Reviewer in Peh 1 1st Quarter

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Physical Education and Health

(Learner’s Material) Type - Running, jogging, sprinting, swimming, and playing contact sports such as
basketball are some activities that we can do to improve our heart rate. It is also
LESSON 1: A WAY TO GET FIT important to try different exercises and activities to avoid boredom.
What is physical activity?
- It is any movement made by the muscles of the body that requires Muscle Strengthening Activities
exertion of energy such as running, swimming, dancing, etc. - are exercises in which groups of muscles work or hold against a force or
- Exercising is considered physical activity but more structured and planned. some weight.
Regular physical activity promotes a healthy lifestyle as it improves our - It helps build good muscle strength. When muscles do more work, it
health and helps lower risks to illnesses like cancer, hypertension, becomes stronger. Therefore, having strong and healthy muscles enable
cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. us to perform everyday physical tasks.
- It is necessary for us to engage in physical activities to enhance our level - During muscle strengthening activity, muscle contraction occurs. The
of fitness. repetitive contractions during exercise can cause damage to the muscle
fibers. Our body repairs these muscle fibers when they get damaged. The
Many of us exercise and do physical activities at home, in school, and at the repair happens after exercise while muscles are at rest. New muscle fibers
gym. Some of these include aerobic, muscle strengthening, and bone strengthening are produced to replace or repair those that were damaged. The muscles
activities, all of which are good for body composition. It is important to know the nature in our body then start to grow larger and stronger. This stimulation and
of these physical activities for a better understanding of what it does to our body. repair process is called muscle hypertrophy.
- It is important to note that these muscle-strengthening activities—short
Three types of Exercise for Fitness high intensity exercises—should be alternately scheduled in a week
allowing rebuilding of muscles during rest periods. Ideally, one to two days
Aerobic Activities of rest lets our muscles rest and recover.
- are also called “cardio” exercises. - Exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and lifting weights are some
- These activities increase our heart and breathing rate. These activities examples of muscle strengthening activities that you can do if you want to
cause us to sweat profusely, and breathe harder. Our heart pumps blood have strong and lean muscles.
more vigorously, causing oxygen to circulate throughout our body. This
allows us to sustain our aerobic exercise for a few minutes. Bone Strengthening Activities
- Such activities like jogging, running, swimming and dancing are some - Bone growth is stimulated by physical stress brought about by physical
examples of aerobic exercises which improve our cardiorespiratory fitness. activity. As skeletal muscles contract, they pull their attachment on bones
- It also helps us to prevent disease like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, causing physical stress. This consequently stimulates bone tissue, making it
and osteoporosis. Most aerobic activities can be done on a daily basis. stronger and thicker. Such bone strengthening activities can increase
- To be physically fit, it is important to engage in aerobic activities. bone density throughout our skeletal system. This is called bone
- hypertrophy.
Guidelines for Aerobic Exercise - Many forms of physical activity like running, skipping rope, and playing
basketball help keep our bones fit.
Frequency - Always consider the number of aerobic exercise sessions per week. When - Bones also support groups of muscles to reduce risk of falling. It is important
doing cardio exercises, especially to lose weight, frequency is an important factor to to understand that bone-strengthening exercises do not only focus on
make it more effective. Start cardio exercises for at least 3 days a week for the first few bone health, it also focuses on improving muscle strength, coordination,
weeks, with not more than 2 days’ rest between sessions. Afterwards, we can gradually and balance.
increase the frequency of exercise to 5 days a week.
Each strengthening activity mentioned works differently from the other as each
Intensity – To be effective, aerobic exercises should be done in moderate intensity, focuses on different target areas in the body. But each contributes to the ultimate goal
that is, our heart rate should be 60 to 80% of our maximum heart rate. First, determine of being fit. Being fit is important and requires a proper plan and much effort and
the target heart rate by getting the maximum heart rate and the recommended heart discipline. If we want to live healthy, we need to optimize our daily physical activities to
rate range. This will then tell how hard we should exercise during our training. achieve our desired level of fitness.

Time – More time spent doing aerobic exercises means more calories burned and an LESSON 2: ENERGY SYSTEMS
increase in endurance. We can at least do 20 minutes per session at first, and then
gradually increase it to 60 minutes.
