Page For ZSI
Page For ZSI
Page For ZSI
At a glance
This chapter explains how to test the Micrologic trip units with the LTU software.
Display Curves
The Display curves function enables the user to display the tripping curves from the Micrologic trip unit
current settings in online mode or in offline mode.
Displaying Curves
The following table describes the steps to follow to display the tripping curves:
Step Action
1 In the File menu, click Display curves.
2 In Excel, enable Macros, if needed.
2 Click Options... to display the following dialog box, then click Open the Trust Center link.
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3 In the following dialog box, select Macro Settings in the left panel and select the option
Enable all macros. Validate the selections by clicking OK.
Tripping Curves
The following figure shows the tripping curves of a Micrologic trip unit using Display curves:
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Manual Test
The Manual TEST tab enables the user to:
simulate current injections on a Micrologic trip unit for a given time
check the tripping or the non-tripping of the tested Micrologic trip unit
Depending on the injected current, the following protections can trip:
all the distribution protections:
Long time
Short time
Ground fault
some specific protections
Long start
Under load
The Jam protection can not trip during manual tests.
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Click on the caution message dialog window to proceed with the manual tests.
Select the Do not show this message until next run of LTU check box to stop the caution message from
appearing whenever the Manual TEST tab is selected.
The following figure shows the Manual TEST tab:
2 manual tests are available, depending on the configuration of the circuit breaker:
Phase injection:
IA is the RMS current on phase A.
IB is the RMS current on phase B.
IC is the RMS current on phase C.
IN is the RMS current on Neutral.
Ground injection (depends on the Micrologic trip unit type):
Ig is the ground fault pick-up.
Phase injection tests and ground injection tests are exclusive: for example, the user cannot run a phase
injection test and a ground injection test simultaneously.
Note: The user can inject phase currents (IA, IB, and IC) and Neutral current (IN) simultaneously with
Micrologic trip units 5/6. For other Micrologic trip units, the user cannot inject phase currents and
Neutral current (IN) simultaneously.
History Impact
The Micrologic trip unit keeps a record of the circuit breaker trip events in its internal memory.
The Without history impact check box enables the user to keep a record of or to ignore trips due to test
procedures in the Micrologic trip unit internal memory:
Check the Without history impact check box to ignore trip events due to test procedures in the
Micrologic trip history, so that they are not added to the existing trip history (default
Uncheck the Without history impact check box to allow the Micrologic trip history to keep a record of
the trip events due to test procedures.
Injection Duration
The Injection duration defines the duration of the current injection during the test procedure:
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The following table describes the fields of the test summary table:
Field Description
Manual test type: phases injection or ground injection
Interval where a trip should occur in normal conditions (assuming a thermal memory
reset). If the information is not useful for the user, the field is empty.
By default, the Thermal Memory Reset check box is checked. This means that the thermal memory is
automatically reset before each manual test.
Uncheck the Thermal Memory Reset check box to take into account the thermal memory for manual
When the thermal memory is reset:
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7 When the manual test is complete, the test summary table informs the user of the test status:
Note: If the settings are changed on the front panel of the Micrologic trip unit when LTU is in online
mode, make sure to click the read button to update the Micrologic trip unit settings in LTU
before carrying out tests, otherwise some tests might fail.
To understand the importance of the Micrologic trip unit thermal memory, the following paragraphs give
examples of manual tests performed with and without thermal memory reset.
The long time protection tripping time of the second test (1.296 s) is strongly reduced compared to the
tripping time of the first test, even though the same current (100A) is injected in phase A.
The following figure presents the same manual tests as above, but with a thermal memory reset between the
two tests:
The long time protection tripping time is the same for the two tests. The thermal memory reset cancelled
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The following figure presents the same manual tests as above but with a thermal memory reset between two
tests.The I2t OFF option is selected:
When the I2t OFF option is selected, the short time protection tripping time is the same with or without a
thermal memory reset.
