Computer Application
Computer Application
Computer Application
Choose the Correct Answers 8. The live telecasting of real time program
through Internet is known as ____
1. ________ refers to any type of application a) Web casting b) web hosting
that involves more than one type of media c) data manipulation d) none of the above
such as text, graphics video animation and
9. GIF use _______ color look up table
a) 8 bit b) 8 KB
a) An executable files b) desktop publishing
c) 8 MB d) 8 GB e) 13bit
c) multimedia d) hypertext
10. RTF file format was introduced by ______
2. One of the disadvantages of the multimedia
a) TCS b) Microsoft
is its __
c) Apple d) IBM
a) Cost b) adaptability
c) usability d) relativity
3. Expand JPEG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a) Joint photo experts gross c a b c B c d a e b
b) Joint photographic experts group
c) Joint processor experts group
d) Joint photographic expression group PART III
4. You need hardware, software and __ to Short Answers
make multimedia
a) Network b) compact disk drive
1. Define Multimedia and their features.
c) good idea d) programming knowledge
Multimedia is an integration of many types of media
5. Match the following by choosing the right like text, graphics, images, audio, animation, video
one etc on a single medium in the same information unit.
1. Text – TGA Features:
2. Image – MIDI Latest enriching experience in the field of informa-
3. Sound – MPEG tion sector.
4. Video – RTF Multimedia plays vital role in terms of presenting
a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 2, 3, 4, 1 information to the users.
c. 4, 1, 2, 3 d. 3, 4, 1, 2
2. List out Multimedia Components
6. Find the odd one on the following which is Multimedia has five major components
not an image format They are
a) TIFF b) BMP 1. Text
c) RTF d) JPEG 2. Images
3. Sound
Chapter - 1 Multimedia and Desktop Publishing XII Std - Computer Application
4. Video 10. List out Multimedia Production team
5. Animation. members
Production Manager
3. Classify the TEXT component in multimedia
Content Specialist
Static Text
Script Writer
Text Editor
4. Classify the IMAGE component in Multimedia Architect
multimedia Computer Graphic Artist
Raster or Bitmap Images Audio and Video Specialist
Vector Images Computer Programmer
Web Master
5. Define Animation and their features
Animation is the process displaying still imag-
es so quickly so that they give the impression of PART IIII
continuous movement.
Features: Explain in Brief Answer
Using numerical transformations the movement
of that image along its paths is calculated for 1. Briefly explain about Multimedia
their defining coordinates. Components
Animations may be in two or three dimensional. Multimedia has five major components like text,
Animation tools are very powerful and effective. images, sound, video and animation.
1) Text:
6. List out image file formats
Text is the basic components of multimedia
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
and most common ways of communicating infor-
BMP (Bitmap)
mation to other person.
DIB (Device Independent Bitmap)
2) Image
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
Images acts as a vital component in multimedia.
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
These images are generated by the computer in
TGA (Tagra)
two ways, as bitmap or raster images and as vector
PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
7. List out audio file formats 3) Animation
WAV (Waveform Audio File Format) Animation is the process displaying still images
MP3 (MPEG Layer-3 Format) so quickly so that they give the impression of
OGG continuous movement.
AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) 4) Sound
WMA (Windows Media Audio) Sound is a meaningful speech in any language
RA (Real Audio Format) and is the most serious element in multimedia,
providing the pleasure of music, special effects and
8. List out video file formats so on.
AVI (Audio/Video Interleave)
5) Video
MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group)
Video is defined as the display of recorded
WMV (Windows Media Video)
event, scene etc.
FLV (Flash Video)
MKV (Matroska Video) 2. Describe the features and techniques of
9. Define Multimedia Production
Using numerical transformations the movement
In basic terms, multimedia production is any sort of
MKS TAMIL of that image along its paths is calculated for
production that uses imagery and a combination of
their defining coordinates.
text, audio, and graphics to tell a story.