Our body needs specific amount of energy when we do physical activities. - If a person exercises for 8 minutes, aerobic energy system will become a
When we exercise, a low or high amount of energy is supplied to muscles depending on dominant source of that person’s energy. Aerobic energy system
the duration, intensity, and nature of the exercise. continually produces ATP energy to muscles as long as oxygen is available
It is important for our body to get the energy it needs to effectively perform to muscles in the body. Unlike anaerobic lactic system, aerobic energy
these physical activities. system does not produce lactic acid since oxygen is available to the
- The food that we eat is a source of energy. muscles.
- There is a complex chemical process called cellular respiration in which - Most sports and physical activities use these energy systems. Though there
our body takes in food and uses it to convert and produce adenosine are times when one energy system dominates during a specific type of
triphosphate (ATP). physical activity, it is important to understand that all energy systems are
- ATP supplies energy to muscle cells for muscular contraction during active.
physical activity. - Each energy system changes during the activity depending on its duration
- Creatine phosphate (CP), like ATP, is stored in muscle cells. When it is and intensity. Therefore, once we engage in physical activities or sports, all
broken down, a large amount of energy is released. Three energy systems three energy systems may be in use but in varying degrees. LESSON 3:
work together as we exercise. However, a specific energy system can LET’S BE HEALTH AWARE!
dominate depending on the intensity and of type of activity that is being Many of us try to live a healthy lifestyle. We do various things to
done. become fit and to achieve our desired physique — oftentimes without first
knowing and understanding the consequences.
What Are The Three Energy Systems? Our health becomes at risk and prone to different risks that can affect
Anaerobic A-Lactic (ATP-CP) Energy System our capacity to do daily physical activity. We need to realize that there are
- Anaerobic A-Lactic or ATP-CP is a dominant source of muscle energy for some common health practices — particularly when dealing with stress—that
high intensity physical activities. need to be corrected right away, especially among the young ones. Some
- It provides high bursts of startup energy that lasts around ten seconds or stress-coping measures affect or show in a person’s eating or sleeping habits.
- ATP-CP provides immediate energy without requiring any oxygen Eating Habits, Sleep, and Stress Management: What Goes Wrong?
(anaerobic) and does not produce lactic acid (a-lactic).
Eating Habits
- The ATP-CP system will not supply ATP again until the muscles have rested
and have been able to regenerate. We can always eat the food that we want. There is nothing wrong
Anaerobic Lactic (Glycolytic) Energy System with eating. It only goes wrong if we consume less or more than what our body
- Anaerobic Lactic is also known as the glycolytic energy system, an energy needs; also when we eat unhealthy food. This can lead to being underweight,
system that supplies energy for medium to high intensity physical activities. overweight, or even obese. It is alarming to see that many are suffering from
- These high intensity activities usually last from ten seconds to two malnutrition, overweight, and obesity.
minutes. - Underweight people are often found to suffer from malnutrition
- When an athlete sprints for 400 meters, lactic acid builds up in blood and due to lack of adequate nutrients in the body.
muscle cells. Normally, there is a shortness of breath and a burning - Many of them do not get the right amount of calories to fuel their
sensation in the muscles once lactic acid is produced. bodies thus, they tend to lack the energy to do regular tasks at
- Same as with ATP-CP, the anaerobic lactic system does not require home, school, and work.
oxygen but is capable of supplying energy for high intensity activities. The
difference between the two systems is amount of time that the system can
- Their immune system also gets weak and compromised, making
work. them prone to health risk issues such as anemia and osteoporosis.
- Thus, if an athlete exceeds ten seconds while sprinting, the anaerobic Anorexia (an-o-REK-see-uh) nervosa is an eating disorder wherein a person is
lactic system kicks in to provide energy. abnormally underweight, has an intense fear of gaining, and an abnormal
Aerobic Energy System understanding of body weight, often due to coping with emotional problems
- It provides energy for low intensity physical activities that last from two stemming from self-worth.
minutes to a few hours.