Short time protection with I2t ON
The following figure presents the same manual tests as above, but the I2t ON option is selected, and
tsd = 0,2 s. There is no thermal memory reset between two tests:
The short time protection tripping time is reduced between the two tests due to the thermal memory effect.
The following figure presents the same manual tests as above, but with a thermal memory reset between the
two tests.
The short time protection tripping time is the same for the two tests. The reset thermal memory cancelled
out the increases in temperature caused by the first test.
Automatic Test
The Automatic TEST tab enables the user to carry out automatic tests. Automatic tests are predefined with
LTU and depend on the Micrologic trip unit type. LTU carries out the following protection test sequence:
Short time
Ground fault (if available)
Unbalance (if available)
Long time
A thermal memory reset is performed before each test.
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Click on the caution message dialog window to proceed with the automatic test.
Check the Do not show this message until next run of LTU check box to stop the caution message from
appearing whenever the Automatic TEST tab is selected.
The following figure shows the Automatic TEST tab:
The following table describes the fields of the automatic test summary table:
Field Description
Protection test type:
Short time protection test
Instantaneous protection test
Ground fault protection test (if available)
Unbalance protection test (if available)
Long time protection test
Values of injected currents
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When the test is over, the test summary table displays the test result:
When the test is over, the test summary table displays the test result:
When the test is over, the test summary table displays the test result:
Note: Before each automatic test, LTU automatically resets the thermal memory.
The thermal memory inhibition orange LED blinks for 2 seconds, indicating that the thermal memory was
reset before the automatic test:
The thermal memory is reset so that the automatic tests are not affected by the temperature rise implied
by the injection currents.
Note: Unlike manual tests, automatic tests do not have the history impact option. Trip events due to
Automatic tests are not saved in the Micrologic trip history.
Note: When testing a Micrologic 6.X E-M trip unit (motor type), the Long start protection (if activated)
may trip before the Long time protection. In this case, the user must deactivate the Long start
protection to test the Long time protection. If so, the user must not forget to reactivate the Long start
protection when the automatic test is complete.
In the user pushes one of the maintenance module buttons during an automatic test, the automatic test is
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Alarm Simulation
The alarm simulation option is only available with Micrologic 5/6 trip units.
The Micrologic 5/6 trip units offer 2 types of alarms:
Long time protection pre-alarm (PAL Ir) for the Micrologic 5 trip units
Long time protection pre-alarm (PAL Ir) and ground fault protection pre-alarm (PAL Ig) for the
Micrologic 6 trip units
The pre-alarms are activated by default.
user-defined alarms:
The user can configure up to 10 alarms that can be chosen from a list of 150 pre-defined alarms.
The user-defined alarms are deactivated by default.
The user defines the pre-alarms and the user-defined alarms with the RSU (Remote Setting Utility) software,
in the Alarms Simulation tab. See the RSU online help and the Micrologic 5 and 6 trip units - User manual
for more details.
The Micrologic trip unit alarm simulation involves:
generating alarms (pre-alarms or user-defined alarms)
checking the alarm occurrence using:
the Front Display Module (FDM121)
the Modbus alarm registers
the SDx output modules if set up in the Micrologic trip unit with RSU
Click on the caution message dialog window to proceed with the alarm simulation.
Check the Do not show this message until next run of LTU check box to stop the caution message from
appearing whenever the Alarms Simulation tab is selected.
The following figure shows the Alarms Simulation tab. It shows the available alarms with the Micrologic
trip unit being tested and that have been programmed with the RSU (Remote Setting Utility) software:
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The following table describes the fields of the Alarms Simulation tab:
Field Description
Alarm name
See the Micrologic 5 and 6 trip units - User manual or the RSU software for a complete
list of available alarms.
Alarm number
PAL Ir, PAL Ig for pre-alarms
1...10 for user-defined alarms
Alarm code
See the Micrologic 5 and 6 trip units - User manual or the RSU software for a complete
list of available alarms.
