Submarine Main Propulsion Diesels - Chapter 7
Submarine Main Propulsion Diesels - Chapter 7
Submarine Main Propulsion Diesels - Chapter 7
10/27/23, 2:25 PM Submarine Main Propulsion Diesels - Chapter 7
bearings, tops of the pistons, and other stability. Stability of the oil should be
engine parts by the lubricating oil. It is such that a proper oil film is maintained
the volume of lubricating oil being throughout the entire operating
circulated that makes cooling of an temperature range of the engine. Such a
engine possible. For example, under film will insure sufficient oiliness or film
average conditions, an 8-inch by 10- strength between the piston and cylinder
inch cylinder requires about 24 drops of walls so that partly burned fuel and
oil per minute for lubrication of the exhaust gases cannot get by the piston
cylinder wall. About 30 drops of oil per rings to form sludge.
minute normally will lubricate a large
bearing when the engine is running at 7A2. Chemistry of lubricating oils. As
high speed. Yet some engines explained in Chapter 5, lubricating oil is
the product of the fractional distillation
of crude
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10. Color. The color of a lubricating oil wear. In the bearings, however, the
is useful only for identification temperatures are lower and the rotation
purposes and has nothing to do with tends to create a fluid film permitting a
lubricating qualities. If the color of a lighter oil to be used. When a single
nonadditive oil is not uniform, it may lubricating system supplies oil to
indicate the presence of impurities; cylinders and bearings, it is necessary to
however, in additive lubricating oils, a compromise on an oil that will do the
nonuniform color means nothing. best job possible in both places. All
modern submarine diesel engines are of
11. Ash. The ash content of an oil is a the latter type, having a single lubricating
measure of the amount of system.
noncombustible material present that
would cause abrasion or scoring of Temperature, however, is not the only
moving parts. consideration in selecting an oil of the
proper viscosity. Clearances, speed, and
12. Gravity. The specific gravity of an pressures are also important factors.
oil is not an index of its quality, but is Their effects on required viscosity may
useful for weight and volume be summarized as follows:
computation purposes only. 3/32
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13. Sulphur. The test for sulphur 1. Greater clearances always require
indicates the total sulphur content of higher viscosity.
the oil and does not distinguish
between the corrosive and noncorrosive 2. Greater speed requires lower viscosity.
forms. A certain amount of
noncorrosive sulphur compounds is 3. Greater load requires higher viscosity.
allowable, but the corrosive compounds
must be eliminated because of their The oil selected for a diesel engine is
tendency to form acid when combined therefore a compromise between a high-
with water vapor. and a low-viscosity oil. Most high-speed
engines run better using low-viscosity
14. Detergency. The ability of an oil to oils, but the viscosity must not be so low
remove or prevent accumulation of that the oil film wedge is too thin for
carbon deposits is known as its efficient lubrication. On the other hand,
detergent power. oil of a greater viscosity than necessary
should not be used because:
7A4. Viscosity of lubricating oils. The
viscosity of a lubricating oil at the 1. An oil of too great a viscosity
operating temperature in the engine is increases starting friction.
one of the most important
considerations in selecting oil, since 2. Increased friction raises oil
viscosity is the characteristic that temperatures, and thereby promotes
determines film thickness and the oxidation.
ability to resist being squeezed out. The
3. The more viscous oils usually have a
viscosity of an oil changes with
temperature. Therefore, the viscosity higher carbon residue.
should be measured at the operating 4. An oil of too great a viscosity places
temperatures of that particular part of an overload on the lubricating oil pump
the engine which the oil is to lubricate.
with a possible inadequate supply
From the viewpoint of lubrication, reaching some moving parts.