- Aerobic energy system, compared to ATP-CP and glycolytic energy
system, requires much longer oxygen in muscles in doing physical activities People with anorexia use extreme efforts to prevent weight gain and keep on
like long distance swimming running and playing sports (e.g. basketball,
soccer, futsal). losing weight by restricting food intake, exercising excessively, or misusing diet
aids, diuretics, and laxatives. These tend to significantly interfere with activities Examples of such means that can be detrimental to health are the following:
1. Smoking
in their lives. 2. Bad Eating Habits – Skipping meals and/or overeating
3. Excessive alcohol intake
- Overeating is also found to be one of the leading causes of 4. Excessive sleeping
overweight and obesity. 5. Procrastinating
- Eating too much, especially processed food and sugary drinks, – Trying to hide and escape the problem using delaying
coupled with a sedentary lifestyle contribute significantly to tactics rather than facing the problem
weight gain.
- The calories consumed, particularly from fats and sugars, have to According to the World Health Organization, in 2012, out of 56 million deaths
be burned off through physical activity or exercise. Otherwise, worldwide, 38 million were due to cardiovascular diseases. Knowing this,
these calories will just be stored in the body as fat. making the decision to be aware of our health and to change to a healthier
- Overweight and obese people often encounter a lot of physical lifestyle—through balanced diet, regular physical activity, and enough sleep—
and emotional struggles in their daily lives. would be to our advantage.
- They often have a hard time doing simple tasks such as tying their
shoelaces or walking up a short flight of stairs. LESSON 4: EAT RIGHT FOR A HEALTHY LIFE
- They also find themselves the subject of bullying.
- They are also at risk of developing other health conditions such as Eating is part of our daily routine. We eat food to increase our energy,
cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, among others. to replenish our strength, and to power our minds to think more clearly to
Sleep Management handle problems.
- Sleep is essential to everyone’s health. In our country, it has been tradition to prepare delicious food during
- Normally, we need about 6 to 8 hours of night sleep every day to celebrations—which happens several times in a year. During these times, most
allow the body to rest and regenerate. of us would pile up our plate with every type of food we see, and will not
- When we wake up in the morning after a good night’s sleep, we realize until later that we have already consumed a large amount of food. This
feel fresh and energetic. We become effective and productive in shows that we usually don’t mind the amount of food that we eat.
our daily activities. Some people choose to eat only a certain food group. Vegetarians,
However, a lot of people, in particular teens, practice bad sleeping habits for example, choose to eat only fruits and vegetables. Others vary the food
such as the following: they eat and how they eat according to factors such as culture, location,
1. Staying up all night age, and/or state of fitness or health. Each of us has preference in the type of
2. Internet Addiction. food we chose and the way we eat. There are four types of eating we should
3. Eating Before Sleeping know of and understand.
- This can cause acid reflux which makes a person lose sleep.
It is best to eat 4 hours before falling asleep so we can be sure that our Four Types of Eating That You Should Know
digestive system has done its job.
Stress Management Fueling for Performance
- Stress is part of our lives. - Before heavy training, an athlete needs the right kind of food that
- Stress happens for many reasons – environmental factors, fatigue, can provide the proper fuel for his or her energy requirement.
too much work, illness, and loneliness. It is inevitable; hence, - There should be a balance among all food groups:
needs to be handled properly. carbohydrates, protein, fats, minerals, vitamins, and water that will
- Handling stress seems to be tough to do but we need to learn provide the body what it needs for an effective and optimum
how to cope with it the right way. If not properly dealt with, it can performance.
lead to many health concerns—difficulties in sleeping, poor - Athletes usually practice this sort of structured diet for good body
immunity, hypertension, and even heart disease. However, while composition, athletic performance, and recovery.
some may be able to deal with stress, others may not and resort - In addition, athletes need to eat a variety of food to stabilize the
to ineffective—or worst, unhealthy—means of dealing with stress. condition of the body. They need to eat regular meals and snacks
and get enough calories to fuel the body for training and athletic LESSON 5: MANAGING STRESS THROUGH PHYSICAL ACTIVITY
- Athletes also need to drink more fluids as compared to In the daily challenges of life, individuals often encounter discomfort—
nonathletes. This helps them to avoid dehydration which can circumstances and events that disturb one’s physical, mental, and emotional
cause dizziness, muscle cramps, and lightheadedness. states.
