PC350-8 Testing & Adjusting Part1
PC350-8 Testing & Adjusting Part1
PC350-8 Testing & Adjusting Part1
PC300, 350-8
Shop Manual
PC300-8 60001 and up
PC300LC-8 60001 and up
PC350-8 60001 and up
PC350LC-8 60001 and up
PC300, 350-8 1
SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting
Testing and adjusting oil pressure in work equipment, swing and travel circuit.......................................... 35
Testing and adjusting control circuit oil pressure ........................................................................................ 39
Testing and adjusting pump PC control circuit oil pressure ........................................................................ 40
Testing and adjusting pump LS control circuit oil pressure......................................................................... 43
Testing solenoid valve output pressure....................................................................................................... 48
Testing PPC valve output pressure............................................................................................................. 52
Adjusting play of work equipment and swing PPC valves........................................................................... 53
Inspecting locations of hydraulic drift of work equipment............................................................................ 54
Releasing remaining pressure in hydraulic circuit ....................................................................................... 56
Testing oil leakage amount ......................................................................................................................... 56
Bleeding air from various parts ................................................................................................................... 59
Diode inspection procedures....................................................................................................................... 61
Installation and adjustment of mirrors ......................................................................................................... 62
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Testing air boost pressure 5. Run the engine at middle or higher speed and
drain oil from the hose.
When draining the oil, open the self seal of
Air boost pressure measuring tools the hose by insert approximately half of the
Symbol Part No. Part name gauge and hose connection. Repeat opera-
A 1 799-201-2202 Boost gauge kit
tion until the oil is drained out.
If Pm kit (A) is available, you may use the air
1. Open the engine hood. bleeding coupling (790-261-1130) in that kit.
If oil is left in the hose, the gauge does not
2. Remove intake air pressure pickup plug (1) (R work. Accordingly, be sure to drain the oil.
6. Measure the air boost pressure at high idle
under the following conditions.
Working mode: P-mode
Swing lock switch: ON (high pressure relief)
Work equipment, swing and travel: Arm IN
relief position
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Adjusting valve clearance 4. Remove cap (6), set gear C1 and rotate the
crank shaft forward to set No.1 cylinder to the
compression top dead center.
Valve clearance adjustment tools
Symbol Part No. Part name
1 795-799-1131 Gear
C Commercially
2 Clearance gauge
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30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06
6. Adjust the valve clearance in the following 4) Turn the crankshaft forward by 360 ° and
procedure. align the counter mark applied in step 5
When No.1 cylinder is at the compression top above accurately to the pointer.
dead center, adjust the valve clearance indi- This alignment moves the supply pump
cated with mark in the valve arrangement gear stamp line (b) to the position of
drawing. stamp line (c) situated directly below.
5) Adjust the valve clearance indicated with
mark in the above valve arrangement
Firing order: 1 - 5 - 3 - 6 - 2 - 4
The adjustment procedure is the same as
that employed for adjustment of mark.
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SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting
Testing compression pressure 5. Move fuel filter and corrosion resistor assembly
(8) to the control valve side along with the hose
being connected to it.
Testing tools for compression pressure
Symbol Part number Part name
1 795-799-6700 Puller
2 795-502-1590 Compression gauge
3 795-790-6110 Adapter
4 6754-11-3130 Gasket
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9. Disconnect high-pressure fuel tube (16). 13. Remove retainer (19) and remove fuel inlet
connector (20).
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16. Install gasket D4 to the tip of adapter D3 and 21. Select the no-injection cranking operation from
connect it to the injector mount. the machine monitor.
See the section of "Special functions of ma-
chine monitor".
Be sure to select the no-injection crank-
ing operation. Otherwise, the engine can
be started during the inspection, poten-
tially inducing risks to the inspecting per-
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30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06
6) Tighten the sleeve nut of high-pressure fuel Tighten the injector terminal nut with the follow-
hose (16) sequentially in the order of head ing torque.
side and common rail side. Terminal nut :
Sleeve nut : 1.25 ± 0.25 Nm {0.13 ± 0.03 kgm}
37.3 ± 4 Nm {3.8 ± 0.4 kgm} Tighten the head cover with the following torque.
Head cover mounting nut :
11.8 ± 1.96 Nm {1.2 ± 0.2 kgm}
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Testing engine oil pressure 5. Run the engine at the rated output and low idle
and test the oil pressure.
