Automated Grading System For Teachers and Students
Automated Grading System For Teachers and Students
Automated Grading System For Teachers and Students
Giba, Jayven M.
Gonzales, Angeline E.
Proposed Title :
BCSHS-SAC SY.2019-2020
Technology is the history of the invention of tools and techniques and is similar to
other sides of the history of humanity. Technology can refer to methods ranging from as
simple as language and stone tools to the complex genetic engineering. The term
comes from the technology meaning art and craft and meaning word logos meaning
word and speech. New knowledge has enabled people to create new things, and
conversely, many scientific endeavors are made possible by technologies which assist
humans. This Time Technology is all over the place and used all the times so basically
Technology is part of our lives. When it comes to saving time technology is right there to
accomplish your task more even faster. In this Project we will be focusing on tools for
students and teacher to save time.