XII Std - Computer Application Chapter - 1 Multimedia and Desktop Publishing
Animations may be in two or three dimensional. feel satisfied at the end of your day and get
Animation tools are very powerful and effective. praise from your clients as well.
The two basic types of animations are Path
animation and Frame animation.
Path animation involves moving an object on a
screen that has a constant background
Explain in detail
In frame animations, multiple objects are allowed
to travel simultaneously
1. Explain in detail Process of Multimedia
3. Write roles and responsibilities of 1. Conceptual Analysis and Planning
Production team members Conceptual analysis identifies an appropriate
Production team comprises of members play- theme, budget and content availability on that se-
ing various roles and responsibilities like Script lected theme. Copyright issues also are considered
writer, Production manager, Editor, Graphics in this phase.
Architect, Multimedia Architect and Web Master.
It is for a high end multimedia project requires 2. Project design
team efforts. Goals, Objectives are contribute to the Project
design phase.
4. Describe the various file formats in
3. Pre-production
1) Text Formats
Based on the planning and design, it is necessary
•• RTF : Rich Text Format is introduced by
to develop the project.
2) Image Formats
4. Budgeting
•• GIF (Graphics Interchange Format): It is a
Budgeting for each phases like consultants, hard-
compressed image format.
ware, software, travel, communication and publish-
•• JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group):
ing is estimated for all the multimedia projects.
It was designed to attain maximum image
5. Multimedia Production Team
3) Audio File Formats
Script writer, Production manager, Editor, Graph-
•• WAV (Waveform Audio File Format): It is the
ics Architect, Multimedia Architect and Web Master
audio file format in windows
are there in Multimedia Production Team
•• MP3 (MPEG Layer-3 Format): MPEG Layer-3
format for storing and downloading music.
6. Hardware/Software Selection
4) Video File Formats:
Hardware includes the selection of fastest CPU,
•• AVI (Audio/Video Interleave): It is the video
RAM and huge monitors, sufficient disc for storing
file format for Windows.
the records.
•• MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group): It is a
standard for generating digital video and au-
7. Defining the Content
dio compression.
Content is the “stuff ” provided by content spe-
5. Explain animation industry and their scope cialist to the multimedia architect
The animation industry encompasses traditional
2D animation, 3D animation and visual effects 8. Preparing the structure
for feature films. This structure defines the activities, responsible
The animation industry is expected to grow at a person for each activity and the start/end time
pace faster than the IT industry’s! for each activity.
Animation as a career option is a field where you FRIENDS
can fulfill your dream of “enjoy-as-you-work”,
Chapter - 1 Multimedia and Desktop Publishing XII Std - Computer Application
9. Production Frame Animation
In the multimedia application, after the In frame animations, multiple objects are
pre-production activities, the production phase allowed to travel simultaneously and the background
starts. This phase includes the activities like or the objects also changes.
background music selection, sound recording and
so on.
3. Explore the opportunities Animation filed
movie industry.
10. Testing
As such, anyone completes a 3D animation
The complete testing of the pilot product is
course can hope to build a rewarding and satis-
done before the mass production to ensure that
fying career in the Media and Entertainment field
everything is in place, thereby avoiding the failure
these days.
after launch.
A number of job opportunities are opening up on
a daily basis.
11. Documentation
Animation and visual effects requirements for
The documentation has all the valuable
massive international projects such as HBO’s top
information’s starting from the system requirement
TV series and Marvel’s hits Infinity War and Black
till the completion of testing.
Panther was outsourced to Indian companies in
Mumbai and Pune.
12. Delivering the Multimedia Product
The surge in demand for animation and visual
Multimedia applications are best delivered on CD/
effects experts has led to a significant increase
DVD or in the website.
in the number of students enrolling for a VFX
2. Explain in detail Techniques of Animation course.
Animation is the process displaying still images
4. Explain in detail about production team
so quickly so that they give the impression of
Roles and Responsibilities
continuous movement.