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3) Run the engine at high idle and measure the 3) Measure pressure in the fuel low-pressure
pressure in the fuel negative pressure circuit. circuit when the engine is cranked.
If the pressure in the fuel negative pres- If the pressure in the fuel low-pressure cir-
sure circuit is in the following range, it is cuit (at the fuel filter inlet side) is in the fol-
normal. lowing range, it is normal.
Standard pressure value in the fuel nega- Standard pressure values of the fuel
tive pressure circuit (supply pump) Max. low-pressure circuit (fuel filter inlet side)
33.9 kPa {Max. 254 mmHg} Min. 0.14 MPa {Min. 1.4 kg/cm2}
4) After finishing measurement, remove the In order to protect the starting motor, it
measuring tools and return the removed is prohibited to continue cranking for
parts. more than 20 seconds.
Fuel pressure pickup plug:
20 - 22 Nm {2.0 - 2.2 kgm}
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3) Run the engine at high idle and measure 2) Connect M10 computer check fitting G4to
drop of the pressure of the fuel low-pressure gauge G3.
Pressure drop in the fuel low-pressure cir-
cuit =
Fuel filter inlet pressure - Fuel pressure
outlet pressure
If the pressure drop in the fuel low-pres-
sure circuit is in the following range, it is
Standard pressure drop values for the
fuel low-pressure circuit:
Max. 0.14 MPa {Max. 1.4 kg/cm 2}
When the measured pressure drop ex-
ceeded the standard value, clogging of
the fuel filter should be suspected.
3) Turn the starting switch ON, operate fuel lift
pump (5), and measure the fuel lift pump
outlet pressure.
Reference: Fuel lift pump (5) is installed to
cooling plate (7) on the back side of engine
controller (6).
6. Testing fuel lift pump outlet pressure (supply The fuel lift pump operates for 30 sec-
pump section) onds after the starting switch is turned ON
1) Remove fuel pressure pickup plug (2) of the and then stops. Measure the pressure
supply pump. while the pump is operating.
If the fuel lift pump outlet pressure is in the
following standard range, it is normal.
Standard fuel lift pump outlet pressure
(supply pump section):
Min. 34 kPa {0.35 kg/cm2}
If the fuel lift pump outlet pressure is not
in the standard range, perform the follow-
ing checks.
Check that fuel is in the fuel lift pump.
If fuel is not in the fuel lift pump just af-
ter the fuel filter is replaced or a fuel
system part is removed and returned,
operate the fuel lift pump 3 - 4 times
with the starting switch to bleed air
from the fuel circuit and fill the pump
with fuel and then measure the outlet
pressure again.
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Reduced cylinder mode operation means to run The no injection cranking operation denotes to
the engine with the fuel injectors of 1 or more cyl- crank the engine from the starting motor after
inders disabled electrically to reduce the number setting all cylinders to no injection mode. Follow-
of effective cylinders. The purposes and effects ing describes the objective and effects of this op-
of this operation are as follows. eration.
1. This operation is used to find out a cylinder
which does not output power normally (or, When a machine or engine has been stored for
combustion in it is abnormal). a long period of time, implementing the no injec-
2. If the engine speed and output remain the same tion cranking operation before restarting the
as the normal operation (full-cylinder mode oper- engine lubricates the engine respective parts
ation) when a cylinder is set to noinjection in the and thus helps preventing seizure of the engine.
cylinder cut-out operation, existence of a failure See the section of “Special functions of machine
on the subject cylinder should be suspected. monitor” when turning on the no injection crank-
Followings are the potential causes. ing operation.
Leakage from the cylinder head gasket
Defective injection from the injector
Failure on the piston, piston ring or cylinder
Failure on the valve mechanism (valve oper-
ating system)
Failure in the electrical system
3. Since the common rail fuel injection system
controls the injector of each cylinder electroni-
cally, the operator can perform the reduced
cylinder mode operation easily with switches to
find out a defective cylinder.
See the section of “Special functions of ma-
chine monitor” when turning on the cylinder
cut-out operation.
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SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting
Testing fuel return rate and If the engine cannot be started, you
leakage may measure the fuel return rate while
rotating the engine with the starting
motor. Do not rotate for more than 30
Testing tools for leakage from pressure limiter seconds continuously, however, for
and return rate from injector protection of the starting motor.
