Vocable BREXIT
Vocable BREXIT
Vocable BREXIT
N° 437 / All English. Les mots difficiles expliqués en anglais Du 16 au 29 novembre 2017 / 3,50 €
Comment l’intelligence artificielle
va-t-elle changer nos vies ?
édito sommaire N° 437 / Du 16 au 29 novembre 2017
(Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les langues) :
À facile A2-B1 ÀÀ moyen B2-C1 ÀÀÀ difficile C1-C2
Pour faciliter le repérage et la compréhension, les mots traduits sont surlignés dans tous les
articles du magazine.
A la une
Man versus machine ÀÀ B2-C1 The UK wants Brexit trade talks.
The EU wants more money THE NEW YORK TIMES (US) ............................... 6
In this issue of Vocable, we invite you to take a Is it all about the money?
technological voyage into the world of artificial
intelligence. Self-driving cars, robot companions, ÀÀ B2-C1 Leaving “The City” THE GUARDIAN (UK) ......................................................................................... 8
champion Go playing machines… AI is a fasci- From London to Frankfurt and beyond.
nating subject; it both scares us and feeds our
imagination. Not a day goes by without more Société
advances being made. ÀÀ B2-C1 American rap, local whiskey:
Welcome to Bhutan LOS ANGELES TIMES (US) .................................................................................. 10
This summer, the two giants of Silicon Valley, Tiny kingdom opens up to the world.
Elon Musk, owner of Tesla, and Mark Zuck-
erberg, founder of Facebook, had a very public ÀÀ B2-C1 Why are unicorns so popular? THE GUARDIAN (UK) ...................................................... 12
disagreement about the merits of this technol- The emblem for our times.
ogy. Musk sees it as, “the greatest risk we face
as a civilization” whereas Zuckerberg is very Enjeux
optimistic, believing that AI will improve our ÀÀ B2-C1 Meet Jagmeet THE ECONOMIST (UK) ................................................................................................................... 14
daily existence. Canada’s newest political star.
À A2-B1 Trump’s fake Renoir CHICAGO TRIBUNE (US) ..................................................................................... 23
Fake news or fake art?
Rejoignez-nous sur et suivez-nous sur et sur ÀÀÀ C1-C2 Two Decades of Placebo THE INDEPENDENT (UK) ................................................................ 26
Brian Molko reflects on his rock band’s career.
Jacinda Ardern has become the new prime
minister of New Zealand. At 37 years old, she
is the third woman to lead the country and the
youngest prime minister in 150 years. Since
becoming leader of the Labour party three
months ago, Jacinda Ardern had energized a
rapid surge in the party’s popularity that sup-
porters began referring to as “Jacindamania.”
As prime minister, she promised to tackle cli-
mate change, eradicate child poverty and im-
prove the lives of the country’s most vulnera-
(Nick Perry/AP/SIPA)
ble people.
(the) Labour party left of centre party / surge rapid rise, sudden
increase / supporter sympathiser, follower, party faithful / as while /
to tackle to deal with, try to resolve / to improve to make better.
(White House/NEWSCOM/SIPA)
(Richard Shotwell/AP/SIPA)
(Joel Ryan/AP/SIPA)
Mark Halperin, a prominent American Stephen Hawking broke the internet! His PhD On 26 October, the US government released
journalist, has apologized after several thesis crashed Cambridge University’s website nearly 3,000 previously classified files on the
women accused him of sexual harassment. after being made available to the public for assassination of President John F. Kennedy in
“The world is now publicly acknowledging the first time. Demand to see the British 1963 in Dallas, Texas. President Donald Trump
what so many women have long known: men scientist’s work was so great – it got over two delayed the release of hundreds of other
harm women in the workplace… For a long million hits– that the site went down. documents, saying he had “no choice” but to
time I was part of the problem,” Halperin Professor Hawking is regarded as the most consider “national security, law enforcement
wrote on Twitter. He is one of many powerful famous astrophysicist on the planet. He is and foreign affairs concerns” at the request of
men who have been accused of sexual known for his work on black holes and his government agencies. Many commentators say
misconduct following the Harvey Weinstein best-seller book A Brief History Of Our Time. the so-called “JFK files” are unlikely to contain
scandal. Halperin was suspended by TV His 1966 thesis considers the implications and any bombshell revelations or put to rest the
channels MSNBC and NBC. consequences of the expansion of the conspiracy theories about the assassination.
prominent eminent / to apologize to excuse oneself, to release here, to make public / nearly near to,
say sorry / harassment persistent torment / to PhD = Doctor of Philosophy, doctorate / to crash to stop practically / previously formerly, until now / classified
acknowledge to admit, recognize / long for a long time working suddenly / to make, made, made to render / confidential, top secret / file collection of information /
/ to harm to cause damage or injury to (here, to harass) available accessible, at one’s disposal / over more than to delay to put off until later / law enforcement
/ workplace place where one works / misconduct / hit here, connection, person visiting a website / to go, application of the law and security matters / concern
reprehensible behaviour, inappropriate actions / went, gone down here, to stop working / to regard to worry, preoccupation / request demand / so-called
channel TV station. consider / black hole region in space from which no named, known as / unlikely improbable / bombshell
matter or radiation can escape / A Brief History Of Our bomb, here extraordinary news / to put, put, put to
Time Une brève histoire du temps / to consider to reflect rest to silence / conspiracy plot, secret plan.
upon, envisage.
There are less than eighteen months left before the final Brexit leaving date at the end of March 2019. Yet discussion between
the United Kingdom and the European Union are at a standstill. Each side is blaming the other for the lack of progress. According
to the New York Times, it is the invoice for the divorce that has blocked negotiations.
6 • VOCABLE Du 16 au 29 novembre 2017 À facile A2-B1 / ÀÀ moyen B2-C1 / ÀÀÀ difficile C1-C2
June 8 : The Conservatives lose their September 22: May calls for a two-year
parliamentary majority in a snap general transition period after March 2019. 2019
election. 2018 March 29: Brexit Day - the UK is out of the
June 19: Negotiations begin between the UK October: According to EU's top negotiator EU. Any extension of the deadline would need
and the EU. Michel Barnier, there must be a Brexit deal to be agreed unanimously.
by October 2018.
clearer commitment to clearing up financial leave, and they have voters of their own. Brex-
obligations stretching into the future — things it is significant — it disrupts trade with a major SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
like pension payments and regional projects economy, and means the bloc loses a nuclear
already approved. power — but for them it is marginal in shaping On peut utiliser le mot
Europe’s future beside issues like relations with bureau en anglais,
5.Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany ex- Turkey, migration, Greek debt, collective de- mais uniquement
pressed confidence that there would be a deal fense, border controls and the digital market,
to move ahead in December. But the constraints to name the most pressing.
pour désigner :
Mrs. May faces at home make meeting that - en Angleterre, un meuble (style
secrétaire) avec tiroirs et table à
deadline no sure thing. 10.“I am ambitious and positive for Britain’s
écrire avec panneau rabattable
future and these negotiations,” Mrs. May said.