engines can be considered in two
classes, those in which the cylinders For practical purposes the viscosity is
and bearings are lubricated separately, determined by noting the number of
and those in which only one lubricating seconds required for a given quantity of
system is used. If there are separate oil to flow through a standard orifice at a
lubrication systems for cylinders and definite temperature. For light oils the
bearings, it is possible to use two viscosity is determined at 130 degrees F,
grades of oil, the heavy one for and for heavier oils at 210 degrees F. The
cylinders and a medium one for Saybolt type viscosimeter with a
bearings. The operating temperature to Universal orifice is used for determining
which the oil is subjected in the the viscosity of lubricating oils. The
cylinders is naturally much higher than longer it takes an oil to flow through the
in the bearings. Also the motion in a orifice, at a given temperature, the
cylinder is sliding, and a heavier oil is heavier or more viscous the oil is
required to provide sufficient body to considered.
prevent metallic contact and
7A5. Tests. Viscosity tests are frequently
conducted on board ship to determine the
amount of dilution caused by leakage of
fuel oil
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tend to clog the oil filters in a relatively 2. Carbon caused by the evaporation of
short time. Normally, a dirty engine oil on a hot surface, such as the underside
will be purged with one or two fillings of a piston.
of the sump, depending upon the
condition of the engine and the quantity 3. Gummy, partially burned fuel which
of the oil used. During the cleaning-up gets past the piston rings.
process, the operator should drain the
sump and clean the filter if the oil gage 4. An emulsion of lubricating oil and
indicates an inadequate oil flow. water which may have entered the
In using additive or detergent type oils
the following points should be Sludge is often attributed to the breaking
considered: down of lubricating oil, but generally this
is not true.
1. All Navy approved oils are miscible.
However, to obtain the maximum Sludge gathers many dangerous
benefit from additive oils, they should ingredients, such as dust from the
not be mixed with straight mineral oils atmosphere, rust caused by water
except in emergencies. condensation in the engine, and metallic
particles caused by wear, which
2. Detergent oils on the approved list contribute to premature wear of parts and
are not corrosive. Should ground eventual break down of the engine.
surfaces be found etched, or bearings
corroded, it is probable that 7A8. Bearing lubrication. The motion
contamination of the lubricant by water of a journal in its bearing is rotary, and
or partially burned fuel is responsible. the oil tends to build up a wedge under
It is important that fuel systems be kept the journal. This oil wedge lifts the
in good repair and adjustment at all journal and effectively prevents metallic
times. The presence of water or contact. The action of the oil film is
explained in Figure 7-3 which illustrates
partially burned fuel in lubricating oil is
to be avoided in any case, whether the hydrodynamic theory of lubrication.
mineral oil or detergent oil is used. This theory, involving the complete
However, small quantities of water in separation of opposing surfaces by a fluid
the Navy symbol 9000 series oils are no film, is easily understood when the
more harmful than the same amount of mechanism of film formation in a plain
water in straight mineral oils. They will bearing is known. The diagram shows
not cause foaming nor will the first the bearing at rest with practically
additives in the oils be precipitated all of the lubricant squeezed from the
load area. Then, as rotation begins, an oil
7A7. Sludge. Almost any type of film is formed which separates the
gummy or carbonaceous material journal from the bearing. When rotation
accumulated in the power cylinder is starts with the clearance space filled with
termed sludge. The presence of sludge oil there is a tendency for the journal to
is dangerous for several reasons: climb or roll up the bearing as a wheel
rolls uphill. As the center of the bearing
1. Sludge may clog the oil pump screen does not coincide with the center of the
or collect at the end of the oil duct journal, the clearance space is in the form
leading to a bearing, thereby preventing of a crescent with its wedge-shaped ends
sufficient oil from reaching the parts to on either side of the contact or load area.
be lubricated. Because of the fact that oil is adhesive
and sticks to the journal, rotation causes
2. Sludge will coat the inside of the oil to be drawn into the wedge-shaped
crankcase, act as an insulation, blanket space ahead of the pressure area. As the
the heat inside the engine, raise the oil speed of rotation increases, more oil is
temperature, and induce oxidation. carried into the wedge by the revolving 7/32
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viscous oil will stay between the usually indicates corrosion, which may
bearing surfaces. The greater the load be due to fuel, lubricant, or water.
on the bearing, the greater the oil
viscosity required to carry the load. On 7A9. Cylinder lubrication. The oil
the other hand, higher speeds permit a supplied to the cylinders must perform
reduction in viscosity since the high the following functions:
shaft rotation helps build up the oil film
pressure. 1. Minimize wear and frictional losses.
