Edu 214 Final Project

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ABC Community School

Kendra Nelson

December 1, 2017
Why Technology Needs to Stay in Schools

Technology is constantly evolving and improving. We live in a world that relies largely

on the use of technological tools. With the rapid rates of technological development, it is vital

that we harness the power of these tools. In order to do so, we need to be educated on their

benefits and uses. Teachers have a responsibility to prepare their students for the future and I

don’t think they could properly do that without the integration of technology into the curriculum.

Students can benefit so much from technology whether it is by helping them become more

engaged, more independent, or preparing them for future jobs. Technology will be a part of our

student’s lives even more so than it is a part of our lives now. The integration of technology will

significantly improve student’s learning and is crucial in preparing them for the future.

Students are more actively engaged in learning if they use what is natural to their

environment. Technology is a huge part of student’s lives and they were born into a world where

it has always played a major role. With technology improving and developing so rapidly, the cost

of many devices has lowered. This makes it much more common for students to have access to

internet and smart phones even if they live in a lower socioeconomic class. Teachers need to

utilize this and use it as a tool. One teacher, named Elizabeth Box, created an app for her

students to help them with U.S. government (Ault, 2016). “The students, who already were

playing games on their smart phones, jumped at the opportunity to compete against themselves

and their classmates” (Ault, 2016). This is a perfect example of how using technology can help

improve student engagement. Learning is more authentic to students if they can relate it to their

everyday lives.
Furthermore, technology improves education by teaching students how to do research

independently. With internet access research is easier than ever. Students are learning how to do

research projects on their own. When students are able to find their own information, they value

it more and are more interested in its content. One teacher talks about her students doing a

research project on the civil rights movement and states, "This kind of assignment becomes fun

for them; they're finding their own information, building it as they go along, instead of having

me read it to them” (“Laptops in Schools,” 2008). This type of independent research is very

important for students to learn for their future careers or schooling. All college classes and most

high school classes will have students write research papers. It is very important to know how to

correctly look up sources online and be able to determine whether they are reliable or not. It is

important that students learn this at a young age in order to give them a head start on their future.

Finally, as teachers, we have a role to prepare students for the future, and that is not

possible without the use of technology. Technology is used in almost every job today. With the

rapid rates of technological development, it is only going to be used more. “Being comfortable

with computers has become a prerequisite in many fields. ‘Checking any weekend edition

newspaper will confirm that most jobs available today are looking for candidates with computer

skills,’ states the Maine Center for Meaningful Engaged Learning (MCMEL) website” (“Laptops

in Schools,” 2008). How could a teacher properly do their job if they are not preparing their

students for the world they will be living in? It would not be fair to our students or our future

society to keep technology out of the classroom. It needs to be integrated into the curriculum so

our students can be well-rounded citizens of a digital world.

Students need to be prepared for the future which will, undoubtedly, be using technology.

There should be no debate as to whether technology should be used in the classroom. Learning
cannot be accomplished authentically without its integration into the curriculum. Students will be

more engaged and invested in what they are learning and be more prepared for the future. The

future of American society is at risk if we do not stress the importance of technology to our

children. Therefore, it is our job to assure that students are well-equipped to survive in the digital

Works Cited:

Ault, A. (2016, February 12). Video games and learning. CQ Researcher, 26, 145-168. Retrieved


(2008, January 11). "Laptops in Schools: Should schools give students laptop computers to help

with their classwork?" Issues & Controversies, Infobase Learning. Retrieved from
Identification of Standards

The national standards for technology, the Nevada standards, and the Clark County

standards are all very clear in stating the need for technology integration in the curriculum. All of

the standards show that technology should not be taught in a computer class, but should be

taught within the regular curriculum. The standards for technology are to be met while learning

other subjects like math, science, and history. All of the levels for technology standards agree

that students will learn better if technology is used in an authentic integrated setting.

The ISTE standards are the broadest list of standards with eight different categories.

These eight standards are not organized by grade level like they are with the Nevada and Clark

County standards. The eight ISTE standards are as follows: empowered learner, digital citizen,

knowledge constructor, innovative designer, computational thinker, creative communicator, and

global collaborator. The Nevada Computer and Technology Standards are based off of the ISTE

standards and are as follows: creativity and innovation, communication and collaboration,

research and information fluency, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making, and

digital citizenship. The Nevada standards are broken down for every grade level and thoroughly

explain what is expected for students in grades 2, 5, 8, and 12.I think this is important to assure

that students are on the correct track with technological standards. The Clark County Computer

and Technology Standards are broken into grades 3, 5, 8, and 12 and are categorized as such:

productivity tools, research tools, tools and processes, systems, and implications on society.

Clark County uses a list of items to display what students would look like if they exceed

standards, meet standards, approach standards, or are below standards.