- aux Etats Unis, un meuble avec
MORE MONEY “But I know we still have some way to go.”
tiroirs (style commode)
6.Mrs. May made much of her speech in Flor- Mrs. May reportedly suggested to her col-
- une institution telle que the
ence in September, where she pledged at least leagues that Britain was prepared to pay an-
Intelligence Bureau, Bureau of
20 billion euros to cover Britain’s budget contri- other €20 billion or so, which is leading to Investigation, Census Bureau
butions for 2019 and 2020, while promising in more optimism about December, even if the
Sinon, on traduit le mot bureau par :
vague terms to “honor commitments we have European Commission estimates that Britain desk s’il s’agit du meuble sur lequel
made during the period of our membership.” owes around €60 billion, not €40 billion. on travaille (cf. § 7)
office s’il s’agit d’une pièce dans une
7.But as a senior diplomat of a country friend- TIME IS RUNNING OUT entreprise
ly to Britain put it: The European Union “won’t 11.For her part, Ms. Merkel said that she was study s’il s’agit d’une pièce dans une
move an inch” until Britain gets serious about optimistic that the December summit would maison
the financial part of the settlement in talks allow the talks to proceed to the second phase,
with the bloc’s negotiator, Michel Barnier. How and said that the European Union also had
payments are made and over what period of work to do to reach consensus on guidelines stage one,” another tepid response to Britain’s
time can be discussed, the diplomat said. But for that stage. desire to expand the scope of the talks.
“there’s only one desk” on which a clear British
proposal must be placed, “and that is in Mr. 12.But time is an issue. Britain is out by March 14.The president of the European Council,
Barnier’s office.” 29, 2019, and there is a general understanding Donald Tusk, put a warmer spin on the situa-
that a deal must be done by the end of October tion, saying that he thought reports of “dead-
8. According to British officials, Mrs. May next year in order to give the European Parlia- lock” had been exaggerated, another indication
implored the other leaders for “a new dynamic” ment and the 28 member states — including of anxiety about Mrs. May’s future at home.
in the talks and cooperation “to get to an out- Britain — time to ratify it. Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the Euro-
come that we can stand behind and defend to pean Commission, was more acidic, saying that
our people” — in other words, the British voters. 13.In her concluding news conference, Ms. “no one had explained to the British” what
Merkel said that “we’ve been quite clear that Brexit really means, and that he favored the
9.But in general the other leaders consider all insufficient progress has been made in terms word “deadlock.”
that to be Britain’s problem, since it chose to of financial commitments.” She said that the
idea of a two-year transition period after 2019, 15.The traditionally blunt Lithuanian president,
while a full trade agreement might be negoti- Dalia Grybauskaite, said that Mrs. May’s din-
ated, “is an interesting idea, but we’re still in ner speech appeared to be made up of extracts
from the one she had made in Florence, and
commitment agreement, promise (here financial) / to that it was now time to move “from words to
clear up here, to meet, honour / stretching into the real deeds.” O
future here, in the years to come.
5. confidence assurance, belief / to move ahead to 9. significant important, here, with heavy consequences
advance, progress / constraint restriction, limit, difficulty / to disrupt to disturb, destabilise / to shape to
/ deadline time limit, final date. determine, influence / beside with regard to / border
6. to make, made, made much of to emphasise the control control over frontiers / digital market market in
importance of / to pledge to commit, engage (to pay) / electronics, computing etc / pressing urgent. 13. tepid lukewarm, not very enthusiastic / scope
membership belonging to, being a member of. 10. positive here, optimistic / we still have some way breadth, range.
7. senior high-ranking, top level / to put, put, put it to to go we have more work to do / reportedly according to 14. to put, put, put a warmer spin on to offer a more
express sth / to move an inch to concede on any aspect / certain sources. positive interpretation of / deadlock impasse / acidic
settlement agreement, accord, deal / desk work table. 11. to run, ran, run out to come to an end / to proceed to here, sharp, harsh / to favor (US) = to favour (GB) to
8. outcome result / to stand, stood, stood behind to begin, to start / guideline directive. prefer.
here, to defend. 12. to be out here, not to be a member of the E.U. any more. 15. blunt direct, frank / deed act, action.
services sector jobs at risk, a leading industry 3. As it issued its warning about the need for
lobby group has warned. In a plea to nego- a transition deal, TheCityUK cited a report
tiators ahead of a key negotiating meeting, last year from management consultants
TheCityUK also said that the stakes are high Oliver Wyman showing 75,000 jobs and up
for the remaining 27 EU nations, where jobs to £10bn in tax revenue could be lost if the
and inward investment will be at risk if a UK was left to rely on World Trade Organi-
two-year transition period sation rules and no transi-
cannot be agreed quickly. tion period after March
Firms are 2019 when the country
MOVING TO getting ready leaves the EU.
2.The intervention comes as to move 4. Miles
Celic, chief execu-
City firms start to lease of- operations to tive of TheCityUK, said ready to press go on their contingency plans
fice space in Frankfurt,
Paris, Dublin and other EU
avoid the firms are getting ready to
move operations to avoid
in the new year. They can still take their foot
off the accelerator if a transitional deal is
financial centres to conduct impact of a the impact of a hard Brexit, agreed, but without progress soon, it may be
business that they will not hard Brexit. where the UK is left with- too late,” said Celic. “Once businesses start
be able to do from London out a deal for the services moving, there is no reverse gear. It is simply
after Brexit. Earlier this sector. Clarity about a tran- not efficient or economically viable to move
month, it emerged Goldman Sachs had sition will be needed in the first quarter of operations twice.”
booked eight floors in Marienturm, a 37-sto- 2018 at the latest – and significant progress
needed before the end of this year. 6.Celic said there was a risk that the business
that left London would not move to a single
5.“Firms are beyond the planning stage now. alternative location but fragment across a
If they haven’t done so already, most will be number of cities, pushing up costs and even
1. to implement to put into action, apply / contingency
plan plan for an emergency situation / up to here, as
leaving Europe entirely. New York has previ-
many as / at risk in danger / leading principal, eminent, staff employees, personnel.
ously been regarded as a potential beneficiary
top / lobby group pressure group / plea appeal / ahead of Brexit.
of before / TheCityUK private-sector membership body 3. to issue to deliver, pronounce / warning caution / deal
and industry advocacy group promoting the financial agreement / bn = billion (one thousand million) / tax
industry of the UK based in the ‘City’ of London / high revenue fiscal earnings / to rely on to depend on / rule
stakes substantial risks / inward investment foreign code of regulations.
investment. 4. chief executive general director / operation company, to press go on to put the plan into action / reverse gear
2. to lease to rent / office space business premises / to enterprise / hard Brexit arrangement where the UK gives here, going back.
conduct business to do business / it emerged that... it up full access to the EU’s single market to have complete
6. location place, site / to fragment across to divide up
has been understood that... / to book to reserve / floor control over its borders / quarter three-month period.
between / to push up costs to increase costs / to regard
level / storey level / 5. planning stage period of planning / to consider.
8 • VOCABLE Du 16 au 29 novembre 2017 À facile A2-B1 / ÀÀ moyen B2-C1 / ÀÀÀ difficile C1-C2
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« Hard Brexit » ou « Soft Brexit » ?
La BBC vous explique la différence en vidéo.
