1 operator D. Television (TV) inspections
B. Lamping E. Polaroid still photographs
C. Inspection program(s) F. None of the Above
168. Which of the following terms are recommended for sewer lines with diameters of 4 - 48
A. Lining D. Eyeballing
B. Rehabilitation E. Rodding
C. CCTV inspection(s) F. None of the Above
169. To see details of the sewer walls, the camera and lights should swivel both vertically
and horizontally.
A. True B. False
170. Which of the following terms in smaller sewers are attached to a sled, to which a
parachute or droge is attached and floated from one manhole to the next?
A. Cable box D. Sewer boat
B. Slick E. The cable and camera
C. Kite F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
Cleaning Techniques
171. A sewer system needs a cleaning schedule, there are several traditional cleaning
techniques used to clear blockages and to act as?
A. Sanitary sewer overflow(s) D. Preventative maintenance tools
B. Rehabilitation E. Education and pollution prevention
C. CCTV inspection(s) F. None of the Above
172. When you are cleaning sewer lines, your local community need to be aware of EPA
regulations on solid and hazardous waste as defined in 40 CFR 261.
A. True B. False
173. The ideal method of reducing and controlling the materials found in sewer lines is
education and?
A. Sanitary sewer overflow(s) D. Pollution prevention
B. Rehabilitation E. Maintaining sewer systems
C. CCTV inspection(s) F. None of the Above
Lamping Inspection
174. Which of the following terms is only able to inspect the first 10 feet of the pipe?
A. Bucketing D. Sewer line cleaning
B. Rodding E. Lamping
C. Rehabilitation F. None of the Above
175. According to the text, older areas of the sewer system are inspected every four years;
whereas, the inspection of relatively new areas may be completed in 1 to 2 years.
A. True B. False
177. Which of the following terms cleaning larger lines, the manholes need to be designed
to a larger size in order to receive and retrieve the equipment?
A. Bucket machine(s) D. Scooter
B. Jetting E. Kite or Bag
C. Chemicals’ effectiveness F. None of the Above
178. Bucket Machine- This device has been known to damage sewers and the set-up of this
equipment is?
A. Good for steep-grade hill areas D. Time-consuming
B. Able to backups into residences E. Not effectively remove sand or grit
C. Able for a variety of cleaning methods F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
Limitations of Cleaning Methods
179. Most of collection inspections use?
A. Visual inspection(s) D. Flush and vacuum systems
B. CCTV system E. The cleaning and inspection crews
C. Chemicals’ effectiveness F. None of the Above
182. Pumping Station is a relatively large sewage pumping installation designed not only to
lift sewage to a higher elevation, but also to convey it through force mains to gravity flow
points located relatively long distances from the?
A. Key elements of lift stations D. Backup
B. Lift Station’s area E. Pumping Station
C. Dry well F. None of the Above
Lift Stations
183. Wastewater flows slowly downhill until it reaches a certain low point, at that point a
pump or "lift" stations push the wastewater back uphill to a high point where gravity can once
again take over the process.
A. True B. False
184. Most Wastewater Collection systems will have installed radio telemetry, or SCADA
which is used to monitor and control pump stations via computer at the?
A. Lift Station D. WW Collections facility
B. Gravity driven E. Submersible pump(s)
C. Wet well F. None of the Above
185. The lift station system can provide up to the minute pump station status such as wet
well level, pump performance, electrical power conditions, etc. This allows our technicians to
prevent wastewater spills and protect public health.
A. True B. False
186. With the use of telemetry, we have the ability to identify potential problems
instantaneously and take the proper steps to rectify the situation before it becomes a public
health risk.
A. True B. False
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
Common Hydraulic Terms
187. Which of the following definitions is the engineering science pertaining to liquid
pressure and flow?
A. Pressure, Absolute D. Hydrokinetics
B. Pressure E. Pascal's Law
C. Hydraulics F. None of the Above
188. Which of the following definitions is the engineering science pertaining to the energy of
liquid flow and pressure?
A. Pressure, Absolute D. Hydrokinetics
B. Pressure E. Pascal's Law
C. Hydraulics F. None of the Above
Safety Chapter 6
Confined Space Entry Program Purpose
189. The Confined Space Entry Program is provided to protect authorized employees that
will enter confined spaces and may be Exposed to hazardous atmosphere, engulfment in
materials, conditions which may trap or asphyxiate due to converging or sloping walls, or
contains any other safety or health hazards.
A. True B. False
190. According to the text, you are required to recognize this term associated with confined
A. An internal configuration D. Dangers and hazards
B. Hazardous atmosphere E. Atmospheric factors and physical agents
C. Permit-Required Confined Space F. None of the Above
Confined space:
191. Is large enough or so configured that an employee can?
A. Engulfing an entrant D. Recognized serious safety or health hazard
B. Bodily enter and perform work E. Continuous employee occupancy
C. An internal configuration F. None of the Above
193. Permit required confined space (permit space), is a confined space that has one or
more of the following characteristics: Contains or has a potential to contain a?
A. An internal configuration D. Entry or exit
B. Hazardous atmosphere E. Atmospheric factors and physical agents
C. Permit-Required Confined Space F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018
194. Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit (i.e. tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins,
hoppers, vaults, and pits are spaces that may have?
A. An internal configuration D. Entry or exit
B. Hazardous atmosphere E. Atmospheric factors and physical agents
C. Limited means of entry F. None of the Above
198. Which of the following terms -will be marked "Confined Space - Entry Permit
A. An internal configuration D. Entry or exit
B. Hazardous atmosphere E. Atmospheric factors and physical agents
C. Permit-Required Confined Space F. None of the Above
200. Throughout the construction jobsite, contractors and workers encounter both inherent
and _______________within confined workspaces.
A. An internal configuration D. Induced hazards
B. Hazardous atmosphere E. Atmospheric factors and physical agents
C. Permit-Required Confined Space F. None of the Above
Collections Assignment 5/1/2018