Concept of Family & Family Nursing Process
Concept of Family & Family Nursing Process
Concept of Family & Family Nursing Process
Increase in the number of men and women working abroad B. Each family has its own cultural values & rules
More women who work outside the home Family culture – culture explains why families behave as they do
Migration of young people to urban centers 3 aspects of family culture:
Increase in the proportion of single-parent families and other family structures
1. Family members share certain values that affect family behavior
The family is a product of time and space 2. Certain roles are prescribed and defined for family members
3. A family’s culture determines its distribution and use of power
Each family:
C. Family Structure
1. Is unique – have their own distinct and strengths
Traditional Family – those that are most familiar and most readily accepted by society
2. Share some universal characteristics with other families – key to understanding each family’s
1. nuclear family
2. nuclear dyad
UNIVERSAL CHARACTERISTICS – every family is… 3. extended family (or multigenerational families)
4. kin network
1. A small social system
D. Family Functions
1. Providing affection and emotional support These characteristics serve as an intial framework for assessing family health
2. Security and acceptance e.g crisis proof or crises prone family
3. Identity and satisfaction
1. Family thinking gives a broader picture. Family health – concerned with how well the family functions together as a unit; refers to the
health status of the family at a given point in time
2. The family is a unit of care
3. The family assumes a crucial role in maintaining health Family health nursing – a level of community health nursing practice directed or focused on
4. Dysfunction in one member may be related to disturbance in the whole family the family as the unit of service/care
5. Dysfunction in one member may lead to added stress and depletion of resources of a family Family Nursing Process:
Families have characteristics that affect… - Systematic approach of identifying health problems initiating appropriate
- Community health nursing service activities designed to meet the specified needs or concerns of the client family
- Effectiveness of community health nurses working with families as a unit of - The family is a partner in care plan design and delivery
care - Family input and validation are essential
- Role of the nurse/health worker: to assist the family coping effectively the
Characteristics of Healthy Families (Olson, 1991; Friendman, 1998; Famorca, et al., 2013): health needs by increasing its capacity to perform the health tasks
1. There is a facilitative process of interaction among family members
2. They enhance individual member development
3. Their role relationships are structured effectively
4. They actively attempt to cope with problems
5. They have a healthy home environment and lifestyle
6. They establish regular links with the broader community
7. Foster responsibility and value service to others
8. Have a sense of play and humor; share leisure time –
FAMILY NURSING PROCESS c. Ecomap – a diagram of the connections between the family and the other
FAMILY ASSESSMENT systems in its ecological environment
- Allows the health worker to view the family’s
Principles: Family Nursing Practice situation in relation to their environment
1. Work with the family collectively
d. Genogram – provides information about the family’s history of diseases over a
2. Start where the family is
period of time (usually 3 or more generations)
3. Adapt nursing intervention to the family’s stage of development
- Sheds light on family behaviors and problems
4. Recognize the viability of family structure variations\
5. Emphasize family strengths
a. Initial Data Base (IDB) – provides data for the 1st level assessment to identify
wellness conditions, existing health threats, health deficits, and stress points
in the family:
Family structure, characteristics and dynamics
Socio-economic and cultural characteristics
Home and environment
Health status of each member
Values and practices on health promotion / maintenance and
disease prevention
b. Family Assessment guide – provides data on gamily health status based on the
characteristics of a health family and family functions
- Can be related to the family’s ability to perform
family functions / health tasks