Testez votre compréhension sur
75,000 JOBS AT RISK 9.Celic’s message echoes that of Bank of 10.TheCityUK said that even if there was
7.“This isn’t just about business leaving the England deputy governor Sam Woods, who an agreement that gave the UK similar
UK. It is about the very high risk of jobs, told financiers in the Mansion House ear- trading opportunities in financial services
capital and inward investment leaving Eu- lier this month that the longer a transition as before Brexit, transitional agreements
rope entirely. The resulting fragmented deal took to agree the less useful it would needed to be urgently clarified. “Once
markets will be of benefit to no one, with be in preventing an exodus from the City. contigency plans have been implemented,
costs likely to increase for customers right “If we get to Christmas and the negotiations they are unlikely to be unwound: the ad-
across the continent,” said Celic. have not reached any agreement on this ditional costs of moving business and jobs
topic, diminishing marginal returns will back to the UK would simply be too high,”
8.The research by Oliver Wyman estimated kick in. Firms would start discounting the the lobby group said.
that reliance on WTO rules and no transition likelihood of a transition in the central case
deal could affect between 40% and 50% of of their planning,” Woods had said. In April, 11.TheCityUK is calling for a transition
EU-related financial services activity – the Woods wrote to 400 City firms to demand period to cover the period the UK exits
equivalent of up to £20bn in revenue, 35,000 the EU and a new bespoke deal agreed,
jobs and £5bn of annual taxes. That figure and then an implementation period to
rises to 75,000 jobs when the knock-on effect allow firms more time to adapt to their
is taken into account. trading arrangements. O
9. deputy vice- / Mansion House official residence of the
Mayor of London / exodus mass emigration /
diminishing marginal returns economic law that if one
input is increased while other inputs are held fixed, a point
7. right across the continent throughout Europe. will be reached where additions of the input yield
8. research (inv.) study, investigation / WTO World progressively smaller increases / to kick in intervene, 10. trading commercial / to unwind, -wound, -wound
Trade Organization reliance dependence / figure amount, come into action / to discount to reject, to put aside / reversed, cancelled.
estimate / knock-on effect repercussion(s). likelihood probability / demand to ask for, insist on. 11. bespoke made to one’s specifications, personalised.
It is a tiny kingdom, where few tourists have ventured. Tucked away in the Himalayan mountains, Bhutan has long been one of
the most isolated countries in the world. Television was not even allowed there until 1999! Today, the kingdom is opening up
little by little to the outside world: mobile phones, American rap music, and social networks... How are its young people dealing
with the culture shock?
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7. Bhutan was never going to be an early adopter. number those selling traditional Bhutanese 17. At Renew, a women’s rights organization,
It is a small and remote place — a little more than wear. Cafes advertise Italian espresso and free community outreach officer Meenakshi Rai said
twice the size of Los Angeles and Orange coun- Wi-Fi. many young Bhutanese were flocking to Thim-
ties combined, perched at the eastern edge of the phu in search of scarce jobs. Most of the com-
world’s highest mountain range. The Buddhist 13. Much of the income derives from tourism, plaints her organization receives concerned
constitutional monarchy, however, is steadily and Bhutan has retained its reputation as a domestic violence and sexual abuse, often stem-
moving into the modern era, even as its 800,000 quiet Shangri-La in part by charging foreign ming from high rates of alcohol use. “Everything
people struggle with how much of it to embrace. visitors a daily fee of up to $250 in the high is happening fast for us,” she said.
season. Bhutan wanted to avoid the fate of
8. “Our generation has been exposed to the neighboring Nepal, another popular Himalayan 18. But modernity had brought positive changes,
world,” Jamtsho said the next destination, where droves of she said. In the recent past, especially in the east-
afternoon on the patio of a Western backpackers fill up ern hinterlands, Bhutanese men observed a local
coffee shop, sipping tea with cheap hostels and live on noo- custom known as bomena, in which they would
honey before another gig. “It’s “Our dles for weeks at a time. scale the walls of houses in the middle of the night
a part of development — you and climb through windows in search of women.
have to move with time.” generation has 14. Bhutan is by some lengths
Pourquoi appelle-t-on
les peluches des
“cuddly toys” ? (cf. § 2)
“Cuddly” décrit quelque chose qui
est doux à caresser ou à prendre
dans ses bras.
Comparez les expressions “to
cuddle someone” or “to give
12 • VOCABLE Du 16 au 29 novembre 2017 À facile A2-B1 / ÀÀ moyen B2-C1 / ÀÀÀ difficile C1-C2
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unicorns. The My Little Pony franchise had been from there they have been incorporated into of faith in life to bond with a magical creature,
through various makeovers since it launched in Western art and culture.” is alluring. And it feels especially important now.
1982, but the current incarnation – My Little Pony: Each era we create or revive myths to help make
Friendship is Magic – made 6.The creature had an interest- sense of the world. In recent times there have
more than $1bn in 2015. My ing time in the 16th and 17th been vogues for aliens, zombies and vampires.
Little Pony: The Movie came century, says natural history But in a time of Trump and Brexit and terror,
out last month. The writer Natalie Lawrence. “There we’ve aligned ourselves with the unicorn – a
main star is Pegasus/ was a raging trade in powder symbol of hope and purity and strangeness.
unicorn cross Princess and tableware made of unicorn
Twilight Sparkle. horn because it was seen as an 9.Robin obviously doesn’t understand the
antidote to poison. It was impact of Trump but she realises the impor-
3.Topshop has unicorn also seen as an aphro- tance of believing that things will get better
headbands, pyjamas and disiac. The horns were and the positive power of imagination. Robin
nail polish. Asos’s top actually narwhal horns is ill. She’s often in hospital hooked up to canu-
sellers are unicorn or elephant tusks, but las, drips and oxygen. When she is, the best
slippers. At H&M you this gave them their way to distract her is films and books. This
can buy a T-shirt for reputation of being elusive: sense of magic, a belief that the extraordinary
the Unicorn Fan Club. Aisling McKeefry, head things you could never quite see and never catch.” can happen in bad times is important to her
of womenswear design at Asos, says that social and it’s important to us all.
media is a huge factor in the spread of this THE RAINBOW FLAG
mythical beast. “I think Instagram is the biggest 7.The unicorn has also done its bit for the LGBT 10.It’s a shame that modern unicorns are so
contributor – like avocado in the food world, community in the last century. The rainbow sparkly and pink, but these qualities aren’t
unicorns are perhaps the most ‘Instagrammable’ flag was created by American artist Gilbert inherently bad. Just like princesses and
of all creatures.” With #unicorn at 7m posts and Baker in 1978 as a joyous symbol of the diver- make-up and kitchens they’re great things
counting, she’s not wrong. sity of the gay community. It became prom- when enjoyed in moderation. And these
inent during the gay rights protests of the qualities don’t define the unicorn either.
RARE AND MAGICAL 1970s and 1980s. Rainbows and unicorns As Juliette Wood says, it’s a complicated
4.The values of a unicorn – as rare and magical are so intrinsically linked (the association beast. “It can represent sacred and ro-
– have seen the word used in various connota- is a Victorian invention) that the magic mantic love, it looks gentle but it’s fierce,
tions. Now a unicorn can be a start-up business creature started to appear on T-shirts and yet the horn protects against poison. I
valued at more than $1bn. A unicorn is also an banners at Gay Pride around the world, think the unicorn has endured in cul-
elusive or unobtainable woman – or a bisexual with slogans such as “Gender is Im- ture because it’s just too lovely and
woman depending on your source. aginary” or “Totally Straight”. rare to abandon, isn’t it?” She’s right.