- The body’s response to the discomfort it experiences is called
Emotional Eating stress.
- Emotional eating is the practice of consuming large amounts of - Stress is the body’s way of reacting to an external stimulus such as
food in response to emotions instead of hunger. a discomfort. It activates the sympathetic nervous system, which
- Many people turn to food as a source of comfort, a stress reliever, brings about a fight or flight response wherein cortisol and
or as a reward. adrenaline is released into the bloodstream.
- Eating as a coping mechanism is unhealthy because the problem - These hormones stimulate your heart to pump faster, making your
is not addressed. Eating makes someone feel better for a while blood pressure rise. Your muscles start to contract, your breathing
but the emotion (or its cause) remains unaddressed. quickens, and your senses become more sensitive.
- Overcoming this unhealthy habit means teaching an emotional - These changes in your body caused by stress increases your
eater healthier ways to deal with stress and to develop better stamina and strength, makes you react quickly, and keeps you
eating habits. If it is not resolved, emotional eating can lead to more focused.
obesity and weight gain. - Stress affects all—it is part of one’s life. The human body and its
Social Eating system are equipped to respond to stress. Most of the events that
- Many times in our lives, we get invited to partake of all the happen to you and around you contribute stress to your body.
scrumptious food on the table during celebrations. - The effects of stress differ for each individual, based on their ability
- Oftentimes, we indulge even if we are not hungry for the sake of to adjust to certain changes from the environment and the
being sociable and to not offend the host or the group. This is people around them. Some are able to cope easily, but others
called Social Eating. have hard time.
- Peer pressure is the reason why one feels compelled to consume - On the one hand, stress can be helpful for it can keep a person
more calories than planned. Social eating can directly affect a alert and set to avoid vulnerability. On the other hand, it becomes
person’s health, leading to obesity and other health-related detrimental when a person is subjected to stress without relief or
problems. relaxation between situations. Stress-related tension may build up
Distracted Eating and consume the person.
- Eating while watching TV for extended periods of time poses a - A negative stress reaction is referred to as distress. Distress triggers
serious risk to your health. mental, emotional and physical problems and, even worse,
- Many do not pay attention to their meal as they are distracted certain symptoms or diseases.
with what they are watching, thus they tend to eat more. Others
spend time eating junk food, sweets and soft drinks while
watching TV. Symptoms of Stress
- This type of diet leads to overweight, obesity, and even increased
risk to diseases like diabetes and hypertension. Emotional
- Aside from consuming too much food, it promotes an unhealthy
lifestyle—leading a sedentary lifestyle rather than going out and
doing physical activities.
relaxing the mind
-esteem, loneliness and the feeling of being worthless
Eating is important but we must learn to manage it properly. Too
much or too little food consumed is unhealthy. It is better to maintain a
balanced diet and healthy lifestyle to prevent illness. No one have control our of focus
eating habits except ourselves.
Physical 6. Sports - a physical activity requiring skill and physical prowess
that is governed by set of rules and regulations that is often done in a

Physical Activities Mechanism in Coping with Stress

Keeping your body physically active can help improve overall
disposition, increase the release of endorphins and offer meditation-like
qualities. Exercise can also reduce the fight or flight response often triggered
by stress.
Coping with Stress through Physical Activity
Stress is inevitable and eliminating it entirely from one’s life is Mood Booster
impossible. Changes in daily events are beyond any person’s capacity. Engaging in physical activity can improve moods and make us feel
However one’s reaction to stressful changes can be managed. better, increasing self-confidence, thus reducing stress.