1. Production Manager
In animation the screen object is a vector image
The production manager should be an exper-
in animation. Using numerical transformations
tise in the technology expert, good at proposal
the movement of that image along its paths is
writing, good communication skills, budget man-
calculated for their defining coordinates.
agement skills, human resource management and
The least frame rate of at least 16 frames per
act as an efficient team leader.
second gives the impression of smoothness and
for natural looking it should be at least 25 frames
2. Content Specialist
per second.
Content specialist is responsible for performing
Animations may be in two or three dimensional.
all research activities concerned with the proposed
The two dimensional animation, bring an image
application’s content.
alive, that occur on the flat X and Y axis of the
3. Script Writer
While in three dimensional animation it occurs
The script writer visualizes the concepts in
along the three axis X, Y and Z. The two basic
three dimensional environments and if needed uses
types of animations are Path animation and
the virtual reality integration into the program.
Frame animation.
4. Text Editor
Path Animation
The content of a multimedia production always
Path animation involves moving an object on a
must flow logically and the text should always be
screen that has a constant background
MKS TAMIL structured and correct grammatically.
XII Std - Computer Application Chapter - 1 Multimedia and Desktop Publishing
5. Multimedia Architect MP3 (MPEG Layer-3 Format): MPEG Layer-3
The multimedia architect integrates all the format is the most popular format for storing
multimedia building blocks like graphics, text, au- and downloading music.
dio, music, video, photos and animation by using
authoring software. d) Digital Video File Formats
AVI (Audio/Video Interleave) :AVI is the
6. Computer Graphic Artist video file format for Windows. Here sound
The role of Computer Graphic Artist is to deal and picture elements are stored in alternate
with the graphic elements of the programs like interleaved chunks in the file.
backgrounds, bullets, buttons, pictures editing, 3-D MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) : MPEG
objects, animation, and logos etc. is a standard for generating digital video and
audio compression under the International
7. Audio and Video Specialist Standards Organization (ISO) by the group
The roles of these specialists are needed of people.
for dealing with narration and digitized videos to
be added in a multimedia presentation. They are ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS:
responsible for recording, editing sound effects and
digitizing. PART AI
Chapter - 1 Multimedia and Desktop Publishing XII Std - Computer Application
7. Each pixel consists of _____colours. 16. Match the following
a) two b) two or more Notepad - 1) Unix, Linux
c) one d) None of these Gedit or nano - 2) Mac OSX
TextEdit - 3) Windows
8. Vector Images are used to create___
Choose the correct order
a) 3 1 2 b)1 2 3
a) Lines b) Rectangle
c) 2 3 1 d)3 2 1
c) Circle d) All of the above
17. ___ image format is used for the
9. The powerful wayto convey information in
high-resolution or large images.
multimediaapplications are ____
a) TIFF b) GIF
a) Compression of video
c) BMP d) JPEG
b) Embedding of video
c) Displaying video 18. Most of the computer color images and
d) None of these backgrounds are____ files.
a) TIFF b) GIF
_______isthe process of conducting
c) BMP d) JPEG
conference between more than two
participants at different sites by using 19. ____ is a free, open source container
computer networks format
a) Video conferencing b) Web casting a) WAV b) RA
c)Web hosting d)All of the above c) OGG d) AIFF
______is a free-standing furnished 20. Which of the following audio file format
equipped multimedia computer that allow used by apple?
users to retrieve information via a touch a) WAV b) RA
screen. c) OGG d) AIFF
a) Kiosk b) Maya
21. _____ format is designed for streaming
c) PHP d) Phython
audio over the Internet.