Bearing trouble and failure are usually 2. Seal the cylinder pressures.
attributable to improper lubrication.
This may 3. Act as coolant.
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collect the oil that has been used for A filling connection is provided on the
lubrication and cooling, so that it can main deck to a five-valve filling and
be recirculated throughout the system. transfer manifold located on the
starboard side of the forward engine
4. The system must include coolers to room. This manifold is connected not
maintain the oil temperature within the only to the filling connection, but also
most efficient operating temperature directly to each of the normal lubricating
range. oil tanks and the reserve lubricating oil
tank. The oil to fill the tanks normally is
5. In order to exclude dirt and water passed through a strainer before it
from the working parts of the engine, reaches the filling and transfer manifold.
filters and strainers must be included in This oil strainer may be bypassed. A
the system to clean the oil as it drain from the bottom of the strainer
circulates. makes it possible to drain out any salt
water that might have leaked into the
6. Adequate facilities must be provided filling line through the outboard filling
on the ship for storing the required connection.
quantity of lubricating oil necessary for
extensive operation and for transferring The tanks are provided with vents and air
this oil to the engine lubricating connections from the 225-pound air
systems as needed. service lines. By the use of these lines,
lubricating oil may be blown from any
7B2. Ship's lubricating oil tanks and lubricating oil storage tank to any other
sumps. A typical lubricating oil system lubricating oil tank. Oil to be discharged
installation on recent submarines may be blown or pumped overboard
consists of three normal lubricating oil through the deck filling connection or
tanks and one reserve lubricating oil through a hose connection in the filling
tank. These tanks are located inside the line.
pressure hull adjacent to the
engineering spaces and have 7B3. Operation of engine lubricating
approximately the following capacities: oil system. Oil is drawn from the sump 11/32
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Normal lubricating oil 1534 tank by the attached lubricating oil pump.
tank No. 1 gallons The discharge from this pump passes
through the lubricating oil strainer.
Normal lubricating oil 973 Between the discharge side of the pump
tank No. 2 gallons and the strainer is a relief valve built
Normal lubricating oil 1092 integral with the pump. From the strainer
tank No. 3 gallons the oil is carried to the lubricating oil
Reserve lubricating oil 1264 cooler and thence to the engine main
tank gallons lubricating oil headers. The strainer is
always placed forward of the cooler in
In addition to these storage tanks, there the system because, if the temperature of
is a sump tank under each main engine the lubricating oil is higher, its filtering
and under each of the two reduction efficiency will be greater and the power
gears. These tanks collect the oil as it necessary to force the oil through the
drains from the engine oil pans. The strainer will be less.
sump tanks are always partially filled in In most installations the lubricating oil
order to insure a constant supply of oil goes from the main lube oil headers to
to the lubricating oil pumps. As, the the engine main bearings and thence to
sump tanks are never completely filled the connecting rod bearings. The oil then
with lubricating oil, their capacity is passes through a drilled hole in the
usually indicated as 75 percent of the connecting rod up to the piston pin
actual total tank capacity. The bearing which it lubricates and sprays out
approximate capacities of the various
onto the under surface of the piston
sump tanks (at 75 percent) are: crown. Next, it drains down into the oil
drain pan, carrying away from the piston
Main engine sump tanks 382 much of the heat caused by combustion.
Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 gallons From the oil pan, the oil drains to the
each engine sump tank from which it is
Motor and reduction gear 165 recirculated
lubricating oil sumps Nos. gallons
1, 2 each
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Between the oil pan and the sump tank, their respective sump tanks are shown,
screens and basket type strainers may together with the piping that connects
be inserted to prevent small metallic these units with the auxiliaries necessary
particles from draining down into the for lubricating oil purification. These
sump tank. include a lubricating oil purifier,
detached lubricating oil service pump,
Lubricating oil for the main generator lubricating oil heater, and lubricating oil
bearings is also provided by the main filters. The normal path of the oil during
lubricating oil system. The oil used for purification is from the sump tanks to the
this purpose is piped from the main lubricating oil service pump thence to the
lubricating oil line, at a point just oil heater, the purifier, the filters, and
before it enters the engine oil header, to then back to the sump tanks. In actual
the tops of the generator main bearings. installations, the filling and flushing and
From the bottoms of the bearings, the the purifying systems are combined in
oil drains back to the sump tank, either one system. For clarity the systems are 13/32
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directly or through the engine oil separated as shown in Figures 7-5 and 7-
system. 6.