I find it interesting that the standards at all three levels stress the importance of creating a

digital citizen. This is a very important standard because our students need to be aware of the

world they will be living in and know how to properly function in the 21st century society. The

standards at all levels also discuss the importance of students being able to do digital research.

This is important to integrate into the curriculum because almost all research is done online , and

therefore must be taught to students. All of the standards also address the importance of

communication and collaboration while using technology. This is important for 21st century

learners because it is the most common and efficient way to communicate with others on a global


The standard that I will be addressing in my lesson plan is Nevada Computer and

Technology standard 1.B.2.1: Create an original work using a variety of digital tools as a means

of personal or group expression. This standard is listed in the Creativity and Innovation category

in the Nevada standards. It is the standard for grade 2 and it also meets the national standard that

states: Create original works as a means of personal or group expression. This standard is met in

my lesson plan because students will have to create an original painting using a digital tool. They

will be able to meet science standards while using this technology standard. It is important that

students are familiar with the vast amount of technological tools that exist in the world. If they

are using these tools to complete a project about animal adaptations, then they are learning a

useful computer skill without even realizing it. If they can learn how to use different digital tools

for many different project types, then they will be able to apply these skills in authentic, real-life,

Lesson Plan

 Name of Lesson: Adaptive Animal

 Grade Level Appropriateness: Grade 3

 Nevada Computer and Technology Standard Addressed: 1.B.2.1 Create an original

work using a variety of digital tools as a means of personal or group expression.

 Nevada Science Standard Addressed: 3-LS4-2. Use evidence to construct an

explanation for how the variations in characteristics among individuals of the same

species may provide advantages in surviving, finding mates, and reproducing.

 Nevada Writing Standards for Grade 3 Addressed:

o 2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and

information clearly.

 a. Introduce a topic and group related information together; include

illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension.

 Objective: The student will learn how to use a digital painting tool in order to understand

animal adaptations. They will also, learn how to write an informative text with a word

processor that will further their understanding of animal adaptations and clear written


 Materials needed to facilitate the lesson:

o Computer/ Laptop with:

 Internet access

 Paint program

 Word processing software

 Suggested group size: Individual project

 Procedures:

o Part 1: Selecting your animal on the internet

 Go onto a computer and access an internet browser.

 From the internet, go to

 Once on Google, type in your choice of your favorite animal (i.e. bearded

dragon) in the search box and press enter.

 Next, select the Images tab which is located below the search bar.

 Find an image of the animal you want to use that is clear to see and will be

easy to draw on.

 Click on this image and when it enlarges, right click on the image.

 A list of options should appear and from these options you will select

Copy Image

 Open up the Paint program which is located in the apps on your computer.
 Once Paint is opened, select Paste, which is located in the upper left hand


o Part 2: Painting on your animal’s adaptations

 The image of your animal should now be in your paint program like this:

 Now, you can paint over the image using any of the tools in the top area.
 Your animal must have at least 5 adaptations painted on it that will help

it survive. These can be anything from helping it catch prey, hide from

predators, or attracting mates.

 Select the arrow under the image of the paintbrush to change the type of

brush you want to use.

 To change the colors of the paint select a color from the top ribbon.

 The paintbrush can be enlarged to make larger strokes if needed.

 Also, to get a clearer view of what you are drawing it may be helpful to

zoom into the image which can be done by using the plus sign at the

bottom right corner.

 You can simply draw shapes by selecting one of the shape icons on the top

 Once the shape is drawn, you can choose to fill it by selecting an option

from the fill pull down menu

 You can change the color of the shape you created, or any other item, by

using the fill bucket.

 Now, click on the area you want to color with the fill bucket tool selected

and it will change to the colors that are selected in the color section.
 Once you are satisfied with how your animal looks, select File, Save As,

then type the name of your animal and select Save.

o Part 3: Writing about your animal:

 Open up a word processing program like Microsoft Word.

 Insert the image of your animal by selecting Insert on the top ribbon, then

selecting Picture.

 Find your animal in the files and select it and click Insert

 Your animal should now be in your word document.

 Write the name you have created for your animal above its image.
 Below the image write about your animal

 The writing should include:

 The animal’s name

 Where the animal lives

 Tell about its adaptations and how these adaptations help it


 Once you are happy with your document, select File, Save As, and type in

the name of your animal and story (i.e. Mustached Dragon Story) and

select Save.

 Assessment: The students will be assessed on their work by presenting their animals to

the class and having their peers ask questions about the animals. The students must

clearly explain how their animals are able to adapt to the environments that they have

created for them. They will also be evaluated on how well they followed instructions.

The animals must have five adaptations and a story written about them. I will have a

rubric to grade them on the content of their work. If at least 95% of my students are able

to create a project that passes with a 75% or higher, then we will move on. If less than

95% of my students pass, then they will be given further instruction on this topic.

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