Grease Lubrication Mechanisms in Rolling Bearing Systems: Piet M. Lugt
Grease Lubrication Mechanisms in Rolling Bearing Systems: Piet M. Lugt
Grease Lubrication Mechanisms in Rolling Bearing Systems: Piet M. Lugt
Phases in Grease Lubrication development (Ref. 14), which is again During the churning phase the grease
Grease lubrication is a dynamic process caused by occasional film breakdown. may lose some of its consistency. This
that can be divided roughly into three At some point, the reservoirs may be property is called mechanical stability.
phases (Fig. 1). After the initial filling or empty or deteriorated to the point that The viscosity of lubricating grease is
during re-lubrication, the grease will be replenishment can no longer happen. so high at very low shear rates that only
located between the rolling elements, If re-lubrication has not taken place, se- creep-flow will occur, and the grease
leading to high churning losses dur- vere film breakdown will result, called has an apparently solid behavior. Figure
ing start-up or running-in. During this the end of grease life, which subse- 2 shows grease shear thinning, which
phase, also called the “churning phase,” quently leads to bearing damage and is when the grease viscosity decreases
the grease will be pushed into the un- failure. substantially with increasing shear.
swept volume of the bearing (onto the Grease reservoir formation. The At very high shear rates, the grease
seals or onto the bearing ring shoul- rate at which the reservoir formation viscosity may approach the base oil
ders) or will end up attached to the will take place is governed by the flow viscosity. Such high shear rates occur
cage. From these locations the grease properties of the grease, also called its in the lubricating films between rolling
will slowly provide the raceways with “rheological properties.” This will also elements and raceways.
lubricant by either bleeding or shear. In determine the physical degradation of Together with oil bleeding, this is the
this second phase, the bleeding phase, the grease. reason why the film thickness in grease-
the lubricating film will be governed by Lubricating grease shows visco-elas- lubricated bearings is usually calculat-
a feed-and-loss mechanism (Ref. 20) in tic behavior, meaning that the viscosity ed using the base oil viscosity, ηoil. The
which the raceways are fed by grease of the grease is a function of both shear grease rheology can be described using
from the reservoirs but also lose lubri- and shear rate. Figure 2 shows viscosity various models (Fig. 2).
cant due to side flow and oxidation. as a function of shear rate in terms of Film thickness. Both base oil and
This may lead to starvation, especially the various models that are often used. thickener are known to enter the bear-
in sealed bearings where the grease It shows that the viscosity is very high ing (Ref. 2). The lubricating film thick-
reservoirs are smaller. Another feed at low shear rates. This means that the ness in grease-lubricated bearings is
mechanism is occasional replenish- resistance to flow will be very high if determined by boundary layers formed
ment caused by softening of the grease the grease is not touched – i.e., when it by thickener material hR and by the hy-
close to the contacts due to local heat is located in the upswept volume. This drodynamic action of the base oil hEHL
property is also called consistency. (elastohydrodynamic lubrication, EHL)