The attached lubricating oil pumps are The lubricating oil pumps are designed to
driven directly by the engines and deliver considerably more oil than is
therefore cannot be used for priming normally required to pass through the
the lubricating oil system before engines. This insures sufficient
starting. For this purpose, detached lubrication when changes in the rate of
lubricating oil service pumps are oil flow occur because of cold starting,
provided, one in each engine room. changes in speed, changes in viscosity of
These pumps should be started the oil due to heat, or increases in bearing
approximately five minutes before clearances.
starting an engine. When an engine has
been started and its attached pump is Pressure gages are placed in the system
supplying oil to the engine system, the to indicate the pressures of the
service pump may be shut down. The lubricating oil entering the strainer,
service pumps may also be used to leaving the strainer, and entering the
circulate lubricating oil to cool an engine. Through a change in pressure
engine after it has been stopped. readings at these gages, troubles such as
air binding of pumps, broken supply
Figure 7-5 shows a typical lubricating lines, or dirty strainers may be localized
oil flushing and filling system in one and remedied.
engine room. In this system the
detached lubricating oil service pump The lubricating oil is cooled by fresh or
may be used to prime the engine salt water circulating through an oil
lubricating oil systems prior to starting, cooler. The pressure of the lubricating oil
to replenish the sump tanks from the is higher than the pressure of the water so
normal lubricating oil stowage tank, that, in the event of a leak, water cannot
and possibly to flush out the engine enter the oil system.
lubricating oil system when necessary.
When the system is used for priming, 7B4. Detached lubricating oil service
the detached service pump takes a and standby pumps. All fleet type
suction from the sump tank and submarines use a detached lubricating oil
discharges the oil into the engine service pump in each engine room for the
lubricating oil system at the discharge purpose of supplying the purifier, filling
side of the attached lubricating oil the sump tanks from the storage tanks,
pump. When the detached pump is used and for flushing and priming the engine
for replenishing the sump tanks, it takes lubricating oil system. These ships also
a suction from the normal lubricating have a standby pump located in the
oil tank and discharges the oil to either maneuvering room for the purpose of
sump tank as necessary. filling the lubricating oil storage tanks,
discharging used oil from the ship, and
Lubricating oil may be purified by for transferring oil from one tank to an
drawing the oil from the sump tanks other. This pump also serves to supply
with the service pump and discharging the main motor bearings and reduction
the oil back to the sump tanks through a gears in the event that the oil pressure in
purifier. Figure 7-6 illustrates a typical that system drops below the safe
main engine lubricating oil purifying operating limit, or the reduction gear
system for one engine room. Two sump pumps become inoperative. Both
engines and the
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Figure 7-6. Typical main engine lubricating oil purifying system in one engine room.
detached service and standby pumps lubricating oil purifying system on the
are of the positive displacement type, discharge side of the purifier. Various
driven by electric motors. types of strainers and filters may be
found in service. Some strainers consist
7B5. Lubricating oil coolers. The oil of an element of edge-wound metal
cooler is a Harrison radiator heat ribbon, others use a series of edge type
exchanger. This cooler is made up of a disks. Filters may employ absorption
tube bundle or core and an enclosing type cellulose, waste, or wound yarn
case. The tubes are oblong and each elements which are replaced when dirty.
tube encloses a baffled structure which A few of the commonly used strainers
forms a winding passage for the flow of and filters are described in the following
oil. The tubes are fastened in place with paragraphs.
