CHS003 - Power System Analysis - Fundamentals

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CHS003 – Power System Analysis –


Course goal
The participants acquire the basic knowhow about power system analysis and its relevance to the power
grid design. (The essential content of this course is also integrated in the course CHP188 Advanced Pro-
tection Studies for Power Networks – System Solutions.)

Main learning objectives Topics

The participants will be able to: — Fundamental properties of transmission,
— Gain an overview of the properties of trans- distribution and industrial power systems
mission, distribution and industrial power — Overview of abnormal system conditions in
systems the power system and their characteristic
— Explain the power system dynamic and sta- time constants
ble behavior including the transitions be- — Network equations for a power system
tween the different power system states — Description of the components of a power
— Describe the components and general be- system from the power plant to the con-
havior of the power system from generation sumer in terms of network equations
over transmission and distribution to con- — Load flow
sumption Assessment of:
— Introduce basic power flow concepts and balance of active power (losses, efficiency
system analysis based on some system ex- and angle between node voltage phasors)
amples balance of reactive power (surplus or lack of
— Model and analyse the power system reactive power)
— Learn computation techniques for fault cal- balance of voltage (length difference be-
culations tween node voltages phasors)
overloaded elements
Participant profile reactive power compensation
Design, planning and application engineers as changing load distribution by in-line and
well as consultants responsible for electricity phase shifting transformers
supply and industry. Technical personnel from — Specialized load flow applications
ABB companies. for network control i.e. state estimation, on-
line load flow and contingency analysis
Prerequisites for on-line assessment of power system sta-
bility (wide area monitoring ) i.e. voltage sta-
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Engineering degree, technical college qualifica-

tions or equivalent. bility (off-line), static and transient stability,
Recommended course or relevant experience: risks for blackouts
— CHP001 Power Grids Integration and Auto-
mation Technology

ABB Switzerland Ltd
Learning Center Grid Automation 2018-12-01
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden [email protected]
+41 58 585 65 53 ABB MyLearning
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— Short circuit calculations Laptop or tablet is required to have access to
Effectively and non-effectively grounded net- the e-documentation. Please bring your own de-
works, grounding schemes vice
Calculation method according to
IEC 60909-0 Duration
Fault types, short circuit impedances of lines 3 days
Symmetrical components: practical access
to the theory To Register:
— Application examples for all kinds of faults LMS:-MyLearning
considering the effects of power system Sign In: Click SIGN IN to Sign-up or
grounding (e.g. transformer star-point han- Log-in with your myABB account.
dling) Search: please enter course number or
title into the search field. (Please
Course type check the language filter)
This is a face to face class room training with Unable to Sign In? Find a solution here
maximum 12 participants. The latest version of the course portfolio, and
course schedule can be found on our
Learning methods and tools Learning Center Webpage
Lectures, group work, approx. 60% applied ex-
ercises, system integration and commissioning
of a sample system.

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