There aren’t many creatures that
5.“The unicorn has been popular at various 8.One of the unicorn’s first appear- have been a representation of
points for at least 3,000 years,” says Dr Miles ances in fantasy literature was in Christ, a panacea, a gay rights cam-
Leeson, director of the Iris Murdoch Research Lewis Carroll’s Through The Looking- paigner and a fashion accessory. By
Centre. “They were considered as real in the Glass. “Well, now that we have seen each picking it as the creature that represents
ancient world by the Greeks... The Old Testament other,” said the unicorn, “if you’ll believe our messed-up age, we’ve actually got
contains possible mentions of unicorns, and in me, I’ll believe in you.” That idea of something right. O
openness to ideas, that you have to make a leap
to go, went, gone through to do, to carry out, to to bond with to form a close relationship with / alluring
experience / makeover image transformation / to launch attractive / especially particularly, even more / era period
to start / current present / My Little Pony: Friendship is Western relating to regions of the world of the West (the of time / to revive to bring back to life / to make, made,
Magic My Little Pony: Les amies, c’est magique / bn = USA, Canada and Europe). made sense of to understand / vogue trend, popularity /
billion (one thousand million) / Pegasus mythological 6. raging very active, hostile and fierce / trade exchange / time period / to align oneself with to form an alliance
winged horse / cross combination / twilight evening, powder fine particles of a substance / tableware articles with, to share the same values as / strangeness
sunset. for use at the table during a meal / to see, saw, seen to singularity, different to the norm.
3. Topshop British multinational fashion store / consider / actually in fact / narwhal Arctic whale with a 9. obviously clearly / to get, got, got better to improve
headband hair accessory worn on the head / nail polish long, sharp «tusk» projection coming out of the head / tusk / ill sick / to be hooked up to to be connected to / canula
coloured varnish for fingernails/toenails / Asos online long projecting tooth extending from the mouth of some tube / drip intravenous administration of a therapeutic
British fashion and beauty store for young adults / top animals (elephants) / quite completely / to catch, caught, solution / way method / sense feeling / to happen to
seller best seller / slipper comfortable shoe worn inside caught to obtain. take place, to occur.
the home / womenswear clothing for women / huge 7. rainbow flag multicoloured flag which represents Gay 10. it’s a shame it’s a pity / just like similar to / make-up
enormous, massive / spread development in popularity / pride / to do, did, done one’s bit to contribute to / LGBT = cosmetics / either also, here, in any case / to look to seem
post message, upload of a photo onto social media / and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender / prominent well-known / gentle kind, docile / yet moreover / to endure to
counting and the number is still increasing / to be wrong / to be linked to be connected / banner long flag / around continue to exist, to survive / to be right to be correct /
to be mistaken/incorrect. all over / such as like... / gender sex (identity as either male panacea remedy for all diseases / to pick to choose /
4. connotation meaning / elusive very attractive and or female) / straight heterosexual. messed-up disarrayed, confused / age era / to get, got,
perfect (and so difficult to «catch»/obtain) / depending 8. Through The Looking-Glass De l’autre côté du miroir / got sth right to do sth correctly.
on according to. openness readiness to be open to sth / leap of faith act
5. point moment, time / at least a minimum of / of believing in sth which cannot be proved /
Jagmeet Singh celebrates with his supporters after winning the NDP leadership (Toronto, Oct. 1, 2017)
Jagmeet Singh, a new face in Canadian politics
Shimmering turbans, imposing beard and trendy clothes, Jagmeet Singh, is the latest politician to represent the left in Canada.
At 38 this young and charismatic Sikh has just been elected to lead one of the largest Canadian political parties, the NDP. Could
he pose a threat to Justin Trudeau in 2019?
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Jagmeet Singh défend son droit Listen to the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking before
à porter le turban.
Découvrez la vidéo et testez members of the UN about the rights of an almost invisible
votre compréhension sur minority in Canada: the indigenous peoples.
www.vocable.fr/videos-anglais CD audio ou téléchargement MP3
Sikhs come from well-educated immigrant 7. Mr Singh hopes to win over Canadians with
families. There are currently 17 Sikh MPs. a political programme that includes reducing SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
inequality, improving pay and working condi-
6. Yet Mr Singh’s biography could also hurt him. tions for people in insecure jobs and reforming Canada has a first-
A poll published in April showed that only 38% the first-past-the-post electoral system (a prom- past-the-post electoral
of Canadians have a favourable impression of ise that Mr Trudeau made but then forgot about). system. cf. § 7
Sikhism (33% view Islam favourably). Small but He will begin his quest for power by giving up Autrement dit, c’est celui qui
troubling anti-immigrant rallies have taken his provincial seat and trying to win one in the recueille le plus de voix qui remporte
place over the past year, the latest in Ottawa on House of Commons. The odds that he will one les élections dès le premier tour.
September 30th. Mr Singh’s religion may prove day become prime minister are slim. The NDP L’expression fait référence au terme
utilisé dans les courses de chevaux,
a disadvantage for the NDP in Quebec, which has governed provinces (it holds power in Al- le premier cheval à passer la ligne
elected 16 of the party’s MPs. The French-speak- berta and British Columbia) but never the coun- d’arrivée étant le gagnant.
ing province is hostile to overt religious symbols try. To wrest Mr Trudeau’s job from him at the
like the turban and the kirpan, a dagger worn
by Sikh men. next election in 2019, Mr Singh will have to break
7. to win, won, won over to convince, to gain the trust of
/ insecure here, unguaranteed, without (financial) more than one barrier. O
security / first-past-the-post electoral system
(system of) majority of votes is the winner in one round /
MP = Member of Parliament, political representative. seat position (elected office) / the odds [...] are... the
6. to hurt, hurt, hurt to damage, have a negative effect / probabilities that...(are) / slim small / to wrest to take
overt visible, clear, obvious / dagger small knife. possession of / to break, broke, broken barriers to overcome obstacles.
Last month, California’s governor Jerry
Brown signed a bill which recognizes a third
gender option for people who do not identify
as male or female. The law will now allow
Californians to identify as “nonbinary” on
state-issued identity documents, including
driver’s licenses and birth certificates. The
bill’s co-author, Senator Toni Atkins says this
measure “will eliminate unnecessary stress
and anxiety for many Californians, and it
exemplifies the leadership role that our state
continues to take in LGBTQ civil rights.”
gender sex (identity as either male or female) /
freedom liberty, choice / to sign a bill to introduce
Norway, on the country’s southern coast, and will have space for 100 diners. De-
signed by architectural firm Snøhetta, known for its work on the 9/11 memorial
museum in New York and the Norwegian National Opera, the restaurant will
stand five meters deep below sea level. "One of the benefits of this building is how
(Ken McKay/ITV/Shutterst/SIPA)
it links nature and land", lead architect Rune Grasdal told CNN. Construction is
due to start next year with an expected opening in 2019.
space room / diner restaurant client, customer / to design to plan out archictecturally / to stand, stood, stood to be
located / deep down / below under / benefit advantage, good effect / to link to connect, associate / lead chief,
principal / to be due to to be scheduled to / expected planned, hoped for.
mini camping gear... These adorable images have October. The announcement sparked much
earned Azuki a massive following of over criticism, with many online comments
200,000 fans on Instagram. In Japan, hedgehogs pointing out the fact that the machine has
are beloved animals: a hedgehog-themed cafe more rights than women and migrant
even opened in Tokyo last year! workers in Saudi Arabia.
tiny very small / hedgehog (U.S) porcupine, Erinaceus europeaeus, relatively large rodent with sharp erectile bristles mingled to grant to give, accord / citizenship status of being
with fur / to capture to conquer, win / worldwide all over the world / spiky with sharp points / fellow guy, (adorable) animal, a member of a country, nationality / issue edition / to
creature / cute sweet, adorable / sensation star, celebrity / thanks to due to, because of / owner proprietor / photoshoot take, took, taken place to happen / to hold, held,
photo session / pygmy dwarf, small version / to engage in to take part in, participate in / outdoor outside, in the open air / to held to organise / kingdom realm / to spark to
board to get on, embark / to grill to cook on a barbecue / snack bite to eat, light food / gear equipment / to earn to gain / cause, provoke / netizen internet user / to highlight
following group of fans / over more than / beloved dear, much loved / even as well, here, actually. to draw attention to, remark.
