Ware Ware Ware Ware Ware: Efficient Configuration
Ware Ware Ware Ware Ware: Efficient Configuration
Ware Ware Ware Ware Ware: Efficient Configuration
Efficient configuration
PACTware – One configuration tool for all instruments
PACTware is a manufacturer and fieldbus-independent software for the operation of
field instruments.
frame program and the individual soft- for communication. This enables
ware modules. This allows modern and communication to be carried out
user-friendly adjustment concepts to through any type of communication.
be realised. Already now, PACTware supports all
common communication protocols. At
Optimum adjustment functions the same time, these structures allow
In the PACTware concept, optimum the integration of future standards.
instrument adjustment takes top
priority. The uniform interface enables Versatile
the use of the best possible adjust- Each plant is different. PACTware can
Open for all ment concepts: optimised to fulfil user be implemented in many different
PACTware is an open platform in requirements and detached from the places in a plant: from the central
which individual manufacturers can inflexible restrictions of superordinate engineering station to on-site
integrate the operation of their field software. adjustment in the field. For the first
instruments. Contrary to the idea of time, it is possible to carry out para-
describing the instruments via a text Communication independent meter setting and configuration of all
file (Device Description), PACTware PACTware distinguishes between field instruments and field busses of a
uses a standardized interface for software modules for actual plant with only one engineering tool.
instrument operation between the instrument adjustment and modules
PLC/ Centralised
DCS engineering
Segment coupler/
Remote I/O Remote I/O
Linking Device
Communication-capable Communication-capable
field instruments field instruments
Local configuration
in the field
PACTware – based on FDT and DTM technology
PACTware based on FDT technology. This technology specifies the exchange of data
between the system level and the field instruments.
Segment coupler/
Remote I/O
Linking Device
Field instruments
field instruments
with instrument-DTM
Communication-DTM with
respective hardware
Loading of the
DTMs in PACTware
Unlimited possibilities Beside instrument DTMs, there are Proven, available technology
Whereas a usual Device Description also DTMs for communication PACTware as stand-alone tool and the
(DD) can be just an inflexible descrip- devices, such as e.g. PROFIBUS DP corresponding DTMs have already
tion of instrument functionality, a DTM cards or HART modems. The linking, been successfully used for many
has almost no limitations with regard administration and assignment of the years. In spite of that, an appropriate
to presentation and user guidance. DTMs is done by PACTware. DTM for every instrument of every
Adjustment of all available instrument supplier is not yet available. By means
functions, perfectly adapted to the Quick and easy of the so-called DD compiler, it is now
user’s requirements, is thus possible. The handling of PACTware is really possible to automatically generate a
And: DTM technology allows the easy. To begin with, all the instru- simple, but fully functioning DTM from
same instrument adjustment ments of a plant, including communi- the device description (DD) of a HART
procedures to be used in any FDT cation drivers, are assembled into
environment. one project. The corresponding
instruments are simply fetched from a
device catalogue via drag-and-drop
and inserted into the project. After this
is done, the structure of the system is
transparent and clearly defined. From
here, each individual instrument and
communication component can be
directly accessed:
instrument. Conversion tools for
• to adapt the configuration
PROFIBUS and FF instrument descrip-
• to modify individual parameters
tions are in preparation. This guaran-
• to simulate individual functions tees wide availability within a short
• to get a detailed, meaningful time.
• to prepare documentation PACTware
• simplifies set-up in automation
And all of this is manufacturer and • supports the complete
communication-independent. functionality of the field
Needless to say, subsequent instruments
modifications and extensions of the • is prepared for future standards,
structure can always be carried out. such as e.g. Ethernet
• unifies the instrument world
• is future-proof
PACTware allows the configuration of a complete system. In the process, an
online connection is not compulsory. Thus, for example, topology planning as
well as structuring and configuration of the implemented system components
can be carried out in offline mode.
Parameter adjustment
Instruments and systems are adjusted with PACTware by means of point-to-point
communication or via a bus system. Easy handling has top priority. No difficult
installation or complex topology planning is necessary. Fast readout of device
information, as well as reliable writing of modified settings into an instrument, is
assured. This is typically applied in the workshop or in the field.
During the set-up phase, the signal flow within an application can be checked
by simulating a certain process value. Signals can thus be traced over different
measurement points and faults corrected at an early stage.
For the analysis of faults in the system or in the field instruments, suitable tools
are available in the installed DTMs in PACTware. For example, short-term faults
can be detected by means of the graphical presentation of measured values. Or
to realise long-term observation of data, measured values can be recorded over
an unlimited period of time.
An overview of the project as well as the set values of individual instruments
can be conveniently printed out with PACTware. Furthermore, all necessary
information such as device description, manufacturer identification, order
number, serial number and firmware version are available in the DTM. Time-
consuming searches for up-to-date documentation thus belong to the past.
PACTware – Simply download and take off
ware can be downloaded anytime from the Internet
The free-of-charge adjustment software PACTware
and, with the appended DTMs, immediately used to adjust any HART instrument.
• fits in any automation environment
• is the platform for all DTMs acc. to FDT standard
• allows adjustment of all field instruments via any communication structure
• is free of charge and continues to be developed
The members – The members – PACTware
Field device manufacturers Solution Provider
www.knick.de www.tyco-valves.com
www.krohne.de www.turck.de
www.naf.se www.yokogawa.com