Symbol Part No. Part name
1 795-790-4800 Hose KIT
2 795-790-6700 Adapter
3 Measuring cylinder
26 PC300, 350-8
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06
4) Run the engine at low idle and test the return 4) Run the engine at low idle and test the return
rate from the pressure limiter. rate from the injector.
If the leakage from the pressure limiter is If the return rate from the injector is in the
in the following range, it is normal. following range, it is normal.
At low idle Below 30 droppings/min. At low idle Max. 300 cc/45 sec.
At cranking Max. 100 cc/30 sec.
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SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting
Bleeding air from fuel circuit 3. Fill up the fuel tank with fuel.
1. If fuel main filter (1) is removed and installed or 6. Start the engine with the starting motor.
replaced, install it back without filling fuel into the The air in the high-pressure circuit is bled au-
fuel main filter. tomatically if the engine is cranked.
If the engine does not start, there may be still
air in the low-pressure circuit. In this case, re-
peat the above procedure from step 2.
Operating the machine with air left in the fuel
circuit may cause a fuel system error
(CA449,CA559). If either error occurs, run
the engine at low idle after performing the
above steps, and continue engine operation
approximately 3 minutes. When air is bled
from the fuel circuit, engine speed becomes
stable and the error indication disappears.
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Checking fuel circuit for leakage 8. Run the engine at high idle and load it.
When checking while the components to be
checked are mounted on the machine, stall
Very high pressure is generated in the high- the torque converter or relieve the hydraulic
pressure circuit of the fuel system. If fuel pump.
leaks while the engine is running, it is dan-
gerous since it can catch fire. 9. Inspect the fuel piping and devices for fuel
After testing the fuel system or removing its leakage.
parts, test it for fuel leakage according to the Check mainly around the high-pressure cir-
following procedure. cuit parts coated with the color checker for
Clean and degrease the engine and the parts fuel leakage.
around it in advance so that you can test it easily If any fuel leakage is detected, repair it and
for fuel leakage. check again from step 1.
If no fuel leakage is detected, check is com-
1. Spray color checker (developer) over the fuel pleted.
supply pump, common rail, fuel injector, and
joints of the high-pressure piping.
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If the belt deflection amount is not proper, adjust
it in the following manner.
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2. Keep the work equipment in the max. reach 6. Return the machine to the posture in Item 2
posture and keep the height of the bucket teeth above, and confirm dial gauge J reading returns
tip level with the lower height of the revolving to zero.
frame. If zero value is not indicated, repeat the steps
The upper structure is lowered at the front in Items 3 through 5.
and raised at the rear at that time.
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Testing and adjusting oil pressure 2) Fit nipple L2 and connect it to oil pressure
in work equipment, swing and gauge [1] of hydraulic tester L1.
travel circuit Use the oil pressure gauge with capacity
60 MPa {600 kg/cm 2}.
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SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting
Pump Actuator Valve to be relieved When the boom LOWER is selected, the
(Unload) F unload valve relief pressure is lower than the main re-
Service Safety valve lief pressure.
Boom Hi Arm Hi F main relief valve When the boom LOWER is selected,
Bucket F main relief valve
pump turning off the machine push-up switch in-
L.H travel F main relief valve
RAISE: R main relief valve troduces the low-pressure relief pressure
Boom Lo and turning it on introduces the high-pres-
LOWER: Safety valve
Swing Swing motor safety valve sure relief pressure.
Rear R.H travel R main relief valve
pump Arm Lo R main relief valve 5. Measurement of swing relief pressure
(Unload) R unload valve 1) Start the engine and move the swing lock
switch to the ON position.
3. Measurement of unload pressure 2) Measure hydraulic oil pressure when the
1) Start the engine. engine is running at high idle and the swing
2) Measure hydraulic oil pressure, when the circuit is relieved.
engine is running at high idle and all the Hydraulic oil pressure when the swing
control levers are moved to the NEUTRAL motor safety valve is relieved is dis-
position. played.
Hydraulic oil pressure when the unload The relief pressure of the swing motor is
valve unloads is displayed. lower than the main relief pressure.
4. Measurement of work equipment relief pres- 6. Measurement of travel circuit relief pressure
sure 1) Start the engine, and lock the travel.
1) Start the engine and move the cylinder to be Insert pin [2] between the sprocket and
measured to its stroke end. the track frame to positively lock the
2) Measure hydraulic oil pressure when the travel circuit.
cylinder is relieved while the engine is
running at high idle.
Except when the boom LOWER is select-
ed, the pressure at which the main relief
valve was relieved is displayed.
