Family Oriented

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Nursing diagnosis- generally relate to the family’s Disadvantage- financial and psychological are stretched to

ability to handle stress and to provide positive accommodate all members.

Single parent family- is a result of both divorce and
1. Impaired parenting related to unplanned common practice of woman raising children outside of
pregnancy. marriage
2. Ineffective family coping related to inability to
adjust to mother illness during pregnancy. Problems encountered: - low income, develop low self
 There should an appropriate and desired by the esteem, difficulty with role modeling
majority of family members.
Communal family- group of people who have chosen to
 A plan for in forming a family health should
live together as an extended fam.
smoothly agree to support one another.
 Evaluation should reseal that goal was achieved - Their relationships to each other is motivated by
and family puts more cohesive after working social or religious values rather than kimships.
together - Tha value of communal members are more
oriented towards freedom and free choice.
Ex: father- status that he has arranged the finance to
- They are describe as cults- group of people who
accommodate new health care expenses for the family.
follow charismatic leader
Family – a group of people related by blood, marriage or
The gay/lesbian family = heterosexual unions
adoption living together.
- Individuals of same sex live together as partner for
- Is a two or more who live in the same household;
companionship, financial security and sexual
share a common emotional bond and perform
certain interrelated social tasks.
- Children from heterosexual marriages are
Types of family included.

1. Family of orientation Foster family – children whose parents can no longer care
2. Family of procreation for them are placed in a foster or substitute home by a
DYAD family- consist of two people living together usually
a man and a woman, infant and children. Foster home – placement in temporary theoretically until
children can be returned to their own parents.
- Temporary arguments.
- Children experience insecurity
Nuclear family- traditional structure, composed of - Emotional difficulties related to reason they were
husband, wife and children. removed from their original home
- Have also the responsibility for health care for the
Cohabitation family- composed of heterosexual couple
who lives together like nuclear family but remain
unmarried. Adoptive family
Extended family- it includes nuclear family but also other 1. Agency adoption
family members such as grand mothers, aunts, uncles, 2. Private adoption
cousins and grand children.
Family function and roles
Advantage- contains more people to serve as resources
during family crisis Family assignment – identify the roles of family members
Ex: 1. Identify an individual who serve as the wage earner
or who supply the bulk of income for the family.
2. identify the financial manager 4. Reinforcing familiarize presenting behaviour

3. problem solver Tips to improve family communication

4. decision maker 1. Set up bulletin board that family members check.

5. health manager

6. gatekeeper – person who allows info. Into and out of the


Family tasks

1. Physical maintenance- provide food, shelter,

clothing and health care.
2. Socialization of family members
- Preparing the children to live in the community
and to interact with people outside the family.
3. Allocation of resources
- Determine which members of the family needs will
be meet of great priority.
- There is justification in the consistency and fairness
is the distribution of resources financial worth ,
material, goods, affection and space.
4. Maintenance of order
- Opening an effective means of communication
among family members, establishing family values
and enforcing common regulative for all family

Nursing outcomes classification

1. Socialization of new family members

2. Adaptation to developmental transition and
unexpected crisis
3. Creation of an environment for free expression by
4. Expression of loyalty to family.
5. Involvement in problem solving and conflict
6. Acceptance of diversity among members
7. Support and assistance for mother and father.

Nursing intervention classification

1. Creating an atmosphere to formulate trust and

promote acceptance
2. Monitor the family current situation
3. Identify each member and the family coping

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