12. Kiosk is usually located near the entrance a) WAV b) RA
of the_____, used for displaying c) OGG d) AIFF
22. AVI is the video file format for _____OS
a) Library b) Railway Station
a) Windows b) MacOS
c) Airport d) colleges
c) Linux d) Android
13. Which of the following is not a role of
23. The process of multimedia making begins
Multimedia production team?
a) Text Editor b) Script Writer
a) Conceptual Analysis and Planning
c) Production Manager d) None of these
b) Project design
14. Rich Text Format is the primary file format c) Pre-production
introduced in___ d) Budgeting
a)1989 b)1999
24. Copyright issues also are considered in
c)1997 d)1987
a) Conceptual Analysis and Planning
15. Rich Text Format introduced by ____ b) Project design
a) Microsoft b) Oracle c) Pre-production
c) Apple d) None of these d) Budgeting
XII Std - Computer Application Chapter - 1 Multimedia and Desktop Publishing
25. ________is estimated for all the multimedia 34.
Research on MPEG-21 “Multimedia
projects. Framework” has started in____.
a) Conceptual Analysis and Planning a) 2000 b) 2001
b) Project design c) 2002 d) 2003
c) Pre-production
35. Which of the following is not an element of
d) Budgeting
26. Which of the following role is not in a) Text b) Image
Multimedia Production team? c) Audio d) Database
a) Script writer b) Production manager
c) Editor d) Database Administrator
27. ___ phase includes the activities like
music selection, sound 1. a 2. d 3. a 4. a 5. b
recording 6. a 7. b 8. d 9. b 10. a
a) Testing 11. a 12. a 13. d 14. d 15. a
b) Production 16. a 17. c 18. b 19. c 20. d
c) Delivering the Multimedia Product 21. b 22. a 23. a 24. a 25. d
d) Documentation 26. d 27. b 28. d 29. d 30. a
28. Which of the following is related to 31. b 32. d 33. d 34. a 35. d
a) Contact details b) e-mail address Fill in the blanks:
c) Phone numbers d) All of the above
1. The Word Multimedia means ____ Ans: Multiple
29. ______is responsible for performing all
forms of media
research activities
a) Script writer b) Production manager 2. Raster images are also called as ____ Ans:
c) Editor d) Content specialist Bitmap Images
30. The _____visualizes the concepts in three 3. Bitmap is a simple matrix of the tiny dots
dimensional environments and if needed called____ Ans: Pixel
uses the virtual reality integration into the
program. 4. _________techniques are used to reduce the file
a) Script writer b) Production manager size of images Ans: Compression
c) Editor d) Content specialist 5. Video can be categorized in ___ types Ans:2
31. The ___integrates all the multimedia 6. _____ and ____ are the categories of video
building blocks Ans:Analog video and D igital video.
a) Script writer b) Multimedia Architect
c) Editor d) Web Master 7. _________is the measurement of volume.
Ans: Decibels
32. The responsibility of the _____is to create
and maintain an Internet web page. 8. A sample of ____is taken and stored every nth
a) Script writer b) Multimedia Architect fraction of a second as digital information in bits
c) Editor d) Web Master and bytes. Ans: Sound
33. Which of the following is not an image 9. _____is defined as the display of recorded event,
format? scene etc. Ans: Video
c) PCX d) RTF
Chapter - 1 Multimedia and Desktop Publishing XII Std - Computer Application
10. The powerful way to convey information in 13. RA -Real Audio Format
multimedia applications are ___ 14. AVI -Audio Video Interleave
Ans: embedding of video.
15. MPEG -Moving Pictures Experts Group
11. In____, the video data’s are stored in any 16. ISO -International Standard Organization
non-computer media. Ans: Analog video 17. LAN -Local Area Network
12. Analog video is divided into ___ types. Ans:2 18. EDUSAT -Education Satellite
19. DIB -Device Independent Bitmap
13. ___ and ____ are the types of analog video
20. DRM -Digital Right Management
Ans: Composite and Component
19. Initially Bitmap format is in use with ___ OS 2. What is the purpose of Digital Multimedia
Ans:Windows 3.1. Library?