Vocabulaire, expressions et astuces pour parler comme un Anglais…
À l'infirmerie
Afin d’éviter d’expliquer ce qui vous arrive avec des
gestes, voici quelques mots et expressions qui
devraient vous permettre de décrire vos petits bobos
à l’infirmière…
Retrouvez cette fiche de vocabulaire lue sur le CD Lecture
est toujours en cours. 1. It’s ………………….. raining. I don’t think we will be able to go for a
Yet (négatif ou interrogatif)
2. Have you ………………….. been to Rome or is it your first visit?
indique que l’action n’a pas
3. I haven’t applied for my visa ………………….. I’ll do it tomorrow.
encore eu lieu au moment
4. What time will Pete be arriving? He’s ………………….. here.
où l’on parle.
He’s waiting for you in the lobby.
Already indique que 5. Have you heard from John …………………..? It’s over 3 weeks since
l’action a déjà eu lieu. he left.
6. Are you ………………….. here ? I thought you had ………………….. left.
7. Don’t send those boxes ………………….. . I haven’t finished packing
8. Sally is ………………….. unemployed. She hasn’t found another job
………………….. .
Piqûre de rappel 2
Yet peut également avoir le Dans ces phrases issues de ce numéro de Vocable, indiquez si
yet a le sens expliqué en Piqûre de rappel 1 ou en Piqûre de
sens de pourtant, rappel 2.
néanmoins, toutefois. (a) Lord, make me free – but not yet. ___________
(b) Yet Mr Singh’s biography could also hurt him. ___________
(c) It’s fierce, yet the horn protects against poison. ___________
(d) The band’s as yet untitled 8th album. ___________
(e) Yet some Scottish nationalists are banking on Brexit being
such a disaster. ___________
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Retrouvez beaucoup plus d'exercices de
grammaire, d'orthographe et de culture
générale sur notre site internet ! SOLUTIONS : (a)1 - (b)2 - (c)2 - (d)1 - (e)2
Tendez l’oreille
Trouvez l’intrus.
1. bread steak send spread
said head
2. honey lover hope sun come
3. know rose coat lose low
Retrouvez Yves Cotten sur et-compagnie.blogspot.fr
4. allow proud sound clown
show mouse
5. were work shirt hurt wore
6. shoe cool chew cruise route
SOLUTIONS : 1.steak 2.hope 3.lose 4.show 5.wore
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Retrouvez beaucoup plus d'exercices de
grammaire, d'orthographe et de culture
générale sur notre site internet !
Jeux de mots
Feelings and emotions
A retenir
1 Dans ces mots croisés, indiquez la traduction des mots 5 mots à mémoriser
ci-dessous Tous proviennent de l’article “Two decades of dans ce numéro
1 to hold in contempt
to goad
6 3
aiguillonner, piquer
4 to be in the limelight
8 5 être sous les feux des
9 to expect
s’attendre à
1. éloges
to hope
2. trop sûr de soi 10
3. fier
4. joie E G D E N O 11 11
5. mépris I
6. détester E S A E T A 10
7. pudibond
L'expression idiomatique
8. mépris F E I L E B S I D 9 R
Ne manquez pas dans le prochain numéro la nouvelle page PRATIC’ABLE : Le vocabulaire des « séries »
(Andrew MacColl/Shutters/SIPA )
1. kind sort / heckler troublemaker in an audience who 2. shout loud cry / painful causing physical/emotional thin limited, minimal / newfound new / Scot person
contests what a public speaker is saying / to provide to suffering, here, difficult / reminder sth that makes one from Scotland / to hold, held, held to organise / within
give, to offer / to cheer to applaud, to shout out words of remember sth / aim goal / some way off not in the near in / according to as stated/reported by... / poll survey,
approval / to wince to move one’s face slightly with future, a long distance away / to abort to terminate / study of public opinion / to meet, met, met to receive /
sudden pain/distress/discomfort. push campaign / such ...of this kind / plebiscite wild exuberant / to belie to give a false impression of sth,
referendum / deputy vice- / beyond apart from / to conceal / timeline timetable, calendar.
Scotland's population: 5.4 million Status: semi-autonomous part of the UK
Area: 77,933 km² First Minister: Nicola Sturgeon (SNP)
Languages: English, Scots, Gaelic Emblem: the thistle
>>> CATALAN FLAGS pollster. Voters would have less money in remain in the EU, in line with the vote of
3. Their zeal clashed with a leadership their pockets and not much in the way of 62% of Scots last year, has been full-throat-
desperate to use the three-day gathering higher public spending to show for it. ed. But that sits uneasily with polls show-
to portray the SNP as a party of govern- ing that about a third of SNP supporters
ment, rather than just independence. Cat- A MORE DISTANT DREAM voted to leave. An independent Scotland
alan-flag-wielding delegates were treated 5. After ten years in power in Scotland, the would face barriers to trade with England,
to a buffet of new policies to compensate SNP’s support is waning. It lost 21 of its 56 its main trading partner, if one country
for the absence of the one they really want. MPs in the general election in June, after were inside the EU and the other outside
Scottish parents will benefit from 30 hours half a million voters deserted the party. Its it. Yet some Scottish nationalists are bank-
of free child-care per week, thanks to an remaining 35 MPs have small majorities: ing on Brexit being such a disaster that
extra £420m (€468m) in funding by 2021. the SNP’s safest seat has a clamour for separation
Bursaries worth £20,000 (€22 284) will be cushion of fewer than grows. Independence, say
handed to those thinking of becoming 7,000 votes, whereas 22 several MSPs, is a “life-
teachers. A publicly-owned energy com- have majorities of under Independence boat” from the soon-to-be-
pany will sell gas and electricity at close 3 , 0 0 0. In June it was is still the aim, shipwrecked Britain. “The
to cost price. Some carers will be exempt squeezed by both the re- strategy as such is simply:
from council tax. “We can do all these surgent Scottish Conserv- but an stay in power, and then
things because we are in government,” atives, who picked up increasingly hope that someone makes
pleaded Ms Sturgeon. As far as the SNP’s much of the unionist vote, some awful screw-up,”
leadership is concerned, the route to inde- and by Labour, which out-
distant one. says Alex Bell, a former
pendence lies through good governance. flanked the SNP on its left. SNP staffer.