a header plate at each end and with an
intermediate reinforcement plate. These b. Edge disk type strainer. The edge disk
plates are electroplated with tin. The type of lubricating oil strainer consists of
tube and plate assembly is mounted in a an assembly of thin strainer disks 15/32
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bronze frame by means of which the separated slightly by spacer disks. The
tube bundle is fastened to the covers on lower end of this assembly is closed and
each end of the casing. the upper end is open to the strainer
discharge. The oil comes into the strainer
The header plates, at the end of the and is forced through the strainer disks
tubes, separate the water space in the into the center of the strainer assembly.
casing from the lubricating oil ports in The oil then passes up through the
the end covers. The lubricating oil assembly and out the top of the strainer.
flows through the tubes in a straight In passing through the strainer, the oil
path from one cover port to the other. must pass through the slots between the
The intermediate tube plate acts as a strainer disks. In the bottom of the
baffle to form a U-shaped path for the strainer element a relief valve is provided
water, which flows around the outside to avoid the possibility of excess pressure
of the tubes, from one opening in the building up in the strainer should the
bottom of the casing to the other. slots become filled with foreign matter.
This relief valve bypasses the oil up
All the lubricating oil coolers are through the center of the strainer element
provided with zincs which act as and out the strainer discharge. The valve
electrodes. Electrolytic action is always is set to open when the differential
present in all water systems on a pressure reaches 10 psi. The
submarine, and these electrodes allow disadvantage of this relief valve is that its
the zinc rather than the cooler tubes to functioning allows any foreign matter
be eaten away. Zincs are mounted on that may have collected in the bottom of
removable plates and should be the strainer to pass to the discharge side
replaced when they show marked of the strainer and into the lubricating oil
deterioration. system.
In all cooling systems it is a universal When the assembly is turned by means of
rule that the pressure of the liquid the external handle, the solids that have
cooled be greater than that of the lodged against or between the disks are
cooling agent. In a lubricating oil carried around until they meet the
cooler this means that the pressure of stationary cleaner blades. The stationary
the lubricating oil should be greater cleaner blades comb the solids clear of
than the pressure of the fresh or salt the strainer surface. The solids are
water, whichever is used. If a leak compacted by the action of the cleaner
should develop in the system, the water blades and fall into the sump where they
would then be prevented from leaking are filtered out of the stream of incoming
into the lubricating oil. oil. To keep the strainer in its clean and
free filtering condition, the external
7B6. Lubricating oil strainers and handle is given one or more complete
filters. a. General. Strainers and filters turns in a clockwise direction at frequent
are incorporated in the lubricating oil intervals. It is therefore not necessary to
system for removal of foreign particles. break any connections or interrupt the
In most installations the oil is passed flow of oil through the strainer to clean
through two strainers located forward the strainer unit.
of the cooler. Filters generally are
located in the
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Figure 7-8. Cutaway of older type Harrison heat exchanger showing internal construction.
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side is smooth. The projections on one The pressure drop through the strainer is
side of the wire touch against the an indication of the condition of the 18/32
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smooth side of the wire on the next coil straining element. When the pressure
to provide a spacing of approximately drop becomes abnormal and cannot be
0.005 inch. The thick edge of the wire reduced by turning the cleaning handle,
is on the outside of the coil so that a the strainer element should be removed
tapered slot is formed through the coil, and cleaned with an approved solvent.
with the narrowest part of the slot on Care must be taken to prevent entrance of
the outside. This insures that the dirt dirt to the inside of the element while it is
particles small enough to pass the being washed. The strainer element
outside, or narrowest point will not should not be cleaned with a wire brush
become stuck halfway and clog the oil or a scraper. The drain plug may be
flow. The dirt removed from the oil removed when the element is bypassed,
remains on the outside and can readily thereby making it possible to drain out
be removed by rotation of the cleaning sludge and foreign material from the
handle. bottom of the strainer.
