The Impact of Social Media For Teenagers

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Prakasita Anggitasari
Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Good morning ladies and gentleman.

Before I give you a speech, I invite all of you to thank to Allah S.W.T. that have given us mercy
and blessing, so we can meet here in this blessing place. And I want to say thanks for all of you
that give me an occation to stand in front of you to deliver a speech about the impact of social
media for teenagers.

The number of Indonesian society is around 63 million people, in wich 24% is teenagers. But,
this time in this modernitation era, we can see the phenomenon of the young generation are being
trapped in the development of technology.

Many young generation this day are being fooled by the technology and they try to miss-used it,
for example the teenagers are belived and even create the hoax. what the meaning of hoax ?
Hoax is one of the thing that can destruct and ruin the unity of nation. Actually, This typical of
youth has a good critical thingking, but they can not decide wich one is good and wich one is
bad for them. The main purpose of social media is to connect the communication between
individual or group. We are as the young generation asked to use it wisely. One of the most
important function of social media is giving information from all over the world which contain
with education. But sometimes, they used it to do bad things and this is became parents,
teachers, and also goverment responsibility to guide them.

Sadly, these day the children are lack of guidance and attention from the parents. Those children
are under-age and they are easily miss-used the social media. Without considering whether it is
true or not. The teenagers are also becoming veryu comsumtive an social media. Why ? because
they have the access for this, and this fact also because their parents have already given it for
their children freely. We can imagine how many gigabyte we spend every month. Comparing to
the price of the quota, we can spend our money for having coffee and doughnut, right ?

These day hoax is everywhere. These things can give bad impact and disturb their mindset.
What can we do as youth by using social media ? Always up to date with the hot news? Always
upload the picture on social media account ? or maybe we’re using the social media just to get
the fame to be known by many people ? of course not. Actually there are so many positive things
we can do by using social media. One of them is by keeping peace and unity. For example by not
posting or publishing something which can make a controversial news or even create
misunderstanding among society.
One of the great Indonesian writer Fiersa Besari, his life is never disconnected with social
media especially instagram. After the natural disaster in Banten he visited that place and through
his instagram account he published and posted the condition after Tsunami. He persuaded the
society to give help and informed the latest condition. From his act, we as Indonesian youngsters
we can learn how wise and good Fiersa in using social media. From seeing Fiersa act, we can
unite to make this world to be the right place to live in.

Ladies and gentleman

As if we’re able to choose and differentiate information, there must be many advantages from the
social media itself. with the strong religion foundation and nation’s ideology we can avoid the
bad things of social media. Hopefully it can make the young generation to have more knowledge
and being a competitor in milenial era, as presented by Michael Jackson in his song

We are the world

We are the children
We are the world to make a brighter day
So lets start giving

There’s a choice we making

We’re saving our own lives
It’s true we’ll make a better day, just you and me.

Ladies and gentleman and all of my friends, young generation have a big impact to developing
our nation. One of the great person of Indonesia, our father of proclamator Ir. Soekarno said
about the young generation, he believed that young generation is the power of the nation, he said

“ Give me a thousand parents so that I can pull out Semeru from its root. Give me ten younger
and I will change the world.”

If Mr. Soekarno believe in our young generation, so we are.


Wassalamualikum wr.wb.


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