Labour’s revival in Eng-
4. This path to freedom will not be easy. land also weakens the SNP’s argument that 8. Independence is still the aim, but an
The above policies are pricey. Ms Sturgeon independence is the only way that Scots increasingly distant one. Ms Sturgeon
has made tentative noises about increasing can avoid being governed by Tories in closed her speech with a plea for patience.
taxes. Despite having the power to do so, Westminster. For now, governing comes first. O
the SNP has been reluctant. Tax rises are
always tricky, but especially so for a party 6. In the Scottish Parliament, where the
in line with in accordance with / full-throated very loud
that has built its success on popular givea- party has 63 out of 129 members, it is on and vocal / to not sit well with to not be accepted well
ways such as free university tuition. Any track to lose seats in 2021. Though it is considering... / uneasily badly / trading partner
increase would probably not come until likely to remain comfortably the largest commercial partner (trade commerce, business) / yet
however / to bank on to count on, to depend on / MSP =
next year. By the time any benefit trickled party, it may lose the narrow parliamen- Member of the Scottish Parliament / lifeboat boat
into the public finances, the Scottish par- tary majority in favour of independence. used for saving people in danger at sea / soon-to-be-
liamentary election of 2021 would be nigh, shipwrecked which is sailing in the direction of imminent
disaster (shipwreck destruction of a ship at sea) / as
points out Mark Diffley, an independent 7.Brexit adds more confusion, providing such here, understood in this way / awful terrible /
the SNP with both a rallying cry and a screw-up mess, failure, mistake / former former, ex /
3. flag piece of cloth with a symbol/design representing a schism. The party’s desire for Scotland to staffer member (of staff).
country/region / zeal ardour, enthusiasm / to clash with to 8. increasingly more and more / plea appeal.
come into conflict with, to be in opposition to / gathering in the way of in terms of / public spending expenditure
large meeting of people, rally / to portray to present / rather by central government and local authorities / to show for
than as opposed to / to wield to brandish / to be treated it as a result of this.
to to be offered sth nice / policy political measure / child
care supervision of children in a crèche / thanks to due to, 5. to wane to decline, to become weaker / MP = Member of
because of / funding financial support / by before / bursary Parliament political representative elected in Parliament /
grant, money given for sb to study / worth with a value of... / general election national election / to remain to stay, to
to hand to give / to own to possess / cost price cost spent continue / safe without danger/risk / seat parliamentary SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
to produce goods before any profit margin is added / council position / cushion pillow, here, safety margin / whereas
tax local tax / to plead to present as an argument / as far while, in contrast / to squeeze here, to be put in a difficult
as... is concerned with regards to... / route path, way / to lie, situation, to put pressure on / both each of two things / Notez le sens différent
lay, lain through... to be based on, to depend on. resurgent renascent / to pick up to obtain / Labour
socialist party in the UK / to outflank to gain an advantage
de yet dans ces deux
4. path route, track / freedom independence / above over sb / revival comeback / to weaken to make less strong phrases :
things mentioned just before / pricey expensive, costly / to / way means, manner / to avoid to prevent / (the) Tories
make, made, made noises about to indirectly speak Lord, make me free - but not yet.
(the) Conservatives / Westminster the British Parliament.
about, to allude to / to increase to augment, to raise / (mais pas encore)
despite in spite of / so that / reluctant hesitant, reticent / 6. to be on track for to be on course to... / though even if
/ likely probable / comfortably without any problems, Yet (cependant) some Scottish
rise increase / tricky difficult / especially particularly /
giveaway free gift / tuition university course / to trickle with a distinct advantage / narrow not wide, thin. nationalists are banking on Brexit
into to filter down in very small quantities / nigh imminent, 7. to provide to give / rallying call cry which incites being a disaster. (cf. § 7)
near in time / to point out to highlight, to explain / people to take action /
22 • VOCABLE Du 16 au 29 novembre 2017 À facile A2-B1 / ÀÀ moyen B2-C1 / ÀÀÀ difficile C1-C2
Culture I Art I ETATS-UNIS I À A2-B1
Donald Trump in his Trump Tower office. (SIPA)
(Metropolitan FilmExport)
New film by Todd Haynes featuring deaf characters and actors
The film Le Musée des merveilles (in cinemas from 15 November) tells the story of the adventures of Rose
and Ben, two deaf children following a dream that takes them all the way to New York. American director,
Todd Haynes, presents a tale that is moving and nostalgic. Interview with Julianne Moore and the
wonderful Millicent Simmonds, the young actress in the film who is deaf in real life.
24 • VOCABLE Du 16 au 29 novembre 2017 À facile A2-B1 / ÀÀ moyen B2-C1 / ÀÀÀ difficile C1-C2
Téléchargez l’appli Vocable offerte à nos abonnés ! www.vocable.fr/applimobile
tures just came alive," cause she needed the
Haynes says. "It was ability to hear to prevent
extremely moving. something bad from
The more we saw, the happening," Simmonds
more we were com- Millicent Simmonds in 'Wonderstruck says. "It's very depress-
pelled by what she did ing, but also interesting."
without language."
12.The film is directed by John Krasinski, who
9.Haynes used unconventional methods to
yell "Action!": having Simmonds' mom dress
co-stars with wife Emily Blunt.
in costume and walk ahead of her daughter 13."Do you like them more than me?" Moore
to discreetly sign the word, and dropping asks playfully. "I am an actor, after all. I have
British !
an ego." "It's you, Julianne," Millicent Sim-
monds responds, smiling. "You are my favorite
meaningful significant, important. of all time." O
5. to spend, spent, spent to pass (time), devote / even
as well / pointer indication, advice, tip.
6. I’m not kidding I am not joking, here exaggerating / to
jest to joke / as she talks while talking / to go, went, gone heavy weighty / so in order that.
here, to say / you got it that’s it, you are doing it correctly / 10. blooper blunder, funny mistake / to make, made,
keep going continue in the same way, carry on like that. made it into here, to find itself in, to be included as part of /
7. play drama performed on stage at a theatre / early first, desk work table / asleep in the state of sleep, at rest, not
initial, previous / firefighter person whose job it is to put out awake / to pound here, to stamp, stomp, to hit hard and
fires / drama dramatic arts, theatre / casting call audition. repeatedly with the feet / to get, got, got here, to attract.
8. whole entire / to come, came, come alive to become 11. to shoot, shot, shot to film, here to act in a film / ability 110 FILMS · 40 DÉBATS
animated / moving touching, emotional / to compel to capability, capacity / to prevent to stop (from happening) / 25 AVANT-PREMIÈRES
persuade, convince forcefully, here, enthrall. to happen to take place, occur / depressing sad. www.cinema-histoire-pessac.com
9. to yell to shout / ahead of in front of / daughter 12. wife spouse.
female child / to drop to release, let sth fall / 13. playfully humorously.
Placebo: a retrospective (decade period of ten years)
The legendary 1990s rock group, Placebo, just completed a world tour celebrating that familiar, nasal tone that gives Placebo
twenty years in the music business. Its lead singer, the provocative and one of the distinct characteristics that people
androgynous, Brian Molko, takes the opportunity to look over the history of this either adore or abhor.
British trio and talk about the next album. Does Placebo still have the same effect
on audiences as before? 4.“We got thrust into the limelight very
quickly and we embraced our early success
with a lot of glee’ he says between drags on
rian Molko reflects on the alterna- their reputation for garnering praise and a cigarette and with a glint in his eye. ‘We
tive rock band’s career as they wrap scorn in almost equal measure. As is made had this feeling of utter disbelief, as if we
up a retrospective 20 Years of Placebo tour. obvious from the quote above, he is per- were naughty schoolchildren that had fooled
“I'd rather we were considered a Marmite fectly at ease with such a perception, even everyone and were about to be found out any
band than for us to be seen as inoffensive historically going so far as to positively en- minute. So we embraced the rock n' roll life-
and easily forgettable, so I don't have a prob- courage disdain from those who he himself style with enormous enthusiasm, as I think
lem with generating love or disgust for our holds in contempt. every young band should, you know? It's a
band; that's not an issue for me at all!” rite of passage and it comes with the terri-
LOVE THEM OR HATE THEM tory. We were surprised by how well the first
2.It’s fair to say that Brian Molko, lead sing- 3.It’sexactly this desire to goad, challenge album did… Our motivation was simply to
er and songwriter for Placebo, the band he’s and confront that has made Placebo one of never get a job in an office; we expected to
fronted now for 23 years, is well aware of the most interesting and remarkable bands
of the past 30 years. Molko speaks slowly in
tone intonation of the voice / distinct marked, specific.