Regular exercise is sometimes done to cope with stress. Spending time
with friends or family, sleeping, watching movies, as well as listening to music, Endorphin Release
also work. These coping techniques are said to be of help but most health Participating in physical activity can result in an increase in endorphin
professionals recommend participation and engagement in physical activity levels. Endorphins are chemicals or neurotransmitter hormones that are
and exercise as preferred strategy. secreted from the brain and nervous system. It activates the body’s opiate
Many of the physical symptoms of stress can be managed through receptors thus it has analgesic properties that can make you feel good. It also
physical activity. Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement that gives a person the feeling of achievement and being in control.
works your skeletal muscles and physical skills, that requires strength and
energy expenditure. This includes any motion performed throughout the day. Mind Stimulator
Walking, running, dancing, swimming, yoga, and gardening are a few Exercise can be a form of meditation. While involved in an engrossing
examples of physical activity. physical activity, we may find that we are concentrating strictly on the
physical work. We tend to forget the problems and worries you have at
Types of Physical Activity present. With this, our mind is somehow freed and stimulated to work and find
1. Aerobic - light to moderate-intensity physical activity that solutions to our stress.
requires more oxygen than sedentary behavior, and thus promotes
cardiovascular fitness and other health benefits (e.g., weight bearing Reduction of Fight or Flight Response
exercises like jumping rope, cycling, swimming, running playing Stress, either big or small, activates our flight or fight response and in
football, basketball, or volleyball). doing so, deluges our body with different hormones including cortisol,
2. Anaerobic - high-intensity physical activity that is done in a adrenaline, and noradrenaline. Over-secretion of these hormones is brought
short duration of time requiring high energy. Anaerobic activities are about by stress, thus must be controlled and returned to normal state.
strength-base activities in the absence of oxygen (e.g., sprinting Otherwise it could interfere with body functions leading to adrenal fatigue.
during running, swimming, or cycling) requires maximal performance Physical activity or movement metabolizes the hormones triggered by stress,
during the brief period. processing these chemicals and returning them to normal levels. Once these
3. Lifestyle - physical activities which have been a part of our hormones have been metabolized, the level of homeostasis improves,
daily routine (e.g., walking, climbing stairs, sweeping or raking the regulating the internal conditions of the body, thus bringing in a state of
yard), which is usually light to moderate in intensity. balance and stability. In this manner, we feel calm and ready to gear up and
4. Physical activity play - an intense play activity that requires face the world once again.
substantial energy expenditure (e.g. playing tag, jumping rope).
5. Play - simple and self-reflected activities with flexible rules for LESSON 6: SELF-TESTING ACTIVITY FOR A HEALTHY ME!
the purpose of enjoyment.
Physical Fitness Testing Cardiovascular endurance
Assessing one’s health status will help the person know about one’s - is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply
strengths and weaknesses. Awareness of individuals’ health-related fitness and oxygen to your body tissues during sustained physical activity. This
its relevant interpretations will aid the person to efficiently create an action allows the body to endure physical movement for a period of
plan in observing a healthy lifestyle and selecting appropriate activities for time. Also, efficient delivery of oxygen to its tissues will take place
areas that need improvement. giving the person a lower breathing rate and the ability to
perform the task longer.
Self –testing Activities for Health-related fitness Muscular Strength
1. Anthropometric Measurements - is the maximum amount of force a muscle can exert in a single
Purpose: To measure body composition. effort. Achievement of muscular strength depends on factors like
Computation/s gender, age, and inherited physical attributes. Having strong
a. BMI- Body Mass Index - measure of body mass based on muscles is beneficial to everyday living. The muscles support the
height and weight that aid in determining weight categories. BMI = skeleton enabling movement to occur and the strength to support
Weight in kg the body while standing up.
(Height in m) x (Height in m) Muscular Endurance
b. Waist to Hip Ratio - measure stored body fats percentage - is the ability of the muscle to continue to perform without fatigue.
by the Flexibility
relative measurement of waist and hip - is the ability to bend and move the joints through the full range of
WHR = Waist Circumference (cm) motion.