The control valve handle on the strainer Most filters of this type have a relief
operates the bypass valve. When the valve installed in the lower end of the
handle is element. This valve lifts when there is a
differential pressure of 7 to 10 psi. This
design makes it possible for dirt to be
bypassed to the clean side of the filter;
therefore foreign matter must not be
allowed to accumulate in the filter
housing. 19/32
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an intermediate layer of water, and a holes of the bowl may be so arranged that
lower layer of the solid. When the water can be drawn off and discharged
mixture is placed in a rapidly revolving into the upper cover. The solids will
centrifugal bowl, the effect of gravity is deposit against the wall of the bowl, to be
negligible in comparison with that of cleaned out when necessary or as
centrifugal force, which acts at a right operations permit.
angle to the vertical axis of rotation of
the bowl. The mixture tends to separate If an oil contains no moisture, it need
into a layer of solids against the only be clarified, since the solids will
periphery of the bowl, an intermediate deposit in the bowl, and the oil will
layer of water, and a layer of oil on the discharge in a purified state. If, however,
inner surface of the water. The the oil contains some moisture, the
discharge continued feeding of wet oil to the bowl
results eventually in a bowl filled with through the purifier will result merely in
water, and from that time on, the less efficient purification. Decreasing the
centrifuge is not accomplishing any viscosity of the oil by heating is therefore
separation of the water from the oil. one of the most effective methods of
Even before the bowl is completely facilitating purification.
filled with water, the presence of a
layer of water in the bowl reduces the The capacity rating of the centrifuge is
based on the use of 2190 oil at 130 21/32
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depth of the oil layer. As a result, the degrees F, which represents a viscosity of
incoming oil passes through the bowl at approximately 200 SSU. For good results
a very high velocity. This higher no oil should be purified at a higher
velocity means that the liquid is under viscosity than this and other oils may
centrifugal force for a shorter time, and need to be heated above 130 degrees F to
the separation of water from the oil is, reach 200 SSU. (See temperature table
therefore, not so complete as it would below.)
be if the bowl were without the water
layer, or if the water layer were a A reduction in the pressure at which the
shallow one. Because of this, the oil is forced into the centrifuge will
centrifuge should not be operated as a increase the length of time the oil is
clarifier unless the oil contains very under the influence of centrifugal force,
little or no water. A small amount of and therefore will tend to Improve
water can be satisfactorily accumulated, results. The effective output of the
together with the solids, to be drained machine in any case will depend on
out when the bowl is stopped for viscosity, pressure, the size of the solid
cleaning, but if there is any appreciable particles, the difference in specific
amount of water in the oil, the bowl gravity between the oil and the water,
should be operated as a separator. and the tendency of the oil to emulsify. If
a used lubricating oil contains no water,
The length of time required to clarify but merely metallic particles, it may be
lubricating oil is determined to a great cleaned at a higher rate (high input
extent by the viscosity of the oil. The pressure). If the same oil contains a large
more viscous the oil, the longer it takes percentage of water, and has a tendency
to purify it to a given degree of purity. to emulsify, the input pressure will
The use of a pressure in excess of that necessarily have to be lower to obtain the
normally used to force a high-viscosity required degree of purity.
Oil, Temperature* Oil, Temperature* Oil, Temperature*
Navy in degrees F Navy in degrees F Navy in degrees F
symbol symbol symbol
1042 89 2135 116 5065 143
1047 102 2190 129 5150 190
1065 137 2250 142 5190 209
1080 151 3050 119 6135 192
1100 166 3065 135 7105 173
1120 179 3080 154 8190 128
1150 190 3100 163 9170 123
2075 92 3120 180 9250 140
2110 95 4065 140 9370 158
* Minimum temperature of oil to obtain viscosity of 200 SSU
Oil for the GM lubricating system is passes it through a safety relief valve at
circulated by the positive displacement the discharge side of the pump, then
attached lubricating oil pump driven through a lubricating oil strainer and a 22/32
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through the camshaft drive gear train. cooler. From the cooler, the oil enters the
This pump draws oil from the sump engine's main lubricating oil manifold.
tank, After circulating through the various
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7C2. Engine lubricating system. The Figure 7-16. Piston and piston pin
lubricating oil enters the engine at a lubrication and cooling, GM.