Information’s are available in digital formats that
20. Text is incorporated using ___software
include digital books, scanned images, graphics
Ans: OCR
and digitized audio-visual clips etc stored inDigital
21. ____tool is flexible and easy for composing the Multimedia Library.
projects in multimedia. Ans: MIDI
3. Write a short note on Static Text
Static text, the text or the words will remain
static as a heading or in a line, or in a paragraph.
Abbreviation The words are given along with the images to
explain about the images.
1. TIFF -Tagged Image File Format
In static text the words will either give information
2. JPEG -Joint Photographic Experts Group or support an image or video.
3. MIDI -Musical Instrument Digital Identifier
4. Write a short note on Vector Images.
4. RTF -Rich Text Format
Drawing elements or objects such as lines,
5. BMP -Bitmap rectangles, circles and so on to create animages
6. GIF -Graphics Interchange Format are based on Vector images.
7. TGA -Tagra 5.
What are the advantages of Vector Images?
8. PNG -Portable Network Graphics Relatively small amount of data is required
9. WAV -Waveform Audio File Format torepresent the image and thereby only
10. MP3 -MPEG Layer-3 Format lessmemory is needed to store.
Compressiontechniques are used to reduce the
11. AIFF -Audio Interchange File Format
filesize of images that is useful for storinglarge
12. WMA -Windows Media Audio
XII Std - Computer Application Chapter - 1 Multimedia and Desktop Publishing
number of images and speedingtransmission for Movies are stored in a centralserver and
networked application. transmitted througha communication network.
6. Compare Path Animation and Frame 4. How Multimedia is used inMedical S
Animation. Medical services are grown drasticallywith the
Path Animation development of multimedia.
Path animation involves moving an objecton a Medical Students practices surgerymethods via
screen that has a constant background simulation prior toactual surgery.
Frame Animation Tiny digital camerasare inserted in human body
In frame animations, multiple objects areallowed and itdisplays the inner scene of the body.
to travel simultaneously and thebackground or the In this way the medical practitionerswere able to
objects also changes. see the inner part withoutdissecting it.
Chapter - 1 Multimedia and Desktop Publishing XII Std - Computer Application
Cell phones and personal digital assistants with two participantsat different sites by using
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi communication technology computernetworks to transmit audio and
makes multimedia communication for business videodata.
more efficiently.
3. User Orientation Program
2. How Multimedia used in Libraries,
•• The role of multimedia plays anvital role in
Information centers and Archives? Explain
training the librariansin schools, colleges and
Multimedia technologyis adopted by the
universitiesdue to its interactivity. Hence,
libraries in variousfunctions like multimedia kiosks,
it isused in depth subject training totheir
userorientation programs etc. Following is the brief
account of multimedia technologyapplications in
In-house Production of Multimedia
Resources and E-publishing
1. Multimedia Kiosk
•• Many libraries produce multimediaresources
•• Kiosk is a free-standing furnished equipped
in-house, to serve theparent organization.
multimedia computer that allows users
Introductionof CD/DVD and their writershas
to retrieve informationvia a touch screen.
solved few of the problems oflibraries in
It is commonlyused in airports and other
storing or achievingthe materials.
publiclocations to provide directions and few
•• Multimedia toolsalong with CD-writers is
mandatory information’s.
madepossible to publish informationfrom
•• In anlibrary, Kiosk is usually located nearthe
different sources in a mosteasy to use and
entrance of the library, used fordisplaying
acceptable form tolibrary users.
announcements, readinglists, comments
and suggestionsfrom library users and other
5. Digital Multimedia Libraries
information’s about operations andprograms
•• Information’s are available indigital formats
of the library.
that include digitalbooks, scanned images,
graphicsand digitized audio-visual clips etc.
2. Webcasting and VideoConferencing
•• Initially digital library projects werebased
•• The live telecast of real time programsthrough
only on textual data, later itwas on all other
internet is known asWebcasting.
media elements likeimages, audio and video
•• Video conferencing isthe process of
recordingswere also integrated under the
conducting conferencebetween more than
collection of digital library.