Hip Circumference (cm) Body Composition
2. 3 – Minute Step Test - is the percentages of fat, bone, water, and muscle in a human
Purpose: Test for Cardiovascular Endurance level based on how body; it is often the ratio of lean tissue to fat tissue in the body.
quickly your heart rate will come back down after a physical activity
3. Hamstring and Hip Flexor Test Barriers to Physical Activity
Purpose: To test flexibility of the Hamstring and hips Getting involved in physical activities can be attributed to personal
4. Zipper Test and environmental factors. A person may experience a variety of challenges
Purpose: Test for the shoulder flexibility along the way. This hinders the person to be physically active, hence, referred
5. Curl up to as barriers.
Purpose: Test abdominal muscles strength and endurance
6. 90-degree Push–up (Dynamic) Personal barriers
Purpose: Test for the muscles of the upper arm strength and With the current trends in technology and development, people’s
7. Flexed-Arm Support (Static) lives have become convenient and easier as well as less active. They may also
Purpose: Test the muscular strength of the shoulder and upper arm.
have reasons or own justifications of their inactivity that forms their attitude
BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
-enjoyment, boredom of exercise
Health-related fitness: towards physical movement, letting them live a sedentary life. Some common
- It involves exercise activities in order to improve overall health.
Health-related fitness components: explanations (barriers) that people cite for resistance to exercise are:

efficacy) recently
-management skills, such as the ability to set personal achieved from overload will last only if training is continuous. The
goals, monitor progress, or reward progress toward such goals effect of training is lost if the training is discontinued.

and friends
Environmental barriers The FITT Principle of Physical Activity
- Some may not notice but the space and the setting where - Frequency o The frequency of exercise refers to number
people live greatly influence a person’s participation to physical of times a physical activity is done in each week. According to
activity. The constant exposure and the daily interaction with the the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines, it is
people and things around have a great impact on a person’s recommended to exercise 3-5 days per week and for more
preference towards bodily execution and movement. optimal results, exercise can be done in most days of the week
- The environment in which we live has a great influence on our with a combination of light moderatevigorous activity.
level of physical activity. Many factors in our environment affect - Intensity o The rate at which the activity is performed is called
us. Obvious factors include the accessibility of walking paths, Intensity. It is also referred to as the magnitude of the effort
cycling trails, and recreation facilities. required to perform an activity or exercise. It describes how easy
- Factors such as traffic, availability of public transportation, crime, or how hard a person has to work in a certain activity, and it
and pollution may also have an effect. varies from one person to another.
- Other environmental factors include our social environment, such - Type o The type of activity is determined by following the
as support from family and friends, and community spirit. principle of progression and specificity. To attain a higher level of
- It is possible to make changes in our environment through fitness, select the type of physical activity that challenges the
campaigns to support active transportation, legislation for safer body to accept an increase in work and answers your need.
communities, and the creation of new recreation. - Time o Time is the duration or the length of session of a
LESSON 7: FITNESS GOALS physical activity. It is inversely related to Intensity since the more
intense a work is done, the shorter time it is performed.
The Principles of Physical Activity Different Types of Exercises
- Overload Principle o This is the most basic principle that
Cardiovascular Fitness Flexibility Fitness Muscular Strength and
indicates doing “more than normal” for improvement to
Endurance Fitness
happen. In order for the skeletal muscles to get stronger,
additional load must be added and greater load exerted - walking - jogging - Chest - Hip Bridge with
than what was used to. - cycling/biking stretch Heel Slide
- Principle of Progression - hiking - Upper back - Mountain Climber
- It is a gradual increase in exerting effort or load that is done not - skating stretch - Side Planks
too slowly, nor too rapidly. This principle aids safe and effective - rollerblading - Back of - Chair Squats
results. - step aerobics Upper arms - Prone Snow
- Principle of Specificity o This suggests that overloading must - cardio machines e.g. - Calf Angels
specifically train a desired body part for it to improve. For treadmill - Back of - Dips
example, cardiovascular fitness may only improve flexibility to a - sports e.g. football, Thighs - - Push Ups
small degree, and so jogging and running will not be a basketball, volleyball Front of - Shoulder Presses
part of the exercise program for developing flexibility. Instead, select Thighs - Squat Jumps
exercises with emphasis on stretching out the muscles and - Outer Thigh - Vertical/ Squat
joints. Use the appropriate type of exercise that directly - Inner Thigh Jumps
improves your target muscles. Lunges
- Lower Back -
- Principle of Reversibility o Development of muscles will take
- Torso - Sit ups
place if regular movement and execution is done, and if activity
- Power Kicks
ceases, it will be reversed. This shows that benefit and changes
- Pull ups

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