Dedmon Classroom Rules 2020-2021
Dedmon Classroom Rules 2020-2021
Dedmon Classroom Rules 2020-2021
Be responsible
Be responsible for yourself and your own actions by doing the following:
Being on time.
Paying attention.
Bringing paper, pencil, and your notebook everyday.
Doing all of your own work and trying your best everyday.
Making-up any and all work that is missed.
Cleaning up around your desk at the conclusion of class everyday.
Be honest
Show that you are an honest person by doing the following:
Not cheating in any way.
Being honest with yourself and others.
Doing all of your own work.
This includes:
Not copying other students’ homework, tests, or quizzes.
Any other type of dishonesty/cheating that involves you not doing all your
own work or that constitutes plagiarism, a misuse of resources, or
misrepresentation of work as being 100% your own.
Have Fun
If all students follow the rules listed above, then everyone will have fun in Spanish class.
If the aforementioned rules are not followed, then the following actions may be deemed necessary. The order of
consequences will only be followed for minor offenses. Major, severe, or repeat offenses, will result in an office
referral and/or a call/e-mail home to parents. It is at the teacher’s discretion as to which offenses are major or
(Examples of common major and/or severe offenses include: Cursing, Disparaging/Disrespectful remarks, Refusal
to do as you are asked/told.)
1) Verbal Warning
a. Students will be asked to cease his/her unwanted behavior.
i. Individually: (Insert Name Here) Stop (Insert Unwanted Action)
ii. Class: “Atención, por favor.” = Attention, please.
“Silencio/Silencio, por favor.” = Silence/Silence, please.
2) Call to Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
3) Office Referral
a. Constant misbehavior, disrespect, and/or severe offenses
b. Classwork – The bulk of our class time will be spent in classwork, which includes lectures,
activities, tests, quizzes, and review of homework and class topics.
c. Homework – At the end of each class, I will try to allot time to explain the homework, do 1-2
examples, and give time to work on the assignment and to ask questions.
Note: Sometimes there is no written work to be made up, but if you miss an in-depth lesson on
vocabulary or a grammar point, it would be in your best interest to visit me before school, after
school, or during RTI to get a review of the material that you missed.
b. Bathroom breaks – You will be given time during class for bathroom breaks.
c. Dismissal – I will dismiss you, not the bell because of the new split dismissal and cleaning
d. Food and Drink – Food and drink will be allowed under the following conditions:
i. Food must be snack size.
iii. If you make a mess, let me know and then proceed to clean it up.
NOTE: Use common sense and common courtesy. If you have to give a presentation or
we are doing speaking activities, you shouldn’t be stuffing your face full of food.
f. Cleanup: You will be assigned a seat. You are responsible for the entire desk and computer
before, during, and just after your class period. If something is wrong with your desk area or the
computer, or if it is messy when you arrive, then, please, let me know.
Keys to Success:
(a.k.a. – “How do I pass?” or “How do I get an “A”?”)
Materials List:
Students are expected to bring their own supplies to class this year to help mitigate the spread of germs
and they will not be able to purchase lockers this year either. Therefore, the following is a list of required
and suggested supplies. The student must have their required supplies every class.
Required Supplies: Recommended Supplies:
Folder, Binder, or Notebook * Personal Kleenex tissue paper
Folder or Binder * Personal hand sanitizer
Pencils / Pens * Ruler
Markers or colored pencils * Glue Stick
Loose-leaf paper * Scissors
Headphones / earbuds * A personal device with Internet access
Face mask
Spanish II and Cambridge (III/IV) – Dedmon
Assignment: Value 15 pts. (Due date: August 21, 2020)
Have your parent or guardian click the link below and fill out the electronic form to
acknowledge that they have read over the rules and procedures for Señor Dedmon’s class.