Except when the boom LOWER is select-
ed, releasing the power max. switch intro-
duces the low-pressure relief pressure
and pushing this switch introduces the
high-pressure relief pressure.
Except when the boom LOWER is select-
ed, keep the swing lock switch in the OFF
position during the inspection. If it is
moved to the ON position, hydraulic oil
pressure is turned to high relief pressure, 2) Measure the pressure when the engine is set
as the constant 2-stage relief valve is to high idle and the travel circuit is relieved.
moved to the ON position. Hydraulic oil pressure with the main relief
When the boom LOWER is selected, the valve in relief condition is displayed. In
pressure at which the safety valve was re- the travel circuit relief, the pressure is
lieved is displayed. high pressure relief all the time.
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3) Check the pressure again after the adjust- 4. Adjustment of swing relief pressure
ment, following the aforementioned steps for If the swing relief pressure is not normal, ad-
measurement. just the swing motor safety valve (12) in the
Connect the pilot hose when measuring following manner.
the oil pressure.
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Testing and adjusting control 3. Start the engine and keep it running until the
circuit oil pressure hydraulic oil temperature rises to the operating
Control circuit oil pressure testing and adjusting 4. Measure hydraulic oil pressure, when the engine
tools is running at high idle and all the control levers
are moved to the NEUTRAL position.
Symbol Part number Part name
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester
790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester
799-101-5220 Nipple (10 × 1.25 mm)
07002-11023 O-ring
Lower the work equipment to the ground
and, after stopping the engine, release resid-
ual pressure in the piping by operating the
control lever several times. Then loosen the
oil filler cap gradually to release pressure in-
side the tank.
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SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting
Measurement of the oil pressure in the pump PC
control circuit shall be conducted after making 2) Fit nipple L2 and connect it to oil pressure
sure that oil pressure of the work equipment, gauge [1] of hydraulic tester L1.
swing, and travel circuits as well as basic pres- Use the oil pressure gauge with capacity
sure of the control circuit is normal. 60 MPa {600 kg/cm2}.
Lower the work equipment to the ground
and, after stopping the engine, release resid-
ual pressure in the piping by operating the
control lever several times. Then loosen the
oil filler cap gradually to release pressure in-
side the tank.
40 PC300, 350-8
30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06
3) Start the engine and keep it running until the 2. Measurement of PC-EPC valve output pres-
hydraulic oil temperature rises to the oper- sure
ating range. 1) Remove oil pressure measurement plug (5).
The plug is installed in the front side of the
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Measurement of the oil pressure in the pump LS
control circuit shall be conducted after making
sure that oil pressure of the work equipment,
swing, and travel circuits as well as basic pres-
sure of the control circuit is normal.
Lower the work equipment to the ground
and, after stopping the engine, release resid-
ual pressure in the piping by operating the
control lever several times. Then loosen the
oil filler cap gradually to release pressure in-
side the tank.
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4) Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to the 3. Measurement of LS-EPC valve output pres-
operating range. sure
1) Remove oil pressure measurement plug (7).
The plug is installed on the rear pump.
LS differential
Lever operation
Unload pressure 3) Start the engine and keep it running until the
When all levers are set hydraulic oil temperature rises to the oper-
(See standard
to neutral
value) ating range.
Maximum LS
Travel lever set at half
differential pres-
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Measure the solenoid valve output pressure af- 2. Fit adapter N2 or N3 and then connect hose
ter confirming that the control circuit source pres- currently disconnected.
sure is normal.
Lower the work equipment to the ground 3. Fit nipple [1] of hydraulic tester N1 and then
and, after stopping the engine, release resid- connect it to oil pressure gauge [2].
ual pressure in the piping by operating the Use the oil pressure gauge with capacity 6.0
control lever several times. Then loosen the MPa {60 kg/cm2}.
oil filler cap gradually to release pressure in-
side the tank.
Hose (1) is installed in the back side of oper- 4. Start the engine and keep it running until the
ator's cab, and hoses (2) through (7) are in- hydraulic oil temperature rises to the operating
stalled at the center of revolving frame. range.