4. to get, got, got thrust to be pushed / limelight
1. to wrap up to finish, to complete / tour series of spotlight, focus of media attention / to embrace to
concerts in different places / Marmite band band which to garner to gather, to receive / praise expression of welcome and accept (with enthusiasm) / glee delight,
provokes either a positive or negative reaction but never approval/admiration / scorn contempt, disdain / quote happiness / to drag on to inhale / glint sparkle, gleam,
indifference / disgust strong feeling of dislike or citation, declaration, statement / historically in the past / twinkle / utter complete, absolute / disbelief incredulity
disapproval. disdain rejection, dislike / to hold, held, held in / to fool to deceive, to trick / to be found out to be
2. lead main / songwriter person who writes songs / to contempt to have little respect for. discovered, to be caught after doing sth dishonest / any
front to be the lead singer (of a band) / 3. to goad to provoke / minute any moment /
26 • VOCABLE Du 16 au 29 novembre 2017 À facile A2-B1 / ÀÀ moyen B2-C1 / ÀÀÀ difficile C1-C2
Améliorez votre prononciation en écoutant tous les articles sur le supplément audio de lecture
8.With this tour seemingly as good a time NEW RECORD IN THE WORKS
to reflect on their career as any, I take the 9.But what of the future of Placebo? Molko
opportunity to ask Molko if there is a par- reveals that he is currently writing songs for
ticular song that he is most proud of over the band’s as yet untitled 8th album, a project
the 100+ he’s written for the band. “Every that will no doubt become the main focus of
single band wants to do two things; 1) they their 2018. “I'd like the next record to reflect
want to write that one song that is such a the pain, frustration and violence that we're
hopefully be able to pay the rent and put food big hit that they never have to work again. seeing on the news on a daily basis” he says.
on the table and we would have been very And 2) they want to write a song which
satisfied with that but the universe had dif- transcends the identity of the band itself. I 10.“I'dlike it to be a record of the times be-
ferent plans for us. We stuck out like a sore think we finally managed that ourselves cause I've lived in London for 27 years and I
thumb in a music scene where Britpop was with the last track on Loud Like Love which honestly have never seen anything quite like
king; the timing was accidental but it also is a song called ‘Bosco’. You don't need to the political climate we’re living in today,
proved to be rather fortuitous for us.” know anything about Placebo for that song both in the UK and in the US. We’re going
to grasp you emotionally or to connect with backwards rather than forwards; everyone’s
A BAND FOR THE OUTCASTS the story in that song because it is so vulner- on edge and a sense of fear pervades with
5.Placebo pranced cocksure and panda-eyed able. It transcends the band's identity, it can terrorist attacks and world leaders threaten-
into a musical landscape awash with macho exist without needing any context from the ing to wipe other countries of the face of the
posturing and male bravado. Their heroes, band in order for it to have the desired emo- planet. And alongside that, I also believe that
Lou Reed, Marc Bolan and David Bowie tional impact.” we’ve entered the most narcissistic age that
among them, had all pushed the boundaries I've ever experienced in my lifetime thanks
of androgyny and sexuality in the 70s but to the way that technology has developed. I
Placebo found themselves thrust unwill- don't necessarily think that level of self-en-
titlement is healthy for us as a society. These
unwillingly unintentionally / prudish excessively proper are very inspiring times for artists and crea-
hopefully with a bit of luck / rent regular (usually monthly) and prude.
tive types.” O
payment to live in a property / to stick, stuck, stuck out 6. to witness to observe / to show, showed, showed or
like a sore thumb to be obviously very different to shown up to come / gig concert / to fancy to be
everyone else / Britpop UK pop music produced by British attracted to / hot sexy / cross-dressing act of wearing
bands in the 1990s / timing time when sth happens. clothes associated with the opposite sex.
5. outcast person who is excluded from society, pariah / to 7. misfit nonconformist / square peg in a round hole
prance to proudly dance and jump around to impress others 9. to be in the works to be in preparation / focus centre
person who does not fit into the norms of society.
/ cocksure (over)confident, self-assured, arrogant / panda- of interest, activity.
8. seemingly apparently / hit success / track song / to
eyed ref. to the dark eye make-up of Brian Molko / awash 10. to go, went, gone backwards to regress / to be on
grasp to grab, to seize, here, to move, to touch / to
full of, submerged with / posturing affected attitude / edge to be tense/nervous / to pervade to be present
connect with to identify with.
bravado ostentatious show of self-confidence / Marc everywhere all the time / to wipe of the face of the
Bolan lead singer of rock band T. Rex (1947-1977) / planet to annihilate / self-entitlement belief that one
boundary frontier / automatically has a right to everything.
(Ann Borden/AP/SIPA)
actor, who plays Jon Snow, got emotional. "We
had the read-through last week in fact, so I
know everything now,” he told the BBC, in
reference to the famous "You know nothing,
Jon Snow" line. “I cried at the end," he said.
"You have to remember that eight years of it,
no one really cares about it more than us."
Love, Barack to cry to weep, shed tears / script screenplay / at
least as a minimum / cast actors and actresses /
show here, TV series / to get, got, got one’s hands
Barack Obama’s letters to a former college girlfriend have been unveiled. Excerpts on sth to obtain, here, gain access to / to get, got,
were released by the Emory University Library last month, showing a young man got to become / read-through first reading / line
struggling with his place in the world. "They are quite beautifully composed and re- sentence of dialogue, quotation / to care about to be
interested in, concerned about, treat as important.
veal the search of a young man for meaning and identity," library director Rosemary
Magee said. In one of the earliest letters, the former president wrote: "I trust you know
that I miss you, that my concern for you is as wide as the air, my confidence in you as deep as the
sea, my love rich and plentiful." It was signed: "Love, Barack."
former ex / college university / to unveil to reveal, make public / excerpt extract, passage / to release here, to make
public / library place where books are kept and made available for public reference / to struggle to have a problem with,
have difficulty with / quite rather, here, very / early first / to trust to have faith and confidence in, believe / concern
preoccupation / wide vast / confidence assurance, belief / deep profound / plentiful abundant.
(Disney Channel)
Terry Richardson
blacklisted Disney Channel’s
Celebrity photographer Terry Richardson has coming out
been banned from major fashion magazines
amid resurfacing sexual harassment claims. Disney Channel made history by having one of its
Leading magazines such as Vogue, Glamour, key characters come out as gay, in a teen show
GQ and Vanity Fair said they would no longer called Andi Mack. The TV series revolves around
work with the 52-year-old artist. Richardson 13-year-old girl Andi and her friends. The storyline
is known for incorporating soft-porn shows Andi and her friend Cyrus (a boy) both
aesthetic into his shoots (he also directed admitting they are attracted to the same boy. The
Miley Cyrus’s Wrecking Ball video). He has move has been praised by equal rights
been dogged for years by allegations of campaigners in the US and the UK. "For young
sexual exploitation of models, something he lesbian, gay and bi people it sends a powerful
has always denied. message, demonstrating that they are not alone,"
said Kim Sanders from LGBT group Stonewall.
(Neil Rasmus/BFA/Shutter/SIPA)
Profile of Geoffrey Everest Hinton
and his contribution to AI
Research into Artificial Intelligence is
skyrocketing and Canada is putting itself
at the forefront. It is the chosen the
location for numerous laboratories
(notably Facebook) and many of its
leading figures, such as Geoffrey Hinton,
one of the founding fathers of AI.
