Goals Organizational Considerations Constituents, Allies and Foes Targets Tactics

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Midwest Academy Strategy Chart

Goals Organizational Constituents, Allies Targets Tactics

Considerations and Foes

1. Long-term Objectives 1. Resources 1. Constituents 1. Primary Targets: Examples:

Key people include:
1. Reducing recidivism - 30 Social workers - The State government - Potential employers - Potential employers can
through facilitating ex- - 10 Case workers will be concerned since - Child Support cooperate and accept to
offenders to acquire - 40 Psychologists this problem entails a administrators hire ex-offenders without
employments and hence - 60 Therapists significant social issue. demanding other
manage child support. - A coordinator - The department of requirements such as
2. Ensure that ex-offenders - Child Support Enforcement employees corrections as they seek to experience and education
integrate with the society (care coordinators and children’s service reduce recidivism. that the ex-offenders might
meaningfully. workers) not have.
3. Emphasize the 2. Allies - Child support
importance of parental Also, access to Child Support 2. Secondary Targets: administrators may create
responsibility despite the Enforcement Office means that the - Child Support help find and increase the
prevailing situation available data on child support is readily Enforcement Office. - Ex-offenders enrolment of ex-offenders
available. - Ex-offenders with child - Correctional facilities with child support by
2. Incremental Goals support. officers contacting and finding the
Also, the campaign will have some - Families of ex- - Care coordinators reported child support
1. Eliminate barriers to reputation, especially to potential offenders. - Child services workers violators.
employment of ex-offenders employers, due to the attachment to the - Potential employers - Social workers - Correctional facility
2. Transfer child support Child Support Enforcement Office. - Personnel of the - Psychologists officers may support the
funds from the employers to campaign. - Therapists campaign by reporting all
the families. - Law enforcement - Families the offenders that have
3. Reunite families that 2. Ways you want to Build your officers. - Policy makers been released or soon to be
would have otherwise been Organization - State department of released with child support
forever broken by the failure social services. issues. This will allow the
of ex-offenders to meet 1. The number of employees will be - Community program to prepare for the
parental responsibilities. increased by 25 percent once more than - Family in need of child new bunch of ex-offenders.
4. Re-install the ex- 10,000 ex-offenders with child support support - Families may offer
offenders head role in their are enrolled. emotional support by
families by granting them 2. The employed ex-offenders will be 3. Opponents understanding the state and
income/employment. tasked with skill development and post conditions facing ex-
training through furthering their - Some ex-offenders offenders and encourage
3. Short-term Goals or education to ensure growth in their - Private correctional them to join the program.
Partial Victories careers. facilities. - Social workers,
- Some employers therapists, psychologists,
child service workers, and
Midwest Academy Strategy Chart

1. Convince potential 3. The campaign will target to reach more care coordinators can
employers in Prince than 99 percent of ex-offenders with child collaboratively work
George’s County to accept support in Prince George’s County. together to generate reports
ex-offenders. 4. In future, the campaign will expand to on each ex-offender that
2. Reach out and enroll as counties neighboring Prince George’s might entice potential
much ex-offenders with County such as Montgomery, Howard, employers to hire them.
child support in Prince Anne Arundel, Calvert, and Charles - Policy makers might
George’s County as counties and then to the rest of the state. support the program by
possible. 3. Internal Problems creating laws that
3. Develop a system through challenge potential
which child support will be 1. Reluctant by the employers to accept employers to accept ex-
paid directly to the families ex-offenders. offenders or not to
from the employers. 2. Challenges in the coordination of the discriminate any potential
significant employee body as well as the employee based on their
huge number of ex-offenders. past conduct.
3. Mistrust and lack of trust from the ex-

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