Alarm priority
H = high
M = Medium
L = Low
- = Not affected
See the Micrologic 5 and 6 trip units - User manual for more information regarding alarm
Alarm pick-up value
The alarm pick-up value defines the threshold that activates the alarm.
Unit of measurement associated with the alarm
Alarm Principle
The following figure presents an example of an over-measurement alarm principle:
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The alarm is activated when the associated measurement is above the pick-up value for an amount of time
equal to the pick-up delay.
The alarm is deactivated when the associated measurement is below the drop-out value for an amount of
time equal to the drop-out delay.
The Pick up (s) check box enables the user to simulate the activation of the alarm.
The Drop out (s) check box enables the user to simulate the deactivation of the alarm.
The None check box disables the alarm simulation.
The pick-up/drop-out simulation options are exclusive: the user cannot simulate pick-up and drop-
out values simultaneously.
3 As an example, the following figure presents the pick-up simulation:
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Note: Alarm simulations are saved in the Micrologic trip unit alarm history.
Pick-up simulations
The following figure presents the alarm simulation when simulation delay:
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If simulation pick-up > pick-up delay, then the alarm is activated when t = pick-up delay.
The alarm is deactivated when t = (simulation pick-up) + (drop-out delay).
Drop-out simulations
To simulate an alarm drop-out, the alarm must be activated by default.
The following figure presents the alarm simulation when simulation delay:
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If simulation drop-out > drop-out delay, then the alarm is deactivated when t = drop-out delay. The alarm
is activated when t = (simulation drop-out) + (pick-up delay).
The alarm simulation results depend on the alarm priority:
If the alarm priority is set to 0, the alarm is not logged in the front display module FDM121 alarm
If the alarm priority is set to 1 (low priority), the alarm is logged in the front display module FDM121
alarm history but there is no display of the alarm.
If the alarm priority is set to 2 (medium priority), the alarm is logged in the front display module
FDM121 alarm history and the front display module FDM121 LED is constantly ON. The LED turns OFF when
the user reads the front display module FDM121 alarm history.
If the alarm priority is set to 3 (high priority), the alarm is logged in the front display module
FDM121 alarm history, the front display module FDM121 LED blinks, and a pop-up screen informs the user
that the alarm is active. The LED turns OFF and the pop-up screen disappears when the user presses the
Clear button on front display module FDM121 (considering the alarm is no more active).
See the Micrologic 5 and 6 trip units - User manual for more information regarding the relationship between
alarm priority and the front display module FDM121.
The miscellaneous option enables the user to:
Display primary currents in the circuit breaker:
RMS current on phase A: IA
RMS current on phase B: IB
RMS current on phase C: IC
RMS current on neutral: IN
The current display option is available for all Micrologic trip units.
Test the ZSI (Zone Selective Interlocking) function between 2 circuit breakers.
The ZSI function is only available with Micrologic 5/6 trip units.
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The Currents fields enable the user to display the currents flowing in the circuit breaker.
Each time the user clicks Display currents, LTU updates the current values in their corresponding text box.
The ZSI (Zone Selective Interlocking) function enables circuit breakers with Micrologic 5/6 trip units to
communicate fault information to each other.
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4 The answer is automatically recorded in the test report and the test is complete.
LTU automatically creates a test report file for each Micrologic trip unit.
The following tests are stored in the test report file:
manual tests
automatic tests
ZSI tests
The alarm simulations as well as the displayed current values are not saved in the test report file.
The test report file is automatically updated whenever the user carries out a test on the Micrologic trip
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This way, each Micrologic trip unit will have its own test report file.
Select a test report file in the dialog box to be printed and click Open.
4 A message appears warning the user about the time it takes to generate the test report file:
Note: Excel 2003 is the minimum version of Excel required to generate the test report file.
Report Example
The following figure shows an example of an Excel test report file:
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