Syllabus Semester 1

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McBride Anchor Bay High School Room # S202

1st Semester Syllabus
Classroom Behavior:

Be kind &

Essential Elements for 9th Grade: Be on time &

be prepared
1. Students will comprehend texts in increasingly complex ways:
 Reading:
o Elements in a Short Story
o Short Story Selection includes (but not limited to):
Listen to others
 “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant
 “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell
 “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe
 “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry Raise your hand
 Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
and wait to be
2. Students will produce writing for a range of purposes:
called on before
 Writing:
o Personal narrative about a problem or situation
 Language
o Conventions of Standard English Follow directions
o Vocabulary Acquisition and Usage
3. Students will communicate for a range purposes and audiences:
 Speaking and Listening
4. Students can investigate topics and present information
Follow the AB TARS Code of Conduct

If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to obtain the information that you missed.
Upon your return, I will give you any handouts after taking attendance.
For each day absent, you will receive one day to complete work and receive full credit.
If you want information before your return, you can:
1. Visit my website; [email protected] to view lesson and print handouts.
2. Open white binder to view copy of the Daily Agenda
3. Obtain extra copies in black file holder.
You are responsible for putting work into red “Late and Absent” bin on time, if you want it to be checked and
receive full credit.

[email protected] 586-725-2525 EXT 4421

Mrs. McBride Anchor Bay High School Room # S202

Classroom Rules, Procedures & Grading:

Entering Room: You are expected to Clarification: Late Work: Assignments may be
be seated in your assigned seat when turned in up to 3 days past due
the bell rings. Any student not in date with a reduction of 15% of
assigned seat risks being marked earned grade per day” (p.13).
absent. Then, look at Daily Agenda on
white board and prepare for class. All Papers: You will be required to
write your first and last name plus
Hall Pass: Your Student Planner is hour on top of papers or -1 point
used as a student pass. You may leave
and late work penalty. I will collect
twice per day. You will fill-in To: & Exiting Room: Clean off your desk
papers from you at your desk. It
Time: on specific date, before you get and push in your chair on your way
my initials to leave (p.12). must be out and ready when I
out. You may not stand up or pack up
before bells rings. reach your desk.
Food: Food and drink are not to be
permitted in classroom (p.10). Free Time: If you finish an
assignment early:
Electronic Devices: Electronics
should not be seen or heard in the 1. Work on unfinished
classroom. All offenses include assignments
confiscation and you pick up after 2. Read a book
school (p.31). 3. Study
4. Pass back papers
Test/Quiz Re-Take Policy: Students
who earn a 76% or less on a test or Unfinished Work: All work is due
quiz can re-take on Tuesday or next class period unless
Wednesday immediately after school specifically stated. Assignments
on Room N200 with my permission. not finished are homework. Any
work you want graded must be
Participation: All students will be
turned into red Late/Absent basket.
called upon and expected to respond
to promote accountability for learning.

YOU WILL NEED: Classroom Expectations:

I follow the School Code of Conduct as outlined in the
 Student Planner Student Planner. Classroom expectations and behaving
 Silent Reading Book appropriately in class helps to create a safe and orderly learning
environment where you and your classmates feel welcomed,
 Notebook safe, and respected.
 1” Binder or folder
If you choose to meet the classroom expectations, you will
 5 Tab Dividers receive a positive consequence, such as praise from teacher,
 Blue or Black Pen only classmates, administration, a Tar Ticket, special privileges, or
 Pencil
 Red Checking Pen If you choose not to meet the classroom expectations, you will
receive a negative consequence, such as a verbal warning,
 Highlighters change of seat, student/teacher conference, phone call home,
 USB Flash Drive change in citizenship grade, detention, parent/teacher meeting
and major infraction of school rules: a suspension.
 Pocket Dictionary 😊
[email protected] 586-725-2525 EXT 4421

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