connection on the control side of the
camshaft drive housing. The relief chamber. The sealing assembly consists
valve ahead of the inlet keeps the of a bronze oil seal saddle which rides on
pressure of the oil at 40-50 psi. Any oil the machined top of the connecting rod
bypassed by the relief valve returns to and is held against the connecting rod by
the camshaft drive housing from which a spring. The heated oil overflows
it drains to the oil pan. through two openings in the integral
baffle and down to the oil pan from
From the engine inlet connection, the which it drains to the sump tank.
oil flows to the main lubricating oil
manifold which extends the length of The lubricating oil for the camshaft drive
the engine and is bolted to the bottom gear train is supplied by branch lines
of the main bearing supports. The oil from the main lubricating oil manifold.
flows from the manifold up through These branch lines conduct oil to the
drilled passages in the supports to each lubricating oil distributor block on each
main bearing. The crankpin bearings side of the camshaft drive housing. From
are lubricated with oil that is received each of the distributor blocks a pipe
from the adjacent main bearings supplies oil to each camshaft drive gear
through oil passages in the crankshaft. bearing. The drilled camshafts are
A drilled passage in the connecting rod supplied with oil through passages in the
conducts this oil to the piston pin camshaft gear hubs and the camshaft
bearing and to the piston cooling drive sleeves. The oil then passes through
chamber formed by an integral baffle the hollow camshafts and supplies the
under the piston crown. Lubricating oil camshaft bearings by radial holes
under pressure flows from the top of through the camshaft bearing journals.
the connecting rod, through an oil Oil for lubricating the rocker levers and
sealing assembly and into the cooling cam rollers flows through a tube from the
camshaft bearing cap at each
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from the end of the camshafts down the micrometer link passages to the control
camshaft drain tubes to the engine oil shaft compartment and thence through
pan. tubes to the crankcase.
7C3. Attached lubricating oil pump. the oil pump drive gear. The camshaft
The lubricating oil pump used for the drive gear meshes with the oil pump
GM pressure lubricating system is drive gear to operate the pump.
mounted on the camshaft drive housing
cover and is a positive displacement A spring-loaded pressure safety valve is
helical spur gear type pump. frequently attached to the lubricating oil
pump to prevent the lubricating oil
The lubricating oil pump body and pressure in the system from exceeding a
body base are bronze castings. The spur safe operating pressure, The spring
gears and shafts are integral forgings pressure is adjusted with a regulating
and the shafts revolve on bronze screw which is enclosed by a cover on
bushings which are pressed into the the valve head. The regulating screw is
housing and cover, the cover being used adjusted so that the valve opens when the
to close the outside of the body. lubricating oil discharged from the pump
reaches a gage pressure of 90 pounds.
The spur gear that does the driving has The bypassed oil is returned to the
its shaft extended and splined to fit into suction side of the pump.
the hub of 26/32
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tubes. Other tubes supply oil to the spring-loaded relief valve, set at 50 to 60
vertical drive pinion shaft roller and pounds pressure, is located in the
thrust bearings. discharge opening of the pump body.
Having performed its various functions. The impeller shafts are supported on
the lubricating oil drips down into the bearings pressed into the bearing plates.
oil pan below the lower crankshaft. The inner and outer wearing plates are
From the oil pan, the oil drains into the located against the inner surfaces of the
sump tank from which it is recirculated. bearing plates and provide a clearance of
0.002 to 0.004 inch between the wearing
7D3. Attacked lubricating oil pump. plates and the impellers. The longitudinal
The attached lubricating oil pump used clearance between the impellers and the
in the F-M pressure lubricating system pump body is 0.003 to 0.0045 inch. The
is mounted on a pump mounting plate driver timing gear is pressed on the end
on the control end of the engine. It is of the driver impeller shaft and the driven
driven, through gears and a flexible timing gear is pressed on the end of the
coupling, by the lower crankshaft. The driven impeller. Both timing gears are
pump is a positive displacement enclosed within the pump cover. The
herringbone (impeller) gear type and drive coupling is attached to the end of
consists essentially of a pump body, a the driver impeller outside the outer
driver and driven timing gear, a driver bearing plate.
and driven impeller, inner and outer
wearing plates, and inner and outer
bearing plates. A
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