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30 Testing and adjusting SEN02625-06
5. Run the engine at full throttle, then turn each When each output pressure shows the fol-
solenoid valve ON or OFF by operating the lowing values, it is judged normal.
control levers and switches, and measure the
pressure. Solenoid valve Output pressure
For conditions for turning each solenoid OFF (De-energized) 0 MPa {0 kg/cm 2}
valve ON or OFF, refer to the ensuing “Table ON (Energized) 3 MPa {30 kg/cm2}
for functioning conditions” for each solenoid
You can check operation of the solenoid 6. Remove the measurement tools after the
valves from the monitoring function of the measurement, and make sure that the machine
monitor panel (Special Function of Machine is back to normal condition.
Table for functioning conditions - PPC lock solenoid valve
Functioning conditions
Lock OFF
Lock lever
Released ON
Operating condition
Machine push-up switch
Functioning conditions
When all signals are turned
Signal of work equipment, swing and travel
When one of the signals is
turned ON
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SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting
Functioning conditions
When the travel steering signal is ON
When travel steering When F or R pump pressure is 34.3 MPa {350 ON
When the travel steering signal is independently oper-
OFF ated kg/cm2}
Any other condition than above OFF
Functioning conditions
When the overheat 2nd setting is ON
When the fuel dial is at 1,200 rpm or lower
When the travel speed switch is at Lo
When signal of the travel is OFF OFF
When F or R pump pressure is 32.3 MPa {330
When the travel speed switch is
When signal of the kg/cm2}
at Mi or Hi
travel is ON When F or R pump pressure is 18.6 MPa {190
kg/cm2} ON
Any other condition than above
Operating condition
Overheat 1st setting is ON
All of work equipment, swing, and travel signals are OFF
Swing lock switch is ON
Travel signal is ON
L mode is selected
Boom LOWER signal is ON
Signals other than swing independent signal are
P or E mode is selected Left knob switch is ON ON
Swing independent signal is ON
Other than above conditions
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Functioning conditions
When B mode is turned on When the service signal is ON
When independent signal of the travel is ON
When F or R pump pressure is 19.6 MPa {200 ON
When any
mode other 2
kg/cm } or above
When signals than L mode When F or R pump pressure is 14.7 MPa {150
of the work OFF
When signal of the travel is is turned on kg/cm2} or lower
OFF When F or R pump pressure is 16.7 MPa {170
and swing are ON
ON kg/cm2} or above
L mode
When F or R pump pressure is 11.8 MPa {120
kg/cm2} or lower OFF
Any other condition than above
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SEN02625-06 30 Testing and adjusting
Testing PPC valve output pres- 2. Fit nipple [1] of the hydraulic tester P and then
sure connect it to oil pressure gauge [2].
Use the oil pressure gauge with capacity 6.0
MPa {60 kg/cm2}.
PPC valve output pressure measurement tools
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4) Continue this condition for 30 seconds, then 4. Measurement of oil leakage amount from
measure the oil leakage amount for 1 minute. swing motor
1) Disconnect drain hoses (4) and install the oil
stopper plug in the hoses.
2) Turn the swing lock switch to the ON position.
3) Run the engine at high idle, relieve the swing
circuit, and measure the oil leakage.
Start measuring the oil leakage 30 sec-
onds after relieving is started and mea-
sure for 1 minute.
After measuring 1 time, swing 180 °, and
then measure again.
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Note: Bleed air from the swing motor and travel motor only when oil in the casing is drained.
1. Bleeding air from hydraulic pump 2. Bleeding air from hydraulic cylinder
1) Loosen air bleeder (1) and check that oil 1) Start the engine and keep running at low idle
oozes out through the air bleeder. for 5 minutes.
2) If the oil seepage is confirmed, tighten air 2) Raise and lower the boom 4 to 5 times with
bleeder (1). the engine running at low idle.
Air bleeder: Stop the piston approximately 100 mm in
7.8 - 9.8 Nm {0.8 - 1.0 kgm} front of the stroke end so that it may not
Precautions on starting engine: be relieved.
When starting the engine after above 3) While running the engine at high idle,
operations, be sure to run the engine at perform step 2).
low idle for 10 minutes. If the engine 4) Set the piston rod to the stroke end at low idle
coolant temperature is low and an auto- and allow it to relieve.
matic engine warming-up function is 5) For bleeding air from the arm cylinder and
relied on, use the fuel dial, when it bucket cylinder, follow the same steps
becomes necessary to cancel it. explained in Item 2) through 4) above.
In case a cylinder is replaced with new
one, it is advised to bleed air from the new
one before mounting the work equipment.
It is especially so with the boom cylinder,
because its rod does not extend to the
stroke end of LOWER side, after the work
equipment is mounted.
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