Development of Social Media
Development of Social Media
Development of Social Media
Social media is an application for us to communicate and socialize with others
without limitation of place and time so you don't have to meet them in real life. With
social media, you can communicate with each other whenever and wherever no
matter how far the distance are. Social media has a great impact for us in our life
right now, someone who are "little" in real life can get so "big" in cyberworld and
contrarily someone who are "big" can be "little" in a second at the cyberworld. If we
are smart enough to use the social media in a positive way, you can get a lot of
benefit as if in marketing, finding a bigger connection, and meet new different types
of people. But as in reverse, if we are the one who are used by Social media directly
or not, also the bigger impact we're gonna get like it can be so addictive, hard to
blend in real life, mental disorders, also it can lead to suicide. In this era, billions of
people from all around the world at least half of them are using social media
frequently. The range of age from the users are very variable starting from kids at 2
years old up to a grown old man in their 70's, this show that anyone can be anything
in social media without someone being told to do what they have to do, this can lead
us either to a dangerous way or a positive way so we have to be careful in using them
and try not too open because anyone can see your data and it can cause you loss. So
in this topic, we would like to inform you about social media and getting to know it
more better so you can see the impact even the progress of social media from the old
times until now in millenial era.
Tim Berners-Lee stating that communications in the world changed dramatically. He
United Kingdom scientist CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléair) in
Geneva (Switzerland) creates a Mesh, the precedent of the World Wide Web
(WWW). Deployment process is maximized at the time the license is open on april
30, 1993. “Through these actions, create the software required to run a web server
freely available, along with a basic browser and a library of code, the web was
allowed to flourish” (CERN, 2014). (Marquardt, 1969)
Now an awful lot of kids who've been smart and in accessing the internet. And it is
not uncommon to have kids accounts on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr,
Path, Instagram, + Google, Youtube, Games Online, and others. Driven by companies
that started a lot of developing by issuing a variety of brands of smartphone with a
cheap price to expensive and primarily because parents who provide facilities without
seeing the impact will happen next.
Social media for children are usually used to express themselves and can also make it
as the event to show off, unlike teenagers, social media for teenagers are important
not only as a place to obtain the needed information either outside school or learning,
but also has become a lifestyle and not a lot of teens who use it with not such good
mean to, cheat, opens a site not for the age, and now the kids to teenagers to feel
prestige if it does not have an account on social media.
The number of social media impacts not only gives good impact but also provide a lot
of harm to humans especially on interaction patterns that currently has on the
influence of social media. Social media can also make someone especially a child
becomes dependence and opiate. Therefore, we took the title for this article because
we want to give the idea of the effect social media towards children, changing the
mindset of children today, as well as making Foundry to better supervise their
children at the time of use or open social media.
Literature View
Based on the expert there are many definiton of social media. The owner of synthesio,
Michelle Chmielewski said that Social media is not about what each one of us does or
says, but about what we do and say together, worldwide, to communicate in all
directions at any time, by any possible (digital) means. Different from that, the owner
of Arment Dietrich.Inc, Gini Dietrich said that Social media is a shift in how we get
our information. It used to be that we would wait for the paper boy to throw our news
on the doorstep (or into the flowers) and we’d read the paper, front to back, with our
morning coffee before going to work. Now we get information, 24/7 and on the fly,
from anywhere. In the more traditional senses, online, on our phones, and through the
social platforms. Social media allows us to network, to find people with like interests,
and to meet people who can become friends or customers. It flattens out the world
and gives us access to people we never would have been able to meet otherwise. So,
social media is a place to communicate in all directions and space to access
information. (Ambar, 2017)
Etymologically, the definition of puberty comes from Latin which means "Age of
Maturity". According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, puberty is a period of
adolescence or adolescence. Psychologically Syamsudin (1990) states that puberty is
a period full of reactions and depression accompanied by emotions that are still
unstable and uncontrolled such as feelings of anger, joy, sadness influenced by
psychology. So, puberty children is a time when someone's maturity increases which
is experienced by adolescents with emotional conditions that are still not stable.
(Psycologymania, 2018)
Social media is a platform that allow people around the world to communicate
without boundaries and share their life moments to public. Nowadays, the
development of social media throughtout the world is growing rapidly.Starting from
certain people with important jobs,it now has spread to general public like teenagers
and adults. social media is the important thing for the most people in the world,
including teenagers. Teens using social media for communication with their parents,
friends, and also for having fun with games or watching cartoon series. But if the
parents not controlling properly, social media can give a bad impact for teens.