Friendly and engaging, resolutely
anti-conformist, and especially a
visionary, he has revolutionised the
research in this field.
Ride in a self-driving car and you will be using technology based on Hinton's ideas.
(Aaron Elkaim/The New York Times)
s an undergraduate at Cambridge physiology and psychology to physics and not too distant future, ride in a self-driving
University, Geoffrey Everest Hin- chemistry — offered real answers. So he set car, and you will be using technology based
ton thought a lot about the brain. He wanted about building his own computer models to partly on Hinton’s ideas. His impact on arti-
to better understand how it worked but was mimic the brain’s process. “People just ficial intelligence research has been so deep
frustrated that no field of study — from thought I was crazy,” said Hinton, now 69, a that some people in the field talk about the
Google fellow who is also a professor emer- “six degrees of Geoffrey Hinton” the way
itus of computer science at the University of college students once referred to Kevin Ba-
1. undergraduate student in the first three years of a
university course / brain nerve centre in the skull / field of Toronto. con’s uncanny connections to so many Hol-
study academic subject area / lywood movies.
2.He wasn’t. He became one of the world’s
foremost authorities on artificial intelli- GOOGLE BRAIN
gence, designing software that imitates how 4. Hinton’s students and associates are now
the brain is believed to work. At the same leading lights of artificial intelligence re-
time, Hinton, who left academia in the Unit- search at Apple, Facebook, Google and Uber,
ed States in part as a personal protest against and run artificial intelligence programs at
military funding of research, has helped the University of Montreal and OpenAI, a
make Canada a high-tech hotbed. nonprofit research company. “Geoff, at a
time when AI was in the wilderness, toiled
3. Dictate a text on your away at building the field and because of
smartphone, search his personality, attracted people who then
for a photo on dispersed,” said Ilse Treurnicht, chief ex-
Google or, ecutive of Toronto’s MaRS Discovery Dis-
in the trict, an innovation center that will soon >>>
chemistry scientific study of the 3. self-driving driver-less, without a driver / college (US)
structure of substances / to set, university / Six degrees of Kevin Bacon game where the
set, set about to undertake, start / objective is to link any actor to Kevin Bacon via six
computer science information maximum connections of film partners (based on the «six
technology / to mimic to imitate, degrees of separation» concept, that any two people on
reproduce / (Google) fellow highest status Earth are six or fewer acquaintance links apart) / uncanny
or rank of engineer at Google. strange, mysterious, worrying, here, unlikely but seemingly
true nonetheless.
2. foremost most important, principal / software
(inv.) computer programme(s) / academia world of 4. leading light beacon, person who is prominent or
universities and scholars / funding financing / hotbed influential in a particular field or organisation / to run, ran,
place favouring rapid growth and development. run to direct, manage / nonprofit not aimed at making
money / wilderness desert, void / to toil away to work
continuously /
>>> house the Vector Institute, Toronto’s new ficial intelligence research project. His tiny the time he finished his undergraduate de-
public-private artificial intelligence research office there is not the grand space filled with gree, he realized that no one had a clue how
institute where Hinton will be chief scien- gadgets and awards that one might expect people think. “I got fed up with academia and
tific adviser. for a man at the leading edge of the most decided I would rather be a carpenter,” he
transformative field of science today. There recalled with evident delight, standing at a
5.Hinton also recently set up a Toronto isn’t even a chair. Be- high table in Google’s
branch of Google Brain, the company’s arti- cause of damaged ver- white-on-white cafe
tebrae, he stands up to “I got fed up with here. He was 22 and
work and lies down to lasted a year in the
to house to accommodate, to provide premises for /
ride in a car, stretched academia and decided trade, although carpen-
adviser consultant.
5. branch division, local office / out on the back I would rather be a try remains his hobby
seat. carpenter” today.
30 • VOCABLE Du 16 au 29 novembre 2017 À facile A2-B1 / ÀÀ moyen B2-C1 / ÀÀÀ difficile C1-C2
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some “interesting internal representations,” Toronto and eventually set up a program at lesions for cancer. The combination of the
as he put it. the institute that is now called Learning in Vector Institute, a surrounding cluster of
Machines & Brains. He also joined the hospitals and government support, he added,
12. Here’s an example of how the brain pro- University of Toronto as a professor of makes Toronto “one of the best places in the
duces an internal representation. When you computer science, though he confesses that world to do it.” O
look at a cat — for some reason cats are a he has never taken a computer science
favorite subject of artificial intelligence re- course himself.
surrounding around and nearby / cluster ensemble,
search — light waves bouncing off it hit your group, hub.
retina, which converts the light into electri- 15. By 2012, computers had become fast
cal impulses that travel along the optic nerve enough to allow him and his researchers
to the brain. Those impulses, of course, look in Toronto to create those internal rep-
nothing like a cat. The brain, however, recon- resentations as well as reproduce
stitutes those impulses into an internal speech patterns that are part of the
representation of the cat, and if you close translation applications we all
your eyes, you can see it in your mind. “In use today.
AI, the holy grail was how do you generate
internal representations,” Hinton explained. 16.He formed a company
specializing in speech and
13. Interesting as those internal representa- photo recognition with
tions were from an academic point of view, two of his students at the
computers were still too slow to re-create University of Toronto.
them in a way that mimicked the brain. Google bought the
business, so Hin-
MOVING TO TORONTO ton joined Google
14. At that point, Hinton was becoming half time and
disillusioned with the politics of the United cont i nue s t o
States in the Reagan era. He also didn’t like work there on
that most artificial intelligence research was creating arti-
funded by the U.S. military. He moved to ficial neural
net work s.
The deal
11. as he put it according to his way of describing it.
made Hin-
12. light wave electromagnetic wave (movement,
undulation) by which light travels through a medium or
t o n a
vacuum / to bounce off to hit and rebound / impulse wealthy man.
transmission, here, integral of force / to travel along sth
to transmit, move along sth / holy grail sacred vessel,
17. Now he is turn-
holiest of treasures.
14. at that point at that period, moment (in his life) /
ing his attention to
disillusioned disenchanted / era period / health care, think-
ing that artificial
intelligence tech-
nology could be
harnessed to scan
eventually in time.
G.E. Hinton did a Ph.D.
15. speech pattern
at Edinburgh structure of speech, verbal language
University (cf. § 8) pattern.
Ph.D. (qui s’écrit également PhD) 16. deal business agreement, transaction /
wealthy rich.
est une abréviation du latin
17. to harness to make use of, exploit / to
Philosophiæ doctor qui veut dire scan to scrutinise, examine /
Doctor of Philosophy (docteur en
philosophie). Dans le système
universitaire anglo-saxon ou
franco-canadien il est l’équivalent
d’un diplôme de doctorat en France.
Il n’est pas limité aux études de
philosophie mais s’applique à toutes
les disciplines.
Doctors 2.0
Mainly considered a subject for science fiction until recently,
artificial intelligence is about to take the medical world by storm
with its ability to conduct early diagnoses, propose treatments, and
understand medical conditions. The United Kingdom is investing
massively in this technological revolution. Could your doctor
become a computer program in the near future?
32 • VOCABLE Du 16 au 29 novembre 2017 À facile A2-B1 / ÀÀ moyen B2-C1 / ÀÀÀ difficile C1-C2
Retrouvez plus d’infos sur www.vocable.fr
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