The power of social media in the number of worldwide users is expected to reach
3.02 billion monthly by 2021. The region with the highest penetration of social
networks is North America, where around 70 percent of the population has at least
one social account in any social media. Let us tell how the development of social
media in the worldwide generally:
Also YouTube which is the video-sharing site, contains many social elements and
now used by nearly three-quarters of U.S. Adults and 94% of teenager who are in
18 until 24 years olds. Most popular social networks based on share of minutes:
As seen in the presentation above, Facebook is having majority in almost all of the
country and has the highest precentation in Mexico at 97%. And Instagram hold up
the second majority in the statistics with instagram accounts for around 10% of social
media minutes showing that our life is slowly having dependency on social media
which will lead us either in a negative or a positive way.
As seen in The new 2018 Global Digital Suite reports reveals that there are now more
than 4 billion people all around the world using the internet especially social media,
well over half of the world’s population is now online and Africa has the highest
percent of growth with the number of users increasing more than 20% a year.
Child growth and development of social media is influenced by several factors
include, Parenting is not quite according to Elizabeth Santosa parents play an
important role in the child's addictive cycle of social media (Personal
Communication, 1967). Some parents give gadgets to their children from an early
age, or even without a time limit. This causes addiction to children. Here are three
main problems for parents in parenting on social media. Busyness, busyness of
parents is endless, starting from personal work, family, household, or even
community. It's not easy to take care of various jobs at the same time while
accompanying children. Some parents deliberately provide gadgets with the intention
of giving positive things. However, what often happens is that there is too much time
so that children are too absorbed in social media. As a result of this negligence, the
child feels unattended and then tries to seek attention through social media which
results in his addiction. Lack of knowledge, Although currently entering the age of
the information age, parents are not interested in updating the effects of children's
lives on social media. So as to let children grow with social media, the result is that
children's development of social media is closely related. Wrong example, the biggest
influence of a child's growth and development comes from his parents. Children learn
a lot from their parents' habits. If parents are busy with their gadgets and there is no
communication in the family, then the child will imitate that. Because there is nothing
in the family to communicate with. (Children see, children do)
Efforts to minimize the negative impact of social media use on children, namely
parents do not concern themselves with gadgets. In a family, multiply communication
and stop playing gadgets so that children are accustomed to speaking in an
environment. Small family communication is very influential for a child's growth and
development. Children will become more active and easy to socialize.
Then, supervise children on the internet or social networking. Child interaction with
social media needs to be considered. In this era of globalization, promiscuity is
difficult to enter the level of children. Children can access dangerous sites, at first he
just wanted to know but if the level of curiosity was known to a large child then it
would also cause an addiction level.
Notify children of the impact of using social media. The role of parents is very
important, parents need to direct and also inform children of the effects and dangers
of social media. Parents need to direct so that children are not too open on social
media, such as children should not update status regarding family problems or daily
activities. Even better if the name of the social media account is disguised. And take
advantage of social media only to convey things that are surface only (supervisal).
Show the latest news about the impact of social media on children, so he can see the
impact of what will happen to him.
Then the last effort parents can make is to be friends with children on social media.
Parents need to know what they are doing on social media. If parents supervise
children in cyberspace, then children will not do strange things and follow improper
The method used in this study is a literature study and descriptive, descriptive is a
method designed to explain the phenomenon studied by someone. However this
article is one of the existing articles, diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disease that is then
pancreatic endocrine hormone, between other insulin and glucagon. The
manifestations of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins that ultimately cause
hyperglycemia, this condition of hyperglycemia will develop into diabetes mellitus
with various forms of complications (Nugroho, 2006). In the literature literature, to
collect data in the form of articles, we use several databases, the database used for
literature is Garuda Portal, Science Direct and Google Scholar. The author also uses
search keywords, namely the lifestyle for diabetics and also uses inclusive and
exclusion criteria in screening articles reviewed.
There is a relationship that affects children's puberty today through social media.
Because social media is widely used by any group, including children. They get a lot
of content that is not according to their age. So that there is an influence on the
acceleration of puberty that occurs. Because they always feel curious about new
things and do not have stable emotions that are easily affected by the content
contained in social media.
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